THE f YORK liJ- il-* < >II ij?- h LH L. ir‘ ■’■'• 11 . ex ne.v, distinct . 1 i if : article • wlfch v ill ill-. c not ■ : than ; GO phot' Til pl IS. i lie id. a of till. m.igaz ne i > to pi t one hundr. <1 of ti e p: ellicst innntiy homi s in Amiri. acota a“e .irti.- i arch ; ire; one hui.lre 1 It hM ever tK7,176,406 in ao’eiR ¡w. . a t i record of 52 yrars dui i of the prettie-t gardens, to en- infall of which timi* it han *4 lily . in gtrenglh i nd courage ta !<■ ii: iloiicultu.<■-v -n- pr /S^'n' 7 Bl ■ from the ( ’nm ty-iivc churcher ib.cira d for peter at s par cent par annum, has lien three j »art ¡a furaa. festal «■.•in* in of al! k: J ;, suc’.i as weddings, Ciiira an.’ Laxt­ er services, Ct;; 5o:ae forty f ¡he native \vi cl fow- . ., Duvier iur a < : poor tea. If it w good, votir ach is glad to t\ l it; CtOLS its work better. Schilling s H t is good tea—at grocers’ in . ackapcs. A St hiding ft <"onjpa..y Sax» i- rant isco 4U3 You know coffee is used fre h-roasted. Tea ought to be—for the >ai:ie reason —the taste. Ours arc the only tea­ firing works in the 1 niied States; Schilii.’:°'s Best is always fresh ;•■ 1 when it leaves cur hands. A Schillin« ft Coin?.i:;y ■ ers of Aincrci, t >Jd in si ven five photograph . Over ' onsjmption. By its thru./ use IS pagf s a week—156 papers »'year ' , tnds of It >pe!e;s cases have teen already p .u.nentlv cured. So proof-positive am I FOR ONE DOLLAR. ■J. :ts power that I consider it my duty to .situ’ two bottln fru to those of your readers b' h«»e1 msumptloti, nraaUBrandM or Published every Alternate Day ex­ cept Sunday. th ■■ 1 .1 writ* me thC* ■. Sincerely, r. A. 5LUCVI, M. C., ISA Pwl st., Il«w Turk. The Tliricc-n Week Edition of r - T;ie i.Ji'.i.ndJ ur.l Busina«* M-xnagemnnt ui i. - lu^cr Uinuttiiioe UaUffODervas 1'ropowHoub Th<> New York World is first among all “weekly” papers in six«, fre­ quency of publication, and th« fresh ness, accrue? and variety of its con­ vun03 a ->ue.aitv »f tents. It has all the merits of a rj U U. 1 kpil ps}’, ha* with«Rt - ” doubt treated r.nd y Wo offer this nnequaled news­ paper and T he T imes H ehai .» to­ gether one year for ¡F2.25. The regular sbscrintion J ■ of gi.’.tvca: . and ‘I muc-Marksobtain«.-.: and ail Tat- ;.•■*•• ;•;■!•..« . »nd- for M oderate F kes . , the twe papers is “ HO qO'irtC rirr tsoepoaiTE U.3-P a 7E wt O ffjce ^ ».tii v. r: ' i i.- >*i « i utent in less time than those ¿•'.-rr.o'c ftom Washington. •< ■ -i ’ < r photo., with dcscrip- i n. We advise, if p Heritable or nnt, free of L i s.gc. Otir fr-e : -t due till patent is securci. ?■ .*, P am --. let , ' il^’v to Obtain Patents.” v/ith J • < . 'in t . U.S. 2nd foreign countries i~. eyr.vrrGH CE;.?t;RATEO ee au Will Answer Any Question You may Ask it. 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City Hotel WORLD, I i > \ t To «il Rasura ei'.:« OC ’ E A X STE A Al K FS e 1’ ri ami every 5 dstvs fo.r San Francisco. *'ti-vn> —« MmitF.lj frer» I’lrliand t» Ycli- cn; i lie s K«Kt: via. " I » V'ei tJn rn I’lu ific St< an .1, f C». in <«U- •irei >n will. '< RAN. S ). 1 Lesvert Bakrr City *:30 P M. N’n 2 <• *• “ 'll.tê “ For full detail* call sn tkt ô R. X’ N. ftg-nt, *t Baker City, tr ad­ dress, n\ IL HURLBURT, CRn. P«»». Agent, PortUn«. Or. Ready Jan. 1, ¡893, On Ail News Stsnds. t < vi* •VC. * 7 J A. I.. MOHLER, Vice Pr»»ik«»t. 0» AS A J« J« J» .•» 3 Ji Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. STABLE £j£*“77’; rest widely sold Annual Refer* an.e Bock and Political Manual published. sices num 9« t«r C.rn.r Sen th eftbw Fi.rnli Hot«!. M«;i. f1 ... -i THE WORLD, W.OLAiN A WILLIAMS Pulitzer Building, New York. Prop- »i’o I h '.V t : Aim tn;;.- r REF t ' -v< . v (* A SH Su'cseril er _ "1______ ____ ______ t T*» repr «’«!« «r« » e .Down nrt !.«r» i il i •» «i •« «• • T«wn*. Tin Lu«in< f,r «• »*» ««r••i»iiv St« tí» ir fur U.» in o«t.ta Blood ia p.\ ’y c. i to health. It is Bceurvd easily and naturally 'by taking I r’. .. \ arillft, but is im­ possible to got It from ec -called “nerse tonics,° and ei : f I j compounds, ab- surf ly a lvrt . 1 M ■ !• Dd pu. i- Cera.” T y havo temporary, sleeping cGvwt.bu. not t . i f . la;v a pure Andgood health, take I Io« d'u Sarsaparilla, which hai Hr. t, la t, and tU the lima, beencclwrti. '. J.;« just what it is — the best r cdicino (or the blood ever pro­ duced. l'.j uut ' ua in c.i -ig Scrofula, K'.-. in, Rhcumali&m, Catarrh, , Nervous Pr {ration and fired Feciing, have ir.ado H19SÏ LW SÏÂBL1 Ä0BT. IR VIL G. Prop I _ .... -S3 ■ •• 3HIWO f'-' «- -* •>* fair ' F. '/¿'ftATVOr3’’s <_£U2KA7EI> •'¿’< f A. L-j GÒSJKÌ3, ’ of i V» holts»;« Dealer* : i a rctir.AL .• r.r.cHAr- l . i . s \ L-.-.w. . 1. ( c- «». ••• > r*r- 1 ’*r_ •’ *< <*> ' «b*n¿l« -' ■<, < W -? •>. h'n, mark .»»■ in ie *1 l»r c : . . ’.» igeata w**«d Pr.-'i*ned weekly by th« bn u.t Publishing Co , We UaiSCTOW, D. C. 3 « < ■ • ♦ neetedce ¿ »• • - - • • F b t i :• . . ";i be«. ». h ear, ar. d watt! •aw. ’{•. *«■ • r -* 7< eita*r hl? J : Bnriva T hu.-ee Or«. • » - a aider '•••-• -, • »:*«r >• • P O b *. ra -* -» ■a* •« »?•. »b ».d«r 1 M.wLaasa U I LOCAL DISFASZ -TOH* F. • . «ATT . .V, S Sars îsthr«'*. Tn L r.'rv^tm.F ne . in llood» PUL MLk I « 9Ì9 «C sei - nt.