» I lloiist turkey tèurirr". 1-wU‘^Xi r ■ AS mK LABGMT Cl UCCI. AVION ?O TO 40 CENTS ON THE Winter Clothing—N Sons. Äk’£'.' Diiiii'? rumor s.vs “.1 we* .‘.XT nWSFAPCB IN THIS ôUNTY. H timorrow.” Local 1 Br ..n¿- We arc having a little i.m.e - W hav a a n'c at d or. ur simpler str ■i in- strunients. Ai;J the honievvi'l b e n thou- sand I inni 1 - i •. ' er when it 11 »oum’s to k till 11" 1 ! , .1 JA this Pl<"ni' g. /¿T j a««’rtnie > (,f /.♦ AV¡U. , Gioves.— N Brown k - . ■ 1«. i on- ( ¡.OT’.IiX’f ., Bl. w'KE rs. BOOTS & SHOE THE BOSS CASH STORE OF BURNS S. W. Miller bn p'.'-'ti at M Sons. Lnrg1 ■ ir, < -h r. Á \y • r M ekir.-.w Coat----- N. acting for the Word SI.. Nev/s. CraiJerrhs at H r-j'x- r wetk. Grant Tli-iiapson •. lie-? in Lurn- vesterdav. ,;r Men« and B n s ALL WOOL SUITS, made by the Eagle i ■o’.en Mills, of Brownsville, Oregon, Guitar <; t Wat. ai«Ks>3’ \ it-g d Oanjo « Zirher. >n tr-t (a y. .- tern BEST IL \- th i.i",¿ n.d .iE WORLb i. ' i with intero.. 1 -tiv in alter ’ o ■’> giliien. ì . *• (four muth of bank l . • V.' .«hbnrni sccrred l a-' .■« hm e. .it e e Columbian Exposition. Th - ...eunitpii inq ality of tone, ti< iicacy of model and beauty ofin-rk- ln.iBohip. But co! i type can’t 1 .phi to do tb< m justice,-- better make us a v .- k <•! ti<'n tc-.aorr and !- m us cxk.oit them to you, A Wash burn Catalogue tree upon application. Ti i s Ci.‘li S'c.re has a fail Ime of Black Cashirni e La Ar a:. 1 if« IT ¡Ct I.; X, OREGON. ■ nip' .' tried ! V Al! kit. I Plows, Bicvcle'Sundries, etc. 1 h !•■ Lack man I for ra'e at 75 c-.-i: .1 mi take, ii Dr. M en leu a- •' ■.•.if' were Pg's tered at th - i,is.:lu P . .kin CRESCEN'I BICYCI.ES has :w f.-r.-'.le lit that price. filial th- lSih. l)t) you like ¿<>od CiV/l’C/j usi on i I ! a tei .«7/ Dici- You can nell H /b/rf <)• Co o i faiiboit.s ^ otí 21'liSt •Java cud dJoehi. • - & d. Pii! k gi t C jí T w ■’ i • fan Cummins, of i-amend, and Tea'—N. Bru i n A’ srh the young man vim was tiira.vn i’nr II En a i. V and St. Louis ileptibin: tor a year in -Advance. paras H. C. I’-ilg-r has r< ei-ircd . • r' tn of 1. •<!:e ‘ nn I Thi : rough wr.itnt r will c :m-e from a liorsc t-iime time since and Tents, Wagon covers and bed ■; 1 w i'.e’. -e. Call an s. • everidy hurt, is 1.1 t.. mil. is weei: covers just rioivid at I. > Geer ¿. lie hands to chap. Pcreian Cr sin at liie Ci tv Drugstore. -èi-kiiit hand.- Willi :>. • eld hi n i.' Ci ’s. >> ¡11 he b< Id at lid r e i. ■::i c.ui-e them to b-al right: New May, Litt e Giant niid Aer prices. EV EUY WEEK ’■ BAP G IN Th: g "mine at ¡I; City I’m;; Sturo. Messrs Smith and now Pear on nt work i.n .Jmgi-nseii’s new brick l ui'ding. Latest hap ! to b_v ?ilrs. C. A. B■ .d t .. m:ii: •■■ Also a stock ni s.-ii’jr- an i li its. -.ilk:::. e»ir.p my, r< ij 1 Geo. Sizemore, T. ci iValton, J ’ Sweitzer and Hog i >i n : • 1 arriv'd ! i A’i the fircm i'i that can 1 issibli A. A f i'i iin- of't Vv i: i '■ Cliiidrtns and I;.:,.:'..- h- mt st :. P G. Smith nt.w Ins < ! irge ot Wii • ' the Meat '! •. : .■! a . ! h.n a ii!:e l it a windmid. of (•■.•!, J- 1. tic. 0-1 baud al thi.- tiim . Phil '-I k' ■ ;> th" shop w. I! stocked ami desires the pill ::e Ene ir¡ ,c [ at: on.:-e. Si c ad in this issue. >•11' in g < Busa Cn?!i Smre. received ng that B ohn —To Mr. a d Mrs. A... McKitiiion today, a gid. Moth- ep in I and cl id i di: c '.'i 1 :. C. II. Voegtlv.th- hard ware mai . I | j I : dav trade. ml .■ Bos' Cash S'' r s th? ' place ii t .wii to i'll ?..<•!<• ar'. Glow s. Shirt -. U • dk. ici.:. ‘ ’ Reo.: i.ilier tlint Vi : -c I ine r. X pectorantwill e1 : t t tri'U' coneli. You w.L nìw .ys imu . E.and at thè City Drug -t r- . o You are be".■ r ■.■■ : > ' ifìiiey do not fi' G> tu li. ' Bilg- r, thè j -ivel-r at thè City Pru:. St'T* ami < X' haiigt t.. ni. If thè pn-: .'.t w< nth' r cui t 1 m- fur auv iengih of timo St 1' 1< will d mu 'h carb- ; tli.r hav ■ to b- usuai. Givp ii« a cxil and w; will ('.’nvitu n yon that we can cire k.tt.. pru’ ’s than anyone. H ,<rr —If you want a piano or organ w.in' . In- Jacobs in Book and Music l.’.i. 1'he Dulles,Oregon,for prices. ;.’i-cd in Burns. FOE N f>! ()u >■ d str-"! !"- W: -hingt hi iff Adam.’!! tivecn Don't kn v>- wli. re it 1-'? It i 5Li-< n A Lon io 1 store and every one liiiii that ( A • II will buy ne-r. ' ^o-ids all i nt .1 be'.ler qmiir. V tin re i '.han at ar y other pla - in B ji'nsE. ' 1 Man-iger Gil 1er st, of th: P. L. S i AILE\ tt \\ A'i EHS, I’ koprietuks . Ci»!!!' iti ri ’ ’ •) 'i r hnve I ha best ones ch.'iip too—I S. ni Oigáis. 1 '< >0*1 ■ lit *-1 •! Hefs. h in A’ Cozad, contractois. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express 1 frying I I I. - .’o R iro Tnesdav.Th • dav Saturday,for Canyon City intermedi t j mints, Fare 15. I I until <11 ©1’1 I’ ll 1 W. H. KELLEY re ,1 1 governor, to (•Kr»ION l HOUSE PAIKTRR â PAPER HANGING. — I'nrpelB laid for if I CO to fl 50 Each.— o-idt nee Symi’R Hoti !. Burn«, Oreg1 n. \ c» nep be nil GHADED t'LOTIII\'G.— tCe are t'e- SOMETHING TO WALK ON!!! , -urom- of rlosim: out our Go Macon <t Lend t. .- ¡ . <: I. Hr i‘ ■'dock e.j cl lhi’io am’ ' irpets. We can not quote ,'or the ue.vl ->t) da mi iriti :n th finali si ace we l ave here ■jive vnprecedi nted Imr- hav* so many at _■■• i ,7 ,'// C i'c for CAe U. It al al 0. fo •a you pick from, d- !.oa Ion. ! \‘.'1><). 1 I :. I tliEAlI W. ■>.. ( lober Sili iV • BUCKS’ a i h av • ’ my rm , Ii in Wild Hi r“ Valley, •')•)() head of (traded M< I from 15 60 to Í7 1p r I. n I. Win D. H I'FI'MAN, P O Andrew», Or. to ‘ ¡ nfu* in w \ It Uli ctnf J- t r.' Li• Simpson 1. . out 1 “li and TJ f. 1 '.■li • :> tb»! 1 *• E ' ••wlnu’ . « {.1 F»i|<port « I UiR r « 01 t; I . . •■ r P« -/»l.iTe th»* H» g » , • .41. I . - I and ’tifi- * «’ I uri r < - yji Ph! I Batt« . ■ . Her .4 . r. 4 - A *»W‘ ,.-*• ,. < .r !'■ » 1 « »G u h a 11 ,.n a I Sil ed I I C z.lt Rei d and tile W.•«! iugt n c irrc-pomicnts, if !. • one vise. ¡I. . n-' ■« Ct • b ‘ •e.i;’/ w?. » W DR1XKVVAT1R, Managet. A good iv. v t > slim.-. -, our Thmklulliii is to attend the Ball i id enjoy yourself •*» P' i h « nti •<•/»«• rf»»dMiee up. n »n't cui;! '. • { ,/ Ml ! .(I. ’ IX J. r V* ' ’ ' , Kit hnrd f>: J A.< ti . X. / - «'id J E. Ilftr»«’ ChrislniMi Tre.* < )r<gon. H i ncv. NO J I anil everything arranged Im cornfoit. A good time av ■ H \ YKH, Keg ¡«ter. the Pre-by evening, f >r >z arrmrr ■ « i that th' p ùnti I. n/rn-'r 't'T Farra, de» n« lining ¿’If to .pp- Ui, ‘ ... .<. ........... ,v Í2F6. C9. »24 li ft ch rii! a n*»-| • nd h .• an 4 - IX wars*! d C ti: the ev ft IM. w - n E ej- n ten n bap y rr CAI ’. AND EXAMIN' '! the w II Co’r Expert) ffice building. Mr. Gil i Bigg’ has not d; tided m: v-t r.hat Co. can e in lai -t night ■ ri ■ t Ih : ks H ! tiri Long niii sure ' but: ess he will engage io, but is K beeoiivat d 1 of cattle tie. lieg I much pleated with the town and "■ : I.nt leurn w i.i-tir r h: : ople. !..;c .'t:.-i B- .-ir' , i. ,d CLE.lJhl.VCH SALE (97’ ,k .11 into vustudy or not. tin entertainment There will of .1,—At the reii.len aiv. ii next tra'.urdav ni.A.t er in this city last 11, r.-- pupils of the prim: ry <!< 1 g, D. B. B k -r an ! MI - ■ if lb1- Puri.« re' '«d. Tb '« Jll* ' ■ J -.: ■ ’’I C'ii tastes. r »raci is undv-r the tnr.iii Tie conf:: tirg pir'.iii ■ ri. Nils“-« .4s* There will ’e a ! •’ r -id i ’- ' • 1 ' Cora lb .»ch, AL a. Barnes school li.iu-e ¡L. ii . a 'J '“•> tidhood and have menv ev*nitig, Nov 24, th* proc to > ■ ii-t’ds who join Till' il't. - Hit,. toward ¡ vrch s n ' ; " C Ain in extending c 1 graf,' '.;on.- the school h' > ■ • M xhsif . d —AtV.i Cigoli, lab' and well ivish'-s. ow 1 ' Thursday. N iv 17. Mr. John Sw it- Com- in Before y./'i ’ ti- an old. old, story cf the zer and Rx-scco (• thurd <<f up and order a warm suit. M » .lohn left h.-rs la-t ins. ti at had no oil in t»ei.ville, O’ni i over coats ar«, warm ihm. ten »• J ght-1. the price« for l-,h are 1 OU know it, and week for the raiii .ad where he mt’. Tlnv ar Epstein, the Merchant Tail r I lo not le L1» prctpective bride. otti ram? way but l>e pro- • rived'n Burns yeiterdny ai d will A Si RE Ci re Fol» Mr i 'T* Mason & Loitdon and han pared in time, and get your oil of wove into theil re ar reeide • < we* Call on 1--------- if th* ecVool houee a« eoon as it i Meson and London. The Head yc.ur measure taken fo- a new si ?omp!e<el T iif . T im vs -H i . « ai n P* r Car* or Ah-oi'ile fit putr-.i. }ight is the bwrt. can begin to •’ • ■ i -re . ‘1 1 1 extends c-ingratu'a' i’. r-u Tear! Oil a ’ # I 50. we can give y workinan'h'!' ‘“’I or j r A i t and Err.mitt m. Call and foti'fv VMI..I er M II Bi that wo are all and willing to fro.n P»rt)an 1 •in of Ba a.« w* say. While in th ui Mini tbe redd.-.c At Line f Dr. F. i'urchtcrf £>BNTIST, Mr. cate in ou A Wall New and cor..; 1-te stc on « Pap-rs '.nd Ceiling« a* L .Adon’s. Pri - b n • ’■ 9 p ’ roll a« high as <5c‘.s, to ‘ nt a! • ! M Jam* lie» i Y<n r jatrenage I?urns.Canyon Stagn is wife t e iatter p irt of : . t We. k i. Burns Bar C'J l-.fjE’A'i till cous treatment guaranteed. (!. S i'i/;:«, o hr er of .’• Bl V or I Biggs, arrived from Missouri with spr lined : ie riipii wrist. t hop in S-Êarrtev Q<j. > an on a ero«« walk t'...-< m ::.i:'g The only Fino Winos, Z-i^vtors ; ,. pre c.it sh ".li 1 a’I -i 1. Col G -i Hay. ~ -ii; : •’ Tin Is u- to utati th'.: will he dl.il will', the .mgi'i" ne.G Saturday evening, at 4'30 o’clock thia morning on t’c C'-B < 'g '■ will have a i iee lot of i m y < ii n • wale and (.rise r< uc for i.ie in h — I'm: T imes H eiiai . d and Ore gonian for i"2 in advance Gnnlrti Ser ]« Mid Sporting Good». Tin TlMF.si-lIrnAl.ii can furnish !.. 4 WEEK !!!!!!!!!! J I ! ! ! I ! ! « y sti It r he ds and envelop"« Jiv Tupker has received a l é of it Mason a- Lni.d-.m’s. Watch tin t.i ls in oxi.«tan", nt p-ice ; to suit :iolt’-l . t wh.it y 'U will have to new machinery and to..Is a 1 m mi t.'i - ii . ' pa.:; ' for th.i i tr —I. S. Geer it t’ ». p-iy l'or tin m net priuted. ■i.i.ÿ off: ii'l ii'Oiii Week to Wilk for fixing up his shop in ni. 1 ra vour . H" is also ceiling tir? > la-ktrni . n CASH!!! G i). Sin i’ey, i' 'I ".It.tn of the fire ih .p. putting io muí-.: w: Mi.e < nt an t ilico. of M»chine extras, Mowing and Reaping Muchioarv, I «« 4 » <f a » 11 $10 \X