The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 02, 1898, Image 6

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Washington, Oct 28. -The
president issued the follow­
ing Thanksgiving proclamation:
By the President of lhe United
States, a i*i oclaination:
The approaching November
brings to mind the cu-toms of our
ancestors, hallowed by time and
ipa'.ies in thu World.
rooted in our most sacred tradi­
tions, of giving thanks to Almighty
God for all lhe blessings he has
vouchsafed to usduiing the past
It has over $187,176,406 in assets and a record of 52 years, din­
ing all of which time it has steadily increased in strength and
Few years in our history have
prosperity. BECAUSE you can I, rrow money from the Coni-
p v-.y at 5 per cent per annum, after your Policy has been three i afforded such cause foi thanks
. oars in f tree.
| giving. We have been blessed
■ by abundant harvests, our trade
anil commerce have been wonder­
fully increased, our public crediis
¡been improved and strengthened.
| All sectious of our country have
been brought together and kmted
into a i loser bond of national pur­
pose and unity.
The skies have been for a time
darkened by the cloud of war,
but as we were compelled to take
up the sword in lhe cause of hu­
manity, we are permitted to re­
joice that the conflict has been of
brie! duration, and the looses we
have had Io mourn, though griev­
ous and important, have been so
few, considering the great rcsulis
accomplished, as to inspire us
w ith gratitude and praise to the
Lord i f Host. We may laud and
magnify His holy name, that the
cessation of liustitilties came so
Rhu» I osile the Brewery
soon as to sp ire both sides the
" »rk in o Ulin do neatly and with dispatch.
Satisfaction countless sorrows and disastcis
ive u o
that attend protracted w ar.
I do therefore invite all my
fellow citizens, as welt those at
home as those who may be at sei
or sojourding in foreign lands, to
set apart anil observe Thursday,
the 24'h day of November, as a
IZnrus Ontario
day of national thanksgiving, to
I come together in their several
! p’aces of worship fot a service of
i <ii Kurab
at fi JO p M.
Arrives al Ontario in 42 hours
j praise and thanks to Almighty
j God for all the advantages of the
year, the mildness of the seasons
Vara One way $7.50. Round trip $15.00.
and the fruit'ulness of the soil, for
lhe continued prospei ily of the
Through freight Siete, a pound.
pc pie, for the devotion anil valor
Tat ityt uolieu at any I*. O. on the route and covered coaches
j of our coun'rymen, for the glory
: rí »' í .<1 fur paasangera.
II. A. Williams, Propr.
of our,victory, the hope of a right­
eous peace and to pray that the
divine guidame whii h has brought
us heretofore io safety and honor
n ay be graciously continued in
the y ear to come.
In witness whereof I have
; hereunto set my hand and cau-ed
the great seal to be affixed.
Signed: W illiam M' ki . xi . ey .
By the President.
John N. Hay Secretary of
I Stale.
Propre itors.
Line '
filisi iiw mo.
the father being described *s a
drinking man who mistreated the
children, especially the boy, who
recites stories of atrocious cruelty W A To the E AND
ditor I have an a
by his father. One of these is. remedy for Consumption. By its tinv.y use
trx' inds of hopeless cases have been already
that he came home drunk one p _uiently cured. So proof-positive am I
night, tied a rope around the boy’s I oi ns power that I consider it my duty to
.end two bottle* free to those of your readers
anklesand lowered linn about 2o who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me the)“
feet * > a well. The shock w a< express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
M. C„ IM Pearl St., Hew Tort.
so great that the boy liai been T. A. SLOCUM.
Th® Editorial and Business Management oi
this Paper Guarantee Uus generous Proposition»
afflicted with nervous trouble ever
since. This I’oy and girl, afttr
being in the Home for a week or
A ■
TT.S. Jounh
Prof. W.n.rcciib Who
two, found that they were h . f- re
makes a specialty uc
«1 > ■ ■ & N Epilepsy, has without
si-ter and half-brcther, respect­
3 ■
doubt treated and cur-
’ g J ■
c J i:i<»re i-a'-.'*-than any
ively, to the two children admitt d ■
living Physic .xn; hii
t J ra L If success is astonishing.
in 1892, being children of the *1
We have heard of case}
— —
»» M \ 1 J jStamling
same mother. l lius, after six 01
eight years seperation, the chil­
dren meet once more m the Home.
The inference is plain th it the]
parents on both sides must have tie of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
b-en cruel and inhuman people, who may send their P. O. and Express address.
We advise any one wishir r n euro to address
and totally unfit to have the custo- Prof.W. B. P££O, F. 1)., 4 Cuar St., Hevz YorU
dy of their children.— Oregonian.
Hanna’s assessment of the mil­
lionaires did not prevent the re­
publican oilice-holders at Wash­
ington having to come down with
“voluntary” contributions.
Republicans are now willing to
admit that the democrats will
make gains in the house; on the
morning oI November pth they
they will admit more than that.
There was probably a hot old
time in the ha em of the Sultan
when news of that priceless dia­
mond necklace presented to the
Eempress of germany reached
•Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all l’at-i
[ent business conducted for M oderate F ees . [
'O ur O ffice is opposite U.S. P atent O ffice ,
[and we can secure patent in less time than thojej
.remote from Washington.
' Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-1
[tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of1
icharge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
'A P amphlet “ How to Obtain Patents,” with
[cost of same ’in the U.S. and foreign countries
i sent free. Address,
DKhWSEV, - .
18 pages a week—156 papers a year
Published every Alternate Day ex­
cept Sunday.
It prints the news of all t he world,
having special correspondence from
all important news points on the
globe It has brilliant illustrations
stories by great author., a capital
humor page, complete markets, de­
partments for the household and
women’s work and of her special de
partnients of unusual interest
We offer this uneqt-taled news­
paper and T he T imes H eil . i .!» to­
gether one year for $2.25.
The regular sbseription price of
the twe papers is
2 rahscontihektalrojts
Inpertanofand Whob»ak Dealers in all kinds of
rir.s. C 'i ars. Banjos. Mandullnes. Accordi or.:,
Ila r,c..l as. ..o.t ill kinds of Ctrliun, etc..etc.
btW 1UBZ.
7ou may
Ask It.
To nil Eastern cities
eave Portland every 5 dais for
San Francaci
Stesmen Mentiti) from l’nrtbnl b i
Yokolioina siili lime Jvis: 'ia.TIl I
Northern Pacific Sii-nn sl<>^ Co. in eoa
ncction with l ». R & N.
Cíen. Pass. Agent, Portland. Or.
Ready Jan. 1,1898,
On All News Stands.
A. L. MOHLER, Vice President.
r.-rp- red only byC. I. TTood & Co., Lo-*?”. ” '5
Bo sere to get lloon's and or.’y îl<
arc tnc best an . r diiî’u'T
piliS, Gid U a ^CSL u U. 2ÛC
Larger, Better, More Complete
Than Ever.
Hoists branded oi shove on le? shenidsr ct
left stille.
u. A. Bonnett, t ra: V, Uie
f^* Tb: ntosi widely sold Annual Refer­
ence Booh end Politieal Manual published.
Pulitzer Building, New York.
Rich Red
Blood is absolutely essential to health.
It is secured easily and naturally by
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, but is im­
possible to get it from so-called “ nerve
tonics,” and opiate compounds, ab­
surdly advertised as “blood puri­
fiers.” They havo temporary, sleeping
effect, but do not CURE. To have pure
And good health,take Hood b Barca par ilia,
which has first, last, and ull the time,
been advertised as just what it ia--the
best medicine (cr the blood ever pro­
duced. Its success in curing Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration and
That Tired Feeling, have made
The One True Blood Punfler. All druggists. |L
■ ■
are purely vegetable ro-
liable and beneflciahiJo
tlOOU S Pills
Th j Wo, <4 1 i n- c -en FREE
t> every CASH u*> eribir
L >-* è. í —'
toaiwq ;
Fmportcr? of and Wli.
_ I'ea’c"ó i ' -ill
>vI..i I.s
» á ' s CV»
\ or’’
T haos M arks
D esigns
C opvr . gmts A:
Auvwuu ran<1fn< a «kef*h and dPtMwtp* m «ay
r« » »ar*f* ■
in ven i son m rr>>h»blv Mtwitah'A C«>wi»nnn>it»
t'.vn* M-YCtly •>mfM®nTial Handbook on I'atenta
' • -nr" _■ patet -
l*M«»nta taaen thr'uth llunn A Co. rev «Hr®
• '4*rr. Without char-e. tn th«
Scientific American.
Ahanda- melv iPn»»rato1 *wl'f
raiath'-* fa
• »
- «
FnUNN X Co.’t n—” New York
F St Wa«btwt.i«, U. t.
» «W t*<
llorar» brand harte" on
»her 1®’ is"’«
1 ar fe‘LO:i ( 1 ' hip F • 1 IB ¡ », • ■ . p O» I ' ■
ears. T. A. McKinnon, Bur: » Oro.
Moaey the Pricing Instrument.
Hardin A Riley, ra*fic branded Von left Ms
Horae brandT left aide, p v. Knrn« Orexos
CivWza'ion airi Progress Hare Kept
S'aj Wiih Moitj S.pplj in All Ages.
/> The Money Qnratkm dUctMMd in the
light of experience and history.
J. c r..|rv, earn, brand - on w,at «I*»
florae brand » on left ahvn -ler.
flora , ■ ren.'ed .( on l.ft rifle. CitOe'-rir*
on left hip Marion Hen,«r !. I’ll Karr.
' attle Siann-ia.lon left hip boraeCT 0» l»t*
• boulder. I'harlea H Voeatlty. Earn» ura-
Horae branded Pon rfeht »honldar. rtf ' r
onriththip. X. A. Hei.-lrit aa. P O l aet'Or
t :
e T.?ad:r.g Bimetallic Taper of America.
V S. fen.? 'r W. M STEWART. SJ'lor
Tint •TRATTO’!
----- gives the choice op .
‘'TIHxnlv tri X \
•»’ I %
t ' wt
'■Acni'T co ..
' O pp . P atent O ffice . W ashington , D. C. $
1 1OOU S
The E'dredge
1 his popular hoyae is fu'ly,
ped for the comfort of its
ers. Good table service.
Terms for board by tho „„ i
The Thrice-a Week Edition of
The New York World is first among month on application.
all “weekly” papers in size, fre­ £®“Two doon of f(.fd
quency of publication, and the fresh
iicae, accracy and variety of its con­
tents. It has all the merits of a
great $6 daily at the price . f a dol­
lar weekly. Its political news ie
prompt, complete, accurate and im­
partial as all its readers will testify.
It is against the monoplies and for
the people.
Chorus of republican managers:
“Walk this way, you republican
voters, and take a close look at
the president; observe his wor­
ried look, and then go out and
hustle for votes, or we are book­
ed for a trip up Salt creek.”
Suppos ii^ that Boss Qu iv and
his man, l’vnri s--. prove John
Wanamaker to b-- as ba.i as they
are, is no r. a« :i ,ihv Qu n
should be returned to the senate,
nor why his other man, Stone,
Children Were Kin
should be ileetcd govi-r ncr of
Children bearing the close te­ I’a.
lationship of brother and sis* er,
Maj. IJ. IL Taylor, chief sur­
but still unknown to each o'h-.r,
of the general hospital at
have recently come together from
widely separated parts of the state Fort McPherson, Atlanta, < Li,
under the benign roof of the Bov's testified before Mr. McKinley"»
and Girls’ Aid Society.
Thi Commission that requisitions he
story as told by Superintendent m .de last May were still unfilled,
Gardnet is an interesting one. and and that 25 per cent of the con­
is strong testimony to the value of tract sn-geon? were no*, up to the
•uch an institution straightening standard.
the m-'rais of the friendless and
ungoverened children of the com­
mon» < alth.
September 9, 1892. a woman
giving her name as« ch came
to the Home, stated that she was
the mot) er of a little girl ab >ut 8
l ears old. and that she was unable
to keep the child, which
rvndcd to the aociety.
cumber of the same i ear a l>. X
aged 12 years w as picked up on
the streets a id turned over to the MILLER reSEC. E 20S1 e : lk > tn U2 HOURS
society. He gave a name differ­
ent from that of the girl, and th
children were both under the «ante
roof for a couple of mimil > bifore
it w . k fmuid that th -v w.->e br >-
ther and sitter. It appeared that
the father i f these child;ea, wh
was said to hive bten a heavi
drinker, died so ne rears h, fore,
and the mother h id ma n-d a
in. n then nsi'iingin V.nicm,r.
Mrs. Anna Robertson, Propria
Before France gets too gay
on the promise of Russia *.o back
her in the quarrel with England
she should put out a feeler to as­
certain whether Germany would
be found on the side of England.
A bill appropriating money for
the support of the artnv must be
passed by congress before January
r, as the prerent appropriation
wr.s for six months Iroinjuly i.
That bill will furnish the basis foi
a congressional ins esl ¡gallon.
City Hotel
A corre-* -i—mint of the d-tings of
£ C
'. '•< -.< :i ea -h week
A family 1
r forthe irms mJ firr-
•i !c. A h’-.e important happenings of
the we. k. con-leuse-l. in news columns.
A large circulation in every state ard
itorae brand te. on left ahonbier. alv three
' •
triangle, rait.e brand«**
> -
Urunt Burns Or.
J P DirkensoD rattlebra^d J P rann#r»« b *
••trip Horio brand an vil < r I«fu «: lie F. O
l.awen Ora
Catt!« brand figure Ton either hip: msrkl-fhl
er op off ea< h ear. slip In each ear. and watt I
on left Jaw. Hcrsc 1 rand figure Ton either
J. H. Bunvard.burus Or«.
Snteeription Price, Bl Ter Toar.
•end for sample; agents wanted.
IT -«* brand bar at on left shoulder: r* •
- t on eft h:p and ribs. < alksrlB*
Iarshall P O fi>arrows »re.
Horae braad os left shoulder •
Published week’y by the
Silver KnigM Publishing Co., i
Miss LOW*
' ar.-Tift, Burns Ors.
Horsubraad g on leftsheulfiar sad awna
V i-.;i:xGT0\. oc.
a* • of right hiud 1st
PhU Smith BarM
S. Lampshira a-.d Boa eat«« braad
• -’-•■■•.<^1 Far Ira? k swallow fsrfc la right sar
n> «rLitlu «ft. p.o Bum« Ora.
Horaes and rattle braaded J F •• wa steal*
*• • ■ •
«uded -F e«a«r«*«d
Muw J-