J. (J. BIRD M. L LMNIB. Lewis Sc Byrd, 1 CRN'S, OREGON. IV. Lave for sal« th« following City propeity in Burns: In farm property we I ave 160 acres Z jb«««n B!»ek» in th« Moriiaor^Ad « ■ »« aad Ike whuia of th« Brow« of good agricultural had 7 miles south A<< -.:•«, eaataian g the in'jsl dasirabl« of Burns. Thirty acrow in cultivation, property in ¡town. ¡Tin» geeu house and barn. »r-ysriy 1» otisred very «h«ap for sa»b a lar»uin at 11100. r«.i««««« oi La iMUHsssts No trouble to »bow property or give j prices. L»t> X I|4 C in Bleak 53 Ths is ks.-r» •• the J ’ Kenyon residence as« ii in a vary caairabl! neighborhood ■ i< < cfsrsd very low tor cash. ■ a T itle perfect and ssioab ejly f.the beat Thia bargain in »am. Ws have a nice farm, containing 385 acres, two miles southwest of Eugene, Oregon, and on the gravel road, (iood dwelling, good barn and outhouses; good orchard and well fenced, worth $71)00. to trade for a »tock ranch in Eastern Oregon of equal value. The great northwest is the home of the sheep, and this region can clothe tl.e world, and its man­ ufacturing industries are going to be well iepri si tiled ¡it the Oregon Industrial Expo-ition. The ex­ tensive wollen mills and wool- scowering mills at Pendleton are going to have an exhibit second to none. Thereon E. Fell, their manager, is fuli of enterprise, and wiil work with a will to show up the wool interests oi the North west. He will set up a loom in the exposition building and weave blankets, and show the people all . about how it is done, including the weaving of handsome Indian robes which have found favor everywhere and supplied every­ thing of the kink from Alaska to Arizona. The Salem Woolen Mills will also put in an exhibit, and make a a good showing in all their lines, and doubtless every woolen mill in the state will take the in ¡tier up and complete for prizes. A mod ranch »outlining 160 arrfs, u .‘**ison Crtck, 7 mile« North East 160 acres good hay land, t) miles k«.w«aalk* A. Hembree place, f- r South of Hurns This proderly is in ii r i«w f< r iuh or on reaton^ble time good e .ndition and is the beat bargain U■ nd«. in the Valley. BLAG THE NEW YORK Mrs. Anna Robertson, Proprietress. THRICE A-WEEK itolTIUN. 18 pages a week—156 papers a’year FOR ONE DOLLAR. Published every Alternate Day ex­ cept Sunday. OUR MANY READERS. This popular house is fully equip­ ped for the comfort of its custom­ ers. Good table service. I Meals 25 Cents. Terms for board by the wetk or The Thrice-a \\ ek Edition of The Now York World is first anions month on application. all “weekly” papers in size, fre­ £M^Two doora west of feed stable. quency of publication, and the fresh ness, accracy and variety of its con­ I tents. It has all the merits of a great $6 daily at the price of a dol­ lar weekly. Its political news is prompt, complete, accurate and im­ partial as all ite readers will testify. It is against the inonoplies and for the people. TO THE AND THE ¡m It prints the news of a'l the world, having special correspondence from all important news points on the globe. It has brilliant illustrations stories by great authors, a capital humor page, complete markets, de­ partments for the household and women’s work and other special de partments of unusual interest. We offer this uneqsaled news­ paper and T he T imes -II erai . p to­ gether one year for $2.25. The regular sbscription price of the twe papers is $3.00 EAST --------GIVES THE CHOICE OF- 2-RANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES C. W. JOHNSON yti Suras duly al 6-30 r m . A Special Bargain! City Hotel WORLD, Subscribe for the A. L. MOHLER, Vice President. TIMES HERALD J* jX J* JX «8 jl J* jX jx J* jS Through freight 3^cts. a pound. T ” i «l»y» node* at any P. O. on the route anti covered < tt furtffsk»«l for pa»»angers. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. iv CÓvyrítfht» Tb: most widely sold Annual Refer* e ye.tr» ex- er.’ <‘»n tc 9n.e Book and Political Manual publabed. *.«n n"idti«i •»k f ri-e. . • « V. Ln a, » > - K » J - TWO $ ONLY TWOS THE WORLD, • Pulitzer Building, New York. The World Alumnae sent FREE to every C \SH Subscriber RED FRONT LIVER STABLE ? VcCLAIN a WILLIAMS V. ta.úiYv»:4’3 CB1EBRATLD > s-t — v*»r? Ac. urli fr., •ft L.Ï Z22 O. th. C.rn.r South of lb« Fr.lleh |I()U.] Majn Horne» branded nr above on left shoulder or left stifle c. A. Bonnett, Crane. Ore CP STOCK BRANDS. X. i. • . Ifvorters c'. n i Wbulesj’e Dealer« in tí! 1dr¿« •»' r J31CAL r-ZRCMX N- Prop Ä. eryina,. -rf KTT< >T< |nprki«rs trs well known not only hsrobutin sll th. Í2 «V«. ' n r'*’‘r'luslifi ut.... .«nd u. » ■». k^r««« «l(>(«ially fit* tb.m for tb, «voctivn A L ». — SILVER THE ISS'JZ lit 1900. • Money the Pricin’ Instrument. jrr CXln'iM and Progni Haie Kept S‘»j Wiih Mn«j Supply i.i All Ajas. FREE BRAND COLUMN. flcrae hrand , on left atifle, ratti« braad «9 on left h»>. taarktaylnlef ear D M Me Menati v Burna. <»re. Th - *1 jnev Qjeation dtoraaard in the light of experience and ht «tory. inm UÏEBY mm. R0BÏ. Hors* brand bar fen on left ah snider: Cartl« bar ten on left hip and upper clip uu botfc car». T. A. McKinnon. Bnri.s Ora. IRVING, Prop. .. O illicit» X S Cluwt b absolutely «•-*;,iu.1 to bcel:h. It I« M cured ■a.i.ly ...id nrturally ly ta'.i.ig Hood's: .-a, ,.r. .I, hm j, , ' -• ’ ,i ■' MS« « ton.. c..d ; ■ .'.j c. . vnds, et», sanity c.d-.-er-..cd es •• L\ od pu l- r r< ' I? . Uve Ict.iiorury, slerpliiy « d,. i. ovt do u< 11 I III. 1\» G. i «pur« T* BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tecoc M imi Oceana Co».niaHT, Ac. IwtAM U■••« a a»r«»k «•»■! de«rr»rt'•«♦» wav «rtealv «•'«*?(am fM«r m»o u frve wi>«Hh*r an invvotton to »-••h-t iv «r tab!« x r. wmM.n* tarn» otneflr ♦«■ ’■ •ic.nat II «ndboot n I v - hxu ’r**‘ •“ ***» * -«•• * r •••«■•tri« « |Mai*v«xa. I Atenta tak>*n fUrouah Mu >» a < •>. rv^elv« «eiCtr«. Wit»». ■ ■ .rvr m the Anjgood Evtl It h, take Hovd’e Sarsr.^wr/H, wt¡ ch han flrsl, 11»*, cud ill the IB it» b en adv »rth .Ui J t what ‘t to the l'est nudi« æ tor IL» I ! J ever rr . djeed. Jts au.«.« «statt, inj ierer H x ”M bread V on left »boulder, alun three d«»’» tn »hepe«f triaucle.rattle v ran4« take« K. K. ur«>ut Burna Or. a « ut «cor ;«» rt-iiT-c-, v : . •>. a-k«, > «¿jw J. r Di« ken»ou < attle brand J Pronneriedoa >ft hip Hora« bfand anvil l«f- ■ • > F • I awen Or« i attl« brand Agur« Tee either hip mart light crop off each ear ■ ip in each ear. and watt I on left jaw. Horu« brand Baure 7 «>r. either h-n J H. Bnntard bu-aa Or«. Hove» brand bar ui on left »ha>u dr- Cattt« brand bar-m on left hip and rite tatbe-.ra Maruhall P O Marrou»t»re Hora« brand «a left ahoa der S SncuKte fcr Miaa Laura H<*ra« bmnd g on left ahoelder and »ama ae 1 I LI r 'AA/V ✓ '0 V H wuerlo of rtfbt bind le* V li ,. I newt «Mr MUNK Ä «V Co, or »•’•'«*"> ‘lew Tori •*ai •».««I w A correct nccount of the doings of * C ’’ttgre’Mt given e.tc’i wek A fan* I. «-ap-r forth« h'whnJ Sr?- J i >. Allh« important happeningscf the week, c n lense I. in news columns $ A I . ’tr - circulation iu every Stale and Territory. «•teurlift. Bum» Oto ns Sckiiiiiic il.r.erkaiL uulu THf.HRR.iLD DON TUE BF.ST JOB FS1Î.TIK9 V ISear«»',’ M STEWART. K 1,tor. A b A hsniA.mety tPusfrwte.« Hardin A Rilev. rattle branded A’on left aide Horae brand- left tile, r c. Burns.Oregoa •1 rs Phil SeiM Bum» TFÏ TOnS-T!?.’!*