The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 24, 1898, Image 3

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    The ’1 lmes-jierlaa.
Isaac Foster is in Burns.
Jas" I’irie was in Hurns this week.
Miss Len Robertson is visiting
The Imtest weather seems to be
, relatives in Burns.
H Thompson made a living ‘.rip
A nr Altnoiv was in from Drew-
to the mill yesterday.
sey Saturday.
Joe Sturdivant was in from the
R ohs —At Lawen Aug 15, to Mr-
Agency the first of the week.
and Mrs. C. T. Miller, a girl.
N ews.
We sell Oregon City Clothing
A our attention is called to
Blanket«.—N. Brown it Sun.
IL A. Miller lias gone to Dreweev
new ad of the City Dang Store.
E. II. Smith is putting up a ear
on business.
N. Drown it Son will meet all
IL Goodloe and wife were in town pentìr shop on his ], ‘9 south of this Railroad prices with freight added.
this morning.
T he T i m L.--1I eiiai . d and St. Louis
Nev. supply of Chase it Sanborn Republic for $2 a year in •'dv'Uioe.
W. D. Buchanan was in Bure
coffee just received at N. Brown A
the first of the week.
Mrs Il ibt Irving was among those
Ice Cream Soda every Sunday at
down from Iiarnev the Jt'irst of the
The president has selected John week.
ths City Drug Store.
Hurry Bilger at tlio City Driu' Hay to succeed Day as secret
100,000 of the
Store can fit your eyes with glasse
mustered out
Mason & London can give v 1
prices on suits. See their udon
'HIb is the way you will act
when you hear the excellent
tone of a Ludwig I’iano. The ae-
tion is free and easy The care light
and serviceable and an ornatnen
any parlor. Any one wiahim
pian > or organ should order now so
that they could be brought In before
the road.-, get rough.
ee to meet
Freight added.
Remember the long winter i ven
mgs that are to come. How can
you spend them more profitable
■han by studying mu.ic?
first page.
Marion IL.’ ' ei was over frem Dia
Mr. and Mrs A. B. Mason Uft
this week.
Marion report­
vesterday for Grant county for a
short outing.
We can gt you anything known
i-i music—give us your orders.
Largest Stock of Merchandise in
iiarnev county to select from at
Iiarnev County«
N. Brown it Sons.
fe0BS_In this city,
Now Arriving
August 1-1.
1898 toMr«. Jes«e Bartl-tt, a girl,
’ „ ,
—Long Creek-Eagle
Grant Kesterson and family have
gone to the John I) >.y to get their
winter supply of f: liit.
Mike Hanley ami family cairn
in from Southern Oregon thi wet k
on a visit to his bro.hi r A ill.
Mrs C. W. McClain an 1 'ill lr> n.
who have been on an outing trip
to the mountains, have return- 1.
We will soon have a full lino of
Are you contemplating building?
all kind*, of pm psat rttom |
If r-> see Dyei it Brisco and allow
—L S. Geer ut Co.
them tu figure 0:1 p.'ane, etc
Donegan and little will save money.
visiting Mrs. Chat-
Chipp Smith, a son of "Raf”
Smith arrived here from Calfornia
Peter Andrews was in Burns the with bis fan 'ly this week and will
lotter part of last week. Wc are ni;J.; ■ I,is ben e in this county.
if f rtned he ha - Sold bis rauch and II hr tight fi:.' hei.d ,f cattle among
them three young thoroughbred
Durham bulls.
N< w May, Litt e Giant and A r
motcr Windmills the thric
mills in exist 'n-,, nt prices to suit.
—I. S. Gi er
Dr Burchto-f has moved Ids den
C. B. WicklifT left
tai offiea into the building south
of Mrs Copshall’s hoarding h >u-< Tties I a v w i h an ei :■
opening up there, wi
You can call for most anything
—Alturas New Era.
in the Novelty line at Jorgensen’s
J. II. Garrett was down from hi.- her ol'l 1,
and get it. Call and see his new
creek much since our' and Mrs
last isiue, looking as hapiyv as < v r
David McDonald and wife lef
and reports stock in fine condition. i
for their home in Dalia-’ l ist Sun­
R o 30 Arthur, the “Claifornia
day after a short visit with relatives
We call ettentioi
Magnit” with t! I I ils, -.- lei:- . •
lbs and a re ; .rd of $10 ) willbe in IL C. Brown’«
Why don’t you come in .’.ml :der given to any man wh ) can lift her. Hirst class and f
a windmill. We have the best oi-.i
¡just as represented
Aug. L'J Lt l.' clurs hall.
on this earth and cheap too. —I. S.
this county aro rei
(leer it Co.
II. 0. Bilger at the City Drug
Store has a number of dust proof
watches on hand, just the thing for,
the hay field and harvest.
For bargin3 in notion’, Fancy
r « s «11. V
11* •
“Daddy Byrd and Ins si-ie part-
goods, Toilet soaps, Book-'. Toy:,
n-r “Dnd.L’ Pearson, left Tuesday
etc., you are asked to try Wort! -,
, •
morning for the mountains
»> e ■
ingtens for the next 30 divs.
i :
think they took two guns each and
A. E. M c C oy authorizes us to an enough li-hingtaekL. for a regiment,
nounce there will be a social dance but very little to eat.
at the 'nail next Friday night. Th:-
. B.iker iofoims n9 Silver
will be the first dance Mr McCoy
s almost dry and that it will
has played for in Burns.
ssarv in a short time, if the
Word comes to us that th« h ad­
ing firm at the railroad are selling
the best Island City Hour at "1 p-
barrel. The O. C. Co. ar the peo­
A new ad for A. C. Worthington
can be found elsewhere in this : .- i .
Mr. Worthington cfmr: Li st
of notions at bargains and won'. .
be pleased to have you call.
Frank Jackson bad a very pl'
ant I o Ifellow the < th', r i.igh! tn 1 -
wood camp. He did no' kno
had company until next hi 1 ruing
when he discovered a rattl.-s: ike in
his bed.
get to go t
been dii !a
W wim
.>f pia' os :
—T he Tri* IlriiAt.i» rail Orc
oioan for $2 in advance.
i lie
ly rec:
short l
friei. Is.
Tha California Ideals are billed
Among those w ho n turned
to show at Locher's hill An 2'dth their outing in the mountains
From the bills pus' 1 and
week, aie Mrs. II. Rich ird- in.
comments, we are conv
Minilie I’m '. rd
. Mrs I.
company is a go d one
don Johns.m, Frank Good
give our citizens a goo 1
Justice Jarr.v-son r.nd family
dames Cardwll. Caldwell, <
IL IL Pearson has delivered Joni s and family, ILE Thon
several thousand of hi
Brick to our Jeweler. W. N*. Jorgen
sen. Siime of the latter's fr -nd-
Mr. and !dre L B. Springer met
are circulating the report '..i .th­
e a rerlcti« accident
is g >ing to build a brick liomo -.nd - la«t Thursd ay at their home at th-
will quit batching
led 1. ruse. Tb»v w< re driving in 0
Misses Jennie an ’ D I -.r .- Ba* 1
cart wh n 'Ike tongs«* came duwn
left yesterday in company wi '. i stuck into t he ground throwing the
ring**r 4 right
“Father" Bowen, for I’.utm d v. uccopantsoiLit. Mr#
Baker. Th» latte.- will ent- r
arm «s« b roken a L ovc th” (¡bv*
for th« winter and th * former wi . and it is n<,1 kr.i wn at this writing
return home after a shirt v
whether th F'jldier is dislocated or
Cfd 8
ft V
Those desiring photo work done
should cull on J. F. Boyle, (.'.ill
at his tent and s c some of hi*
photogra; iis.
J. O. C iwlflc'.d psid us a short
visit today.
John will move to
Burns this winter in order to plan
Lis children in school.
An exchange has -farted some-
thing < ntirely new a .1 original i:
tho‘‘Mi'sing Word” contest lu.-i-
ness. It is thus; A good church
L- :con sat down mi the p inted end
•f a carpi i taci; IL’ at. , i.ce «prai.g
.p and said only two w «rds thi
I-ist mie wa3’‘it,” Any noe gì;..-
'.he first word and ft nd ing .■‘1..-.0
In e ish will be e nt ¡lit'd to tie:
p i} r one year.
rirnds here
w ■ are of
e will not 1
- peace has
ircls, find keep» h»y
I!mi :i J. '■ fV. cn, TsikM
ii said
A girl down at th“ l.'ach, if»
-rniiiig to’a Salera ç• di :ig la i v about
lie number their mutual friend! who bus bàn
f : : ” I
Ci v Dr 'r.' t: tionrd nt Vane ouver
had a nn’.i long letter fi
and he is g-.'.ting ni- • g s-p
11 v as in sig 11 <: t t! ' gli
I ■; live days, an I 1 ’ 3 if
plai e, Lut G -I you
■ ' 1
shirks hi» duty. Ma and
Brick Mak ers and
to t■ h j In
.id Cm
r nib I ■
naturally pri t: 1 to l' <
motion."—P- r lan 1 V. lc
A good story, b.i-i .l on f.:.t<
going th 1 round I ah - a p’ mu
i citizen, says the 1.octine I.' -i-
lie was cutting tin? r on
mountain near town. II I . .
greatly alarmed by c. uiiiig in <
tact with a government survei
partv, who, of course, were ptcul
ly dresse l. Th’ that ho !
u-'nally run into a ; u ;.-h ca
be 1 ft bis t< an> and cime tn t<
afli r bi° winchester. He <1i <
cred his 1 istake In ' m ■ to
another great bloody '-¡m.i :.
( I. EGON.
p,1(U n;,.l 1,1.... coioinntly mi bond, -it the w ’ i» «< ‘ Binns.
2.1 1 nr " le­
it tear, the
J.C Wooley
I) S am ’.1
With LA.
T.*rn f.’.' vrn
Dr. II. Burditctf
m ;
LUNW a ■ . ..
•» I
..■.di j a- I physical
Music ansi draw; g are
The tuition is free
pay an Incidental fee
« yearly. B< ae I. 1" lg-
i light in th« dorm ' r-
s N
f J
The Vniversity of Oregon gradu­
ated last June tie? :arrest »’lass in
¡1« history. 1 he class numbered
30. The fill term will Begin Sep-'
'.ember pith
Students who have
complet d tlr t'nth «r ule b’.ir.ehe.«
nar class
nter the sub freshman
No examin a!ions are required for
gra .1 nates of accredited schools
Reasonable equivalents are accept­
< •! for rnnH or the required entrance
Cata'oiru'S will !*• sent
free to 1 applicants. Persons de-
.*•1 „ * * ’’•Tmatian nay’ addr< ss the
premdwnlL .Secretary J J Walt.n
or Mr M . x A. Plumb, c 11 of Eugene,
Gregon. The coiRMs offered are
thoee » f a gorwl univrr site. I her«
are <lepiartmen!« of modern and
ancient 1 anguages. ph> rìc #. ciw*rr»i*1
try. biol ogv, geology. Er gliah Pin
ctition. advanced eng ifM-ering.* a«-
' II kind
’Hot , I.
U bi
ir.I tl
n I I
r \
» ®
J. 1Ü ¡ h U.IL
* *
w. h
' f -i ■ : ; ' ■";
Ji Mi* y
- ~
and vi«t in the metropo! -
t T of
J. W. Buchanan, pro}
the Iiarnev H >’el, paid tl J office
a pleas ir.t call since our la»’
Notice bis ad i i th;« i-s •
hotel is first cia«a and h «
friend.« will fin I it a f d 1
r cit?
tt p when in mr
of work done.------ 1 '
Messers Welcome & John on of
the old Texsas Res <rt are still in
business with a first class check­
reasturant in connection
that your head quarters win!, her.
•» J»U n i - u
Having determined to close out
my stock of Merchandise as soon
as p :s.-ibb“. 1 heri-by give notice
th”.' I will sell rdl good.' not sta­
ple at actual cost. It will not
cost you anything to verify tbis
bv actual knowledge by calling
and getting pi’<.< s.
MZ ■>
<4 rrk<
5 j ii
viJ.-.t v
V ‘.X_ . E.