R M. Brooks ¡g in Burns. HAS THE LABÔttT CIRCULATION ANT NKWM’APER IN THIS COUNTY. WIDNXSOAT ACGtsT 10 U'S OF J 1*. Oakennan was seen on cur 1 L Paujade was down from Cow streets Monday. cre^k last Thursday. W. J. King was down fr6m his Old Sol seems to be smiling a sheep cainp this week. httle extra these days and the mer Thos Vickers was on our streets cury hugs the luO mark . the latter part of last week, New Arrivals at W. II. Hogan and W. C. Cecil i O. B. Dingle is in the East Dont accompanied by their wives came, know whether he is going to get A. Robbins is over from Drewsey. I over from Silver en-ek yesterday. mar*ied, on business or pleasure. Nice stock ofCenter Tables, Bed­ Mrs Isaac Foster and little son Hank Felton is again in Burns. steads, Bed room Suites and Bu Frank are over from Silver creik Traveling men were numerous en reaus at C A. Byrd's Furniture visiting friends this week. our streets this week. Store. Dave Miller, brother of R. Geo Hayes and Ed London made Miller, our merchant , was in from Clerk Richardson ’ s family will a Hying trip to Lawen Monday. is not reaUy what it appears to be leave today for Thompson springs Sllvies one day since our last issue. under some circumstances, but it is Ice Cream Soda every Sunday at near Canyon to camp out during Leon Brown and the Martin Bros, a truth at our Soda Fountain. the City Drugstore. ; the hot weather. have returned from Logan valley Our beverages are health bever­ Silk floss for fancy work at Ma­ : where the have been fishing and ages. Our roda drinks, flavored New May. Litt’e G’ant and Aer- son *Sr London’s. 'noter Windmills the three best hunting. with pure fruit juices, are e.xhilar- Harry Bilger at the City Drug mills in e.xistancv at prices to suit Those desiring photo work done tifipg »ind invigorating in fatigue Store can fit your eyes with glasses. —I. 8. Geer Co. should call on J. F. Boyle. Call ai.d depression.while our medicated E C. Warren, the Portland Sweet at his tent ar.d see some of I/- drink?, mineral waters, etc, arc R. M. Turner has rented the Chas photograi lie. medicinal agents that tend to cure Newell residence near the court Candy and Cracker Co man. is do­ * minor ailments ing Burris this week. His wife and •• •. I*- < \ It is reported that *c are ife,- house. little daughter are with him. It aids the business man, the to sell out—that is what w canuxf The county school board will ex­ You can call for most anything, here for, ami are doing it every dav 'lawyer, the doctor, or clergyman, amine applicants for certificates be- in the Novelty line at Jorgensen’s Get our prices.—R. A. Millar o C > who finds himself tiled out and - •» giniug today. depressed by mental worries and and get it. Call and see his new Deloras Racine will leave for I hot weather. They all find refresh­ If the hot weather continues goods. Portland 'n a “bort time to enter ment and invigoration in our de­ much longer we will all have to go to The thermometer has reached school. Iler sister Miss Jennie will licious drinks. the mountains. 102 today in the shade, and Etill accompany her and visit with, "Drink yon;' health" at our foun We will soon have a full line of1 people will come in and ask the ques , friends for a while. tain Tiie fountain of health. all kinds of pumps at bottom prices. tioii, “is it hot enough for you.” L Sagers, a brother to Thos —I. 8. Geer & Co. CITY DRUG STORE. It is reparted that “Spain is Sagers and Mrs. Ray Smith, urriv- A fresh lot of oranges, lemons, greatly worried by her floating debt” , ed here from Blackfoot Idaho today. candies and nuts just arrived at I \ il<- Advocate: J, W. Curl lias savs mi exchange. This debt is He comes with the intention of the City Drug Store. about the only thing Spain has | looking at the country with a view ; been awarded a contract by the Geo Fry is having a brick addi afloat. to lo •ntiug town council of Burns to water the lion built on his store. B. D. Mc­ TWENTY YARDS OF CALICO — If you want a piano or organ 1 Roy Mcvio, Tom Sagers. Ed ' str-.’. t.i of tint thriving little citv, Intyre is doing the work. and is now engaged ¡ :t building big write tln> Jacobsen Book and Music FOR A DOLLAR, CASH. This is Caldwell and Bruss Byrd left hire t\>. The Dalles,Oregon,for prices. I street sprinkler for that putpise. Why don’t you come in and order a sample of our Fall drive prices. Sunday t.ight for the head waters a windmill. We have the best ones Call and examine other goods arid of Em Arrant creek for to (i.-h and I Jim is big In ert -.1 g io I n itured, Ag: nts are now in the field col-i on this earth and cheap too —I. S. prices f r cash.—Mason it London . hunt for a few days. b ird rust! r and Las hosts of f iends leet ng s impl.’s cf the products of! Geer & Co. >.i Malheur cv'inty wh> * xterid the tu ithwest for exhibition atthe. TWENTY YARDS OF CALICO John Sweek left on horse i i A few shade trees along our streets yesterday morning for the Wiliam ! FOR A DOLLAR. CASIL This is I their btst wishes to him wherever O: gon Industria’. Exposition .at ue may be. l’ortl.iml S. ;.t. 22 to Oct. 22. Ail ! would not only be a protection from ette, where he will visit with rela­ a sample of our Fall drive prices Jo< Buch .•no, the wil: kn-avi. ytcsiiici 's .-liiuld fur' ish ».ample* the hot sun, but would also be a tives a few weeks, when he will Call and examine other goods and protection in case of a fire. | prices for cash.—Mason A- London. prop ¡«tor of th- Buchlnan station <>f wliiil they grow or make, and enter school at Forest Grove. on thq O. A- B. stage line, an ! who th < xliibitioll of sic 11 is suie to la* II. C. Bilger at the City Drug A.S. Ward was over from Happy Tbe street sprinkler is somewhat was elected assessor of Harney of benefil to nll. Store has a number of dust proof out of repair and not as seccessful Valley Monday. He will Ieavt • county at the recent cle.-lion, has Th' re ..ill bn m> lack of amuse- watches on hand, just the thing for an undertaking as at first though' with his family thia week f.>r the purchased tho Harney Hotel and , nir. ‘ i 1’ortl:'. 1 during the^Ore- the hay field and harvest. by Mr Curl. He will soon have it i east *° vislit relatives and friends moved with his family to Harney g i Industrial Exposition, and Dr. McPheeters who has been in shape to do good work however I They expect to be absent about Cit-. Bill? Gates, formerly a driv i i-itors to the great fair can also • three months. ■r on tbi en 1 -f the lino, ar.d ivh<’ confined to his bed for sometime !t:-u I some of the best theatres in' Messers Welcome & Johnson of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- H. Huds­ was married at Westfall the first of with rheumatism, is improving. D tin northwest. Cal. Ilcilig, mana-; the old Tt-xsas R s -rt are still in peth are now located at Huntington July, bis mov <1 to and taken Mars len is attending him. ger "f the Maiquani Gr ind, ha* en-' business with a first class cheek BRENTON A FINE Propt., Rums, Oregon where they are engaged in the hotel : charge of th- Buchanan station. ■ ,i o .1 'ii.m v first-« itisi attractions to J Attorney Turner and family with reasturunt in connection. Make business. Th‘V have taken the |The Advocate is mistaken. Bilk run during fair month, and out-1 W. W. Caviness and wife, returned that votir head quarters while here management of the “Gate City,” ; Gates was married in Burns.—El; sid' rs will have the chance of a . This Stable is located on the corner of Fist and B, Street., »nd keep. I*»f from their outing in the mountains celebrating. Itf. - I i n - to enjoy g .o 1 performun- and grain oh hand Has competent help, Runs a Job Wagon, Take, paaa.a- j one of the best appointed hotels in Dick Smith of Narrows, Hart? ■ I ecs the first of the week. gers tn any part of the Country. C learance S ale —Mrs F. E. Mc­ eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mra. county, drove into Vai- Saturday Word comes to us that the lead Gee is closing out the following at Hudspeth have been successful ho- with a big eight horse freight team NOTH E ing firm at the railroad are selling almost cost: Counter pins, Turkish | tel keepers for a number < f years and three wagons Li turning the ♦ he best Island City flour at $4 per towels. Table linen. Ladies collars past and we believe they will meet eornrr.in front of the Advocat (,f Notic. is hereby given that for the ' barrel. The O. C. Co. are the peo and cuffs. Ladies shirt waists. wiih success in Huntington.—Baker flee, one of his horse got over a purp. . " of making tm examination pie. Epigram. Thomas Hudspeth Is a : trace-chain and s' ted the liain to All the chickens thieves are not • son of Creen Eudspet’i of th island running awnv but i/:ek v as equal of nil person who may offer them- ' Al Weatlierley, one of the men • caught yet but if those who are sell s .as candidates fur teachers of. The Rtv. Dr. Holt, who is an to the emi rg- ncy ar.d threw the working for the P. L. 8. Co. had bis operating in Burns at the present .. I- of this county, t lie I Cellar bone broken by a horse fall time arj not careful they will run nounced in this issue for a series < f leaders into the rear of another county boardhvill hold a public ex­ 1 missionary lectures in this county, teaip on tlye street in front of him. amination nt the school house in | ing with him one day last week up against a gun. tadglibg his hors. - all up i o a Btrns*, beginning at 1 o'clo k p m was for twelve years a mis'ionarv He is under the care of Dr Marsden Dver it Brisco are prepared to do in China, and another twelve years bunch and stopp'd th-m wi bout ! Weilnesday. Aug 10' 189S. TWENTY YARDS OF CALICO, all kinds of carpenter and cabinet laboring among the Chinese in injury to anything. II ; was < on OREGON BURNS. Dated this 27th day of July, ’9.8. i FOR A DOLLAR, CASH. This is work. Parties wishing to build Portland, lie is a brilliant speak route to Ontario for friight for W. C. Byun. a sample of our Fall drive prices should see them before letting con­ er ami is thoroughly acquainted I Charley Haim : oi ... ? ' i • -. - Brivk and Lune eon.tantly oti hand, at the yard in weal Bum«. *11 kiad County 8< liool Sujit. Call and examine other goods end tract. Prices guaranteed to suit, with the language.j ri ligi >n, social, "f work done. ——Terms an applicatole. prices for cash.—Mason *t London. wotk speaks fir itself political ami business life of this Sfiorili ’s S ¡le. ♦ There will be an iee cream social nation of people. Mrs. J. \V. Biggs accompanied NOTI E T<> ( REDITORS. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judge at the Barnes school house Sunday,; A family by the name Hazeitine to their home at Canyon Aug 14, the proceeds to go toward Daniel has been camped «’ucs ¡ j WOOley To all whom it may concern: uiM.srsrnxsoivs last week, where she will visit unti buying an organ to be used in flic’ river at the Haskel ranch this week ot the < io • -It1 •<»•••* • , i:. -tat gon for ll.nney County. in a <*citaiti Noti’e is hereby given II.at the un­ next month. She will then be school building. Every body in­ who were in destitute circumstance s. <• tn*<\ Vr.lp-rrin The I! J. ■ < '.■ * . *t ; Notice is hereby given to all per sealed lai* I»», n duly appointed Ba k. a Co; p)i., u t- i iatuti!/ i.’. l joined by her husband and go to vjte'l to attend. PROP OF THK The father was afflicted with rheu­ Willhit» '.itc ......... i f B. F. . 1 eons holding claims against the Bhck. iJearv Mi.K administrator of tbe c»*,..„ St. Louis Mo. to visit Mr. Higgs' old estate of I ’ .ter French, deceased, _ — __ .... TSADV the children wore Ibown, un 1 Ai. Swort- an i.ileiit- tipo h j im I rpnd*-f<*d oar*» Sheriff McKinnon went to the a sample of our Fall drive prices. and clo’hing Mrs E. E. Smith itib.'Md b nr.- • ' " 'I t i pr* . nt the same to j Harney county, Oregon, verified a* lit NTINGTON, ( Atiri h ri*t th‘i 1'Hb «I »y ’ _ ,! by law required, within six months Narrows one day last week and ar­ 1 Call and examine other golds and took the matter in hand ar.d went , of-Jan iiny. 18,15. io favo* of th-* pl.un- !, tirid'-rsigned nt Burns, Oregon, Mr Wo»l«y wishes hi* many ati4 .t'gufiist th.* ti iPbd it»?, W i>li I duly ver r, i ,, i,v |a.v ronnired from the date *f thia notice. rested a man by the name of Reck- priors for cash.—Mason A London. around with a subscription paper tiir B»x I‘o 1 *'1 7'. elheitner who is wanted in Wallowa within «ix months from this date. j. <; Sot-Tit. a call when at Huntington. The White House Saloon is under in*vn’-t th“»»* »i> at th- rate of ten R J. M* Ktx.xo.v, county on a charge of horse stealing th« efficient management of two provisions, clothing. etc They With Administrator. percent per atnuim fr- in January I9h. Administrator. J. A. French, sheriff of that county experienced saloon men, Hugh were on their way to Albany wlwre IMKi. ai -I thr* imiter mim of Ono Hmi- July 12 l'ro • ;?• lol . I *«4- U ! I i » I i r ' . - I 1 ' V,R*TU!cga, 1 w aia*i., cam*» in and took the prisoner out Smith and Geo. Tregaskiss. If you they have relatives. l*i»¡hl3r> 20] V ' A i lorn-y !•<*«• (O-1 a c.a«<>«ciTT *■■ a»»»* are downhearted and depressed in on Monday evening’s stage. The University of Oregon gradu- ' hn 1 i¡i*'bur>einenlF, w.lh infere-« t Ihere- on at lloj rate of H j»er r rot |*'*r annirn spirits, jive them a cal! and you Hicks &■ Biggs ,ated last June the largest class in frntn »J anua» y tnt h, J h 95, toje’li. ♦»r witb Parties wishing to buy a piano will go way a new man. With L. A. Copahall, when in o of Wt.lfc vial nr-ruing I ' its history. The class iiumlwred , have tlijsdh) Í0«k«l m*uii th- f> 11 -»w i n.’ ATTORNEYS•AT - LAW, or argan should call at the City town T .a j. The Rev. C. R Shields, who will 30. The fall term will b»gin Sep­ <1 »¿rril'iM rea* estate, al« » de-<- ihnl iti MEALS 2.5 CENT? .Office st Canyon City Bum. Drug Store and ask to be shown accompany the missionary. Dr tember 101b Students who have , a . ild ohter ot «aJ* and th 'reny ordeieJ Rates for boat*! by the w**»k l'he half of th* il» »>* FO fl, •<-A l through their stock. They have ’_____________ _________________ Holt, on his trip through our valley, completed the tenth arsde branches ! Sontb-weet rpiarter, and the NoF»h—a or ■ oitilbs rad“ kn-iwH on just received a very fine lot of pianos is the popular pastor of the Presby­ quarier of t» quari»». can enter the rub freshman class .■»et-lion r«ren«y. ( aii'l Ilie Norih— a fl. W MILLER, which will be sold at prices within application terian church at Union. qnar» ' No examinations are required for quarter of 1 hn N» - f reach of everybody. No trouble ■ FhMrlioii T* ent nin»*. WJ in lunn« »I1 boifb K:i D. F. Speigle and E Jacobson graduates cf accredited Si boeJs to show goods TMiir.Xt ixti V T e ■" '. «-x-’ oTK » Burr.», - - - Oregon. i > i.i « pi Reasonable equivalents a*a accept ' i iej- roK P' KI I' ATIOS* are miking a tour of the county in . Oreuon, an I 1 I <»u i » la WD nyrn r. at KV» i « n , OBteoW. Messrs. WolJenberg dr Berg have the inte.-est of their musical instru­ ed for most of the required entrant* Vie *t. lbJ«, 2 — Jnne 7. l*»fl ay p.t front •lu'jr their new brewery in running order ment* We met them at Lawen studies. Catalogues will I— sent III • V tic« la hwrf-br |l»»n tha’ In rorapila'i'* Enrn*. Harney < intv, nh 'h*- i-r*»*ial >i » vt th* aX oí UongrtBa of are turning out some very good Sunday evening »rd each one want­ free to all applicants. Persons de ' I-' J, .. artHk*i An a* « ,f*»r th* aal» of l»n .»ii -iTicqjii j i rni -'r laaIti the fl’at^a of • allfornlB. Orecoa ’ <1. V» the hi/f** Steam B“*-r. Owing to the tanks, ed to fell a story on the other. We «¡ring in'brmalion may address the . and Wiiahingtnn lenitory. Mutthlaa & SURGEON. I» •! »• r n»l ilxviitfH t iul , c1 i > »Mi l W' f.- ntv i t Ilari.e M’f’» PHYSICIAN pipes and all the machinery be:ng had no time to listen to their trouble pr-sident. Secretary J. J Walton, •I ■•a i Vvi! i ru li , k « f 'jro/an haathlo la, n e«1 in thia ..ffice hla i i *«9 n and tu the ahnve «leacrin« <1 of!» r re *4 to ei.uw het th* land a«.’ifht lam«»re Penn Mutual Lift Inaurane» ('• such good flavor as will be after before our next issue. Gregor,. Ti e courses of- ted are %a’ » • I ' I’a timbet cr atone than for agr.- »tfv, nr Äo ni’icl» IliFfrti.f r, . f. g. » an * to ea’abilab» oia • at»n •*> being in use a short time. The rre»-a”’fr» j i l/n.en! those of a grK>d univereitr. There M re the »’rr •’'•* i'1 gM^Oflir« at re»td«i.«s ’L.»2 gal­ are departments of m >d*rn and orb <*f A »taue' I** , }fe nem»8 aa wuneaeea R A Mtlter, R w eompanied by Mrs Cardwell and ancient languages, physics, chemi* lons per day. this U» -.t Mi.!»r <»! E tri a, Orego». JobllfHl. Jaeeh I.’* « of brewaar. Ore Mrs Ix*e Caldwell ar.d children. try, biology, geology. E .glirh elo • • e n . pmra* •♦a Claimtnr adwree r the n W. D. Huffman, the genial sheep • tarted f>r the Spyings near Canyon at»»»* d*errti*«'i a ida are reaueatrd »o B.e 'lieti cation, advanced engineer ig’as­ t B ■ a a t'j *>ff’r>n or befere Baid l-”h 4*) man of Harney countv, aicompan la-t Monday to can p during In» •I A<>a*iat. i*»* tronomy, login, philosophy | *;. • '>• 1 THUW*»JOXe> R.»t.»»r ied by his cousins. Mrs. Ida Turner hot wbeater. At Cold springe ;-F*<'ffiee ai Kraaeh Hetal ogy. math“;», stirs and phv-icai anc Mrs M Abernathy, 1st arrva • little John Caldwell was drgged off JOHN F. STRATTON'S education. Music and drawing are from S. llivan county Missouri, d- his TnKTrMr«-HKMAt t> and 8t Uiuia horee of - a ------ tree, • «-is nis a ‘>ree by vj tbe **>^ limb — -- , also taught I be tuition is fr e Republic for 12 a year in *dv«l.c« parted for Andrews Tuesday evet Mining a eollas fracture of th» right I A)( ptl. dents par en incidental fee ♦.•V Biinmttaf’iStíilSlitags GIO 8 8IZEMOR3. f®e F r •’•- I? üee.a 7’ *•’ ' ing While in Huntington V- wrist His mother reti«rr »<1 w.tb arroaatT. yrn dollars yearly. B ar I. lodg M * r.- V - ' » -I ' l8fW! Srfl Huffman su'd his wool clip to J M him to Rurns at»l Dr >1 ■ radon OaMctv. -lux Tinas llxrxtt» and Or«- beat and light in th* dormi’ory r. r*p bad him fixe-1 up co-, »_> '*> per «eek AletoM N. 8R0WN & SONS. Local News. \\ Kite (ioods, Laces, Your Health" Embroideries, Ribbons, Neckwear, 11 osierv, 1 landkerchiefs. Underwear, Parasols. Our Mail order Department is Prompt. TNT. BROWJV db SJOJNTS,' 1 he Leading Merchants ot Harney County. White Front Livery, Feed & Sale JENSEN & PEARSON. g p j Q M8k(5ES B Fl Cl Contractors q a o NOTARY PUBLIC. H. Volp, Dr. IL Burchiorf ip ax DENTIST.