M. L. LBWI8. J C BYRD A dispatch to the Daily News from Gibraltar tells a long story of a pseudo wealthy Mexican who was lionized for six weeks at Mad­ rid and Cadiz, dined with Admiral Camara, inspected the fleet and de­ fenses, and in every way won the confidence of the officials, only to disappear the moment a warrant was issued for his arrest. He turned up afterward in Tangier», confessed to the ‘correspondent of the Daily News th *t his name was Fernandez, and that he was cap­ tain in the Second Texas rangers. 11’153, OREGON. His Spanish descent, he said, en­ abled him to deceive all the Span­ IT. hir. fer >al* the following City property in Burna iards while acting as the confiden­ light»*« Bleeka in the Morrison Ad ■ In farm property w. bare ICO acres tial agent of the United States A mi »« aid the whole of the Brown [ of good agricultural laadT miles south government. THE NEW YORK WORLD, for a sto -k ranch in Eastern Oregon A r..d ra.eh soatainiag ISO aere», of equal value. •e|Pei»oe Creek, 7 miles North East 1G0 aores go.d hay land, 9 mile. kaeva aa th« A. Hembree place, for sale l»y for cash or on reasonable Iliac. South of Hurns. This proderty is in good cinditiox and i. the best bargaiu Uadispet.d title. »1 the Vallay. The Umatilla Indians have con­ cluded their Fourth-of-July cele­ bration. It began the 3d and end­ ed on the 12th. About 700 Ind­ ians- including visitors from agen­ cies in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, participated. The pi inci- pal amusements of the Indians were dancing, horse racing, pa­ rades, gambling and loitering in the shad j. The gambling game was ‘-slick,” and money, blankets, hats and saddles were won and lost. This game is one purely of chance, and becomes exciting to Indian, but he is always fair in his dealings. Whenever he loses he gives up his goods as freely as he takes them. Mr» Anna Robertson, Proprietress THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. 18 pages a week—156 papers a'year FOR ONE DOLLAR. Published every Alternato Day ex­ i cept Sunday. Rhup o«ite ti» brewery All werk in eur line dene neatly and with dispat.h. (•wsah«.d. Give us a «all, Burns Ontario Laars* Buras daily at fl » r m . Stag© AMD THE 0 R M It prints the news ofa'l the world, havoig special correspondence from all important news points on the globe. It has brilliant illustrations stories by great authors, a capital humor page, complete markets, de-1 partinents for ths household and women's work and other special da partnrents oi unusual interest. We offer this unequaled news­ paper and T he T imes -H erald to­ gether one j-ear for $2 25. The regular sbscriptiou price of the twe papers ia $o.00 EAST: I -------- GIVES TUE CHOKE OF C. V. JOHNSON A CO.. Proprietor». '2-RANSCONT1NENTALROUTÏS burns I» I OREGON GREAT Winn Liquors, ltd Cigars i Good Billiard tables, Pleasant'Card Roora«. ete., st«. Sale.n is trst elan ia «very particular. Experiartia4w Mixed drinks to please the meet fsjkdl»*.. V ia V ia SPOKANE SALT LAKI MINNEAPOLIS DENVER ST. PAUL OMAHA □ AND AKD KANSIS CITY. I I ■JaK-BO YUE KNOW A UVOD ABV«« UIMEST MSAMSJMCBtASI 1MS0SIX1SS 'LOWEST RATES w/ To all Eastern cities Answer Any Question You mav Ask It. O< ’KA N BTEAMEIiS leave Portland every 5 days for Steamers Month)) from Portland to Yokohoina and liong Kens; via, The Northern Pacific Steamship Co. ill con nection with U. K. & N. Standard American Annual. Line. PRICE No. 1 Leaves Baker City 3:30 P. M No 2 “ *• “ 12.»8 “ I GENTS For full details call on the O. R. patrons of the little New York I office. He is hale and hearty at 89 years of age and still conducts the office.—Albany Herald. burns OUR This popular house is fully equip­ ped for the comfort of its custom­ ers. Good table service. CHICAGO GEO. SHELLEY FOR D ri WMV, - - O reoon . Lewis & Byrd, A44ili«e, eeataiaiag the aaoat il««irable «f Burns. Thirty acres io cultivation, reeideaee property in Jtowu ‘This « ta! I u • a t s. No trouble io show property or give prices. Lets l .sd 6 is Bleek ÎJ Thia ia We Lave a nice farm, containing ki.irs aa the J 8. Kenyon residence 385 acres, two miles southwest of tad is is a very desirable neighborhood Eugene, Oregon, and on the gravel aad is .fared,very low far cash. Thia road, (food dwelling, good barn Is, «adeahi.dly *the best bargain in and outhouses; good orchard and well fenced, worth $7.000, to trade levs. A Special Bargain? City Hotel Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. 11 I C-erno r:oj/ widely sold Aimual Refer* tuet Book and Politisai Manual pubh^bed. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. The World Almanac sent FREE to every CASH Subscriber I KED FRONT LIVERY STABLE I.S’JT left »title •• »bov. on left .boulder or C. A. licnnett, Uran«, Ur« > Juj.Q» r • V 1 tí A « CLLLaRAli-D CLUBBING RATES fH ALL H LIADfi PAPIIS STOCK BRANDS. h£*.A.i>e *_.<». X.' • _ hut] jrfcr* C - a .1 XX I. g !- í .-L Dethrs i 1 all kind» A r.UVCAL MEi.CHf NC’3E, l TI.*!*: î 5.liti •• t .?’-’vv On the Cerner South of tbe French Hotel Main Street McCLAIN A WILLIAMS - _ _ _ Propreitors. ' ryy jí Ths proprietors are well known not only here but in all the adjacent Cenali.a and Towns Their business qualifications and natural afiec- 8em fer borses esp.eially It. tbtie for the avoctivu U. li triHf»y. -N, r a i SILVER TSE ISSUED 1900. Mosey the Pricin’ Instmaent. Url.iis'io.-i ani Progress Hon Kept S'»p Wi:h Moiej Supply io All Agss. FREE BRAND COLVMM. > T!. M nev Question nisa*d in the Zb Hcr»<* brand , on left atifl«. cattl» bra«n*a» Ma* Mr*ns«ut $ Catti« diamond on left hip; horaeCV «a left «huulder. 1 hariaa H Vo«gtl«y. Burn« urt. Horse branded Pon right shoulder, catti« b . 'fl right hip R A. Hendricks. ? O Laws« Or 9uhaeriptian frier. •! Tar Ye-.r. Se.td f?rMiuplc; egeats wanted. f-v.L -WYV "I *>m ••Sv--.»•;( »-.. luerç »ql • OV^H^iíT. 0 Í , ‘ ». J . -KUO’.I L • * > U Mt,1) * V «t «¡n r - V /sviA/VC ’’* ** TtUp «avUrfR i«-*'» fwu .«« ája>4»« ’• .p - j < • »-J «i«uu lit» 1VIM1 imo oi HäilVIVO ÁTENTS a»«v*u ( t ■« v w { )*|NNnia inni yay T radì M ara « n*.1QR. Ccmvc shts A c . « • • ' ’ - • .-ad «« •» » a» n . » « re s t .t I..R fr,.., wh»«h«r art ’■ *■’ ,• r ■»••’»» i«»'tabla I nNsirurk*«. ti -.»«rt.’f y 1,|« ttai 11 amlb.'oh «m Calent* «•‘H f . »t ■< . •.» »... »•eurw.g |>h. .4 « tm iitib» Scicntiiic American. A bar* t®, «nel» lllua.-mf«<’ «mMIt. •* • l limai larvai efr d erma, fii a MUNN & Co.”•• New York V. ashixoton . t> c »»» AT LOWEST IATII. Home« br«n4«d M on ’♦ft »tifi« Cattlebrand ed )-( ou left hft> Marton Bwnyard. PO Burn«. x Sila er Knight Publishing Co., £ SO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TIB. BEST JOB PIIITIIt J. C. Foley, ratti« brand—on M«k< aid« Hora« brand — on left «boulder A correct «mount of th« d.»iuga of C >ngrew given each week. A f »r.i iv ’ apr forth? h« ra- «nd fire- *L‘ * A I th« important happening« of the we?k, condense I, in ncwscvlumn« A Urgr circulation in every Bute and Territory. Published wrtkîy by th« THK HKRALD DOXI < ¿ %.%■« K brand S* en l«ft shnnhler. a'so tire« p tn ea< h ear. and wattl on left jaw liora« brand figure Ton either hip J II. Fun vari. Bure« Oru.