CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896, BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JULY 27 1898, NO 35. VOL. XI. SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURE«. Boss Platt is laying the wires to make ‘.Teddy’’ Roosevelt his 1 dummy, but Teddy has never Showing as by law required the amounts claimed, filed and record- been anybody’s dummy up todate. . L. Pattersen. Itfiïl iiuttr .(R) A . W.fiewan 0 eagrCNsmen At.sraey General 4«v«rk«r iocr«tary of Stata Treasurer . Supt. Publie Instrnetion itale Trialer Ol 4,0 SURGIO» at Reatdence OREG.L N 80 75 33 00 00 (0 00 (XI 20 21) 20 20 20 00 00 vO 50 30 GO IX) 40 30 50 GO 80 50 20 00 00 20 40 OO 20 20 (HI 40 20 00 00 20 00 Toral’s surrended army to Spain, $ 13 -’jj but nobody « ill begrudge money I 22 spent for that purpose. £0) 58 C.A.SNOW&CO. O pp P atent O ffice , W»« hin « tsi D. G. 21 21 G 21 2 FV-ewn r.X./i'Mraa * . ^ m S 2 Prof. W. II. PukR. wks 2 Miakoa a specialty el Epilupcv, haa witheat 2 doubt treated and aw. •d moro cases than any 2 living Physioiaai hLs 2 Aueccea is astonishing. We havo heard ol ease« 5 ol m M jrvats* year steadier eared by 28 him. He pnblisheee 35 valuable 3 werk os thia 4ls- 4 ense, which he sends o with a 8 Urge boC- ■o, free to nny sufferers 9 O. and Kxproa-s adilrena. v. e auviRe any »xio wiahinr a euro te addreee 9 FrM.W. H. t£XKS. t. D m 4 «Marik. 9 2 Absolutely Pure 2 2 3 8 10 8 4 8 BURNS, 21 20 20 15 All kind* of Machine-extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, 14 POWDER Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. i 8 7 19 CRESCENT BICYCLES Give us a call and we will Convince you that we can give better price* than anyone. CIY MEAT MARKET • I OUMAN à CLENDENEN Prop»., - Burn*, Or«g«n. V«f -nbl*» of alt Freak Meat, kinds whs« I« 8«asoa. Lard, Butter and . 'P' ■HR >3 I Wm Gilliam ... “ ... A David Crow.. ........ Frank Chacafratigue Fay Comegya . “........ Bert French . .'•....... Author Coopt r it Syd Comegya . “........ Andrew Litrell . . . Prim Ortego ........*.. . >t J II Neal .... L M Steward . ‘........ Ci Geo Marshall “ . . . W D Huffman “........ I» L B Springer "... . it Alva Springer .“........ t* Harrison Steward ‘ . . 1 Mrs Harrison Steward .. tt 1« R D Hughet tt Vernon Caulfield I’restly Smyth . D H Smyth .... James Wood .... H B ^immons A 8 Ward .......... John Skeen ........ J I’ Kennedy Henry Hughson T J Driver witners strte vs Harth and Allen Mrs Elia Fino......... Albert Allen .......... Joe Street........... . J C Meiri* AO EXT. KOTAtT PUBLIC 20 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat*< ent business conducted for MoocRATC FKKS. 1 O ur O ffice ic opposite US P atent O ffice [and we can st •• e patent ia less tun« than tho«« I remote from Washington. [ Send mode!, draw in" or photo., with descrip­ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, fr«< aJ ’ icharge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ¡A P amphlet . “ How to Obtain Patents,” with ¡cost of same in th« U.S. and foreign countries ; sent free. Address, , The Burns Bar EVKUY WEDNESDAY _____ Geo D Hagey mileage and per diem as Co. Com. . $ 1 13 'A Venator....... "................................ •-.................. 22 W 8 Waters services as assessor and postage ....... 209 W J King 2 mos. salary as stock inspecter ......... 58 I W m Gillum witness before grand jury May '98 term 21 1 Frank Chacarratigue 21 • .\Vlbur Cooper.. (1 ’ Prim Ortego. 21 2 A Ibert Ward . . . D II Smyth........ 2 O B Dingle 2 2 Dennis O'Brien 2 John Culp.......... 2 Hugh Smith .. . i Frank Williams juror May term circuit court. 5 ' J C Beatty ...... 28 Adam Adrien......... Price Withers......... o j Janies Pirio............. 4 O L Shingledeckcr. 3 | Win Fredricks . . . , 8 W J South.. . . ......... 9 i S B Stewart ............ will bo greatly interested in our new exhibit 9 I R J Bak- r ............. 9 of the Kuh, Nathan &, Fischer Co. Suits 9 ; Harvey Dixon......... 2 this season. Purity of fibre, strength of E C Taylor............. 2 Frank Baker........... weave, careful biending of non-fading Thomas Baker ... O Q colors—and the prices I A ten-strike in i J F Oakerman . . 8 i Carrol Cecil.......... 10 under-selling I W H Hogan......... 8 Joseph L Turner . . . ‘ 4 Newell Hall .... 8 W I) Baker......... 21 j E C Bulk ley .... 20 J C Freeman .... 20 1 J T Bailey.......... 15 ' W E II uston .... 14 SOLD HERE WITH AN INDIVIDUAL GUARANTEE. I W H Morrison . . . 'e---’.;. . X .7 ,< i> ' Peter Mortimeir. 8 , Win Crawford i G O Hendricks 19 IN E Duncan ... Steven Woods .. Walter Cross ... P T Blume ... R A Flinn ........ ■ J R Hendricks ill Hankins jr... RICHARDSON à STEVENS, P koplieturs . R T Hughet. . 1 iin Donovan... A V n j t«1 v s poo.] , . a. oxgar IT ino V711133. Liouors R E Williams.. . J M Farrens . iW B Johnson... • A W Bowser . . ’^"Courteous treatment guaranteed. Yoi.r patronage solicitée ■ Frank Metschati I Wallace Capos '.I W Curtis ........... i Carry Thornberg . E L Beede ...... Eurns.Canyon Stage Line , Sam Jenkins ... ‘ Dean Horton ......... I T J Shields........... J. A. H alladay , contractor. Carrying U.S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expess i OB Dingle........... ; 0 G Frye............... L.-ava Burns Tuesday .Thursday .Saturday,for Canyon City E() Thomas .... : F T Miller......... nd intormedr t; -oints, Fare $5. R A Miller............. Milo Cushing . . John Hipsman Chas Hardistv witness fees state vs E L Oliver May » '■s'- - C. H. VOEGTLY DEALER IN— HARDWARE TIN ORE. t GUN». MACHINE suor IN CONNECTION. CTtOCXcry I IM MUNITIOI Bi«yal«s, Mem.g Maahia«*,e«» «ta. ropairad promptly and aanafaotorally Everything Cheap tor Cash. James Street because W I) Arnett Anton Egli O B Dingle witness state v* E L Oliver J E Harriett " Harth and H W Gilpin “ t'barle* Harth Mr* Phoebe Hsrth Hard; Allen Geo 8 Siaernort M »< H M Horton William J Du rm Thoma* Stephen* It has «ver I 187,176 4 in aaset* *nd a record of 52 year*, din­ ing all n( which time it has steadily increased in strength end prosperity. BECAUSE you can ber row money fom the Cam- pane at 5 per < ent p«r annum, after your Poliey ha* been three year* in ferce. BECAUSE 8 »20 Yau ¿o n»t hero to dio to win If vou live 10. 15 cr 20 year* you caa eettle four policy in any wa v that best suita your eir- iita’ts•»<■»* a ths time — for «ash ta d up ¡Mor* »». annuity or M I. Lewi« H Volp «the« 'p»:-»u* l I (cornai r.i> ox *1x0x1» Whiskies Kentucky And Cigar page ) Firti door »nulh of Po*t Ortie«. |