'4 L. tflW ¡g. THE My daughter, who teaches in a mi««ion Simd s< hool. tells of a NEW YORK WORLD, had a ilh a THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. y ..uiigvier making his first appear-1 ance. She had put him through a half hour or more of instructions IS pages a week—156 papers a'year on the redimentary principals, for I FOR ONE DOLLAR. he was entirely lacking in infor­ mation on that pont, and to test Published every Alternate Day ex­ cept Sunday. him was reviewing her work with The Thrice-a Week Edition of him. The New York AVurld is first among “Now,” she said, “tell me again all “weekly” papers in size, fre­ who made the world and all that quency of publication, and the fresh­ is in it?” ness, aecracy and variety of its con­ “God did,” replied the boy tents. It has all the merits of a w ith commemable promptitude. great $6 daily at the price of a dol­ “God can do everything can’t lar weekly. Its political news is he?” she asked again. prompt, complete, accurate and im­ The boy hesitated a moment. partial as all its readers will testify. “I don’t believe he could lick It is against the monoplies and for Dewey,” lie answered at last, and the people. his teacher sat silent between her It prints the news of a'l the world, leligion and lier patriotism. It having sp-cial correspondence from wasn’t her time to say anything, all important news points on the if she didn’t want to lose that boy globe. It has brilliant illustrations stories by great authors, a capital forever, and she had wit euough to humor page, complete markets, de­ let it go at that.—Washington partments for the household and women’s work and other special de Star. partments of unusual interest. J. C BYRD. Lewis ¿c Byrd, BURNS, OREGON. Wa have fir sals the follawinj City property in Burns Bightaaa Bleaks iu the Monis >n Ad In farm proporty w» have ICO acres aad the whole of 11.« Biowu of good agricultural laid 7 miles south Addiliei, eaataiaiag the most desirable •f Burns. Thirty acres in cultivation, diwan ^Tlns gu»* and barn properly is ofored vary ehaap for cash a largain at SI 108. rsslbassa property in “tewn, ♦ » U isitallwasti Title perfect and No trouble to show property or give priees. Lett I esd.S in Bleek ?J k»*»B *■ lb. J S. Kenyon This is s»d is is » very deiirabli neighborhood •id is .f.r.d very low far cash. is isdeib .«dly ph. best Mrs. Anna Robertson, Proprietress. D rfwsev . This bargain in lawi. A reed rauch »oatain.ig ISO acres, en[Poiiou Creek, 7 nilas North East kaawn as th- A. Herubrea place, f r ■•la low for eash or on reasonable inae Uadispatod title. GEO. SHELLEY burns Terms fur board by the week or month on application. TO THE EAST --------GIVES THE ('HOICK OF-------- Through freight 3|cta. a pound. Tw j day* notie* at any P O on th» rout« and covered ceaclies will b» furniih.d for pa«>ang»ri 11. A. William«, Prupr. ' m »- a. 0RiaON GREAT OREGON ïn.k. VÄ'lY. V ia V ia SPOKANE SALT LAKE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER ST. PAUL OMAHA AND AND KANSIS CITY. OCEAN STEAMERS leave Portland every 5 days for San Francis:. Stesniers Monthly from Portland to Yokoliotna and Dong Kong; via, The Northern Pacific SteaiLnlnp Co. in cou nectiou with U. K. & N. Standard American Annual. * * PRICE If you are in a uositiu To.do Susiu'ss Let Pcoule kniw it- To all Eastern cities I No. 1 Leaves Baker City 3:30 P. M No 2 *• " “ 12.88 “ For full details call on the 0. R. A N. agent, at Baker City, er ad­ dress, GENIS tv. II. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On All News Stands. i Subscribe for the A. L. MOHLER, Vice President. times herald J* .4 Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. mosi vid*1? i()ld Amnia I Refer* an.e Book and Political Manual published. TWO $ ONLY TWO $ THE WORLD, I' I?l. 4 U!l l I I y a ■•>::. i r Pulitzer Buildinfl, New York. . .!.»•• I.H'.U. The World Altniinae sent FREE to every C ASH Subscriber I ra.l: Iloi.es branUed m above on left ah.nlder or left stifle C. A. Bonnett, ( rune, Ure vOfiili i. i-' CELEBRAT -li I On th» C»rn»r South of th. Fr.neh Hutt|, Main <,rr#t MeCLAIN A WILLIAMS Proprtitor«. "n k7W" n”1 0"'* h’r* H" in a11 WiEe: Liquors, sti Cigars NORTHERN SHORT LINE u I., * -I KED FRONT LIVERY STABLE BURNS t « 's.» ' aJ «c C. V. JOHNSON ira aciepicil. - Ex. Far» On» way 17.50. MANY READERS. ftFTvo doors west of feed stable. I B»»p »ppo4Ìl» the Brewery Burns Ontario FOR OUR O regon . - Meals 25 Cents. Tte and poses of the Etnperoir Will­ iam which illustrates the article ate in themselves an extraordi­ nary exhibit. They might be de­ scribed as “T he Evolution of an Emperor shown by forty-six human documents.” Undoubted­ ly so large a number of portraits were never bifore gathered to­ gether of any royal or imperial personage. - This popular house is fully equip­ ped for the comfort of its custom­ ers. Good table service. We b avn a nice farm, containing 385 acres, two miles southwest of Eugene, Oregon, and on the grave] road. Good dwelling, good barn and outhouses; good orchard and I We offer this uneqaaled news­ well fenced, worth $7.000, to trade An Emperor's forty-six portaaits paper and T he T imes -H erald to­ for a stock ranch in Eastern Oregon and poses, with live German war­ gether one year for $2.25. of equal value. regular sbscription price of ships facing Admiaal Dewey’s the The twe papers is $3.00 160 seres good hay land,'» miles South of Burns This proderiy is in fleet at Manilla and the intentions good c nidrtiex and is the best bargain of the German Kaiser still a »1 the Valloy. »AV/ fi li matter of some doubt, the leading article presented in The Cosmo­ politan for July will be read with interest. The forty-six portraits residence A Special Bargain! City Hotel .-1 1 stock mm VJÀSDCIU.TS 71 i J Xsnj erf er« of an I Wholesale Deal > in ill kinds d J'UB.C»' L MCftCHANriSr, ¿tt.nr f ::.i :? E z -. lí .\st .N cw Y o ^ >r T¿¡£jrrijtíV' •Adt'artitifyn it. «<’j>... . •w J C^u.n», .nd Town. [ |„lr bu.mr.. qualificati, n. ami naturai affé.- «•te f.r borati «ip»»i*l]y fi>» n,.,, for tb, avovtion ** SILVER THE I SSUj IN 1900. * HI. '• *8 i » Money the Pricioj Instrument. r . : ai C TiiTion ant Progne:» Hau Kept S' wr With fio.iq Sspplj In All '■ — HUSKY R0BÏ. IRVING, SLAiv rrnta MiUNiir Ann ____ its CURB ^^^To me Fono» I have an > rrnvdy f.w Consumption. Rv it’ tmv., »u lb-' vids of li- gvless cases have been »Irtuiy p -aiently cured. So proof positive in> I oi its power that I consider it my duty te> hro Kt liti fvM to th se of your miden who have C<«numptsm,Threat, Broachul >e Lung Trixibl». W tlwv wiil write nw th»’- eapms an ! p-stotKe adlress. Sincerely. Prop. ... niuao \ r. A. »L0CVM. M. Q, Iti Pravi Bt.. Arw Vwt. Bir* Vh» E.lHorUd a ad Rw—• oj hkas iNagayr a.«*.-BUiMe 4M b gruer-oua Fragw« ’n.» e 1'- *< -nrv Q• ti.'.i tw t in the 1;çh’. of e -apertene« an I history X i'0F ïiii'SiherKnigMaifliiii:ii!. Norte brand her ten on left «boulder; Cattle ar ten on left hip and upper clip on beta car« T A. McKinneti, Burna Ora, T’’« trading B:meia”i- Paper of Amer.ca. Hardin A Riley, rattle branded Ven left at da norae l.raud- ¡eft aide, r e. Burna.Oregoe I 5 > 5 X correct ac, 'mt of the l>in« • •—-y '■ ' . -fhuAI) B m • »»4 »««»la iaa Mam aaa. l «Sa •■»aa at Taaia a«4 »ata. I Sua Ma., Toal ■»a isa ; M IVw ata «r «V *■• •LJ BÉMBMh «• Wwam SWM Na* VarL Taaog Maat OcBrawa C o . vrkiht » Be b And deienpth n mar nw*n frw •hrih»r an r .-«n '•f‘ r •*‘v rxtrufabla < -mmwri.-A »•fitttctlv ■.' c R.I bm I h I l<*rvalb<»h i 4i Uata*nt• Wit fv*«’ • h '.-U a*«a , « f r », ,-ur « i-airi « lai»» ti u< , M.,, n « .'a*«m«B«m. I k Ç. I X Silver Knight Publishing Co., A XX VMUNGTON DC CATARRH tor » tosonoM Ely j CrsiT üa! Peblithed weekly by the u « LOCAL DISEASE JQH•4 r a k. I ..K 1 I V.a u CÏI SrRATFD CUITAR*. fv — : Ir^rt-n X and ViU- X* hc.aa.:« Dae’x »•> »3 « iwtiy i«!« u,- b . w / p«. ;B< l1’ kí-’ • H c : t «« Ely’s M r Bato M ^-k '.'w'r4«eii tr» the nj '•mi» ■•«•?»>. Ce j « ,iM« • ••»-•d <*. h < «ut «r 4 c -»m fclMye M:i end 'be TuamärwiHt the BRST job P2IKTIX« •AT LOWEST BATES. Cattle llamoadaa left hip. boreeCV oa left shoulder, t har!«a H Voagtlsy. Bur e ure liar«« been led Pn-t right «boulder, ratt’e P ODr.ih.bip. R. A. Hendricks p q Lavea Or S ib«( rlntlnn Frier. Si Per Year. 6e:« Ifor «ample; Agents wasted. BO YEARS' ■> L APEOIENCE THE HKR.tLD DOIS C’eulorW V »TWABT. E Eter X Known Everywhere* SoM Everywhere. Grow n E vc rv where FREE RRAND COLVM.W. n< r«- bratvl . on left «tifle. rattle breed 6« on lef h r t ierktax iulcf car 1» M MeMenamv Burn«. Ore. H >r»e ’ -and w on !«ft «boulder, a'«o thre K »irvut Burna Or. W4XT»C»I. ;»i Fl >T N. Bo>t tcMPIT TV» ijWiTJ J P DB keneo« ratf*bra-?t htp a 1 rib« catharti.« Marab< r o bsrruwa<»re. Horse brand oa eft shcuder I M m Lasts ftaaellfl. Fame Ore. Horeebread ~ as et ab^e de* sad eaaee ea •auar’.a of n«ht h ad >V PhU • ’ • ” •' • e • ■* * n cut* • Mid • n • . it «a iefk S^hûùe fcr R m « g t " '«-k a ■««( •<, r. v Bangere K»™ an ! Utt:« b-uu lM J P ou wa eàoM *•’ * ’«¿ed ¿P eeM^eeted Mer« J TLE TOK nA]