THKI- !. A-WEEK EMTIO? . noticed specula ions by everal pel son on ’he origin <-f the name Anii-i ii :. one wise man attributing it to Amerigo Vespucci, and re­ peating the self-evident error of a printer about 1508 —1 haven't my histories handy. America—it should not be, but is necessary today is the native Mayan name for the 1 minen!. The eaili-r discoverers get the Bl’KN?, name from the natives and put it on their maps. On one of the W‘a liaro for sale the following City property iu Burnt. maps of Columbus; I498)the con­ N'fl«tt«a Riecks iu the Morris n Ad I ii farm property wo have IM acres tinents is marked “Mir: a-pin.” d ate aid the whole of the Bro ra if -.-Old agriciltural laid.7 miles (i.utli On other maps of 15.1i, 1503, Additi"», eeataiaier* the most do-.irab!i ef Buras. Thirty acres in cultivation, and 1506 it is spelled, rvtitsaee property io Jtowu. „This gueu hous« and barn. Title perfect and ’ Amalea a -I Marca. 'File, (lidn't prspsrly is offered very cheap for cask a targein at $1100. ¡spell well in those days, s-rt of er la mstallmsats. No trouble to show property or give free and easy like, as read'.';* of prices Chaucer know, and they wi Lals t sad *1 is Rlesk !J. This i< Wo Lava a nice farm, containing trying to accommodate themselves käs*a as ths J S. Kenyon residenci 3S5 acres, two mile* southwest of to the declensions of Mavan word. aad it is a very detirablt neighboring J Eugene, Oregon, and on the gravel sad is efsred very low for cash. This road. Good dwelling, good barn The declensions bothered them. Is sndeabtedly 'tho best bargain iu and outhouses; imod orchard and Tin y were not declining anything well fenced, worth $7,OX), to trade I the natives had. leva. I for a stock ranch in Eastern Oregon The correct Mavan word is A r»«X r,*eh *o*t*ini*g ISO »rri-.«, of < qual value. •»¡f»i«u* C'r,ek, T ail«« Nvrtli ki.t Amarca, when an ending. It lies IGO acres good hay land, 9 miles k««»a •• Ik* A Heiabrp« place, f r all over the South Americ in c m- >* ' >w fi-r «««h or on reavoaabl? liuiv South of lluraa. This proderty is in good c mditi u and is the best bargain linent, preserved i.i the native V«4iapai*4 tilla. ki the Valley. names of provinces.towns, villages mountains and stream -. Cnndai-Amarc a America the mountains. Cax Amarca—America of the cut or pass. I found fifty towns or. the map in one aft-rnooi. Wh.-n it be­ gins a phrase it is sp -lied usu .1. Merica or Marie 1 America, as i Amtrica of the ixm \tncrica of the wens. Not one Am 1 ican i.i one th : - BURNS and knows his own national or «hat or how his countri 8h«p «¡»polite tko E. -vary named. And lie imagines All wtrk !■ >ur line den® neatly and with dispatch. SatiflfAQtioi intelligent I Lewis oc Byrd,. IS j igea a week—15C papers a.year POU ONE DOLLAR. ■ Published every Alternate Day ex« cept Sunday. The Thric'- a Week Edition of The New York World is first among month on application. all “weekly” papers in size, fre- ¿©“Two doors west of feed stable. quency of publicution, and the fresh­ ness, accracy arid variety of its con­ tents. It has all the merits of a great G daily nl the price of a dol­ lar w.-i-kly. Its political news is prompt, conipli.ti' iic:-urateand im­ partial as all its readers will testify. It ¡3 against the monoplies and for the people. TC THE 0 R H It prints the news of ah the world, having special : :- -p in lance from 1 :mportant news points on the gl >be. It hasbrilli it illustrations storien by great auf'a r.-. a capital humor page, ■ implete mark« ts, de­ partments for the household and ■v< men’s work and othirsperiu! de pirlnx-nts < f -anusuai interest. We offer fl is nneqwaled news­ paper and Tin-: Ti mes H erald to- get hr r one y- ar for $2 25, The regular abscriptiou price of' the twe papers is $3.00 --------GIVES THE CHOICE OP—— C. W. JOHNSON , WcCLAIN A WILLIAMS only two $ tloraea loft ftiile , :i • : CWBBINC KATES M iU H lsiM W1 STOCK BRiSL.í. J Main Street. 1 T2JJJ I’roprcitor*. ** •••“••2** U. ¿¡„¡Hpav c.Ln.rz r*b° n* i and •»*»- «'i affec . t ™:" "’i' o , t E? S ¡nr u• n ,, -" * ot M ° natural U nm ( MfWtellj.'Ito Uta* for th« al fc«a f.r s - * - l / > sold ¿muai Refer• ^ock a’id Pa :‘. a! Manual published. IIS j : D13G1 K • only i -, c 1 ; • : : > • i : j . «> $ » , ; i r 4 ' j t -1 histrument. Z J ~ j -on.- •> <■ I P T.rt l.'y.) K-pt ■ j J iii a ;| Ages. ¿ FREE BRAND COI.VWX. ' * 'wev o *e«t: 'n .in. I.r««.'r9 on . i i «:» t«.- .r.:c( »ar ;> m McMenaiav tod hiilory. *' -y. X , Burnt, Ore. , H - I Ul hdi. c«-». br«- ’. r ar ten on left thenlder: Cattle V , L bi” *’ 4 «PT*r cltp on both r. A. McKinnon, Burnt Ort. w Har-’ . a ’. hv , . attle branded left aide * “ • •.. r e. burnt.uregt t HOBT. IRVING, Prop. ini *iar, H AK-tKT t*-r t-*»'»;*... THS HERALD DOIS 1 ME BEST JOB PIIRTIIC AT LOWEST kATIl. C F,.--;, ra-e» >ran.|™o« riebt aide li ".-», .rani z-on left shoulder. tn • anti . > .ppeuinv cf ws «unii;«, .-jr siate ac4 ... ORH«O N "1 Fee Vrar. Vcavculc** J » p '■*’ s ” « t ' r* ‘ '«’1 ■ left n-ifle. Catt’ebrand l’- Marion Bnnyard. PO Burn* * «Hamon*!on ” <’ha • H hip: horavCT on left Voest’.sy. Bur..* um . H •••Brandt iron ri> ‘ U 50 YEARS' 'f- EXPERIENCE S&HAlC- T««ct M ism OCSION* COWVRISMTS AC. ’ • AW r - n tni*< • MbCi Ah r » 'IT •* A. < n UM» HN»- l'«L Ha« lb-« k ■ i i*«*a- ■ « •»< » f • ■ ■ rat»' a ««» » Murn * ui, receive Elf* Creara Ea!n CCLU n i.u Scfcmtfic BÄrian. A • *«*<• »ictr li'>»a«ra’M »reU», I arrt»t tir Za.’ tl.'*t| *Ìt’ à', Terw* * * .V w T*rk. AXT «OM .SJ MIXTTX« »owe. MMRäfnäSEBSib .it’-' -«rd J p oonr-ert* • cn ?a: . an - ■ r rií» r o * - - t * -n’der Ca’T « ■ • d f • < ath*ria* ! P o N arrow* •>re. TRIAL SIZE. I1M« Hl Prount* th* Meat * - »MM* . f ’ M • . An* 1» ; at Dnut *t* h» BIT ÄMFTHÄÄ 4 Wmm • • brand figure Ton either hip mark light •