« ■ r *7 V- lillcj ^ b <^X« tongress has adjourned. The little daughter of Mrs R. J. A Robbins is over front Drewsey. We- ks was thrown from a horse last Monday and had her arm dis County court adjourned last HAS THE I.ABGE8T CIRCULATION GF located. Saturday. G , f tiie U. S. —First door north of T imks -H er - Harry Bilger nt the City Dru« ai d office. Store can fit your eyes with glasses. Cervcra has been convinced that The new brewery of L. Woldcn- we haye at least one naval com- l urg will be in wo king order next inander who is devilish Schley. week. Parties can get shingles at Me- Frank Bunyard was shaking Kiney »t Sparrow's saw mill at same hands with his friends in Burns price a« at the shingle mill. this week. A. K. R ichardson . James Brandon and Chas Brit- T. Woldenborg Jr., agent for A- linghmi are up from tho sou’iiern K. Richardson, the shingle man. I rt of the county, hi s thingies on hand at h;s res: Thera will l>o a social hop at deuce in Burns. lie can give you L«v¡.i i : hall Fi; lay evening, m isic prices at the mill, Harney and by Jome»' orchestra. Burns. Wm Hanlev returned from •; !>f.da,-ss trip to Grant county till TWENTY YARDS OF CALICO tire of the week. FOR A DOLLAR, CASH. Ti is is Aer- a «ample of our Fall drive pri best Call a: .1 ex,m in- other go ids ami suit prices for cash.—Mason A L hiuc . ii TTew Arrivals at I he Hawaiian islands arc now a WBBNKSDAT Jl’LY U 18ÍH • _c-v •• --------- Local News. F. M. Jordan is now city marshal. IceCream Soda every Sunday at the City Drugstore. Order your machine extras now. _L S Geer A* Co. Isaac Foster Paid Burns a visit since cur la t issue. Partii s wishing shingles at IL-.r nev call on Seth Bowers & Co. John Gilchrc.st of '.he P. L S Co. ' was in the first of tlio week. J. C. Beatty, foreman cn the ’ White Horse ranch, is in Burns. Henry Long bus gone to M .n- tana with hi« racers, “Wliootcn” and “Dr Marsden”. We will soon have a full lino of nil kind.- of pumps at bottom price.-:. —I. S. Geer ¿c Co. j W. N. J ■ ■ has r. celved a Ln-T—At Locher’s hall July lih,‘ number of Hand Cairn ras. "hieb M. L. Lewi» has dispoied of hi- >ne red s:!k shawl v. i h embr filer— be sells from n Bo- k and Music sturani in connection. M Co. Tnc- Dalles, Oregon,f r prices. the ('.tv Drug Store. ■ vm:r 1. :.d <; : :r! rs v. ! t'Tl R M, Turner, an utt-rm;’ frm.i N. Brown A- Sons are .-iness. Call around and , Mis came in on 1 them. Find out whotheirco'toin- :.: d will locate in Binns. Por'lar.d the j ; the O 1 ors are and you will be c.mvii.ced Ti,e Buckingham Hecht ! o ■' ir.’-t of the w- i-k on v sit. Little: ■bat ll.iv d.-al honorable. fb il i Hellen Fil i-ral.l came h■•me with 1 . -i 1« the beet in the I jood go ds ami sell 11 prices that States. You will find them on 8;'.l ; her will hold your trade a life time. ::t I.'jnaber« & Dalton. TWENTY YARDS OF CALL'D! ilvtner Smith, who was here ! FOR A DOLLAR, CASH. This is on .a visit to I W. Biggs for sever­ a sample of our Fall drive prices' al weeks 1 ist winter,:.» ag tin among i Call an 1 examine other gends and Mr. and Mrs. Adana G‘ orge n:n! us for a few days. ! pri;--.lor i";di.—Mason c.’ Lund n. f uni!;.’ wish to thank th- kind p o ijq Walton and J. IL j pl.: i f Crane Creek, Crow e mp, ,L C. Bib' r oftho Ci'y Dr,;. . yj. ritore has a num'.»' .-r o, dust prool : Lotiman. accompanied by thrir¡ Lawen, IL’.rm y and Burns for t'.i ir v.’a' -hes on l:a;.d jl’.st 11-’ thing fo: fit;di . L-fr M-ndey for .a fi w days Limi asciatane? and sympnlby a’ the death if our Lelevced Mary. tl. ■ hay field and hurvcL. outing in St-in mountains. In our trouble v, : ove:b. kr tin’ :-a -t three weeks. \\ hite Goods, Laces Li' Trink Ycur Health” is riot really what it appears to be under some circumstances, but it is a truth at our Soda Fountain. Our beverages are h. ilth Lever­ ages. Our toda drinks, flavored with pure fruit juices, are exhilar­ ating and invigorating in fatigue at.d depression,while our medicated drinks, mineral waters, etc, arc medicinal agents that tend to cure minor ailments. Embroideries, Ribbons, N eckwear, H osiery, I landkerchiefs, I’nderwear, Parasols, Onr Mail order Department is Prompt. It aids the business man, the lawyer, the doctor, or clergyman, who finds himself tired out and dej res.-ej by mental worries and hot weather. They ail find refresh ment and invigoration in our de­ licious drinks. “Drink your health” at our faun tain The fountain of health. fhe Leading Merchants of Harney County. (Th BRIG STORK. THE LAMI OFFICE Athei a. Ore, ’uno ! Sih. ’08. To the Members of the Oregon solicitation of no person, but be­ i Deb'i-atrnn In Congress, Washing cause I think I u li-rtani reason­ ably well the conihii ms involved ! ton. 1). C. past history c am cti-d with th disposition of the public doma n in tl- country tributary to Re r.cmbor that tc li.iy in large TWENTY YARDS OF CALICO My wife, Lizzie Baker, h'lvir g the Burns Office, as well as to the quan'iti's means to buy cheaper FOR A DOLLAR, CASH. This is left ir. v bed and board, I hereby fact tb.it the rt gionis practimliy than small p'ir-.’hasi ’S. A V N. » . Brown a sample i f cur Fall drive pri-; - notify all persons that I will not undeveloped’ Its resourcas must i‘v Sons buy in large quantities at.d Call and examine other goods at.d bo rc-fp onsiblo for any debts con aw dt the ndv.-.r.tng's of transp ir- arc in a position to sell you g" '! orici a f r cash.—Mason A London traded by her. tation which now sc; m assured. at lower prices than other houses. R. I). B aker . When railroad traversie the J. W Marrow wi.l act as denut.' Dated June 20. lsLS. great < xpar.se of territory lying be to Clerk Crawfnrk for s >me time, W. A. Savage wa3 exan ined by twten the h ad of the S.- .uni the county board last M mday an ! as the r.cw clerk feels that, jhe isiti River, in the Car- ;de ragli’ ami ■ cod of instructions. Mr. Morrow, was adjudge insane. II? wa<- t kr u Slailieur Lake. Snake Rivi r, e.-ib: ing Creek. b.r.vimr h id eight year ’ s ’ ■ xp-rienc< ‘ , to Sa! m by Sheriff McKinnon an ! imtii« and E d . T he T im ,..*-!I erali >:—As Harney and Mali ■ ur issplen.ri ily fitted for that task — •Marion I.ovcll. to which r-ad will be tributary the county news is some what scare»' Heppner Gnz tte. TWENTY YARDS DF CALICO | I send you some items from this I'tuin-ss of a porti.ui of Grai t ami Miss E.- 'ie McKinnon was thrown . , Lake Counties, a r ginn of country FOR A DOLLAR, CASH. This is! corner of the common weal’ll. .from a spring wagon tietwc-' i here nr ¡rly toil ! a sample of our Fall drive pree-. Th ; i. will be a goad crop <>f hay equal in extent we k r.nd h r home ano day ]•:.« of the area of the wh de f lato, an Call and examin? oilier goods ni 'i fr ni Lawen to the lake nrni the .1 fu«tninws fine mer.dow lar i around the already live in thi« frontier country the effi. ient nmnag- nent cf twn -b > ■. : t' it it p t ) < : ■ a f i ■ : lake , hi-fi co'ild I n p -,-ntcd by! and who lire by tbeir presence ther­ experienced saloon men, Liab mit king the »lyanei i f the f< f es S. iith ar.d Geo. Trern-kiss. L ’ ’’ di tai ’ to trióle et I! ; p; ■ r.— taking out a ditch near Burn« and . of civil’zati. n i. t only pi-iii.’e, Iti ppner Gaz-tte. are downhearted and depress d in rnnni: g the water in a south- .••-•'r spirits, give them a call and y. u hut feasible an 1 certain, th-’ ad- th ; ro i I lea li ng The IVndlelon wroh'n n.'lls wil' !y dir’ c ion al will go wav a new min vantages of a local land office, As In nt tins from Rum* to Crane creek. begin operati..r.s firns time Parties wishing to buv a piano month. Two 1 oms are running | that way thousand« of acres <>f good it is now, irany settlers mu t or organ should call at the City and preparations ar. iieing made to sag- land could be turned into grain travel 15') miles to transact bosi Drug Store and ask to be shown s(nrf »kc wlule plant. There will and hay land and make horn»« fo« nea« at such office, To remov th" W i l l tie I »i- They hart through their st.K'k about 40 men and w< men cm ! .1 great number of people. But if iiffice to L-’> Grande just received aver- — fine lot of ni 'r »s p! ved in the w. n>n mill*, au 1 100 th? lake is drained the |«tid rear it tate bis g< ing dot»!;! le that distance Iti - -.-»I • - to me th t th< ' which will bo sold a t prices Wit'll in L ‘h woclen a 1 scouTing c will I 'coti Dine »• wcrlli’ess f r -cy- will <• : I to let! r r it I, than tronb No Their wages will rang-» from 4 r. ach of everybody, '..ike the i lace of «he grasses and I f oven tl m.! at a t > show g.-od.’ i- and tin re wilt be no ab P -r < *. We have five ships In V on f- d for sti ck in wint«r. i Harbor, and t; rmany l»a- the-cm- number, but th • 1 ,‘t ' U'-’tS ours in r.umbrr of gun« and w ig»’’ r « ill n-.>t b<-pr..mo‘ of armor. Eve»» n. I- pf.»"» i. n. Tl • ecu: tr ths German comm.ir. li: g w.ll b' fl Ini ri. y D-wev's friemiiv advice. “K — ’pout A h of the range of my gut—1 «• «:irr will prod to b** a 1 r-r” c sirr» d’oet bv those M arried —Al uj I «fwcofirag« *T r T^ if itO ' •" ’ •T'jT gene ration if.1»? tn k^nw. nr» 1 3? it wa* * parsonage ¡art I to c< ".ing i ito eXi«lM th- hizh '.11.1" If-.lb in of D*I Mr Will Gates, ani Miss Lili 'tiers f!i‘nr a-.! H trnee likes * Í* d M --'H p rt of the c, ■ nt- ’ , i' Beeson. Rev J . C. Templet ’D the fOMtiyn a« ! io¡*s fir the Lili ’oil anel T/*-y eaten m many deck V ri. ci »ting. Ehe haj g. The h: pv c •’ n r -r ’ 1 p i:”W j--- 1 hi’»»' f-r the^egge that they hare fest her g on mth, M y dear S ir :—1 leg have ;l'»e tbo spectfully to ackno ceipt of your ’etter of the 18th im tant, addressed to th- Oregon del-g'ition in Congress, and prot; st­ ing against the eoniolidation of the , Burns Land Otlieu with that of La ■ j Burn«, Oregon. BHENTO » Grondo. .1 .. . t ! . irc< i of I ist ami B, Streets, and keep« li«y 1 have fr qu.ntly visited the i II ti jt till p, Runs a Job Wagon, Takespaiseo- Commissi' ioner of th ■ L md O ill Ct ' and the Secret"! Secret -ir v of ilio Interior, I ■ u • «•> cry J 11 -f I lie C-untrv. Imt li.1 ve not he: ■d f om either of i them that such c )ns.»li‘lation i - I under consideration, I shall, how- ' ever. 1 ling vour letti r tn the atten- tinn f f my calli igne.« a d will join I with th’ in in wluiiv.’ n-’ti-n n a v ‘ I seem rv cessar» in tiie premi » s. I concur with you in ti e opini, n that the Burns Lind Office should ii >t be discontinued, and I am glad ! Contractors ( ft EQ ON. ! - lb. h I, ,t, !, at the 5 .rd in wert Hirns. '. boi-,----- Terms en applieitiur.. All ki»4’ i t INAI, pitoni'’ I.ANI1 OFFIi E AT Bt’llNS, OREGON June 11. iso». N'oilrtj ¡ h henliT tCivin fhnt Ph’lft?'lcr II. tir».* hit« f» •• • untici >.f hiteiitl»»ii to i..ukc il nl Il' ‘ r.fiflfKCi «.V I'« <’f! v er I' c I.HL’I I • «• r.» t» « tr offici« in lini na. <>r«ix«>n, ob -att:a ,i;..!h» <1 .H_. • f .llliv, l*' • thllb rr ill- !«in •. j’iilt »»’ Ion N’o ’ » ■*, fo» 1 L‘ .‘\V'4 of aertioii : , I p.h II H. U<- e»»!•!«•!< witnere h Witter .Mu llo«. <»f i ' di Tif >.viAS JDJES Register. if-rawr sign' d has I ■ ■ n duly a] « liHiiiirtriitor of 11, estati: Moor-, S -. . . ' ITT. I l icks & Biggs , fil b»; -, .' efw»« 1 l.u I .i^Htlyr U.S. «uhi ent Hnns Ore., ‘.si/. J-itn 1'HV'in. Ibi .No. 17, h 4, W , « «i » 1 -I. 4 ai, w! '• |4 ' - o} ! » u ‘: |t n ami < uiti > allot« U» i . m ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, • Otlice at <'anvon City and Bum« t v'!l« I ! ar*l!At j, all S S. W. MILLER, 'M t . k . Ï.VRY PUBLIC, ¿ vj 4 ; i: ■ rr, - »« Notice fe her by girt o to nil j r fl;rl! .f>t til' non? holding , Ri;,t’’ of Pet. r Fr'-ne h. due.»«t( h a- Harury count’. On 2- n. Lv liw required, wi'liii i *!X rnoudh« fr..m th" d.it»» of than Dated tin* I di li 'lav .f lune, 'f J. G H»#’ TH. •¡in L< • r itor. - - Oregon. EL Volp, i - It IAN & >L d i M SURGEON. i! Examinar fur the .il Life Insurance Ce. • bo* rd I i Brick Makersand r The ab.IV lettela •.'.vr us by M. L la a is. Mr ton has th- right ide argument ehnul'l b” The < itiz. is of this iM IN J -> 1 it’"7 i i JEDSEN & PEAKS IN, to have y ,ur li tter stating so el. irlv the rem ,;is why it should h- m:'.m- tainid. I am, I Yorns V, ry truly, tiro W. Mi Ban : !L n. J. B. 11 until.L’-. in, Athena, thegon. r < Í ■ GEO S. WZEMORR, th, w*«k made knee« •« ATTokNCT, ,I> and Or lit k.XS, C. r. Ornee». I •tt<1 ,«J n*’»v. and rtptlv attended W K«ul I