■ Ths Times-Ji sriad. hab t » b LÁBarsT cmbculation AST XBWfcTAPER IN THIS CO’e'NTY. WEDNESDAY Jfl V G l«r* Local News. uh Haying ¡¡as begun ami hands, are scarce. If you wish anything in tha furniture line call on C. A. Byrd. You will find a good supply of — First door north of T ims . s -H er fireworks at the City Drug Store. ai d office. Harry Bilger at ths City Drtt«« 1 he new county court is now in Store can fit your eyes with glasses. session arid is disposing ol the Parties wishing shingles at liar butmesB in an able manner. New Arrivals at nev call on Seth Bower* & Co. Parties can get shingles at Me- Kiuey A Sparrow's s iw mill at same E. B. London and wife left this Yes, it is hot enough to suit us. | morning fur an extended visit to price as at the shingle mill Ice Cream Soda every Sunday a! A. K. R ichardson . Portland and other places. the City Drugstore. Mason & London wish to call tin Freight teams loaded with mer- See the new “ad” of Jensen Aj cha«-dise for N. Brown it Sons attention of their patrons to their Pearson in this issue. Reminant and Cash counter for are arrivinp daily. special bargains.Lr cash. is not really what it appears to be Order vour machine extras now —If you want a piano or organ _ I. S Geer «t Co. Remember that to buy in large under some circumstances, but it if writ" the Jac« bs in Book and Music Mrs. M. R. Biggs is over from Co. The Dalle3, Oregon,for price3. quantities means to buy cheaper a truth at our Soda Fountain. than small purchasers. N. Brown ! Our beverages are health b«-ver.- Prineville on a visit to her parents. Clerk Richardson and Deputy • «t Sons buy in large quantities and ages. Our iod:i drinks, flavored Your attention is called to th« Lrauk I’e.der will take charge of ate in a position to sell you goods with pure fruit juices, .ire exhilar­ new “ad’’of the White Front Bart, that office to day. ating and invigorating in fatigue it lower prices than other houses. in this issue. and depression.while our medicated Those desiring photo work done Mfssers Welcome & Johnson rd- r north of this office a windmill. We have the best on« s 12 years. Geo. Marsden w ill take chin go of: on this earth and cheap too.—I. S. It was g-m riEy understood that the books at the l’-raneh f r the G> r à Co. John Hnntsaker would tak - charge present. G II. Dyer, who work.dat hi- of the O B S’age the 1st. It nor.' f< rces at Santiago reph« d in part as Atk-lor Racine catne in la -t week tra le, carpi ter, li re I -«st 'rear, r -urns out that the former < ontrac fallows: “It is mv duty to say to from Portland. He come t.om timed f.om Woodburn last Sun tor will .til continue. This is y m that this city will not surrend- lay with his fimi!;,' and will m ;ki •w Ironie news to the prop): of this Sumpter on a wheel. i r and that I will inform the fur« ign ¡¡is home in Burns t ¡wo ami county. Mr Williams consuls and inhabitants ot the con A fresh lot of oranges, 1< mons. has given us excellent mail service tents of your n.< ssag«-." W N. Jorgonsi n La« receivfd a candies nr.d nuts just arrived at number of iiaud C.im-ras. which In c.■•isideration of the it «¡nest of | the City Drug Store. ( apt. A. W. Gowan of this p'.-ci he sells from f G to $20. (.’all arid foreign consuls who came to Gen. . C. A. Haines was up from the -ee some of the work done by them has been rrccn’in-t d. d 1 y 0. lit nt » i ' Shafter’s line, he delayed his action ■ il IlFT• Compson and Gov L< rd as cap Narr.a-.v3 this week, lie has com­ Don’t fail to call on Mason A until the next d iy. batteries to bi tain of one of the pletely recovered from his rec nt ' ! 1 !' '■ ■ . - .1 ' London while in town and see their raised in Oregon under the last illness. stock of goods complete in every call made by the president A I Wm. Russel ami wile of Harney The Buckingham & Hecht to 4 line-and the latest novelties. captain Riley is also wanting the Citv stopp'-d in 5 ale Monday on and shoe is the best in the United Hong Kong. July 4 —Th- United All these sotimls of battle in Cuba Race and it has not yet been de­ their wav to Ontario. ¡They will States. You will find them on sale Burns is being n eagniz ■3 Ilia sheep are doing well but to two parties. Mr- Huiitsnker June 30tb, having taken the Lad This Stal'le is lei-it. d on the . re. rid' list and It. Streets, and keeps bay rttii'Es—Callon Mason it Londot. ! «eemed more interested in a little i Geo W. ILi.vis, wlm w is recent- | hud complete arrangements and ex rone I: lands on th ■ way and having on! ; lain on lririi II is competent help. Runs u Job Wagon, Take« pasacli­ while you arc in town and ¿ee tl. -ir , daught-r that was born tin- 14th of p, ctcd to take charge when at the 1 ft men there. The Spanish gov ■ lv appointed rct'sh-r of the I . S. I gers to any pint of the Country. goods ..ml prices. Land Ollico at Burns, is require«! 1 last month. last moment it ' was given to Mr ertior a:..d other officials captured to giv«- an offical bond of $40,IMO, John HiB, of California, a son ol Bargains! Bargains until ion Williams. were brought to Cavite. .Hid we ar«! reliable informed tl it Mrs. G«o. Stanclift, u here on a can't ns"! We can not be under­ Th«! I'nittd States troops com­ some of the leading and most sub visit with relatives Mr. Hill ha«I sold in any line we carry and only Harney Valley Camp W. of W. menced to disembark al Cavite <>ii stantinl citizens «.f Harney colintv | not seen his mother fur twenty s vi i wo it a chance to prove it. C ill installed officers last night, Th« July 1st h:ivc voluntarily come forward years. and ex-.¡ii'ii«.- arid you wi.l purchase install.:1iori was witnessed by th< and oiler« «1 to till th«- bond fori Win. Hanley has from 2500 to your supplies of Mason London families and f.ieiids of the order, Washington, July I—Th«- tcc'e him, without any solicitation of his .'¡000 tans cf hay cut and bunched .iter whic-h th«'evening was spent ttiry of the navy has icccivcd th« part. Thia is a high tribute to All. KINDS OK SHOES AT IKK E-’ in a good, sociable and r.eighborlv following: which be wishes stacked by c i George's Handing, as it C IlK’P tract. Cash or on shares. Cal XEVEa KEEotli: I.Qt AI.ED.—(’¡ill OO manner. Lunch was served and I’lava di l Esto, vi t Hayti, July -I, from his home pcople. Mason n m. a id see him at his ranch. that we sell better goods for lower Club. The following officers were Siboney July l.—The licet under Our old fiiend W. . T. Hill ol The White House Saloon is under < It EGON. mv comninnd oilers th- nation as a Harney was in the city ’ last Wed ; the efficient management cf two prices than any of our competitors installed: I*« Hugh a fore horw experienced saloon nu-n, II. L. Brisco, C f'.; C. W. McClain Fourth of july pre-'nt. thedestruc ne.day and loaded i Ah g- 1 ' t d c.f crickets have Btick ami Lime con lantly on li.nJ, at the yard in west Bums. All kind1 Smith and Gen. Tregaskiss. If you A. I. : J. C Templeton, Escoit tii-fi of the whole i f t’ervi ri’s II <-t. learn with 11 >ur at the V il t Flour been atlenditig the races here. The, are downhearted and depress« d u> of work done.------T< ran »n iippliealior. Notone fscap««l. It attempted ¡ng Mill. Mr. Hill made us a verv spirits, give them a « all and you are traveling n «rthwe. t ami som< Dennis O’Brien, Watch-nan; Geo pleasent visit while here and be- will go way a new man. of them have r.assed through the S. Sizemore, Sentry: I'd Thomas. to escape at 9:30 a m . and at 2 p ' fror- leaving added his mnme to the m. the last ship, the Cri«t «Lal Co Manag.-r. Ivan Delasliment and Mr. Swift western part of town. Ion, had run ashore six ir.il--.M w st A dvoi ate ’ k rapidly increasing list two young men student of the I of Santiago ami let down l.er color­ of Harnr-y county readers —A«ivo- rpiNAt. I-Koor Weidenberg Jr., agent for A I. The Celebration of 0. at Eugene, came in the morn jl.AND OlEII'E AT BERNS, OREGON 'll <■ Infanta Maria Th resa. Oque­ -•ate. ie man. I K. Richardson, the shingle ing of the 4th on tic ir win« is a:.' ndo and Viseeyu w. re fi reed ashore, June II. 1 ] has fhinnies on hand at b’n resi I No’ltr!» I.ert'-r given I’lil’iirth-i II spent the day here. They resumed A more appreciative or patriotic burned and blown up within 20 : dencc in Burns. He can give you I « • ru V h nm 11 led «)«>< i«'^ ot i iiiei ' ‘»’i I«» «.«le fi t h I Notwithstanding tin: report 1. i.ria> .u -.'ii **ti « < t i'i:.. i • on 11 • er cn RED in Burns than that wbi'-h tilled moaning. FRONT BARN, I ’ luton were di stroi « .I within four i im« ■i|,|.,)« nt ion ?■'■> « X, f«»r ' : • ♦'A 1 , of »< • 'I« hi Burns. 1 «4 cows and calves lias f.tlk-ii of , Ip. .-« - K . I E L n-her'r hall last Mond -y to listen ■ Ji«- linn., n a» dihiw V-. •« r (¡raj ‘i’ il H. Ill NTÎNtiTON, m-les of the port. I ajjs , one killed Parties wishing to buy a piano OHIO. «if I ft-vt 't.Ori,., Je.hn V. Bri'l, ¡«re 11 p * 1 ! I • B ire Hitz Mrs. c. W. Jones and family and two wounded «nd <»<■.• r>li«,li"i, <-f hi. ri a. ■ or organ should call at tin* Citj T h ') I H J' » K-, Kegittor had been prepared for our nation’s Mr. Wooley wishes his many The enemy's loss is probably cd to have taken place within the: Drugstore and ask to be shown were the guests of Mr and Mrs birthday. The hall had been nice fri'ti'l in thin county to give hi at week at prices in advance of th«-' thi" week. They John Robinson ,-everal hundred from gun fire, ex They havt through their stock ly decorated with bunting, flag* plosions and drow ning. i < al! when at Huntington. earlier offeiing", »ays the Long p-f.At. 1-101 >r just receiv J av. ry fine lot < f :u .ir,: have recently returned from Itaker •iritl evergreens and over the plat early Cow» with • Miss Frarkie was attending Eag'c. About l.'Jt*) prisoners were tak: I Cicek which will be sold at pti-’cs '-:t:i:r. where I ANDOFI« E AT nritNS, OllEOlN. form where the officers of the day including 1 Admiral Orvera, school. June 4, 1"M. ' calves bhould command a j»«>od ItlttlAT IIICKH, reach of everybody. No tr -.: -at ".as a large j. rtr.iit of Er aid. nt vr.i that .• the ------ fo.'lnwlnr I» hereby I .iVw.. < AH YON < ITY. E»»»». The man killed wag George H. I figure. for the calves alone this J ntintp'l k * »eitler to show goods haw -... f»b -I I tn,»i< •• of hi» - Itifati i >ti N. Brown X' S’ i - are ing the McKinley and a color d picture of i g ni ulk' fluni |»f'Hil hi ft'lppurt of hi» ‘ ! ■ t tn un ! Ellis, chief y i-urnAn <.f the Brooklyn. fall will, no doubt, be sought by th»» Hicks & Biggs krtfl» ’ rr Letnfû t N g »«14 |»r«i ■ 1 will be Orc , — naval liattD nt Manila. “Scoty" Daily was v«ry tiiucb Lusin« ss. Call around anti .-• J »hm< i. I» H»t t S ampson . (Signed) No. •!<", >*>, viz J‘•»■i ba pur« h isers at m t I«.-s than “ to nn J '1 Find out who their costom ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, them, Although we had received news relieved when he found it « til" W » N F/ «, W a t»K'4 ft id for th ■ u ,;. h per head. ers are and y« n will be convinced in the morning of the death of a not be necessary to »¡ '-nd the r. ’n« e th* folio* inte i li< Washington, July I.—The follow '. »’ Ion ’ <>fiie it Canyon City and Burns rraf'ieti«< nv*i Sell number o* «ur brave boys in Cuba Un« V / V* i ' •» -il B: two years as deputy clerk an : that they d« al honorai le ing is tha correspondence of Shafter >o . «II i- Hftpf!!»’ i si» I Graii’ gemi goods and sell nt prices that the p-ople w< n- confident of victory with Win Waters as a partner 1. a.* to the surrend« r of Santiago: TNOH AH J.iMKi life time. S. W. MILLER, in the end. After prayer by Rev purchased the saloon busii «--- 1 ; will hold your trade a I’lava del E-t«-, July 4.—Hon It J. V. Templet n. in which be asked ADMINLSI RASOR H NOTH E Stephens << Richard-« :. I m ' ■’ A small blaze wa* discovered A. Alger, Secretary of War, Wash­ KOTAP.T PUBLIC. proprietors have taken charg’ an 1 under th- floor «f the Mebaff» h«-me the blessings of God for our s l lier TIMBEB I.ANh, A» T ÎI ington D. C , Headquarters Fifth Burns, Oregon. r<»k IM i t oy* R v. G. W Black welcome j will be pleaded to inert their fr. :«■ Notice is hereby given to all per today st-d the alarm given. The Army Corp*, July ■’—The follow t* u Li <1> uFFr< I ! th - people in a pleating speec h. sons holding claims against th« at their place of busims" fire 1 •ddies w«re on hand with tbe ir.g is m v deman«! fur the surrender Prof C. II Leonard th«-n read hose cart in short order, estate of Peter French, deceai engine ana of Santiago: Mr. Tipton. father ofT pion Er had Ixen • stingnished . the Declaration of Independenct to present the same to the uti: but the fire Headquarters < r United Stat ■ of this place, got lost on the de«er fell wed by the oration of lion. G PflYHCIAN et «SURGEON. F irees. Near San Junn River, Cuba, signed at his offi ■ nt the P-rancb. this side of Prii' viEe last wet« with a L-w buckets of water at.d W Hayes. Harm y county, Oregon, verified a- were not needed. , July 3, 1S9S, H •■!!) a tn.—To the while on his way here with sheep their ver vices Mi'!mal Exnmin.r for The exercises wero ii<‘.erspersed , by I iw required, williin six mouths from Southern Oregon. He t k n '■! ito ! I.li. Inaurane. Co. L. Epstein, th" Burr.« Merchant with good patriatic music by the Commanding «¡enernl uf the Span M.wr» or »’• R. * «1)0 i » » • ish furces. Santiago de Cuba. 1*1 r: from the date of thia notice. his horse ami start-d to ¡« •-■ ,r Tai’ r cont< mplates a vi-itt > Port- p ÄF’Onie« at resi June. Burns Band and (fhoir. Dated this 1'»th day of June. '! water about noon on Satt-rl-iv .ran- 1 ml in th» near future. If you I shall be obliged, unless you sur The afternoon program was po t J. G. Hot TH. 2">th and was r ' 1 desire a suit, call and have it made poned until after «upper at which remler, to sbei. Santiago «1« Cuba Administrator. ■ •I !>«« « 1’iea-e inform the citizens of f «reign Friday at ! o’clock pm. 1 he ol . before be gws. Dr. II. Burchtcrf A:«V «ed «'I p«r«< time it waa carrie«! out. »¡Mivr dr»rribed 1« ,«4»»r* r» »*»»■•■ countries and al) women ami chil ger.tltmin is over y- ar: ■ i i t- < ’»tifi» in O A» ufflCv «su ©* iH psr*' i The dance in th" evening w»« sn has Asse«- «r-elect Buchanan of dren that t h- , sb mid leave the had lost his eadd'e and wa* 1 e" TW'iM I« JON entire success, the band bois erm- ey lintel and will lanv.ght l’..e Hsr: city before 10 o’chick tomorrow it >':cneh Hotel Lie to get on his hr • w ’ dnct'-l the affuir in ar. excellent MW be I«-, nos.-- on It «»« hnp-'d morning 11«! kept his ho'?e w. !. • manner. y ho f-i-nd« !1 , >’ be wou'd move Very rr>p- itfully your o’«ediatit im days btf*re turning T«k*n in all it wna success but MEALS 25 CENTS in Bom* dnrina hl« t -rtn < f ffi e. W K. «tiArtr.li. wv servant. GEO S. SIZEMORB, When fiend th - i n ¡Utes fur bowl by tht wesk /«»ary to’ '-o’lbl ami sh- nld have been le'ter Majoi Genera I’ai’id States Army > A PI> V ATIUKNET, exhaust« i an I hM giv We should have made preparation« ft to tr ? Jut or months mads know» •Í R O rsoox . W i! Bt TO 01 CP. t lr pes of l-eit’g I I . -<••-» and Fcal J at an earlier date in order to have , u application. brought L nW by 1« , Nt of «he done thw affair justice. P rapiJly gainint’',l S' \\ lute ( ioods, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Neckwear, Hosiery Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Parasols. Our Mail order Department is Prompt. The Leading Merchants ol Harney County i/ JENSEN & PEARS .’N Brick Makers and Contractors J.C. Wooley DENTIST ' .