Comty Official Paper The B'^wr— ADVERTISING —FOR- Job Tiarney Cotiitiy, 11 ji V Ds D.'l'ilh'.'.l'l'i*' I CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896 MEDIUM Printing BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JUNE 22 189b. Sampson still at ’Um. General Pena and 1000 soldiers ters occurred at daylight Ibis morn- have surrendered at Santa Cruz ing in a small cove west of Merro An Associated Press dispatch of • Similar surtender» have taken place Castle. at La Guna and at Pampanga and The Massachusetts’ steam cutter June 16. says: and Trade-Mark» obtained and all Pat­ Rear Admiral Sampson's ' fleet in each case hardly anybody was entered the cove to make soundings ¡Caveats, ient business conducted for M odcratk Ff SR. O ur O ffice is offositc U.S. P atent O ffice bombarded the batteries at Santia­ killed. It was reported Dewey is and reconnoiter, When well inside ' [and we can secure patent in less time than those [ from Washington. > go de Cuba for the third time at unable to restrain the insurgents the inlet a detachment of Spanish iremote iU«8V«a ' Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- ' We advise, if patentable or.not, free of [ UrtWUT!«.’ daylight this morning. For hours but their conduct is satisfactory. infantry opened fire upon the cutter [tion. (charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. P amfhlet . “ How to Obtain Patents,” with th-- ships pounded the batteries at There is no necessity for interfer­ from a blockhouse. The fire was 'A [cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries1 ' the right and left of the entrance, ence, as no excesses whatever haw vigorously returned by the marines t i sent free. Address, only sparing El Morro, where Lieu been committed. This is partly in the boat and also by marines C.A.SNOW&CO O ff . F a - snt O fficc W ashinstos , o . C I tenant Hobson and his companions due to the nominal assistancj fur- | who were in the New York's cutter which had followed in. The New are imprisoned. The western bat nished the insurgents. Burns- Oregon- . teries, against which the »main as-1 I The latter proposed to form a re­ York’s cutter was hit 10 t'ines and sault was directed, were badly [ public under Anglo-American tutel­ a marine in the cutter of the Mass- wrecked. One was utterly destroy­ age and threaten to visit with severe chusetts had the stock of his rifle Prof. W. IL Fwke. wU. ed. In others many guns were dis penalties the insurgents who have shattered, but by great good luck make« a spoaialtv ot I Epilepsy, has without mounted. At fiist the Spaniards become turncoats, especially in the no one was hit. The Texas opened doubt treated and ear­ ed more cases thaa any replied passionately and wildly, the case of 1’aterno, a prominent fire with her six pounders on hi'l living Physician; hU success is nstnnishiRg. but impotently. Then mest of the native protege of the Spaniards. ' side, and the Vixen steamed right We have heard of easoa ot so years' standing guns were deserted. Not a ship into the cove and peppered the eurad by TO Ilt.oW IT THE I'KKIX. him. Ha I was struck nor a man injured on blockhouse with her rapid fireguns publishes a valuable Victoria, B C.June 18. — The Eventually the Spaniards retreat ­ I the American tide. work on this dis­ steamer Miowcra brought the fol­ ed to the woods and the two steam It is believed the Spanish loss of 1 ease, which I ho sonda lowing from Honolulu, dated June cutters withdrew. .with a life is heavy. large bot­ i will be greatly interested in our new exhibit tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers Admiral Sampson issued orders 8th: The Hawaiian Star of June 3d who ma v send their P. O. and Express addresa. Wo ad vise any one wishing a cure tn nddrosa for the bombardment last night I | publishes the following story re­ cf the Kuh, Nathan & Fischer Co. Suits PruI.W.H.nXXE.r.».,AC«Ur:u»«wT< * -r- m tr in Coffee was served to the men at 3:30 , garding an attempt to blow up the! this season. Purity of fibre, strength of this morning and with the first l. nited States steamer City ot 1 ekin gonian for $2 in advance. weave, careful blending of non-fading blush of dawn the men were called j while that vessel was in port here- colors—and the prices! A ten-strike in “If the report which is in circula­ : quietly to quarters. When the under-selling! I ships got into position it was still I tion today is true. Honolulu came too dark for any firing. The ad- 1 near being the scene of as frightful miral signalled the ships not to fire , . a disaster as that of the Maine, and until the muzzles of the enemy’s 1 in much the same way. The story BI'KN'S. OREGON. g£3 guns in the embrasures could be is told that nothing more nor less, seen liy the gun captains. , than an attempt to blow up the Fifteen minutes later, at 5:25. a Pekin magazine was frustrated just SOLD HERE WITH AN INDIVIDUAL GUARANTEE. m, the New York opened with a I , in time. An enlisted is I All kinds of Machine-extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, broadside from her batteries or the j I said, was caught just in the act of Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. — ■ ■ ■ , T v-—r p--.—-— works to the east entrance of life > iiirianginga fuse connecting’ with ; harbor. All the ships followed in i the magazine. The magazine con­ 1 streaks of flame. The fleet, envel tains 41)0 tons of powder and had 1 oped in smoke, pelted the hills and been guarded closely. The dastard The only •kicked up diit and masonry. it is said, is now under the closest Garden Seeds and Sporting Goods, Gb ' In 15 minutes one western guard and when the Pekin gets out) Tin Shop in HarrtC” Co terv was completely wrecked. The on the high seas will be hanged at rif.LISlIED E>EliY WEDNESDAY 1 Massachusetts tore a gaping hole in I the yard arm. The greatest secrecy [ Give us a call and we will Convince you that we can give better RICHARDSON A STEVENS, P b OFIIIETOIW. 1 the emplacement with a thousand I concerning the ma'ter is being prices than anyone. rU-VSCiurrioN KATES: [ pound projectile and the Texas maintained for fear it would mar ...................... »2.00 1 ?»iie Year ................... dropped a shell into the powder ! the spilit of the present occasion. ............... 1.00 : t UiiAihR ...................... nd Cigars ■ ■7-.' */.#r<® klouihs ■ l'ino Wines. X>iauo ! magazine. The explosion wrought The alleged culprit is said to be — ; terrible havoc. The frame was half Spaniard.” fca FICIAL DI RECTO?. Y ' lifted, the sides were blown out anil STATE—ORE ON I G . W. Mi-Brl'te. 1 I . a shower of debris flew in every A dispatch oil'Santiago, June 17, 1rs «.tors ....................... 1 j^r-Courteous treatment guaranteed. V otr patronage solicitée |Tht ». Tonane. ! direction. Oae timber, carried out via Kingston,June 18 —A hot brush (W. K. Ellis I.OI’.MAN & CI.ENHENEN Props., (. >«çressMiPïi Burns, Oregan. <•. M. Idleman Attorney General.................. of the side of the battery, went turn- between Rome Spanish troops and a . Wm P Lord Jetrotary ot State •* ■ 'bling down the hill. The loss of reconnoitering party in steam cut- Treaaurar • R ’ 1 « Tr.vt ■ Sunt Public la»trnetloii D ’I Ir-'in life must have been great. E urns-Canyon Stage Line Stata Brister K W II Licit» li. . R S. bean. fl. Vegetables of all The batteries on the east of Morro S^r.uelulso. | ¿A*’^™" ! Frest Meat, Race Prom nm. J. A. H alladay , contractor. , | were harder to get at, but the New a lli V UIWETU JvDICI IL DISTRICT. B-ef, Pork.jl A , I kinds when in Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express os 8: Qr]eanR crossed the bows of tho .l.Wl.U.Aje D lI.O.CUrroKV Tiie Burna Jockey Club will give|^,,rn »iltrict Attorney ............ • C. w .l arrian. L-ave Burns Tuesday .Thursday .Saturday,for Canyon City | j; ew York to within 1500 yards off Join: tuprr.enl.tlye (K) O. L. 1 at .'«>«• four days racing, July, 1, 2, 1 and 5 1 Sesso». Butter nnd’tínhí ,G J*iat Senator (R) ..A. V WkJilfi 'shore and played a tattoo with her 1898. and intermedi t >oints, I are io. county — li art : ky : i [long 10 inch rifle hitti-.g them re- FIRST DAY, JI I.Y 1, Bgg". C.P. Rutherford fl Gouaty 4 4 ' .(it). H. Kelley I peatedlv, striking a gun squarely in Clork ............. for ail, purse 4 mile dash free (B) J C. Wel'onu- Troasirar r, t a . McKinnon the muzzle and lifting it off its ♦ 175. I 5 trvv'sr (D) a . J. McKinnon • k«rit *.✓ «*'•-*'*-*' R W'.S. Water, foundation and sending it sweeping A ‘tsessur A mile dash for Harney county ib) w C.Bjrd m L IcUoal iuperintendun1 I M. Daria I somereaultR into the air. B. F. WHITE, Vtcs-PntatoENr isK 1 Hspoetor horses that never run for public HOWARD SEBRSE, PRt‘i5f*T SM inj. A.B.Marks <. «mm kn.o.sri I ' ,P)| Seo. Kasey money purse ♦225. M/ Grive trim et Oetll »IX.ST v. a. laxd orncB: SECOND DAV, Jil.Y 2, W FKOM DEWEY. Ertl.lar Thomas Jone. Ka-'eiroc ............ A.A.C«»1W M/ £ tnile dasli free tor al', purse Washington, June 17.—1 he navy Y -2 x >* y - Are now ready to take your order for a spring suit. Cured Call and see our new SPRING SAMPLES I S. GEER & CO CRESCENT BICYCLES ehe iimrö-Murala The Burns hir Ci;Y MEAT MARKET I® SOCIETIES. STLVA REBEKAH DegreeSo.13 uo«j l.tandt.l Wednesday.« MrFhe.tere K.O. Miau L*oua Zeigler. See. See X A. O. U. W.Burns Lodi». Ko «7 U..u«T.ry-