The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 01, 1898, Image 3

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THE DISTRICT JUDGESHIP. were literally true, it would be only | the State; because the State cannot
a half statement of the truth, which . appeal,and therefore criminal cases,
The people of this District will
UI)fair Thp tfuth of th# maUer
be called upon in a few days to vote
ag >ny Qne who win examine if decided in favor of the defendant,
for a candidate for Circuit Judge the record(1 I)iay fi|)d for hilll9elfi would never be reversed. But that
There is no oflice to be filled at the that there have been 75 casesap­ i' is not the sort of judge the people
coming electian that is of so great pea|ed- of which only 31 have been want.
importance to the people and busi­ reversed or modified.
But even if Mr. Luce’s statements
ness interests in this district asthat
tn order to really understand this were really entitled to any attention,
of Circuit Judge.
matter, it must be remembered that j it will be se..n they are, when prop­
It is to the best interests of the there have been more than 1000 erly understood, so far as there is
people that this otlice be filled by | cgseg
uy tried,
cases aclua
tried, ana
and aeciaea,
decided. > any truth in them, favorable to
someone of known integrity and before Judge Clifford (which in-1 Judge Clifford as a courageous, ¡in­
Morton T)
« ,500
rnn j • ury trials) \ since he 1 has partial and able judge.
ability. Jndffi»
Judge Morton
D. Clifford
Clifford, 1 c v ]ude9
who has filled that oflice for the 1 [ieell on tiie bench, and out of all
The people of the Ninth District
past eight years, and is now a can■ 1 ^ese cases the fact that only 75 1 have a right to feel proud of Judge
didate tor re-election, posesses those : have heen apjH>aled shows one thing Clifford, both as a judge and as a
in an
eminent degree,
- ’j | very conclusively, and that i» Judge man. They have confidence in his
as his great record will show; and 1 Clifford’s fairness and ability as a integrity and should,and we believe
no one who has ever given anv at-| judge; in such a very small number ' will, re elect him by the greatest
tention to the official work of Judge of cases, in proportion Io th<‘ num majority ever given any man in the
Clifford during the time he has been her decided, did the attorneys whe district.
on the bench, or anv one who will tried the cases, and lost, have con )
The following extracts are from
take the time and trouble to ex fidence enough in their being in the
a speech of Hon. Robert Eakin,
amine the record, can either justly right toeven take an appeal.
Judge of the Eighth District, deliv-
or truthfully question his integrity
It is a well known fact that the ered at a meeting of the Bar, in
or deny his ability.
very best and ablest judges are Union county, March 29. 1895, up-
There are a few, who have some
frequently reversed by the Supreme en the retirement of Judge Clifford
special motive, and among them
Court, and the records show the from the old Sixth District:
John C. Luce, who have taken
some time and trouble to circulate number of cases reversed on appeal | “I have practiced before Judge
certain reports derogatory to Judge I ( from this district, are no greater in 1 Clifford ever since he has been up-
Clifford and his work. It is donbt- proportion than appeals from sueh On the bench. I have always found
less remembered by most of the judges as Judge Bean, no v on the him an able Judge. A Judge has
people of this county that some Supreme Bench. Judge Shattuck, to necessarily pass 11pm que-Vione
years ago Mr John C. Luce was of Portland, and Judge L. R on the spur of the moment without
indicted by the Grand Jury of U ebster who was for eight years opportunity for investigation other
Grant County for criminal libel. Judge of the First District, and than is presented to hint by the at-
He was tried before a jury of twelve who is well known throughout the | torneys during the trial. During
men, who protaplly found him State as one of the ablest lawyer all of his years as judge, I think
‘‘guilty as charged.’’ It then lie­ and jurist. These are simple facts Judge Clifford has been reversed
cone th- duty of Judge Clifford to in regard to this matter thatshould as seldom in the supreme < ourt as
any circuit judge. I do not think
pass sentence upon him, which he lie considered by ev> ry voter.
One of the best qualities of a his decisions have been reversed as
did by imposing a fine.
Mr. Luce, of course, was natur­ judge, and one which Judge Clifford often as Judge Snattuck of Port­
ally not pleased with all this, and
eminent degree, is land in proportion to the numbe* of
- * * of S courage
— — — — *1 the courage
_ 1 hie
£ _
cases tried Therefore, I consider
now through what would seem to
conviction». The people want a Judge Clifford an able judge.
be a spirit of anomosity towards a
judge whose integrity and honesty
man for simply doing his duty as
•‘I have always been, satisfied
is a*'0ve reproach, and who is not
an eibcer, is trying to malign Judge
with his decisions; satisfied he de­
afraid to decide a case according *.e
Clifford. It seems almost unnec­
cided according to his best judg­
the law ea he understands it, re­
essary to refer to anything which
ment regardless of friendship for
Mr. Luc* might say, since the mo­ gardless of what any one else may me or the attorney against rae, or
tive is »0 apparent: and yet it may say; and they de not want a man interests or frieidship for the
be well enough, on account of some who will try to shape bis course so clients.”
few others, to notice for a moment a> to gain special favnr of any one
Such remarks as these coming
the principal complaint, or rather It is well understood by many, and
such a man as Hon Robert
assertion, which be makes He
claim« that out of aliout 39 cases investigate, that a circuit judge can Eakin are truly a high compliment
that have been tried before Judge always eave himself from living re­ merit to any man and show how
Cliff >rd. and appealed to the su­ versed in the trial of criminal cases Judge Clifford is regarded by law­
preme court. 31 cases have beer: if he wants to, by always ruling, no yers of ability who have practiced
reversed. This is simply a perver­ matter whvther right or wrong, io before him, when they have occaaion
sion of the truth But even if itJ favor of the defendant and against to express themselves.