Mw 9 County Official Paper SI the Be*t — - FOR - ADVERTISING Jiarney Ccunty, Job MEDIUM Printing;. —du----------------------------------- U1R1LD. FitMbllfhet! life I I: m . • i u ¡sited i BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MAY 1 1893 Will K. King. ’ Ml Massa S Laodoa Burns* Oregon* Are now readv to Call and see our new SPRING Tbit city of ours for a business or pleasure trip, remember that personal appearance figures most SAMPLES prominently. Our K. N. & F. Co. clothing Is noted for Its form-like perfection, elegance and exclusive* ncss —but with the fancy touches In price left out. i honest and industrious in his life, ; SUMMONS—DIVORCE. cenisi, kind and courteous in hie manner, generous and loyal in hie In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore Baker City Deraecraf. eon for ll irney County, friendship, firm and determined in Fred Csi'ipbell, Plf i vs Willian Rufus King, the nominee his purposes, purs and untainted in Minnie Campbell, Def. I for governor of toe peoples demo­ both his private and political life. To Vl>n*>ie C.n>p!*--ll, he *tls*ve nnme I He was th* author of several im ­ def-* il»nt: cratic, silver republican parties in In III** name of the ata e ul * I e«o this state, was born near Walla portant laws now upon the statutes you are h-*rehy reqn!r..i| io ai pe r aii-l Walla. Washington. Oct. 3, lSiU.of hooka of this'etate, notably among answer the complain* fi'eii .e-insl you in the all >ve entitled .ill on or befo e pioneeer parentage and was brought i which is the presant irrigation dis­ the fi'sl dav of ilie next remibir term f trict law distributing the five per the Cirenit Court, i->r If o n»r Cnnm, up on a farm. The rugged life on lowit: .VI *ml*y *he to ll 'lav id May. a frontier farm tei.d-d to develop cent fund among the various coun- 1S9K, and you « ill take uotii-e that if yon the characteristics of honesty, cour­ I ties of the state for road purposes. fail wo to app -ar and .ill wer. for thereof plaint if will take a jiplgiii-nt age. ee'f reliance and strong indi­ He introduced in thv senate the only and decree against von for the irle-f .... -. . - . ( (or in H im plain'itT» cotnplHinl viduality, with which ba was en resolution ever submitted to our y proved | jg ■ For fr'of* a A ilieoliition •« » ••**» —. of f sl.m • _f i _• ■ . _ . vi»: the bond- i-f purposing an matrimony m.trimotiy now existing between legislature purpesing •lowed liy nature and which at the state arly age of th*:ty three, has made amendment to the oonstitulien of plain* iff and defendant, end for the _____ ... .a- .1-, | plaintiffs co«t» and disbnramenta of the *»!i.. one of the foremost young tneu Oregon, providing for direct legisla- 8Ujt. yol, wj]| B|,O tak» notice that'the tion by thppeople He also intro- eervtee of this summon, hv publication within the state of Oregan. . .____________ . , , . >» made by Older of lion VI I) Clif uueed thv first and oaly resolution ford, and that said *»*der was made and He is truly what might be ealkd t i I memorialising congress to recognize «•»•*»! atl'an.von Ci*v Oregon, on the a self made man, for he has carved , ■ the bohgerent rights of tbs Cubans g A. Hern bold. hie wav. piaeticnllv unaidfd and ; Att’y for Plf. ■ and asking for luterveutioa on the .lone, ’*e*. 1 - her less favorable Oregon the people's interest will be ' • .1 . Ature. In every posi­ aafo in Mr King's keeping, and no —Tur T imcs H kkai I> and Or » » *♦ k . : ♦ ih» T ti» a formers Oregonian, whatever his politics, i0'*'*1’ Yor L2 in advance, *»v. ■ J. r:t»s IO » ¡ITJI -uffietont mon- will have cause to feel other than ' - I- . ' *!•>: it col- h: pride io Oregon's youngt's. gov.-: — iegt :.|-1O.< tl !><• .U., «s a pt ivate *•■' z r. or in th > hulls <>f th> senate, I or. lor the State Campaign. Eor campaign purposes The Weekly Capital Journal is offered from now until June 10th in clubs *f five or more at 20 cents each su1* 'fl1', * -I I di.-cus'i»n of *t itu .* flairs, advocacy of people’s reforms, are special fea­ tures. The Journal stand« for free an-*? unlimited coinage and pa p.-r currency, destruction of monop *»lv finance, direct leg »1 it o i it. .-lection of all oilic- . «. • ■ high salaries if i uu w m ..- * for state ami county gov. r.nii circulate a dollar's worth ot Or»g Silver Weekly. Weekly Journal $1 a year. One Cent Daily 25 cents a month, $3 a year. Address, H ofkr R ros .. Salem, Or. Wanted—An Idea Protect your Mean: th»” may bring y«M« wnalitnr* ueyg. Wuthtairum. 1» < for Ibeiy >1 HP g^nd «sOdt >a. ................................................... | the fail, just after the close of the I Brigadier General Beebe of the rtirva M as ng 1 Indian war of 1878, traveled on I national, guard is also mentioned Fin. 9 Win.93. Zdqvovs ad Ci^3- s I horseback alone through what was for the place. tfjFKHAL D1KKCTUMY then largely an uninhabited coun- MATl-OJI x : The camp at Irvington park has • w. NcRride. ' try to Walla Walla, Wash , to at­ been named Camp McKinley in tend school, and when his school honor of the president. ¡wh*K I*".”*' I '^’Courteous treatment guaranteed. Yu* r patronage solicit«. *•» ì r'eMtuea Utoraey »•■•ral M.ldleman term had ended in the spring, re • «»▼•rwisr W tu F Lord I.OUMAN A CI.ENDEN Prop»., Bsrns, Oregon. ’•crelar.f ©f state .4 U Nf'.tcaid turned to Malheur county to again A Phil. .Meischan Guard the Columbia •ot. Plblit ! nut wstioa GM Irwin , take up his duties upon the f* rm, «ai? Friuta.- R W H L*ed«I wher» he remained until 1882. By Eurns-Canyon Stage Line > K ». Bean. ikjifi«» ;«dc»s Washington, April 28.—Il is the • C W»!|tr:.> industry and rigid acouttrny he > r A. M»r< intention or lhe navy di-pnrtment i MIXKT1Í JUDICIAL ■isra.'CT. FresL Mea». earned sufficient m**n»v to take a J. A H ai . i . adat . contractor. J h « xj .................. L» . . M. D. CLiFFekw to htivc one auxiluiv naval vessel' ♦istrici V.i>ruay L. W. i’arriah. I irrrin; U. < Mails and E utern Oregon Exprès» C-*’v Expers course tn college, and uceor*lingly, wîipf m ioiat Ktpiewutatlve R) G. L. Patlerpun . stationed at the month of the Col- Corn B-»f, P* r’ ...A. W.ka*WAA '•ial4«aaur -(K,.. I.-are Burns Tuea.lav.Tbursday,Saturday .for Cnajoa City iti the fall of 1882 he entered the umbia river for its protection, or in ’ State Apri'-ultural College at Cor­ case of necessity. The probabilities ^‘ar O7MTT -AAAI Butter »• and intermedi l mints, Fare #5. ?a«3tr ijj« Rath«rf«rd. vallis. Oregon, where he remain'd ■ lara n K«!l»y rr»*««-».- ; are that no» of the inorehaat v- ssels Egg» C. W«kowt« ■ at schcel for three rears. fa f* »ar L> 1 ifcertf ' which have been negotiated for en ■ (D) i ( Necessity compelled him to again iutiiur Teha«sl inserìatondaat return tothe farm in Malheur coun­ the coast will be used for this pur­ lugpactor i • <■ «Liai«M9'g /bji' ts', where he remained until 1889. pose, or some veasle that can read­ F I ■<»«»5 bk RD O During that year he began a cour»« ily be obuiee4..en the Columbia. [ B1CYC1.ES ilic Jinw-Ttfratd The Burns Ba? Tin Shop in ’larnev Co. CI Y MEAT MARKET SW O *■ the law school of Deuville. Indi- She will probably be armed with ! i»a. griduatlng graduating from there July 1, 1 | six peundero and rapib-firing guns., 1891, with distinction and h»aor. jTb» Oragoa naval reeerve will. ’ 'f Roon after ha opened a 1 la«F ofcc*. in I Pr■* «ibTharaday». À General Banking Business Transacted J OORKETONDXNCB invitto ■*Ri»cv LOB«t wo. rr. i. o o r. . / " • *t Odd r»,Uw. lall.trtry «»tintar ML L..I. X J F. loifier, Seiy C a Why Evrey Man Should Insure SWEEK. ATTORNEY AT LAW i nr rr.t NEW YORK LIFE ■amici fl RIAL W3TATJ tb» World. KOTA SY PtTJI.tO. ORZCOIT Dr. W.L. Marsden. rauem A»» 5ÜFGÎ0N OAeo ReoUeace e • • o e et ORMO* BECAUSE Il h i* over 1137.176 406 in a»*ets and a record of 52 war». <-»r- ii,g all of which lime it ha« steadily incree«»d in »tret gib and pr-spente RE*'A USE von can herrow money f om th» L'em­ pan at 5 p*r cent per annum after yonr Policy ha» I *<«i Wi*ne rears in forte band.-eme majority He wa» maz- -;»!t on !\i-»niher G. 1892, to Miss Myrtle King, of Danville, Indiana f * In k»areb ef a larger field for the practice of in» profc.i-h.n he remav- id to Baker City, Baker county, Otegoa. in the spring of 1893, where ho ha* since lived in the enjoyment of a good law pi act ice and where h" i* esteemed and rerpected by all irrespictive * f party DEALER IS - orc ce , Spaniards did-coosiderablo bl*dy to get al irioed We should begled to of hi the fall of I8*.j:j, Mr. K ng lie f«r them a premium to attempt an cau.e dissatisfiid with the d*.mo- attack on our coast < ratio parti as interpreted by the Cleveland administration and cart hit lot willi tl.e pi »pie's party; and in th- rpring of '91 was nominated by thi people's party for the mi ce of eale »> nat'r for Maih'ur and Baker Counties, lhe democrats nom- The Englirli once found it oa»y ii.sting no one against him, and «as elected l y a majority of 3w0 enough to capture Havana, after a votes over hi» republican opponent. short a»-tg», and we «hall do the While in the Oregon legislature, «aim- if our authorities allow us thcugh in the minority party, he was »ot' recogniiod as a leader of. that party and was its nomine« for t Von eie» have to die to win Tf v»n live 10 IS cr ® eases iresid« nt of the senate Hie aoeo ven can settle vnur polier in any way that beet »site vewr e»p ciatee in that Uidy speak of him a» som stances at the li«»» — for sash Dod-ttp ir.swvw *. awwoiey •* an able debater poseeved of sound i rnS-e’’ *»•»«» judgment, conservative in bis view« BECAUSE C. H. VOEGTLY u J I < ■» fiìl il À*-. Everything 1 Cheap tor Cash. Kentucky Whiskies And Cigars tf Feti fit«. e I.IHS.CLWI*.