Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1898)
M I. TI1 K Wise ita;* Otherwise. .1 C JJVKD LEWIS. NE1V YORK W< Kl.I), When a man «ants to tickle a TURIC’E-A-WEEK EDl'IIoX. gill half to death he insinuates Lliitw.m.V. - - U. ..u-s. that «hen Im is with her he is al- * Thi ' popular ho» = i is lully cquip- ways afraid lie will »ay mort tlnm Io pages a week—IÔ6 papers a year P" I f >r th • comfort of its cu»tom- he intends Io FOB ONE DOLL \R. crs. Good tabi» service. 'The average woman h n an idea !',.'* i '. ’ Meals 25 Cents. that until a m in falls i love, he cept Sund o' Terms for Im-ird by the week or goesai'iund looking into every girl's face with an anxious search month on application. Tiiw Thrie • ,t \\ ' ■ k I. tition of ing look.- New York Press. Two <1> ir» west ef feed stable The y * York '. She: ‘ I w ndef why they ¡il- all “weekly” paper» in size, fre ways apple ‘she’ to a city.-"’ ForíSa.OO -pear an ri -satri quency of pnhli i i. m. ai d the fresh lie: “I suppose because it has near, aecraey riel -n t v ■ t i:> con (HiEG OX. 1:1 KN!?, out'kil l . ” St. Louis Republic. tent». It hn“ all the mtrite < f a FOR A SHORT TIME ONI.*, •Hou do > ou tell the age of a great '6 dailv at th ; price <>f a dol ( ill ].o I" ill in Bum».- lar weekly. Its p I ti d I.civ» is .1 -I ■ I « h Au I h I .1 in i i u, i-ri i no I are 1 K 1 am s prompt, comph-te. we" jrateand im ' lei (he whole of till* Burnii a"- d sgii' lilur il I od 7 mili - »outil parti d a» nil i . ''-r- a ill stiff. l*ini*». Thirty »er »in cultira'iiin. ' Audi I 'll, ro it.lullg lilt- 10'0*1 ll»-n ¡ill* It i?.sg'iin»t th - a. .arp. -s .¡nd I r l.«i Giice I ro;. rty in town. This K' id house ami bant. ’li:lt perfect and tl." p. .-pie. Î rapin' I I* - fl.rcó wry cloiaf for cash a I arguiti mill Un. Husband (angrilv); Do you or ih a. tnllmcnt. It prit .!» th'* t.* ws of aU th“ w o.-id. I N > trouble to »how ¡.rope;ty or give take me for a foul?” h ivinz ■- liftri il :• .rr"s;i in lencc from I plio.M. Wife (soothingly ): “No. John! .il! import. inf fi.-.v a points on the L«U S aud’C in Binale 2'J. Thii We have a nice farm, containing But 1 m.iv he inii .d.eii! ’ Tit Di'-, idillio It • - 1 ¡limit iilustr itim.s --------GIVES THE CHOICE OK------- kuawv a* the .J 5 Keiiyon resici«- 3s i a< ren, two miles n.ut Im * .-1 of stori“;. 1 V : • .-l ithnr-. a v:i pital C. i* • JOHNSON & UO, 1'ioj.riCTSTti Wee Mis- : •■Mamma, nn.y'nt 1 und i* ni a very ¿a ii.d'l ; nci^liburlo Eiif* ne. Oregon, and on the gravel . <■ * * .1* t - m irk t . de- huni'ir ! "id. tie. d diV'liing, good burn take the ; art of a milkmaid a* the pili 11**0 t« 1’ *r 1 liv household and and is f»fT.-rvd wry I jw For c . i J i . T tnd outhouses; good orchard anil fancy ball?'’ WOlll -il*.'i ’.V . .< ii! o! h ! -pc* i; u de it andou’u tnRy the bett bargain BURNS, ■veil teneed. worth $7.<XX>, to trade I j * n . Mamma: ‘-You are too little.” part i. . Î3 , U.Ulilli.ll in! Tust OR EGO tor a »to -k rail' ll in E i torn Oregon \V-> otb- r ti is .ineqimil d news- Wee Miss; ‘ -Well, I < an b- a A .ood rauen 1G0 arre.«, of equal value. p r <i T he '!Tt"s H ehat . h ti GREAT O Fi EGON en Tu.. - hi t’leeL, 7 iu;*-- Nurtli Kdl IG-l iori-.. hay lam). 9 mile' conden.-ed milkmaid.’’ Tit 13 ts i/etlor- ne vi'ar for $2.25. Wires lie vers, aid Cigli?. t. h ■ * i ;>• t'< ■ \ ll-.n'ir — plan- I r Thr iz' sb-o»ip‘io prie • of Father: “X ou’ve b en < Tin • »•!>* ' f i' t,*li ur on ri-ai'iuabl timo He ;th of ll'irn. Tui. | r.iii* if\ i- in good 0 indiliou ami i. t ,e biSl bargain Lo '. Billiard tablet, Pleasant Card Ruum:. etv . <*•. I ad..patii lille. on mt <1. iu /liter rather frequently the t we pupi-1'3 is •io f’l) la ilia Vail *y. Saloli is ! clats in every particular. Experienced l..-.rti tder of late. Are t our intention; eii>u>. Youth: -Yes, iniked: I'm try V ia V ia Mixsd drinks to please the most faitidiou«. ing t<; persuade her to but tile SPOKANE SALT LAKE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER make of «heel I’m agent f*r.'' o ST. PAUL OMAHA Truth. Lewis & Byrd, 2-RANSCONTINENTAL ROUTHS NOB-THEBNSHORTLmE AND A leachea ask a lit'.le b >y tu .pe'.l ‘•rcsp' ie ibilit'..' •■■' c1 1 <■ did. ‘•Now, T< nm . -aal tlu- teacher, “can voll t 11 tue the meaning of tliat big «erd.-’ n, mttm," an>« < • d Tommy ■If I only four I utt ms en my lii'users, and two C.mie off, aii the ri sponiiibility «ould hang on the i.thi-r l\v<>.’ Ti udi BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. GEO. SHELLEY BUHNS Shop opposite th« Brewery >“-.11.1 Y sjwà ujuli .lavas ns jssr iris-» ixsre .-. ; :x : sin -■ LOWEST P.ÂTTS Tu all E .--tern eitler Ot .’I-’.A X -T’m.VMKH!« leave Portland every 5 day s 1-. «j ’tr- « P A I ïf r n are i.* esitili To do Busi ■ ss V'jy hing ¡i got a All w»rk in our lino done neatly and ivitb dispatch, ptrn'vd Givo ua ncall. H litt li2¥9 CTyiijhl’ ïsh want u Sdì Nm 1 I.-.v 'S li iter Cil-,- 3.30 P. j i plii <1 Uî f eoElö Ki ew il. •• ’ 12.»'8 “ •• l’or full detail» cull on the O. R. A- X : ut Baker City. i,r sd- drçsr, lias quit ¡it ’s church ’’ . -i.' -h< liked Arrivi» at Untai.u in 12 Lvuia ■■ Xo 2 . er*. d* 1.1 aves lluro . daily al G:3U r u. A«D KANS IS en Y CHICAGO W. II. IH’RI.BURT, G ;,. Puss Agi nt. P.irtland. Or Subscribe for the A. !.. MOULER, Vit-* President. Faro Ono way $7.50. ‘■Slic <l:d, bui 1lhe other da. « hi-ii she ti'lej li in ve to him that I cr siiti'i «. di a 1 and « ul.l he takc'i si titli fur bu i i.d tII • ch'il V- ni, I nun imi e ■ >i>d 1 ■vr tu say th it ber M.- ter « ed . so li evprvNS. vii bis l ungi allibiti ous ■ ml .-.lili no doubt a « :;rmiT < 1 um wi.iid be S ai b rani' n o ben. il. tu In r.x.unniv Round trip $ 1 ¿».OU. Through freight Two d iv* n itiee at ai.v I* O on I^sa^yJan. 1, ¡858, On AU News Stance. .•< ¿1 3 ?< J* Jt v* J« Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. SILVIU Tilt ISSUE P! 1300. JOHN SAYIR.................................................. Proprietor. I È TI l O ,,:cnt widely sold dnmtal Refei» Book and Polities I Mjuua! pidli bed. $ O^riY TWO S IL » ■ Lra.- L <! r.f '»bn»• <;n left ahouider er leit Mille t . A. l.onnvt’, Crai.e. Ure ’• \V t rv C \ Money the Pncin.c Instrniaent. »TOOK SR? ND’. CLÜD3ÍNG RATES H ALL H LL’LC PAPER* Ciii.iu'lon ani Pro"'»« havo K'pt Shp <1 .h i’.'.nij Suptlj h All Agli. Situated on Silvios river 1 mile East of Burn», uenr th« bridgi /.’ cr;-* , />■ r.t iJt •r///: me al 7). Customers will receive GOOD FLOU F-ì fi ^n ■141 riisr ii, it. it will pay. Good Whent. The Lending Bimetallic l'aper of Anier. T S SenaiorW M. SHJWART. VL’.itor. HED FnOb’T LIVERY STARI I LL ’ On the Corner South of lhe French Hotel, Main Str. <t. *» t* ; $ j ' 1 A correct nccount of the doiu Co»iji,re’» given each neek. A tAiiM-v {taper fur the b. me an« aid* All the important happenings of the week. cvin.’.eiiA'-il, in uewicolutnn« A In ge iu every State am Territory. . TRFF r.KAND COI I MN. H tg ■ brnn ’ on icf» »‘¡«e, raît’r brand hq on Uf <r • n k’n/in e? ,4r I» )!. McMtnaw Bu* i a. rr Tiers hrar I bar n' 1er« ahon der: ( aiti* *.*• r ’< . «»ti •• ft hip a -i iiprer clip un b u •AU T. V ' ’ Burna Ore. Price, SI I’er Avar. tec •*! iu’ »amplt ' ' agenta wann J. Har H” * R lev. v’ • ' Horae bramì ’* left al le. r Published weekly t’y the Silver Knight Publishing Co . W KSHINGTON. M. i’l AIX A Wil 11 \MS Hom.•» b-a T v* nr ip-i“'.>r « are well k imv i n >t »uh h»ri* hut in all the adj ci i t Cennti«» and 1' nv >■ l'u ir hu» n«»» i|u dill ■ itimi» and natural a th - flr« f»r h e» »»p» ’lally ti!» th* .n for Ihv ai odimi YilA’iS TPftDf MtRKS □ t JIGNS CöRVR»G?<T« A ' . wrt<* ’ > ■ t Î ROB A IRVÍNG. Prep. • N?wYork JOHN F. STRA TTON S f jr to cm T¡»IAL S .’.C - , • * a . sh n der 9 Ntiw Laara >ft. Fn-na • -e. • -4’* • • r . ’ ;».h’ bn* nt P'»2 »ml a Rrzxa Sthuil: i;r Band inslniir.fnt} < ; ................... i» »py ky •- n frrv« ■ •- Korte bran 1 har nt on ’eft sb ■ >h!er CaRH rgn t ar na n eft h>p and rHe «'a’hrrtue Mamhall I’ » s«--,»»a.»re. ns e - f 'i \ tn srT’xr > ’I le^ hip II .r• » t ■« «f a*.' : . n !y • g-p la 'f > On t at»’.» brand fl<r; r- ?rtn cbherhlp: mark llgk- er«’p •>.? ea* h ear. • ip lc ra«*h ear, and wttrl «'a left ;avr. Ih ree Lrer <1 figure Ton either hip J. !J. Pm;a.**l.Bunts Ore. Honse brand . .MUNNSC- >”•- i'a»*N'b-a r I i N íií Ó’ t LS « 3JQ I*.20AD few Y«rl Ask yvur ScieMific Jl«c tom í ?. rattle Tat ab. uMer. Cha Bruggis .• »•. THE HKR.ÍI.D DOEJ TUE BEST JOB PB1KTIM, AT I.OWEjf RATIS. on rtgfct «U« Pi pr> it< r» eâkï Limy jHiiE. 1 Von left ai th .¿ur: a.t »rt gm DRUMS. FIFFS. l-íTi’.*- .i. «» I Piccolosond Bard Sup1 A<- ' r JCMN F. V glt.ßlJ.S» 3 & I. - ÎFE TiWS-I SFAIL