City Motel Wise ami Otherwise. BYHD. J C M L L !<'▼!» Fifty million cash— .Mrs. Anna Robertson, Proprietress. TUtllCE A-WEEK EDITION-. A sum that's rarely mated: When Johnnie gets his gun IS p iges a week—15C papers a.year It should be silver plated. Lewis & Byrd, A Special Bargain! FOR OUR The Thricn-a W.T The New York -V -rl 1 a)l“we-l:ly” pare be comforting W« I, ..v. fo I I ■ K' j L i '' r. Bi > j ' * in the M >rrii* ii Ad d'w«iH and the while of the Brown Addiii *n, containir th« moat desirable r«sU«noe properly in# town. Thu* proparly ia off<•>ed very cheap for caah or in Mita!lute hl*. L -11 Sand know« a th« J aud in in .1 ver ii AND THE month on application. on ir' Ihr > '1 ' us west of feed »table fil’t S2.CO per annum to queaey of public: neg«, necracv Rn tents. It ha» a a great |C JTly at tl )€ iar weekly. I:s ; W« prompt, complete, you aiming at.- parti i' as all it» r -ti May: “You wou’dn't think It is against the mi' from her looks that she is one of the people. the newly rich and ha> forc'd her It prints th?) news ofaH the world, wa\ into soviet« .-” having up-ci al correspondence from Old Bov: No; but \ >ti might all important news points on the hr sure of it by the looks of even globe it has brilli mt illus• rations bv créât attth -r-, a capital o'her woman i > the room." I p 01- >m;)iete mark' ts, de- 1 fo I ■ ■' - 1 household nnd hand once mere.” KIRN’S 1 In farm 1 roperty we huv> IGO acre« of good agricultural laud 7 nrilfc» south of Burna Thirty aci't-s in cultivation good house and barn. Title perfect and a I argaiw al $ 1 100. No trouble to show property or give pric«4 .1 ÎS Thu in We have a nice farm, containing * K nyon ro»idenee 385 aercH, two milf*« southwest of • i I-1 • ii"iglib<>rh<><;.'i Eugene. Or /on. and on the gravH -h ’«O!)d ci W' I'ifi.'. fjGTtj 1 arii Mnd ? . 1 ■ ird d Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc. (■■■ Mix'd drink« to ploase tho rr,oet fastidious. AND AND KANS1S CITY. Ilorton: I’d have you t■> knoyv, ir, that my ancestors yvere men of the highest respect ,'>ilily. Nankin: 1 have no dmi t of it: but e\en it tin '.' yvcien’t it yvould be mean to blame them for yyhat h.,| p ■ >e,l y ears after they were To all Eastern cities Of 'EAX I’EAM EUS leave Dortland every 5 da\s foi dead - I . X. Az at Mi.stress: Get dinner toda-. ot e gasoline stove, Bridget. Bridget: "I'lazemum. 1 did try. but th’ stoy e yy int out.” Mistress; “Try ug in, then.” Answer Any Question You may Ask it. Bridget: “Yes mum, but it’s not come back ytt. It yvent out though th’ 1 O' f N. Y. Weekly. Smoking a cigarette the other da v in the north,1 heard a story which, so far as 1 know, is Id lady swept i ie door of a t ai York St n. leaning half wav out the co-npart- t t acfleelivcly :: aki 10 a cig .r- to. anil, after the t-.:.hi >11 of the English sclioolbuv, not cu ing f >r anybody. this a smoking compartment.'" asked the dame with si athing voice. ■ NT, mad­ am." ieplied the b \ pol elv, raising bis c ip, "if yam yy ant .1 smoking compartment y ou yy ill timl one a little loyyerdoyy n Giopedii If you ara in a uositin To do Busi" ss Let P oula knuw it- S'e*iu« r-* M nthh from Portland V tn,I'luniia and lh> ;g Kong; via. Nunlnm t'arih ■ St.-a t ^Inp 1J ». lilt ii 'vtion with \t B & N H Ï2.I úTf íi' ïaa iva lì ta Sell i EÔL' ê . i t. J,? it. For full details call on the O. R X- N. ag-nt, at Baker City, er ad- drcM, W. H HURLBURT, G. r. I’.' » Ar nt. Portland, Or. I., "l'llll R, Vice President. Subscribe lor the j'u. •4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 * t 4 3 Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. most widely sold Aamial Refer* tuce Book and Political Manual pttbltbed. * .at 1 i nt al . . n left «hCB 4^ 0T c V. A. i.onr.eit, « rane,<)»« THE WORLD, .t FREE X». . ~ Xs-ÿAAA. 7>X1 I OIK ' CoUBBI ,G RATES WH ALL H LEADC PAPERS neo wor r//e z » in if. H „¡„ p;fv < Stoic * »■ N RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE On ih» l'»rn»r South of the French 11. X . Sm Fnn:i33. Standard American Ann Oil Ait News VOÏ KSa'.V.«« >JD ISVXk tSSMZXr JÍVNS IN'.RS. 1-. Pulitzer Building, New York, ■s Í )<‘sirin ' - a - led Ven left «ile I I -r rn * i kn> .-ht Pu'- m in «Il t h - (*• iwlie< ai>4 F »wnt I’lieir Inisme»» qmditb mi ui» ami natura tí«« *r i >riM wipeoiallj i'i them for th« avoctiou ■ ta- kMBd k. OB u a t u»j ' ■ A correc* account of Congre <« rtveti each w? \ t tin .lx ;>.ip- t fef til *•<1- A I Vie irUv the we.-k. c >n lense A 1 xrgr circulai» » i Territory > DRUMS. FIFES, Piccolos and Band Supplies. JOHN F. (TRA’TCN r*r- * Askjuur Druggist i oTARRH IO CtNT T*IAL SIZE. •? ' ’ ’*’* \ 0« i Bar « • K’ «H..U i « t . rstll« F »• D n 1 Stf|o ,>r ’l'-’-T, g'pn I hr«* ai.yied Mae ’ d J r >n> es'trd < ■ ••n 'rf' S' ifle F O eth‘> 'rark light »rd wattl either hip ‘«a Ore. Ca’î.a alberi«« IRVING. Prop •»Snhcnh for < I V—- I, TEE mS-hEPAfT