The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 06, 1898, Image 2

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    Fusion torni
glie tlimro-ïuraid.
United in a common oan-e fur tl «• su- j
W .. jS'ESDAT. At tili. <>. o...
J C LI % > M
.11 aoapr
The union of the silver forces
has been successfully accomplished
in this slate, a ticket nominated
and now the fight against the gold
standard is on and will be fought
to a fill sb. The tep iblican press
asserts that the deinoi rats w.ll not
support the ti. ket and urges a
s'riiglit democr.i'ic ticket.
Timi there is some <hs-ati-f.i< -
lion .ve admit. If the union had
not been brought about there
would have be n m .re sfac
ti- n
The union ticket will > -
!’ »
oiint v
(••til p.upoeof pre e vn.iz flif* i-rii»«*—,
pie« of
ve> r rnt-nt bi t e whole fino pl
in f .ci a-« uel aw io ii ri e r •• t<» in».' Hi d
1n¡i n* « (piai tv, un *'*r t » it gov­
ernment, i r till c I. ih - ch , We, thf* , «• 'pl • -
d-inoct4!ic Hii'l h 'I vp ' rr-publican p rtie-
I.f I lie rita’e of
W id dU .ill lOiti’o
dilfen nee, H».d '.ni'i ¿ fot Ilo* | lirpo--
of carrying out th * great nndeiiyinj
piincip «• up- n wide i we a e »I agre 1
do make and present lo ill * pvop « of
the fnllowi’itf d ■< lai at inn ot
thin »Ul
|.n..ei|.irs and to lhe • *rrymg out oi
which We solemnly pledge each and
. every c.ill't d ite up n < ui r.ii il» <1 t¡< k*t
I'liHi — At de ¡i»' d tn nr
1 t <•<» and nur»-
Al I ict-d • »lll.lgr» OÍ nllvur .Hid gold f tile
prei*cnl legal ruth » oi 16 to 1, w i h"in
wailing for th« • ou*en of toreig » n -
tioi h ; arid we 4ic im.i t- r.ib y »»i po-e l
Io ll e pie.*(»nl r* pil diCili i <(d'niii;-»< » H-
lioir in d**.nan lif»».' tl|H i rcloe neiil < t
jíieen- RcííM, «m l ihe iHtni 'g'v r rd 'he
money - i nking po.iot <>( lbw 4 iveruiiieiit
¡•in.»! ba tk-s an | ri's»*n*r<| b
»m y <»•
r, pn
..oy oi ii ic l> e.i-my. ui«d
. I’lrHidcnt V.i-K n ey ; and se *-s vi nitty
I ' d(*Hon>ice tl.a uvoMid u'ti*iii|.l by sad
bill to fd tan lbs count y rn-nciby
opinion, 1. I. Silk
ticket polling even a larger vote
i.i tin-, county th in was polled al
th presidential < k i tion in ’96 for
t aii'i !<ir<*vcr upon th • j» •.<! >t n il ,td
I!. . a i anil Watson.
Wu d- in hi I ;t i a iut . i I moii. v, -aie
Will R King ..ho heads the am* Moni li, ÎMMit'd « y lhe getter d g<»i-
ticket is a mail who has gained a »*rnint*nt only, vi it hum i I h * hi rneniio
oi h mkH of is-oiu, t » l»u a f<1.1 I *4 il le I-
reputation in this county and is der for all del)' h , pn bl »u an I pi Í vat v ; u -
well liked all over Eastci n Oregon. jiju t, ♦ qni ub u and -iliciri.t mean-•
There is no d mb' but that M. dit>li ibilt ion direct io the people lino’
tbu lawlul di-bu erueii b ■ e i,,(. gtyveio-
1). Clifford ailliarrj' this count, löfllt.
for liicuit judge by a handsome
We demur d that the volume of chru-
m ijority, having presided on th latmg im diiitri <a? bp»vdity i to
an Minuunt mi I».lient t > meet tn<* <1 -
bench for a numbv- of year: in an
lUHiitl^ of the b<i-im-''- and poinihit on o.
able .mil impa'ii.d manner.
ihm country, and to le-toiu ti.c ju.-i
E. Hicks Ims the 1 eputati >n of lev. I i;l pi ice* ol laboi ami pioJucl <m
Wc l.»v « r i Ch !•-, 1-1 .l.on
»'id p-i-
living o e of the best l.iw crs in
veni to lhe imiiikf 'li» «I m • c ì Z.I h n
Ei-t. ru Oregon and is v< 1 \ popu <>l iiuy Ini oi • irga
rga - ru 1 i mon» y i«y
!ar in Ci ant c milly.
1 pi i » rii e com r «et
•ne t, i't p<*y-
J. W. .Moi row, our candid ilv i We <1 • manti • he
■ H I uh • it *, o
ment ut ils » bliga
for joint c i o-, is a i es d< nt < t ;
• imi uh to lue kînt
f i ui 11 y nt
Mo r nV countv, a strong r< p ib'.i-1 ¡ w indi lb‘*y ai»* •»
. und a . .1 -
P . <• duu HÜ-
i in cornu \, \ ct he has set Veil srv | I nullnce th« | ir
ei al lei ms ..s i. mil. clci k, w hii Ii ■ I n iiHH¡iati>m-i
I "pl on lo li e
Bho vs his .slrengih and standing | uhll ¿alionn
U e (h*mniid that liiere , ludi lie no
at home.
It is Inrdly necessary to mi n inn hr r í ei,e ol I IIU8-I ."t.Ile« i..tei,’.«!-
I bruì ing bouda
ti in Geo. I), llagey, for joint
We dvtniitid that postal s o i a * b.ihk
repre-enlative, the voters of llii. 1 be r-hibl «h d hy I he jiOVd utnviH i >
count, elected him i <.mmi -sioner ¡ he Mute d pean > f lhe Having» ui ih
1 people and tacili at. OMCilil »fcÜ
two . ears ago and l.ave nr. er h.ul
We déniai d ihe UlCCliU.I lif
cause to regret their action, tie > !
FenaluiM by t'llittCl vole
G.igi-y mH poll l.vo th rds i f ll.c pc-pi«.
We dein.imi the ii.illative ami i eft I-
votes iast at the coming clectioi
litici i;i£i
elidimi •»ysic.ii i>f lavi-in iKmg
• •pilo, il' l'.riii, tucul, -laïc and mi
The Duke <>f V< raguu, w ho w iil mihì lite Minili -*i ni hy tcongrer i « h « 'i i- -i ion.' tot
be rem uibi-i'i il in this countri viM'iV iole • I lin* pcop.v, miti
from bis conn.-ction will) the ■ ime uh ih« na i mal ci n*lituti r
Aniei ic iii tour of the In­ t«avu been aiitcn icd s » «iw lo provide lo
d . i< et le . i l it ion
surra, l.u'nlie, \eii . ago;
Wv con leniti t . d iiijerotn a -d unj i t
ii'ro from his hints that he w.i: th»* bi) <en 1er, i t al« il 'paitmciit •
w il i ig, . i (I s end.i it of Colum kio»ui i»ir.'. .1, to ihc utili).■ ce ul
bus, to «• C< pl a from \mci ; c h poi a io i tri a >t| «ig vg il lutlH • I '
livi.'lli , at.d th pa win . of ih«
¡cans hints that were m-vi r act. il «Hi C.'lll I * <»f 111 Imd li i II » u p
up m is repo; lol as hai ing s.ii.i:, 1
co., i<> rca i » to do « lie
e r». .»U I o ret
a l
"I’rcsid nt M Kml, v doc i o in
• i e ■ . vi s pa M*d
spire m< w ill i outid. m c
ii'iimoiiH oi dit
thinks him«, .f the only stat. sin.m
in the world
IP* is pi on I and
v.ii i, a i I
Il 111 t l ve u.ll ......
w hen in r -.i'itj lie is .in ignorant
Ila 1. . . 3,
•» «
.. Ill ! .
A »•imi I - ;u.«lini, )¿uiidt»l regístra­
t ion la w
A mor»» < quitriid'* tno.le i f ¡ip’>oi!ilni'j
j id pvt • f c|. i ’I ioii
bltimml lavis’o reputili'tho <v| 0»H-
Hou oi ii-li »nip, f’sh u heels and a l ti h-
ing cm io ilo» uutcr-v witiiin Ih - jilri—
dicibili OÍ tilt» h .lie
This column has been leased to
m tubers of the Pt«>p'rs p arty in
this c«»u nt\ and will be < p -i> to
.ill for the purpose of voire ling
anv misstatements ma le in regard
to the count. < r state ticket.
Union I'irkal
Govo-nor—Wrr l R. Kiwo, p .pn Ut, of l aker
f re'ar. of > »» e H. 11 K in vto, illver re-j
piibll an, iff I a c
-ui •• T'eMurer—J. 0.
dem nrr, of
r sefhiut*.
- ii ; o «_■ ’u!'c—'vV. A R am * ey . demccrat
i Y h bbl.
Vt.ria*.- uvntral—J. I. STmY, popurf, of,
W, ii O.
*.:•■ Printer -Clue A. Fifcii, popuiitt, <d t
■ "ar k<> na».
-nper nt< : ■!< ;<’ of Pn’dir Instruction—H. .«•
Lv m » n , p .puds . o. ( fa'ii p
'■ Df.-kH
id D r
f ,'f [> >XAi.r>S.)W
uE ver r» pn'» !r*a .. of Rak« r.
ii<l..''.» 9h D.s'riet—M. D ('LtrFuRf«, «I imiio
ua , Grant.
liiM’rict ki’./ritey —E. ’J i ' K h , de'ti n-nit. Grau1
Sac lii-i-i of r-'pi:i!lza i «a —'. R. Gneuo.
p )pll ih’. ’ : ;t • i:*'!»'.
I.,i it Sc timr- J. W. M.tttnovv, (!c ii<n,rftt, of
\|.,rr ».7.
i.dnt Itep-c-Fe’ita ive— ■ r >. b. II agey . p n •
lit . oi ¡¡¡Him. .
u.^.1 ■'«_/ 3 S
Call and inspe ct our Stock. Sat
•? istnction as to ciua’.itv and price
-2 guaranteed
' hea. P. Rutherford 2
HT-< h
IL A biliare
R. brìi kvva'er t> ill -II"
' '■»«»•■ it si »tier
H. F ( beatbam
T« custirer
7 1.. t I. P
•< ho »1 uperiniet.¿ent
D. I.. Gru» e
J. il.
Usess. r
F. M. Jordan
S. ft. McPhee e;a
J'.: b ’ i. < b of the Fu e and f,‘.»t ata’.'er;:
Burini I P, < ' il. MrFI:»• s, ( . Ro'd ?»*»•«.»a-
Harney—Jeaper Davis, W. Ptvrkrr.
lire <« •■.—A. R. Jvh: ». > i o k Bartlett,
iror 1 --'.Vi.i. .Me itg'imvr-, J. H. Itulio
1 : We bumri I 'he fien and uuliinPe I <oi: :ig:
f nil. »T » ; «1 g •'•! nt th» j ft-Mf nt legal ru i •
I . t.» I, iu'k pe.i ici.; of the u. timi of a :y wihvr
W" -ternnnd th«’ all i-i -itc- ritmi 1 >»»• îrauod
»Ii t» th t • t!.e g« v• ri r « 11 \. i hi.iH ’he ii let
V I Í.» : <>l I »'i kh fl i tllU- i' ' -U
■ '.H.4IH-I.
h • • • :,o i. ►. < '. ■ i..... . ana.I I «• ui
icgti. tender í.»r u.;
*- i» i »lie a:.<l p i
■ Wo i’i*i:.a • -I th i‘ nn < .»rtf a •, or !ti*v rhid!
« ui .tinaie Lgai.ts any iii.mtu ita .c l hy .in-
р. vcí'.-nnü tf.
I Wc opft pe ine IgAiia'ior' f any Iut«ro.-
«il. k' h.»‘" b in ti ce oí pea v.
W" }»-■•• tf;t ai ni . h , ni
< • if. n i n • H* lite
«• in-.n,.
: i;e pap : . re < ..f !;•* I'nil« d
■ W •• m .■ <r an inc.nne tax hk ii mean a •( ■•r:n
ii pm i of : ht 11- ; ■ ¡ii a nc.'’.s*>ar> iw ad mi.liai er
f.t- l e.ii-ral g.o e; umeiit.
7 W»» d«,iiii:.»d ll.C ♦• •• iHitf P. S. .-ciifttorB
by a dirct v »te < f the p •• pic.
We d. 't.a id direct lcglsiaiduti ic amnepra--
I i< ul fwi'in .
We 'ternari«! the rclcinp'l.n) of Oregon f c.-i
tin« a ' «>i;»:.K. un i corrupt luelh ‘is, mid
• le na i ! hou- a c';- i-».'a ■ i •' imi la*h,Ì ,i Ind
in a a a'r; lige it re,rio rn.:-ri la.v.
I): We p'c !'4e onta-’.e» t » retrenchment
с. »u i.- a' «1 a a e »••
reduce thè i do.4e<
t '
ns Miiv
i »
r ■-i
LAIS ¿ iVILLiAMS, Proprittora.
■ , ; piietvrs of this¿ ■ ..nJ comu.u ii'.'is House ara t-xpi riel etti
!;• epvr.« and ili« pio lie is a.-.-unu fiumi «c u m no. a a Un ».
X¿X5“‘Parues desir ■» regular haar.l nro reipr stcj to consult *hi
v. V .
■ apitn’ Jcitiri a!.
-i E. (.'. Ill
r the c in
<3 nom li­
ne <d th. .e
ar Rt i« fa” .
lvgi-1 ilurc
O ll.ivi g
Si no.i Í ,1
a ill im W , onside! a'.i m lo boli up
the legislature and to .- e u e the !
tpn liniment of a mom •\ ba:r to.
tue -en ite
N >t th it 1 u ab ne
of th ■ tnetnbe: s of the house v ho i
1 • ‘aul . .ut w ¡th l"Ren. 1 ’Ut he iva-
i nu mber o( the s'¡ ite s< n a'e
.ii.iu; ' ¡;ig. •mil consorting 1
.. i'.h B .urne and ;mo i and i"Ren ;
at G:3Ur M.
ci that co i upt a i l rev ihttniiiarv L»avvb luiui
load ol Goods as it appeared at ike
i- .is
I nion ITisscnger Depot, Portland.
V >11
Ot »
b 0
n •
2uy your foods from the Largest
firm in Eastern Oregon,
Arrived «H Oulanu in
who buy at the low­
Nu.vit is .i mattcr i.f lus'..ryi
thal |ohn C. il
■ .i (he I
m.imigers of tlu- holilup, objecti-il
lo King as u cinti dite on thè
\\ hell R i ioti i < òli ¡baldi said t'.at he notili! not go lo
that he won' I send
| thè extreme leiigth :h • ti e hold
b ililians Ir. ui Italv to tight th.
up tn in.igi rs v c i t to c-ea'e a
Wc Jc toltici* a <1 e »tiilriU't tin» » it •
Spanish in l uh.i, if the I’, S
vacuici. Kii g *to d i. ill men
w ulti pay the expense«, lie prob nipt iiudcxi inibitili rei'J » ic t t Icgts a-
livc HMM* lb I) ir •«, Hid cllMT¿t» Ina' ih» of pr.n. iplc like Kii cai I anil oth
abl. did not know that \mern r> i ub!icmi p v n , in it
•«•ajvrnu-j*. .1
rrs vv. □ .1 c 1. 1'r
t ’■ - ec Mi ch-
ans enough to drive the Spanish Apoll* O| Oft'h'C, It.lH I rorilu di» i !♦•<!
I a
» I ul I« IS i:tc;l
out ot (. ub i in short older w, r. wat i hirf far i >1
st s-ion of the legsaituic -
of i>i vrriiiu tit
up i'i-<l by
f iii.i hankering for the permis­
condition CXIM
ill ill«» nifìcr» 1.1
have been held to ci a t ;
sion of I ncle S.iin to stai t.
Aitile l enMtir«»r,
e I <• g it ilii.s
i Clini il me isures ¡milpas
more i tian
du .1 ¡.ppiopr a io i
the p»»op!o bv
King’s p si i - w
I he < vidence of < .ere man of »% i !<» -1.11C »r
<1 h d >s : '.e M i fie p i -e
ititi tilgen, e n 11.. le, enti, bei n Pii t for wmit "
» .III t ’ e ■ i> -
We ■.email I I t
ft ulo.i ex i n n.iii a of lhe r ti e-.
in Cuba is tint there is <>n'v Olli* I II « tlh-rlS l»V pl let d
I ii. s .‘I»IV
Mi King w ¡s a c tisirvaliw in
hi I h
waj in nlmh th,- temhle sutfei-
that light
iorm I l»v llb'in.
|,e pet num
............... f ial-m.l ,
I m*icti.-h 44 rail»»
vntlyend. il b. the mti-i v. n 11 p »rm- I |H Pl V" I
' f l* V I.............. I In p< oph ,.(
• ru t» . ( i % »it. n
I S. «.nil in'ei ventin i, but
1 lesiile-it st;|| negotiates.
I'his cut represents our Train
Round trip ilô.Ou.
Fi-e 0 e war *7.5 ).
est prices and in
r.vid r
■e furnish -4 for pas«.,
r* :pr.
BbW F l O'J h í SMV W"1
Situated on ^i!v>s river 1 mile E. •( of fn-ns, the brief"«
Custom jr.s
co?npetitioii and can fill aLL
Good Wheal.
i oprict »r.
I») J l '. » I I V
If the question of whethe- .v .
should « h p Spain or m.ike a
I c '»«’ |>|. deal wuh lie« ami lv.iv ,•
( nb i um'ei tin- *!, t’_, . w
submitted to a vote of tin- p, ,p|r
of lhe U. S. nioie thm thru-
fourths of (hem w. ul.I .o f (. |
w .ir.
Ri-low nr give the number <>f
■ .ite« from rah pr.einet to tin
conviti t ion
«hieb meet m Farn» April 9:
I Curry, I
Burne, II)
Poison Creek 3 Islynil. 2
Silvi,« •>
, H.iri.t-v, 5
I Crane C rek. 2
.•s.iiLlle Butte. 1
Pine Cr.-< k
l> .»«ce • >
The **p tn>h report on the lev»*
Will 11
of ih Ma nr is rot of the slightest \lv. id
inisut in» -, i he tiu'h hiving al Like, J
Pi tn m I. 3.
r< ul. l-r,m st it. .1 |>. cur own Court of I 'qu i .
Non F
i j
(I k p
pati»).i in *»( db ii pa1 tv of i> ;o ib
f T i . ™
more vi»ns rv tue. 1 s ni ‘tivv kJNE ! i ’ • T ....
i» K
m it rtiltv . Ibi VOI Kit
is dir mot c\ pì.ifik <’( th • V 'i.»n
A A .
HE WISE’. 1 IQ i RS AX? cn; \ r $
ij TV !E'
Cid ‘..crrso.i
W iili a» 11<- m
piado in of | m hi*
•u wn w
P "
pa.,n nt »•> »_rm
T ims fc< Business.