A TT h * T’.sHt--- MEDIUM ÄDVERTISING Printing:. ;-irxiEy CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1890. TIMK4. hu aolirh»- . 1.CRN'S. — HARN Y COL NTY, OREGON. MARCH 23 1898 — ———*t- -- l’< >1’1' U k T <.1ÜKVEN-1 Sheriff—No nomination. School Superintendent—Prof. D. I. Grace named by acclamation. ( >11 Weiliiesilriy. ’March Hi. Jud e—Jasper J’aviee; Chas 1*. at ldtirns. < >re. Rutherford. Jasper Davis, 5; C. P. Ruther. MOIlNINll «ES 1< \ ford, 27. Chas. P. Ruthertord The 1‘. i me’»' Party eoun’v con n;i med 1 ION, Are now ready t< take your orde for a spring suit CRESCENTI BICYCLES is a marked dkfere^ce bit their <4 honor br;eh'M vzDrkiULnsh'j, fh’.ab, trimmings, fit r.r.d general tons and these of others thrown toge'oer to sell u cheap.” One is Lon.’ t, (he other dishonrit. Our customers arc eve;lasting customers* It’s the result cf satisfactory dealing, satisfactory prices — w satisfaction I ” You will surely have your measure taken here when ycu colisi lend for a la er period. N’o 2: M veil am’ sec >nd d th it a eommitte o. live be appointed by the chair carried. Jason Bennett, W N. Jorg-nsen, M. Horton R. N. Mill, r, committee. 1: C .mmitlee of three on res ■ a d pl nf.rm e.- rtled. E SPRING SAMPLES. n .\i.non to ¡uijourti cui t led AFTEKNOOX M> I N Convention met nt one o'clock pursuant to adjournment. No. ■!: Motion to allow proxies by delegates of precincts from which they come, carried. : ¿nncs-iur ’ î ' ri a PLATFORM ANI) . DuNNEGAN’, J’ REDOLITI )NS. We, thè commit'ej api/oiotud by ‘.lie I topi^’s Party, do I h rel»y rei ommend thè aduptioii of thè fcìlowing piatto»in: ! : We dentai.<1 thè (ree and nilliuiiteil coin.ige of biiver and gold al thè p v < nt legai ratio of Iti tu 1, indei éndent t»f ’.he a. 'ion cf a y other nailon 2: We (b mariti flint all money f I iu II he i^sued dir?ct'y by thè goverimieiit wilhout ih.* ¡lite»Tontion of binks*a!ii that all money h » insilo*), whetl.er gold, bitter or pai er, f I ih II t>e tuli lo .al ter» ii< r for all UelitB bolli | ubile and pi;- ... ; j SVitllY V.ÌD'.ESDAY ; Iietcrs. t'e CL1SHUKS AND PROPRI:, rr.f». ■/ ■iy . I ióCKIPTION RATE 7na Year ». x Mouths iiiroo Aiuuihs I j^^Courteou* ti dimeni official directory STATE—OREWvN : G W. N< Jirid*.. iThca Tongue. (W. K. t.ili.-i U »a postmen < a ! , I 111 > -itjy Uutioral ......... n tu 1- Le: *J jj.'cfrtur ............ h K Kincaid Jesritary of ¿»lata Phil. Meb'Lan P.«iwrer .......... R O M Irwin li?t. Pa jiie iMtrautiou W H l.ocdH it bat Priflwr y K S. Bra . .> C. Wolverton I ipre^o JnJgc» ) F. A. Mowre NIXEIX JUDICIAL D181R1CT. M. 1). C iuffolo li.-.rlet Ju»,.-................ I’ c. W. Parrib < I’nrt A . -rney O. L. Pattcr«.r.. I s.n. r lherif. .. tssewur • ch».» s-1 neri nt *n'lent I nsptfotor Oil -Hiss'. ».»«:■ WARNET Ü. t«l’.0nr AeaeäTae »YLVA REBEKAH Dtfrrc, No .» Meals every tat and 3«1 Wednesday. Mitt Jennie MrPheatera N • M as i.euoa Yvirler. Ker. sief A. O. Ü. W. Rvrnt Lodge. Ko 47 MteHevery 2d andlthTbarsdays H M Horton, M * j W Sayer. Rtv harney lotçi . no . tt . loop _ • ut')idr«l.>N ilall. c.-err s-r ; • P m. M L N - v J P Xrigier. F- '2T C A- SWEEK, ATTORSE A’ AT LAW, Orerò» prraii? U;.i Llii RS kb IM TATI AU EXT. Vegetables of «1* l'inda 7 ‘1 when in Season. ^ru.An: ... .11 . ........ . Precinct Central C immitteemen: Pine Creek—Sai.i’l Jenkins; Burns—Chas. P. Rutherford; Harney — Robt Drink water; Poison Creek—Mel Fenwick: i r ■ : /¡¡>r 1 Pueblo—.1. G. Hollowav; Crane Creek—David Carey; Saddle Butte — Fred Utley; Curry—N. A. Dibble; Like—John McCoy; Island — <1. Hudspeth; Catknv—--------------- Die.vsey— J T. Moff tt; Happy Va'llcy—J. H. Cornutt Diamond — M. Horton; Silvies— A. Win!' run ier; Wild Horse—Chas. Fields; C. H. VOEGTLY DEALER IN - HARDWARE OriCCK, : Everything Cheap tor Cash. I r Fine Kentucky Whiskies ÖWÜ-L And Cigars Why Evrey Man Should Insure BECAUSE w<- might have dictated p»ace in Cuba long ago, without the firing of a singl • gun, upo-i the term« which lost. No G: Motion to rote on accf p- would hitvd le-en greatly to the ad- 1!. and Would >na and platform vantag-- m ■»pain h< lotion of reso! hare saved her great cost and a» read, carried. N . “■ M'.tion for tvihrs to be '' misery. A moderate but progress­ I P intuì and to proved to nomi­ ive ¡«.crease in ou* military and naval strength, to jotber with de- nate candida’es for office, carr-d. No IrlO Ä’.ltiUCÄrl, •'rsf't r*r**»! »ttor c* «■. ¡ud ». UN’.-naM *»'» 7**r» form e« cr^>««« *r»4 Aid ND J i‘. rr'TNae .; co .-tan ., W l> ik r. Burns District—J-P. C. 11 Me i Frost Meat. I'heeters; c n-ta1 le. Robt Pierson-1 1 >ri wsey and I’ineCreek District — Corn B«ef, Pork ]||;| J 1*. A. R. Johnson; constable, ! Lard, Butter an Jack .'lartleit. . c K IE GOÎ- Dr. W.L. Marsden. CI Y MEAT MARKET ■ ■ domami that no contract, or Alvord—R. F. Claypool. all dix rifiutiate i'gnhi-t any Chairman c! County Central1 IMNUNITION- : molici i-Mii d I• y tue g >v •> iene ut GUN à, I*. Rutherford. Commit: -e: Chas. ' tinore ■l:\Ve e) pose die itsuni.ee of any •Secretary of Committee—Jas. interest beaiing l ond» in limo of p nee. I Bieydss, Mowing Mscl.mis Gan« .»lAL’RINK suor IN CONNECTION. 5: Ite pioicn agnina! ai.y legialati. il M Dalton. Piirns-Canyon Stage Line fer ila- retiri luent ol I he | i| or i - iii i e ir v CHAS. 1>. RUTHERFORD, ,1». rtpa.rud preiaptly and aaliafacterally ef lite Cniled State» Chairman, J. 11. LrxiGAN, li: We favor un ineome t X a. a insana J. A. TT alladay . contraetor. Secretary. i C ir ■ •'. i : . S. M rii* 2 :i 1 E id-rn Oregon Express Co’s Expess of raia iij |>iirt of Iti» levi uno, incessa- rv t > adiuihiater Ilio Fiderai gov er I.— L,.i-.-.’ B irn- Tu'-sl iy.Tbur>d:iy,Saturday,fnr Canyon Citv n.ent Our Atlantic setibord cities have | 7: We d inai d theele. 'i. n of (’. S. I and interaredi t mini«. Fare 5. begun to perct ive that the pasgibil-1 SuuiloiH by a direct vote i f Ilo- I e..|.le, S: We demani! direct legialat.oii in ity of a b'luibard in-nt from the sea is ; »..me pria lu-al fui in. I > I.e regarded in a practical light. 1 tt: Wt eg nfi.iui ring», conimi.-» ou» and f.-iisoH by means of great guns of coi rupi metiiod», ai . t.e .in 1 aie. obvious, however, that trained men I herrby ii.-tim l<-d lo u-e all hunorald-. for the inunipulation of these heavy 1 me ma lo l.riiij m I hiui a f .ir im i luinor A Gcnef ! 3 Jucincss Transacted 1'.,-. ni ia-i ■ of all re..»- n f jrce.'f batteries are quite as requisite us • Vi populista, il-'iiio rat.e imi sii.er lepuh- the guns theuisc’ves. Even if the CC XRESPON'DEMCE INVITED If.-iiu t mlie» ni Ibi» state npo.i thè « ime very imminent danger of a war with + Bl INS, OKJKHfN. First door koulh of Post Ottico. ticket, »irreeit.g npon lire *0100 candì- Spain eh mid p is» away, (bin count- ■ dal.-, each |aity lo he repic'i-meil ly would have be -n the p'-rmam nt ' thereo 1 in proponi ni lo ita voi ng »ti. ug*!i a» iieerly n» p> ». in a'.l -. and io gainer by ri 1-011 of the rff.rt» put • agmenp.r. a p'a'to s i".-;r ihit I •■••id-r it r-y dntv to DCSICNS» / ft.» bottit frrt to ti se of yv'ur r.. !rrv E. I. BEEM4. country excepting the two or three COPYRIGHTS Ao. U* ■ * hi’ *f " * "* •*nt, wr'xx*h,'l C" M AS .luttros', •»»’ ’m» * rtrMrh »nd sntnr principal naval and colonial powers ^rt. X ir«r«b ’ -ts T •»» Inroif «rtl »• ! • It ia one of the Strongest Companie» in the World. f v.' *<»•• :i» »tri. tlf K I>1TA3Y PCSLIÇ Oi«t Surveyor—F. M. Jordon, nam'd Coroner—Dr. S. B MePherters Delegate,, for State Convention — Rolli I'ierson, Geo. Hiigev R N Miller. E L. Beede. 13th District-Justice of Peace: i 'A ni. Montgomery ; constatile: J hi SOCIETIES srrrsT» JtL"j tri Tin Shop in Kornev Co Call and see our new C. U OR EC ON. Al! kind« of Machine extras, Mowing and Heaping Machinery, ventimi el' Harney CnuMy, On g hi Assessor—J- II. I- i£K*n, Byron nut pur.-uaiit lo eail by tiie ehair Terrell, Plow», Bicycle Sundries, etc. man of tt.e central cn.n.-iiHee. 1st vote, Loggin, Hi; T rril), Iti; •Judg“ C. 1*. Ru'hi ’fiid was ebe­ 2nd vote, Loggan. Ili; Terril, 1(5 ti d as chairman of the < oi - '-i t' u Bvron. Terrill withdrew. J. H J H Leggali was chosen as sec Leggati named by acclamation. The only lelarv. Fred Olli v was eli rtt <1 ns Commissioner—A Denio, Robt. Garden aiwed**and Sporting Good». Hsl.int seen tifry Di inkiv titer. No 1; »lotion to v te on fusi -n A 1>. uio, 7 ; Robt Drinkwater,25. or non fusion tor County 1‘ pillisi I >i ink water named . Giv» us a call and w« will Convince you that we can giro better Ticket; standing vote: Iti for, 11 Treasurer—H. E. Cheatham prices than anyone. ¿a t.st. t'.irri-.d for fusion. — IL- named by acclamation Take your selection from the huno’reds cl Spring and Summer styles now shown by vs in the most exclusive, popular and fash­ ionable ar.d textures ever created " THE EIG r.IERCHANT T/iILORS OF CHICAGO Burns Oregon. BURNS. Carr*, f Ilaiiciu it and L N. Olfen, • fetiei ye preparations along the coast, will constitute our ls-«t and < heap t insurance agaiii‘t war. and will 1 in many w.ivs to our 1! advar.’.vg'* —R v:«-.v BECAUSE Il hi» wver t1«7.l7f>-ft'ß in »»»ei» and a record of 52 y»»r». dwi- Ingall which U im R hu ( steadily increased - in »tr.ig'bsi.J ~.i , p- >»P‘ ritv BECAL'ME yon can Ix.rrow money from th. Com- pane at 5 per cent p»r annum, after yonr Polioy ba. k».n three year» in fore- BECAUSE You do not h ive to die to win If ven live 10. 16 nr 20 ▼ wir« yon can nettle vour poi is v in any way that best «oit» '«nr etr- ■ ncea at tho ti me— for ea»h raid op inni nr •.annuity •>» nth.ir '¡•lion*