- _ »*■ T r Seed grain for sal at Lui;ab»rg Gen n in' (i rit class bottom oiii-Ht , sets at 25 y-n/s per pn»-t or p »uiid Jack Craddock and wife ¡ire Yen can’t 9U THE LAROEST CIRCULATION OF over from Silvies. for the f a ;, y new paper IN this county . b ,.IV. GudtLclean seed wheat. Oats and Cat! enr!/.. r.„„ — L S. Heer t Co'.*. Barley afcsLunaberj & Daltons rID»ESDAT MAM II 9 18 8 Luhali-rg A* Dalton have The Whit'; House Saloon is under seed gr$(ii for sale at their pint« of the efficient management of tw. exp-.-rienced saloon men, ling t5N0UN('EME5TS business. ' Smit h a nd G >. Tregaskis», Ify j hi-reby announce myself as a We acknowledge a call from an- downhearted and d epri'SSf d call ar.d y candiilate for the office of Sheriff, Dennis Movían the first of th" week spirits, ;tve the . will g.» a-.vai a n aa ii. Slls:.ct to the actin*’ of the clem- Garden seeds at I. S. Geer A L -i-ic ct u'ot' convention. We have se’*er, st .nr .- ■< < cheap rkhan you can send oli i. r A. J. M c K innon . for ofiico . them. I :l> op.,. -'S o ... 1 bcicl'V announce myself as a —If you want a piano or organ ■ re p..u.mans ma* de-are o;:.c - bv- cmdidatL* for the office of Asses- write the Jacobs m ¡took and Music cause (>«■ the earne-i il:--iiti- ns o! iOl. -ubject to the action of the Co. The Dulles, Oregon,for pric. i our f- i nds. Ynu w.- -.t th - ollii-i-s Pein static countv convention. Mis» Julia Jones came in ».i l.n we wai.t tho money f. i the tm li J. W. B uchanan . O. B. stag * yesterday on a vis t to cation of v-v.ir ann .ineements. 1 hereby announce myself as :t her brother Tims Jones and fanily E. C. Warren traveling r< pres' candidate for the office of Countv Masbn i/London have o 'arge tative of the Portland Cracker Co Clerk, subject to the action of the variety of samples for spr, itti­ and Sweet Candy Ci ’V I’. Col­ republican countv convention, ing whiiih you are inv ci 11 lett of Wadhams .v Co -.nd T. F G. " Y oung . and inspect. Car ig, representing the Canm: g >, hr.vo been Simon L»wis, d tn mi- V \t all a Drut Local N ews. rn« ' is wek. Thcs. tiiitteeii...;i fr-in Lu net. doiue Ed Bulkley is over "rom Silvios. was in Saturday a"' 0it4 anii by ’ ‘letmii. have bren v -:ti g ’ur 'own in the interes. >f tl •e*l> et- wife nnd daughter. —T he T imes H erald and Or.- ■ e compaui“ ’ ji ths I-1 •. ■ > er A goriian for $2 in advance. To >«e desiring pho*, work don ■s do a gold l.'isir cs- vear* and al J ,n ■ I’irie and wife were dmvi should call on J. F. Bovlc. Cal' The boys r. wclcomo visitors a it his tent and see some of liis ' >-n ILirne- vesterd i . utertained their friends an ala a photogra] i.e. with the latest stori s and song*. J. Devine of Alvord, one of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnson, H ire- v county's most popular cat Mrs. J. C. Gar.’ett and son, R. C li. e city yesterday Garrett, are over from Silver Greek Tin«. Rich h’s I’ts-d his .aun t e kings, W6i ».* < from a trip to etur- 'ug tin today. Mrs. Garrett tol l us that dr,- to Mrs. Weeks and Miss W trne rail id —V -e 'Avocate. .), C. was plowin’ but not to say Ti.’ populists ho! I their priinar f Cattle j O’. anything about it. 1 iveAvou i’ today and their convention tie... wa to 11 'an­ your money ‘•T them? Call Burns Mi­ Salmon Hpllies.salt maeki ral, cod market Dr cash i fi.ii, dried Vyirring and smoked John >i blotter, prop. salmon.— Ma's on & London. Wedn--d -y. B i . le, ths pVio'ographer. wishes to inform the public that he will not t ike
  • to $1800. gar.s from $65 up. We can get y< . anything known in the music line Some Ncvel NOW ON SALE. Merchants of Ilarnev County CITY DRUG STORI C'om- Pursuant to call of cbairmun IL e meeting >/'he d. in< .1 a:-i i£. Thompson, »!>■ democratic At eeiit’aI cornmitte» '•¡st Saturday it county cent:- n tteo met in was dtcidi 4 ■ st not to «end oui Burn* oti arch 5th. for delegate« o tie state convention tie purpo- t date to bold The question of u ion the j. i-i'iiai-.i-s nd county conver ir>- truct< d was left for them to decide after tion no'’ \ur 1 -legates tu ..lion, which meet' d. their arrival in Por* . .4 March 23rd. J. W Buchanan, or Joe. ns i. j.-i motion J G. Byrd w a - is generaliv known bv his f- ai« t • d sc-crelarv The c'. .v has anno'.i l-im ; -if a can' stated the jl>j-»ct« • r lessor. for the of " • ( R " called v»tive 'ichanr.ii is ■- i jmmit ci men iolitie.il v iew.«. u worth ' ji-.rn- "'is, " J. ’J’:. i. >nd if nO:T..a*e I «il! bi a 14 F. Ho.. K ctor: D ew-, a ¡nan to side t < .1 Pi -ie t'r -. E. ( ’. Keeney, by . • roxv : To-- Ii E. -r i.. The county chool supei n ADMINISTRATOR’S liarry McClure is home tigniti *br a f«w days. NOTICE NOTICE \t me school election Monday on Richardson was elected school ;irect<-.f for 3 pars, J. II. Loggan •or 1 y -•. in plat ■ of Mrs Tn lor. from the date of this notice. resign d id Mrs. Bower as i’. rk Dated at Burns, Or, Feb. 16, W.l L. B. C ulp . The li e son of J’. dministr -t."- Harry ?.. Tur/ has be- i-V 1 v.i.o v . utiri'l fir for pi .-.H aitón . BUHNS Míi T MARKE! . OHKGON Notice is hereby given to al' per-: lami OFFU*E AT Ei —John Schlotter Propt— FEBRUARY M. His. sous holding claims against the Dealer in all kinds of Meat anti 1 Notice ìb hereby given tint lizzie Th-rn of estate of G. M M ilb-oNso- deesas- I Rilev. Harney C »unt v. <»• ■ . :t lets tlle-l notice I of iiiteiilion to make 1».. <-i . n her tieset l 'nu-l Sausage. Nothing but the very -. nder- 1 ¡ chi ini NT > 7i- for t he I •' b J, • a:'.-l I. cd, to present the sail: N A 1 1 Hill X\V , >\v ,.>-** ’-Th - R 2S E . tief lie » t quality, at prices to suit every b. e 1 as RegiHler uni Receiver I’ S. I.anti (Hire ut signed at Burns, Ori-., Bunin. Or.*g ri», on Saturday, the I'.lth day of if ' ...rnths , body for CASH only. Mat ch, D" - by law required, within s. ;.-yriwaT»-.-*!TTYa ■> Siu* names the follow iO'.ebs h Io p'*ove t)u* c 'in j-let'' irrt gat ion r n I k H until ion of said land. Joshua B.Criiig, Rus. Onr'ett, J.-hn F. Oakerniun, and Frank Dililde, all of lli’ev, <»re’ Tli >M is J ones , lieriRter OFl'ICt: AT l-EBItl-AltY trial will prove satisfaction. lîEHNS OHKÜON. S, 1S9S. t'iiit r.'i ■’ F. wii ( 'diiiity < remili. I.its Notice ib hereby given llnrnt' ¡411:8 Of Rili'V, .......... .................. , ii'ed notice of inlenti »!' to ¡nake d ,"’ I ■ E h 11 EiH i - ioit:i \ ' i :. for lhe the rj-2 i :»s, li lit«! I*'l -. SE1-I. See I'pJ.iS, R 2M 2N E . S. I H ill Oll , RugiNter a* 'I R >< fiver I H’.iri i-, Oregon,un Kri’lHy.in*) lElli ’ • IHN •..i': s for '■ > i ' .1 l>. the week K H-. . ■ . *. I>. M. Ferry’s full lino of fresh JlviOl, Ut: ‘ \ I > V’l ’ H -e Friday, and is shekiti.r I .L H? .. J ones , ilegh : . Iv» r garden seeds at I. S. Geer A Co s or months made known on 'j fri -nd* ■ith hi i rt I -nt has given authority on i call early before tho -««ortmont : i h .'ion. > 1 I i 1.10. W ' for the orgnn’zation of : broken. (). ti I ? ’ V) of Si.,.die tin t ani > i-:, m ¡¡strict emoraong * Tim.-.' Mr. Glass of Cue firm i f Gia- strict ■ SS' P-'ox.. : Cr. -it i . a i. i- ' «outhwest par* of a G. A. REM BOLD, f. At ’.Tifit i ¡a her* by kiv ¡-: i flu the follow I hk i ’-t'-r, of luti Call Prudhomme of Portland was a . meeting « ill be b a-' .j. iriseli; Diurno.,d 1- ■ i | r ’ r h.iH Ilici notier of his lnt< lion | No. 1. ViTOiLNT.Y- AT-I. l\V, .'.e i >t iroof in Riipport of hi-s cliilin.iinti •I nt ha an ing on our e lunty o ii il i an 1 1 ■esidenee of John U it:-. ' or. Island, Geo. W. Ca it Inuit 1 proof will tir iiiinir brfore Hexinrer Ilt'KNS, OllEUON. n . "i k- ;r V . 'n. MR unti Kcrelvt r I' S. I.u ’ «l offiernt Burnii Oregon, | Fin e - > '*' I. A '*»» business me.i this week. Valley. J. F. Hanoi Statui-.ythe lbth inst., for t>D .March 11. I« • ' . viz: Jrhn s. I.uvrrv. I hi •>. nd (.' lyou ( . ii-I N.i. .07 for Ihr >12 sWl I inri -I 2 SEI I lit Buri,.«, Shirk; C .rray, Fuel ilr* I.. purpose of electin’ officers. Sc . 21. Tp 20 s. It :•••> E. tn ' . ' ! i L» R.-:tb-.'ofs S ervices , M auch 13- : ■’ I. . di o ¡ilion lii*; Ijy her amia 1 f VV f.» I’, ' ll! lb* rtt'iiiH the ii|!*it\ Ing wihxHHcs Io pro o' i inti Ah ’A pree: t ■ • i. ERR \T lltl KS, J. W BIGGS. .f Intenti. Itih t te t I'ltloiiH irRhiritre tip-ili nini rul'lva revv»o.v, ' M rs -erno On motion ■ s' chai , Hicks & Biggs . . - ! 1 n: ' Orrgoll ..i -* w i ■ ice of i : i wl* m*i evening,then at Drewsey on Monday Grace W. Reeec and I -Uli, j h-rl ■ i ' THOMAS JONES Regit'cr E lialia ! pointed ♦ ’ f'Bowin’ orni. I. e- rnv ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, a. rn vest • rdnv , L. c. G ro • ini r-» , "<1 ar ' ■ and Tuesday evenings. r dav, Rrv. J. C Tein ton oiliciat- I men ! ) I- I Tl’ p’eßc’ I 1 ,u '-i i ; ’ 1 bo I J. C. T empleton . Office at Canyon City and Burns ma- ied couple ing. The newly Gurr«; previ- ■ I T-INAL PROOF. Kr tie -, asion L. Eostein the Tailor is paying ieft for Brease*,• immediately after Pueblo, ll. L S COU I livoid, i OTÍI ' LAM) OFFi’E AT IH'IINM. DIU.i- i\. a. c- ‘ -r« <.f We join their] R itb-r; \i TT i.aEGL tii ■ highest market prices for coy ote the ceremony, AT m KC oe R do < . : February 10, lv' <. »j» f.ANP .>r wInch cider i O. O ' Notice I h heri'l V ulv« n that tin* f .’|o'-, , hides, tanned or otherwise. Bring m ny ftiends in extendirg cm te for hob 8 vKctt 7th., lStln. On inolio. i «ame I k (tth*i hftp '• ' . 'I« ** of *’!•' and nctii an lie ■8 i., ’ ti» rnuke fiu ¡I lu Riljip >rt <»i hi« < them in before the end of this gratub ti ms. ct delegate' <» I'onip'ai- t linvitig t.ee'i ,-n'ere I nt thut ■tie primari 8 t Kttltl DT.n.f D I •*•■ U« **' ’ ef r 'b li-.isl -ind and She 1- 1 men . i i , v II uiv l.at.'he ’ li, rn« n-l mid Ke*'<*iv Lie l.i-2 El-i. r» »» eh cti'iri P. G. Smi I ,i was tlectcd He timm k i h<* hillov. ing wBthHR'h pr. .«• 1 o’- • P ' hi» rotili did mb rrpid» *nf lip- il hid t r'i’tivm i< h I Primcville last week nnd is again f .‘1 th I • - o-ii ’ director and W V. King r --eb-eted T I i* ft st , ill of, loti'l, viz .' t . V» .Miller.« í lin i iih . <>.«•, s It mue <1» (>K EH. buisy with his dental practice i.e con1’ ..tioi • \\ <>od Hr*r, Dell Dibble, uii'i ( tiry Thornburg, lirNTîNGTGN, inolio 0 liti • «•n. w itI» n vic* to ' i>f Rii* y, Dre. ■mniL clerk. A ten mill t«x wa th - -- ■ r- 'I i. >. ’ IA! J o NE. h . KegÌHt« r. T ie doctor reports roads in a bad ■*n1ry, th * suit! n Bur- on F •ailed to me­ Mr. Wooley wishes his liianv ;iay off indebtedness. 1 bereuyed. —Onta’io N' l- s. h , i l Io »IT i lii- • • : ition b?:-.vean l ore and Prime- h ' Apr: . i 10:30 u. m. lit liirm. friends in this county to give him ing committee was el -ct- t ex­ I iv th-- i’tr .in . v.lc, lnih •nV • f \|»»il, 1H93, Moved atut nrr-,.' 1 that the basis CD Jntcre^t to Hliie-pmen < i call when at Huntington. pert tin e'er.; s I ooi'9 r. ■ >i:i’in i- noii'l mid A M . I n •. fix -I on the Pati id- NOIK l.tll I INAI. SEfTI I'.MENT I 1 >f rcp ’ cs' ’ nt i*t >■> I 3 M. N. Fegtlv is over from th - mdiiio i of tno OIK Ci r viz: 1’ lu lie- <» uly Court 'I the Stilt.-<4 ' -hvylise country this week .«b bing iI - -.itli. II. '' vote cast f-»t John Burnett. Su- G M. Tregaskis will have 2>0 S. W. Hl 1.1.HR, I .IONE«. It'-k-i ’. Or -gun of Hie t <» iitty "f tl ir.-i"V No- . I preme Judge at the 1S!)(> election fine rams in Burns mi or alamt the hands with his many f*-:'”ds OViN'i 1" - 111 r tic,- i.< luTeliy give" >o Anuiti-li IIu-ls-J Parties wishing l»-fh. Ilehjiin n 11'1 1-f'-'Ii. <:■•> '1 Air. F. is h?ie in the interest of a Moved and carrii - that the rep­ first <.f October, him. Erices 111. I p»t Ii. « 'l,«t I'-t* I, • 111* t-i'- t li, V, 111 NOTICE FOB 1’1 BLI ATION nun Burns, - - - Oregon. Tn this issue npp ari the an­ resentation at our c- .¡nty conven­ to buy should call on Montana firm, and will buy cattle W llnibpetli, A nd raw I» It'd on application. jietli, lau,"» It. Il'i-I-i'll'. N.it".' nouncement ot <». W A »ting for the tion tie based upon 8 yet a ’ a if prices are not to high. ' land OFFICB at Il'llNH. OBKOaN. llU'l-|»-tl>. Many E llu-l l-tb. aieli. Lui-y Hml-petli. wulow hii 1 In-n- "ft At the meeting of the renuhl -n office of clerk subject to the act: n nnj'-r fraction th'-r- - • >i.d on- Ff.llRI'AlO' 2 1, lbf:K Milli,tn I) II ii .I k |,'-II i , 'll-'-' a-* -I. amt, r*i <- republican conv.-ntion Mr. , precinct, g .'e-atlarg' fc N otice Notice ia !.. riby given th«t the b'l county central ctmmitte last S.u- I; I < VV. l, 0-11«. (Ina 'I III " make tirai proof in llti'l-retl', Nancy »I...I-»*■•!Ir uti l l.ur»' t.ie position and has been on ing - r ’wo primaries on the 24th of Marc’ ■ accoun’i , ir-pnrt of his claim, and , ¡eCll 1: The apportionment of delegw.- in »nid i lair. ................... ,t chairman of the. Oregon, on March 31. 1893. vix: _ t'1,.,1 in II,ie ' ‘ti 't iv of March lH'.IS £ÄF'Dffice at residence. G eo . .S iiei . i . e . h« Rector. give* them a total representation of He is the p' 1 .him 'b'C'-y. b . M-- lev 'I'' -U'* -*“y "• i ranch this week. Mr, Reader was Creek. 2; Drews- . "”«>'^<1. '• ie Butte 1. Plus f .................... . . • r. n f I n I o r IA >. ,v;..i I-'I I, a' 1O o’. I.... i V M of .ml the follow if’ ,' at Anturio ioti, the .1,4 cultivation of. «aid land viz: ed oft quietlv, uik . in to attend the meeting of the dem­ . <*. Ifr . at l-'ri lidi Iloti 1. 'Li . -*v, •'*; Callow, 1 ; Wild II T. I'ti-lt -'t L N llmd •* ** , ’ 1 ' d l)', i.l Ui.“ C' urt house in Itii-n*. ll’i’ ,f aprii. These calile wire 1 »ted Mayor, J. W Aivoi-I ' P<:< l.lo 1 i on ha* I1".'1| ,.pl>'in'r I I. ail '"'I" ocratic central committee, and the officers ver and IJ. rt Simmon*, al! <4 Narrow-, ■<:. • tiv selected by me a d range II,,. lin e for pUg u|">n, ...»ti, M. H. Br» \ *• * latter on other business. Bert was Biegs; •; i" t> 2’1 months in age. Oregon. —•II :• 'll. i t if ■ ai 1 final ,.".-oui>t *i Hl. R. A. Miller Recorder, D J icon; Til ma » J ones Register All I ernona tiavil’2 olj-.tmn nvnin-l ! to purchase should anxious to gat ba k to the ranch, Pe” STOCK INSPECTOR. na il I ii.il .i' , oi’it tier" * ivlinril "> i,..< LI ' Nominations for delegated lr> • » I Treasurer, W . Y. King -.vith n-e nt an •r ■ -'¡«w stating that they ^ad spring there n|.| , nr and lite tlm -nui» ,,me ion IIARNEV CorXTT, fot e ; 1-tate convention w»>re declare. red c .-nif-ehl -i ». Regi Ch. and f lai-e. and had lie°n plowiug for the past lowing is the vote cast ord°r ar.d the follwing were plac d fnrr vi th aa II. I- 4 al Burn., I. M ! »iivirt. Biggs 87, candidate. Mayor J. At. SOTIC3.-TIMBI K Ct I.Tt ltE. in notnii.afton: H E Thompson. two week* of Marc',, Ih H i>. ¡I AM.t.l . HEPUTIES, ( » W .kifT*. W. N. Jorgensen 54 Conncilmen. Thoma.* Jone*. I,. Wolden'erg Jr., ORKOO*’ ,\ I „ ‘ ti • : * wrr h L'. n » < h j f Nolic, in this issue the an M. H Brenton 74, C. G. Frye H. and W. E Trivch. I Fields, — Andrews, Or. ( ’ M An- * Nomination» son e H : M • *• J ncuncement of our present sheriff. R A. Miller 1U5, B R Witz'li 22. clo-ed. Johnson, - * Brevity, Or. i • i.; c;. ,*i • I Rt l’»Ì ('«.fìiphitll *•»•' ’'U • Morris, — Riley, Or A J. MeKinoe for re decti' n. RaySmith3i; Reorder i.J’ii'-[ Moved and carried that the elec­ V I Mill I II . ‘»y JnuMi4 »“° I tion of t e delegates Ire made . » to I That Mr. McKinon should be re- 'rf i.etwpt’ «on 90. W W. J'.h.iren 52 '.••as ' unanimous. •lee* 1 ♦*> the oflfic« he has so a’ ly urer, W Y. King 103; t . W. Me- •W f • S V. Secretary instructed U. go before < il rt / filled, bia M Ts. R»‘d they are Clintock 34 T n . c . .nty court a ! *ugc»« ‘ th e A total of 143 votes many, are a unit. Hi* efficiency were cast r- ’ * ’■ ,e j,-fiii z phee m Callow preciitei J Uf ¿ I* • Bfl ' ' ’officer»»■ iJ » '. • I » !4 - W , • f MfL .n 4-> ip • i I»«- i-i.ived from D. L Shirk a to t> as an officer has bsen c'-'arlv d- "It, We. ’ io p'ant •«» E tui’ m»it«r |,rou.i'ii\ atu all good « t.l I Un*i or re»id«ncc of 1 hr.e. Wall* a* a mat­ S R j ) E. >n flarneycoun’y Or^iron with nionstrntfd to every v< ter in this or «•rttiinjr* -«-O’ it of entry ; tl »• PAIL I.OCHER. Pmp ■ neg« th" ter of conveni« rce to the voter» of a view to (-i’1 qualified, an- • no wii! wholly ».*K«n'U>L*-a lhe i d psrlie4 » * hereby muamioBe I to a|> ceuntv. and his energt and per- »'Taint »f tb* t wn in a very »alia ' ,,r-,- r. lent,}- • m ! «wM riT**cir»ct I -* »’• • O 3« o i th*» ^w. l» »Hy »•! *r vornneei*’ *h» ma”ercf <■ ‘h < tlnio The name of 'Ir * Na other bu»ine»a coming lefore Ap;i i*»ji. »tl ■ »»’cl >ck K M. t • r • p‘>» ,i ih »or, ■ «" '!* ■’ ■ Br<»r by Ihn 1 factory manie nt • . m Hl I I <.’c IH-k » I». ,o úmouy r T Tt’. i. H i .* ¡ D ar d St. I.ouia . he e n.ttii'.li'i-on motion the n-.»«t- ■ I ' lax -s. an i • specially Lis soi-.i s- •I. the ti. (’.iw bin a triAl. , t-. i:*.” J rnuren- K