•fk»—• ftmty Official Paper -FOB- The ADVERTISING MEDIUM Printing. Jtontsy County, CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1890. BURNS. HARNEY • Wise and Htliiin 1st. Love is like a cold in the In l( m L> ver know you ¡ire geititi it till you can't get rid of it. Are now ready t< 3 y* CI Y MEAT MARKET . l T vi J/h &unrí«-¿inaul ui.Kii aitsas 1 l lit l-lli:l> EVERY WEDNESDAY BYRD1 ITOS. “Ü ,\ ßi.ISliiiKS AND l’BOPBIETOBS. I IdCKll’TlUN RATES: Une Y war SIX Moulhs . Thrive Mun.hfc STATE—OHE ..ON : «. W. M c B b K c . To ( W. ii. Lili» c . M. ¡dieman v. in »- Lord U R Kincaid ...Phil. ’ietFchnn .. GM Irwin W 11 L»e<*8 R K. S. Bean. C. Woiicrtun . z <;. noi.orwn i¿prema Judgus ) F. A. More NIXETII JUDICIAL DiSlttlCT. M.U. CLirroki. district Ja¿ge ................ b C. W. Parrish. 1 • I -Hey - • î > u K »pros un itili vc R) O. L. Pattureun. . .. A. taiiit-Se.iatjr ........... f (R).'. “ ‘ W.Gowaa ’• A. O. Ü. W,Burnt Lodge, Xo. .7 Heetacrory 2d and 4tb Thursdays. II M H..rt..n, M. W J w Sayer, Rec. harniy *>* •r V * * ÍÁLDWELL, ÍD/Uio A Genera' Bar:.?; , L; 'ne'- i:c;;si.'ted CORRESPONDENCE INVITED / Va. Lories. xo. 77. i. o o r. ATTORNEY AT LAW, i- rr-jrlitriAi! ;^ FRISCH & DONNEGKN, ft Mvngt st 1,1 u ■ I I’l >i.E>- i Oa All News Started. jk Jl Fine ct J* 3 2« J» -.•« .< -*• J* Kc:it u ;k'^ Wb ■ -Mer Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. 4F » -,..oU widely fold Ninnoli Refer- fi t Rook and Political Manual pubheM. THE WORLD, * Pulitzer Building, New York. First duoi south of l’oot Oibcc. •> J »1 K AS, >.■». Why Evrcy Man Should Insure z------- IN THE-------- z Money the Pricing Instrumsnt. Proprietors. ♦ c • -i f -r MOOBRATL Fr E« ! Om-v Ie opposite u S P atini Orrict) C, J t ... . . '¡er p it -I.t ia less l.t; J ... Í ...I ■ I. draw. t1"-'... will, 'I; - up » \\ .r I. ' Í' -- <>t J ; " ‘ # S. ».MP.., . t l< ' " Î < ‘ * >•-. 'i P. A'1‘ « •., J C.A.SHOW&OO. J arr F.rtwT O.n'-i w «« h . ncto » i„ ft . World OC» Your patronage solicitée. Li? Paper of Amwic. 4 VAST F.l t rl I Al n in i*' tent 1' BEL I . ,-vrr> CASH - ul scrih -r r , els. ivp t ' •' pr<-mptlj an<< ■ .*ii»t■•vtordlly Sta nd a id American Ann ual. Attorney : ••You sani vou had c tiled to see Miss Billings ami was at the house .it the time the burg­ lary was committed Witness: “Yes, sir.” “Thmi how did ii happ m that when the pr> er dashed into the room ar.d a-iaulted \<>u. y u 'eip <1 through the window ami went horn ■. making no a'tempt ’o defend the lady or give the al n mr’ •‘I thought it was her father.” Life. i»rrffoa. □173 ITS AMMUNITION t l'¿¿ iîll ** The Bums Bar when in Seas"’- a >• at o.ll Fe!r»«s a.tl.eysry Sa-u-Jay Î •< p «. M L. l ew is. N. G. J P. Zeigler, secy 0 A SWEEK, ’ Thcre is a proje t (>•1 fo >t 'll New Je e\ to t ix all bachelors ’ ’ -, $2 a lie id to main- w h > are able, t iii* the exp-n-es of ail ti c old maille. Thev secm to think ail me.i w ho a: e able sli uld g. t mar- 1. Mart I ail a iiidx goat, its tail sort of Lent, and everywhere I that M irv goes the lamb is sure i a ent. I lie - m followed ----------- her - to school one day, which made her hot as lire, for Mary had ridden on her wheel, and Billy ate the Oil City Blizzard. Î^y-Sei'oi.d baud iuelrumci t- t-kiu ii | art ¡at no l.t Dr h. » . C. P. Rutherford. loa-ity j 1 lge H. Kclley r.ark . .. ............. (R). J. C. Welcome freanarar .. . ....... (R) , TA. McKinnon iarverar ......... D A. J. McKinnon «herilT. . .. .(D) W. Waters Assessor ..(KL . . w C.Rjrd ich. mí aurei intendant • -tD) I . M Da . K Stork Inspector A . 15. Marks (Dp i oin .iiiisi.jM jrg Geo. liagey -P Í ................................... ..................... Burns, Oregon. h \ . 11N :. * ¡ H H‘ i N * O \ M ; H4 COUNTY—HARNEY : Register Receiver The foreman told the Irishman It prints the news of a'l the world,1 he could have his choice in the having sp eial correspondence from H. C. LEYENS Prop., tools to work with and he took all important news points on the ulobc It has hrillimt illustrations s iiriesliv eieat author-, a capital humor p.ige, complete marki ts, de- p irtm nts lor il. ■ liousi hold and Fresi Meat, f ct rest an I quie'o ss ■ m w.nk and othirspeei.i de ¡1 .i t im uts ul unusual interest. Corn Reef, Pori te ed a sat d >wn in a .-toi e We offer tl is linequnled new • propiietor of which did notadver- paperat.il Tin: T imes H i ai to Lard. Butter an getherone year for #2 25. The regular shscription price of I'o 1 ere Wevler talk you would . he twe papers is 73 00 imagine lie c<.uld whip one hun- dred Americans, Ind'cations are that lie will have a chance, and t en « shall see. The toung gif! who 1 ml intake he 1 ■. ms remai k. il. ■■ A ■ li i a ’s t' >im_; i • ' i < ie’.I bcL'un o ith me, - OrFIOIAL DIRECTORY i?en.,<>ns f**. Tin rhon in There is a mirtzd ('Merer'? bit-.-ia their “bon.-.r bright” wotlrr.'j.ndJ;-,. i-'.-b, trimmings, fit anil getert' ter ; . fur: ci others thrown together to " c! rag.” One is honest, the oilier dishouert. Oorcuilome^ are everlasting custcrr t.“. It’s tae result of saiis'acte , Jeaii g, s.’t •. -.■■ friccs— “satLI .ctijn I ” You wiil surely have y jur v. measur,: taken here when you SPRING SAMPLES ilrc CRESCENT BICYCLES l LC z S *THEBIG ’ ER ■ IT OF CHICAGO” ? ■ -Tv* » s Cali and see our new The woman who says her hus­ IS pages a week—156 papers a year band never done anything he was FOR ONE DOLLAR. Al! kinds of Machine extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, asham d of. must be a hard o ie to shock. Published every Alt« mate Dav ex­ Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. cept Sumía V- The girl that could keep a s cret —The one that told her Tim Thrico-a Week Edition of! companions that her engagement The New York World is first among was a secret. The onlv ill “we. klv” papers in size, fre- Garden Seeds and Sportine Goods. Tlie man that escaped from the qitencv of publication, and the fresh­ lire with oils a hust'e on urjit ness. acerucy and variety of its con­ Gi’ ” ¡i« ft c ’I ■ n1 WlJ • ;)’ Convince voti Hint wo can ghv ’ctfei have caught cold had it been in tents. It has all the merits et a KI .nd 5e great 16 daily at the pric of a d. 1 price« than anyone, ar weekly. Its political news is I prompt, complete, accurate and ini-1 partial as all its readers will testify. It is against the monoplies and fori the pt ople. aks yw?r relection from the hundreds of Spring and Sumcaer styles now shewn by vs in the most erc’udve, popular and fash- iocable designs aud textures ever created b'jF Burns Oragon A WEEK EDITiuN. A cnrrert necwiat ol Jhe A-r.-r. of Cïo»rv." R*»'"»’'!l * r’-* A f«m,ly ;..p r tort '■* ■ m ■ and f.re- »■•le A 1 «te ImtwUtlt h»pneni»e.ot the we-k. tr>n ' 1. ’» new«eoluojn«. * A lar». rirruleti >" t" *'r'rr Territurjr t fri--. ben’» Et;> ILwtdesce Î. •»»•? R in" T ie» 1 » Thursday.Saturday,fl.r Canycn Ci Fzre 5. ORr.no Y and int«r«i» 1: ’• ”• ’ pu*.,:«h*d w«ei i * Sffvor Knteh* PubibM«* C «? ‘S-% CATARI it a LOCAL DISEASE c 4 4 *» • < and is the result of ecldt nd tudden chmatic chan««- Jtcan bee»»r -a t yn ph.-.»ant rm».,.jy Wi ' *1 »wr-i »>'ird R- fectiy into t i* n *' >«• • L7 a -a.ru. in/ pt' rle VWvf.-- • I P .i t rv r. r. ar.nsiity -.r