ÎI îc (íimrs-Mieraíd. WEDNESDAY. FEBEI’A RY 9. 1M». J6I.U1 LÎXII M*i »f«r G. O. P. now days stands for “Galling Ostenlacious Poverty.” Big “P” now spells poverty in­ stead of prosperity according to the latest version by the laboring 1 lass of the eastern states. 1 The name of McKinly is spok­ en in derision by the cotton mill strikers. They now call him the “advance agent of poverty.” Those republicans who think that the people of this country do not know that a vote against the Teller resolution is the same thing as a vote for the pay ment of bonds in gold only, are fooling them­ selves. The gold pre-s says that “pros­ perity is scared away by talk.” It is not a very substantial pros- perity. Had it been any other than that on paper it would have made itself more manifest in spite of talk. lion for a victory in 1900. In I only one way can this be done, and that is by a compact union in opposition to the trusts, corpora­ tions and money power repre­ sented in the republican party. would rather go down in defeat separately or march to victory un der one banner.—Jacksonville Times. • j»c ->•*■-»•»" TEE NEW STO a E! • ? C • ? R. A. MILLER & CO, u ’ ren roasted . Editor Fitch of the Oregon OREGON. If the majority of the house BURN’. Cijy Industrial Herald publishes represented anything else than H. S. U’Ren’s resignation as the will of Czar Reed, its action chairman of the People’s party Ji-’ against the Teller resolution county centra! committee and tlien would have had more significance gives him a roast. Fitch has been ' i L' if r a staunch supporter of U’ren up ? to tins time. He now says; '¡‘lie gold power in congress In this issue ive publish the res I has decreed that no more states that would elect silver senators ignation of Chairman U’Ren with shall be admitted to the union. a 1 cry long and "rushing” argu-1 GRO ERIE’A PROVISION'S, QUEEN'S« ARE. ST »NEWARK, Arizona, Mew Mexico and Okla­ tnent to sustain his position, and GLASSWARE ROOT.' 4 SHOES, ROPE, TOBACCO, etc homa, all qualified for statehood, through which he evidently ex­ 1 will have to «ait until next con­ pects to swing the committee into ? L gress. when the house will be con­ line and have his resignation de- * » trolled by the_silver men. 1 lined, and his <1 imineering lead- lership endorsed. His resignation It is more the lack of a foreign should be promptly accepted by market for their goods than the 1 he committee. ■Mr. U'Ren lias not been asked | J-gr-Onr Gonds »r» First (’I ”, a’ J »111 bo »old at Prier» a» low aa any competition of southern nulls that » in Harney t'oui.ty W. invito the People to Ex unii.e anr Stock and Prims lo run a fusion campaign. He is has brought about th" reduction J? before Purchasing Elsewh- re Mail orders receive prompt aitmtian. of wages in the N ew England cot­ simply asked to abide by the prin - • ir Jir j’r a»r Jit jg r j»r jsr air j « c Jtr jrr jor . ton mills, and the consequent 1 iple of direct legislation for which strikes. With the tight kind of he has done such valiant service tariff there would be a profitable in the past. No populist has a foreign market for all the surplus 1 right to say wli.it the result of the iï i products of our mill. Foreign ! vote w ill be, and certainly, every countries aie bound to retaliate • I opu>ist should use bis influence a when we have such an antagonis- m every honorable nay until the vole is taken to bring about the tic tariff schedule. . result he believes best, but bull- BURNS, OR.KUON Emperor William proposes to d' z.i ig and domineering and chi- canery are methods which illy be-I inscribe on the rilles of his sol­ Md LAIN ,t WILLIAMS, Proprietor». diers the words “The King’s come a Populist. There is to be' : 2 C V : : A 0 * c Genera! hZerchanuise I. ; ! Cail and inspect our Stock. Sat- ; 2 isfaction as to quality and price j guaranteed. 5 ; ' L ? G w Some of the operatives in the N'ew England mills arc moving to England because they can get “steadier wnik there at higher wages.” They should be appre- neither a fusion nor an anti fusi in last argument.” Tn» proprietors of this large and couitoodious House are experienced hended at once arai put on ti ial (campaign until this question has hotel keepers and th* public is assured good sc.omuiuilatiena. for treason. N. Y. World. The battleship Maine is Laving . been decided by the voters them- a nice quiet time in Havana har­ l selves. This is gold-bug prosperity: L Ren s codicil to his resigna­ bor. but her posi.ion there, never­ “Just imagine that every thing is rties d»»ir g regular board are requested to eonsult the theless, is very much like that of tion is devoted to the Mit11 ceti ve R' ci prix it v lias menial collapse, I. «eked up. of •union or so union,”’ said the been set on the track, but Mr. R thinks lie has been put on the “ile.ul broke,’’charged with per­ committee "All together we can jury and bigamy, and with three win. divided ue shall fall Lrt Us case at too late a day. vengeful lilies on his trail if hi­ refsr this whole matter to the hois JOHN SAYER. .. .. ..Proprietor. li.isn't a decent excise for going in the trenches w ho must do the It was verv ungrateful in crazy . who lias." voting and then abide by tbeir de­ Situated on Si Tin. river 1 mile Fast of Earn», near the bridgi \\ heeling Iron and Steel cision. If they say nialdle of the p.mv to post an immediate reduc­ Tw. widows, each i l.iiming to road* let every nian of us fall in Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR fr^m tion in wages, running from loto be the legitimate anil only, weep hue; if they say •uifion’ let us all, 20 per cent, and 11 demand foi over the ashes of Mining Engin­ ■is one man. go m Io wi„ on t(, Good Wheat m ie work at the cut 1 at i s, on eer Gordon, whs perished, with a line.” But, Nfr. I r(.n fc |rs the very das before ¡'resident tl nd woman, m the Spokane fire ic-ult of direct legislation and pio- McKinley's appettarne at the CCell’ to bolt his party and repudi It was an awful death lie died tn.muf.il linei ’’ banquet in New ate his hi* “ one-plan.; one-pl.m platform" for Volk wheie he bragged on the still, ha 1 he lived, it is more than fear the people haven't sense BURNS. OREGON bettered condition of minufactuie possible that warmer times vet en nigh Io govern themselves. might have been in store foi him. and higher wages (or the em­ He • pcifi tli widiog to 1. ad bi­ ployed. It leaves a loophole foi people but not willing to follow CT* ll "lib"'-in< w re.d n't v >u know He has budded a machine on Pres. < omineut 'flic workmen immediate!, threw whiih he is no v prepirmg to di wn tin ir t< ol.s, and, i»f course, The republican pies’ is oppio, break his own nick, 01 else lie is made some unpleasant remarks briousli using the w.ed "fusion" insiin ere m the unfortunate p< -i- about the I'ing'ei latiti end the and making it a bug ilxxi with ti n lie has t iken ! I 1 either c i’«' eit “advance agent of prospet ity.” which to (ugh enthe timid i ll. he . an be spared as i chairman of union proposed in Oregon is not the Pe .pies pa.tx in V lack mas Oiegon will open the i amp lign fusion m the gener d av. p e 1 county. It i of jsyS, being the lira! 'fate to version of the e 11. i -unit fe I . hold an election, and 'lie tesu't of oppiti ng po! iial parti, * i I Ii of a in ’ av here will have ro uncertain in- the so.ids of odi. e; bu < c > tluen.c throughout the Union. lion of pt op e hai g tin -ame t. < m V The issue is prai tie ally the same object m view made foi the put - fl>< K eveiywherc .is it was in 1896— pose of o' et .'orning .1 common has < eased to be .1 virtue. the .ingle gold standard against enemy. A ’uci twful union of who wi.I repudiate h s own f oth bimetallism Let the sil.er-ie- the silver-reform forces n.-w de- and enile tvor to destroy his fwrm forces do their duty, and pends upon whether unsilti’li pa­ party, invites toe ’