J C li Viti». M I. LEWI?. It doesn't matter how many go to Klondike there wiil be enough left t > run for office. NEW Anna Robtrtsun, Proprietress. Titilli E A-U'EI Wo hav« f 'T salo the followi?!* City j tigbl*«" Klooka in il»- ’I ni- n Ad d’HAR tbo wk»!« of ‘L Bro •« Addili*! c»aM aiag the raaidaaea ’’y 'a 1 • raiarly i» ü i*. vu cr ii iaatilÌHKhts. MANY READERS. D ri whey . This popular h -.:-e is fully «<|uip- ped for the comfort of its custom- FOR ONE DOLLAR. The United Slates is still send mg 1 eiief supplies to the stai ving Published every Ab Da* cent Stu i Cuban pacifico*. IH RN-», Ol’R FOR O b E< o N. Louisian a lits decided to hold a constitutional convention to re­ I ' pages a wc ck— vise her constitution. Lewis à Byrd, A Spedai Bargain? Arewsey ££otel YORK G< od table service. ¡>rs. Meals -5 < ’ont*. AND TIIK Terms tor board by th« week or The snow anil ice locomotives for Ala ka are to be built at Port­ The Thriee-a \V- land and shipped from that port. The New York Vv'ur! 5' o reindeer are now enroute all “weekly" pap' from N' rwa» for the Klondike to ijuency of publicati- OREGON. be used 1 y the g vermut nt relief ne«», neernev and ■ tent*. It he* ; expedition. gre it daily at ' ’ wty in Bui j ^. The goveinar of Kentucky iar iv.i'kly. Its p o 1o' »eres made sure that his message ’»oiild prompt, complete. miles »'Hill. be ' end v lien he lent it to the u .rtiul as all its r lit* V the [[ is azainst the i . month on application. iff'Tiro do rs west of feed stable. FOR A SHORT TIME ONI.*, < No Irouhl« to »ki>w pr»ji ecret r ë'-‘ prie*... kill ¿4*1 « Bi' • *» W l. -e a ni fariu, coni an. alles, tuo tulle» southwest of Eugene, ( >r« gon, nd on tho gravel ia a|' i« gain in and outhouses; good orchard and nell fenr eil, i.i.rth $7.01)0, lo traile U V R for a st(ir.k‘ran< ii in E istern Ori gon A mod ranch contain.ng ISO arrei, of eipial vaine. »«•»»a. th J *' K in( r ' I ' . . ■ ■« it n. u rrry do' istUi in. : jlilnji I'" 1 un Poitori (’i«rk, 7 mile* North Etn*l IGOacre» pomi hav land, 9 mile* kanwn «« «h- A. Heuitirea plier, b r donili id l’iirns This proderlv i» ili .*!>, I., w fi r ». 4i or ou I < a« ou «bl* mao peiel e >> «lit¡.in and ii t'.e le -t b.u . aie I a«i>j>H»f aU the world, 11 prints tho n> w a v : having special c -pondeuce from points on the have ail important m globe, It ha* bn! : ant illustrations storiai) by great anti, r-, a cnpitcl humor page, eouipb't * mark ts, de- Cub. I part me : ts for the household and women ’s t rk and other si i'eial de auton- partine R it the iinr'i'i 'd' <1 n*ws- o the T ia .’ ks 11 f.KAI t> to- C W. JOHNSON 1 >»r nertb > f I’ri- k Sion . . de. lie knew a clerk ul Yuk ■ . 1 g,,! 1 tt h 1 i i ir ■ i ! le « in e. b. ■ .. iioi 1 log oil l 11 \ -t.ils th It l.idll't 1 after the t :k rk got countri , He said a man fall i ff the r. SPOKANE i Ml LAKI MINNEAPOLIS DENVER ST. PAIT. OMAII Y A.xn ASP x-.BO Vol’ VX'.iWA 'I CHICAGO K ANSfS CITY I FRONT LIVERY ■ ■ M ‘ ■ .B . •.» ' er _ • >. I urta u.-e R ». t» * le i ▼ oft lift r •• litri» ur*s••• THE Iill AI.D LOIS - <>• *i«**. vile On th” Cerner Bmith of tbo Freu M Hotel, Main Street TMK BEST JOB PIINTINU .AT LOW MT RATCI Propreitors I MS A Wil I.IAM-s The proprietor* aro well known not onlv h*re blit in all th ■ n ’i Ca lali*« and ramna Their busin»»» .pialilli'iition* an i nati *. en ;'»• -h< •»• «• P»'. <'■!' fits t > in I-' tl.’1 .i' ion r. rattle y P.O. î aw en ur • -•• . 1 nut ' - • ■‘»»•«•l.tT, •0 < <‘ì *-«. o I »ent tree. AJ HI — O.A.SNOWèCO.1 Or* RartuT 0» f -t Wann««• ■.row VVtMbtV«» %«»* »•-*%***- IRVING. HOBT WAÎ3 »rRHKT, .. tl IRNLV •• ’» MrLtTÛ u», ni watu > • * vie t'Mî « • » 9 O'” Prop o 4> B « «# HE TIMSS-HEF ¿LD.