Times-Jieralcl. Sheep are selling at Benton county. $3 50 ir. I. S. Geer & Co. have about com­ pleted the moving of the saw mill Receiver Cowing is still eonfined machinery. Frank Matney and H. HAS TUB UIMMT circulation or B. Mace done the hauling. to the house. any nxwbpafer in this county . The Huntington Herald says Mrs. \V. L. Marsden is in Can­ there will lie a railroad built down yon visiting relatives. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY ». I’M. the Snake riuer from Huntington E. C. Buckley, of Silvier was ii to a point 10 miles below to con­ Local News. our town the first ot th week. nect with boats plying to Ballard’s Herman Lauen has sold his landing. This taps the celebrated J. H. Crum was up from Lawen ranch and will go to Klondike. lines our last issue. Seven Devils copper mines. NEW GOODS-FOR WINTER Ä EARLY SPRING. Nothing stops Ils! Goods arriving Daily. T he T imer - H e ha i.i> and St. Louis Torn Allen has spent several M arried .—At the residence of Republic for $2 a year in advance. days in Burns thi« week. the bride’s mother, Mrs. A. Tupker. f Remember Boyle, the photo­ in Burns, on Wednesday evening ■ WHERE MUSIC IS Roland Hankins, Jr. is doing grapher, is in Burns and doing first the 19th inBt., A. B. Mason and business here today. class work. There mirth is also. We Miss Matilda Tupker were united | __T he T imes H erald and Ore­ —If you want a piano or organ know you want a Piano or gonian for *2 in advance. write the Jacobson Book and Music in wedlock, the Presbyterian minis- 1 Organ to make the home cir­ Co. The Dalles, Oregon.for prices. ! ter J. C. Temp’eton performing the Chase A’ Sanborn's coffee for cle happy. You want to buy New outing fhnnels and t< zil marriage ce’---. any. The wedding a good inttrument cheap. »als by N. Brown & Sons. uc, only the near down» just received b 'i. Brown was a q ,ie I friends r, f All the latest songs for sale at Ä .Son*. family being invited. WE CONTROL the City Drug Store. Mr. Ma* /he st ni >r mt mber of “T” Garrett, y j j . st son of J. tho fin., Mason A London, one This territory for the sale of Before purchasing a heater, see C Garrett, was a visit >r n nr of our ’ t mercantile ettablish- C. IL Voegtly’s air tights. some of the b<;< instruments town last Saturday nn ■•un m- n, has many true friends manufactured, ai d can fur I. S. Gear moved into his new 1'. II. King ami . i e i! Harney in this place to wish the young I , an histinn nt i. tii residence the first of the wetk. were the guest.-i of ’Ir . ml Mrs. S. couple man i years of haj'pi. «s lens nii’-.u pri-< wi-ieh V>. Í A full line of stoves of all des W. Miller tie.' latter i t of last and prosperity The bride < sp-<-i:tl eruptions and sizes at C. H. Voeg week. ¡v belongs to vi. town her p tlv’s. If m are in need m a heater Living been residt nts h i C. IL leonaid arid Lor. Richard get ast iron top, air tight at C. sip' was a little girl rod as rtn li e C soil were dow n lrom Harney Sun 11. V.iegtlyThe'* v ’ll not sag lie >pecial claim to her and rejoice it C. Fisher, Ludwig. Har.l- dav. cown like the sheet ir. t ’ ops. that she is wedded to one so well man, Shin fier und Krakauer I low are y< ur . oh- . I hcvls? calculated to make her happy. Mr. The few Celestials of eur town l’ian?". Al.-o the Estey, Chi t i n arc celebrating their new Semi to N lirii.ru r soli-? and Mrs. Mason left on Thursday cago Wasbburh, Cottage, lift Is, tneks, shots'm ■ ■ s. I ..th morning for Portland to be absent year. Crown, Lv.m and Healy Or­ several week’. gans Call and get our pric.s lent. New goods and lowor prices. er patches an I lent in i , Call and get our figures before pur­ Go to Jurgei -ri.'-i f-i- a fine Al- CITY DRUG STORE. Polii ie nnd (Min ■ ■ •. charing goods.—N. Brown & Sons. »■uni. Workl ox. D-.- ng Caso. Scrapbook an 1 v. . > . ' of other A. 8. Swain and family were th - things. Al a meeting of th? populist itatc j guests of Sam Mothershead and Those desiring ph< work done central c'nimittee, h-ll in Portland Harney Locals. wife last Saturday. should call mi J. I’> qle. Call last Wednesday the action .he! All parties knowing themselves i land ofi - ice AT Bl’! \S OU EGON, ¡no of his executive committee in callir A fine line of new style ladies at his tent and ;■.■ ■ 1. e ‘ The therm n. ter r-gistered 21 I v; indebted to the firm of A. Tupker photographs. DECKMBi’tl ), and childrens shoes at N. Brown & state convention to meet March 23 degrees below zeri here Sunday it Sori will please call and settle. : t Noti3< i.i Lv.vht U.t'i -: —John Schlotter Propt—:- Goo Smyth i- ■ •d to his was indorsed oi Kilty, ' Sons. The question f fua night /.Iso thor e having claims against man, filed i « . o <>f 1 tei» 1 bed with a se r, -.¿d nd unable ion with the union reform party D -nkr in all kinds of Meat ami (teeo’t I .nd e'aim N ■ * If you want a nice suit cali on I.. James Spa-row, Miss Donegan said firm will present them. : jx 'ip m m 7. r?., i, !' ¡u •¿si v r n «I l‘u- i to lie a, hit’ p -t of ! ¡' ■ n the store J. J. TerKElt. Leiv _*wr i’. ... Offlcu a! ■I., ... <>r. . ii ,.n Sausage. Nothing but the ver/ was discussed for hour arid at last tnl Mr. and Mrs. J M. Peebles Epstein and get the best. First * Monday, Mon lì « h <* .vof Ec:> of N. Brown A S n< i a resolution instructing the several He naintt door south of C. II. Voegtley’s. . uiün quality, at pricss to suit every were registered at the Harney Sun­ I thecomnlete .. _____ _ __ ______________ NOTICE. | land: I». R. Thorne, Prank Dibble, Del DibL'y , Hank Owen left <>n tu.iir,’• 10:50 county convention:! to instruct dele­ day. Dr. Price’s "Cream” Baking body for CASH only. I and W. H. Hogan, ull of Ri'.ey, Oregon. All parties indebted to me are I m J vn ». Rosi.ter., Powder is the best in the market. local for Burps, Harney county, gates for or against fusion was Chas. Crawford returned from A trial will prove satisfaction. where he has accepted a position. adopted, with hardly a dissenting requested to call and 8' ttle accounts , ' We are authorized to refund money N 'TICE OF N.'llCE Ob REFERES REt-LREE SALE. SALE, —Eugene Guard. Mr. Owes ar vote. It is now an almost assured Huntington Sunday with frieyht as soon hr possible. I must have if it isn’t.— N. Brown & Sons. for II. C. Brown. Ilis sister Mrs. mone. I., run my business. Notice Ì3 hereby uiven Hint uni’crand rived here last M rnilav. fact that there will be a union of by virine of a coitnin ’’.*-li|»nlaiion and ÍÍ John DeCoudress came over from Lillie Woodard, came in with hito G k <>. S iieli . ky . WASH EE, WASH EE!” ihe silver forces of the state. Th" 1 order nnd dectejof the ( irunit Conit We had a very severe cold snap Drewsey the first of the week and | of the State of Oiegon for Harney conn- Chas. Roper, Jack Culver. Her­ populists in a majority oi the count ­ I tv, based thereon, in,’a certain suit, in contemplates remaining in Burns the first of this week the n-.inimutn »Vo more for the China- man Lawen and Tom Bain are nil Of Interest to Sheepmen. partition pending in the rib > vh entitled thermometer regi teri; , 21 below ies have ilreadv agreed to fuse with for a while. I *onrt wherein Emily M. lloitm was I suffering from a st v»re attack not take down Iris tent on account Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Worthington’s to buy should call on him. * " 1 riceB entered into and order ainl d ere Steam Laundry under state and district office and is the ’umber from E. H. King's mill of a rush of business. two children are still very sick. rendr*red ant! entered on the 2Sth du»’ on application. only and proper way to defeat the | jf Out. 1897 wherein .hr undersigned the direction, of Mr. Thos. Davo Richardson has gone to ’ The little son of Mrs T. N Bak­ The veungest is some better today was Hppoinh I Ref.nee in Rind'suit with j gold standard <1 m nt. There is Crane creek with a load of provi ! *• power to sell the real v i. voi»vd in sni . er has been under the care of Dr. but there is no change in the con Hi ch. .Vex! door northof no doubt but that the silver forces jus upon exeuiHion rm I rep.nt the e.nue j Notice of Forfeiture. bions for A. Venator. Marsden for stomach trouble, but dition of the eldest, Leon i to the next regiilnr term oi s.iid ('uouit i can adopt a platform that will inset Times- Itera Id office- • Cou t, now therefor’ i will on Kridav ' is much better at present writing. Miss Edith Byrd i.i v isitir.g htr To Josc’rli Morris and T. sT.Hclleil, j the 23th day ol oi iobiumy, i thinmy, 1893, IK‘K. nt at the] the D ied .—At the home of Henry the approval of all, and with good -loo.- of iiio c jiirt Louse in B irus, I B orn —To the wife of M. Fitz J* vic ro­ sister, Mrs. C. H. Lao.’iard this - you are hereby iiotili cl that I ntvei [fionf Scoube», near Andrews, .lit. 15th men on u.o tir ket ra’ I Harn» y coil nt v. (>r u' »'», at »ho lo» i •• i Hriid day, roll t< h« G. L. Barney, of Wild H use. The upon tho (»old j . i m and De • l»;dJei i ■ c.idi in r-..................... - tlu’ch ITT(>M.NE\ -.1T-L.'IW. Dr. Marsden was the attending phy­ deceased was 75 v.-ars >1<1 and » Scott liases i.i sick at (ho horm- ;»rov. n. ...... .. Lode Claim situ itoil J mile up Gold J hand all iho 1’*.ilonitu do c ¡bed ie.i- LfV- T Hill. HURNS, OREGON. sician and reports mother and child Gnlch on the East side situated in estate '<> wit: T ie N»V 1-4 »*f tlio NKI-1 , \V.! did r.ot 1 The state Loard o pioneer of the 50.) •mid th SW1-1 of il r.1-4 ni»d I lie ( doing well. , made a r. •.■■■•O .r. o* p C0T . L ' ! Toe man who sallied forth 1." Harney mining di.-t ict. Harr.ey) , El -2 oi S ctiun 35, T.»wnn ii|> 30, .1 . learn the cause of bis dr* nh. in m dni-'lit r g.-.liu last Monday morn­ Countv» Oregon, as will appear by 33 E W. M the mine bein f lite catt.e a ,u 'Jj per cent. C l F .1 *« ■ ■■• real ...... i | Mrs J. S. Kenyon, accompanied .property durcrihod in , .... alilo,, ........ . I-r . Uhi! ...... I j KIlBAT ll'CKS, Send lis your mail orders. All J. W RIGOR, •3 * till to til' d Jan 5. 189S in the . this county Ve fai. t< see ¡1.« . ing and built a tire whil the Klon by her two little sons and daughter C ast . >' itv . B crsh . otlice of the Record» r of said County • dceiee nid i - ip nl .ti ii nnn the aubject order filled pro npti. > I forward­ iod in any d.ke z-pliyrs "fanned the hr, < zer.” in order to hold said preini.-t'F un­ ni.itt; r o Day. with Ed. Moxley as driver, Ihitrd nt Bur is. O»(’!»o i .) ii 19. l.'TM ' ed next mail. If y.-n need any­ Hicks & Biggs lard <-f .iinoi.g his scanty '.■•cari g apparel, der the provisions of Sei. 2321 R q ! such a body as thi state came over from Drewsey Saturday J. \V. I.IGUH, li'Mr.tP. thing we have not st- wo wi vi. cd Statues of tho I Hit d »States ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, tqu 'ization Cattle ne.t- c: s seed al).j | t the pan i r of his joys snort returning Sunday. buy it for you.—N t A So -s being the amount reqii'r» d to Imld lib errand at . 12 tier 1, au and s ¡•■eu at $1 25 <>., jp u.ti r ignorait, , Ofiica at C in von City and Burns. We have a large assortment of the m . i me for the year ending Dec.' p .p;.!ar and are sailing at • 25 to $30 «nd ,i mercy, r hould l-e r Cnarlev Job • in -, red in 31, H97, and if within r inety days’ Men and Boys Suits on hand;’ for », ■ '. pt ctive»/ .,f •• • ♦’.-e I v » •’ ’*• ,;o ’ < V Holiday trade. Call and look at our c".: 'r cf the ’Tex 1 -ort W'S a ríi.rí a. < 11 < nil g He stock before purchasing. We car, pie isai.t calh ■ t seems th. b-'-’rd simply no- r: Ja M n. fit vou up in any style desired at said he want, 1 - mo I ¡iters V..X r 4 ii cugh tip? form oi looki'-g on '. i. r-asonable prices —Mason A- I ci and after ship ii rv ■;i’.d exp.! the r.sr- ssuiet t roll «. r-like a pp/ r> ■r THE don. tl, I.i ■■ o! nation it " a - f n . Large.-—net en r "our.» ' ••’I: it he V then. Cream fur chapped hn^ds and lips. wanted. \i e 1 o < w what 1. ty to let the tax;, ■ . rs .{ , OREG. S e that you get the original and is going to du with it mil ? ¿ ii to .1 have done si i>¡- tr-'i,.,—¿raw­ iti ,r I..U.II -1.JH Ol genuine. For sale nt the City Drug make "rubber in’. ] - feature li is ever o -i.. Mr. Wooley wishes bis many pay and go home. The Room r th" — GIVEN- ON Store. — IX’ M. I'ROOK ifivc him friend< in thi•• ' »unt v C E. Ker.'-’ and win- nsd quite . nee o" fol ley isdisp. ne c 2 with th? that if a (ertai , yoi" ir tieman (- ho u we I.AM> orrh’E AT ni’HNS, O’T.TON. I, Li u » a cal! .rh i, ut i Paul i ocher will leave for to. an exciting .i'n. away omj <1 iv last (.-•ter f.>r al. in', r< at I. > ./.> . . EE nur. u: / Il u. III. 18! ". f >r short I in payi g I ,i.< i their wav to the No’l f 1* hereby given tl.nt < harha K«»pci Khii '' ■ first of next month w‘-ek whil hrs fi««* I n«»n«T «»f li.ten’ion to make final , O of the horses AT LOCHER s u.,.i.. The action of t e s.i.m Vo., rd of to a xoung I ,-iy wh" i I ■ i » i I efore i;«*glal< r and R«*< v. r I • . I hj ,«I 8. W. MILLER, Mr. L ia an exp ri -ne- d miner and Island r.ir-cb ,,, ¡i f’.iTiiF ‘ >”e',ou, on Thnrmiav. 1 he 17th [ (gw dita in town, if ; M •- ami 'Ir. Ken i ., • 11 m . i < -i ure »-i • ha became v, ry n» r equalization m lowti. i we predict success to hire in the arrrnge.nonts: Committ- e on l.lll rt pair the v. i r . ., r. ..o. .... . i< - U m - >’7 HW'i. M', .-W ¿ .k yoi- was at a i ■(',■■.; it fir it, se-sed value cf citle am slice > «• ;.»n 17, T|» 22 w. R ’ í E. frozen north. end I h r by sav, cost ifnroae ution ■-> ■ , *>»', f an V. . . !'«-nnvtt. <>l Mesdames I’r -nton and Kino and J , 1 . _ i __ u- 11,1 1 <»r« v«»n. wittieM«»»: Burns, - - - Oregon. when he* came up with borema.i ■:oing to make quit" a d er-T.c.- .. no !.ing more will b ... iriling ‘“''J Nnrrown. Win. MorrJ*«»ii, Jaa. <»llbeil, c i r,-i: Mr Pardon Zeigh r Hint Ji,«» Mthrr nl! of Ha i»ejr. Oie/on A number of young people oi Cronin e.t.d it w.,- decided t-i take tno mttier. 'KerliDer. ‘ THOMAS JOME- Rei liar, ey county’s incc . Thr r • i Burns made up a party and look a off the sleigh bells. Just as the no lcaiible reason wtiv such v.a Fl or Managers M B ohn —To the wife of Henry sleigh ride last Friday evening. strap that holds tho bills was un dont. we cannot possibly object b Gooulow, on Thurtd > n ght. a lit­ Julian By«'» W r« lf<> NOTICE-UMBER CULTURE Upon their return they were invited buckled the horses ftnrttd and PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. i s lark orea v. Bi’R»«. orxoon having cattle assessed at $1’2 per tle Jaughier; b.,th mother and K'r 7 ■ "d B. I ». M'-i nt to the residenc ’ of Mavor Biggs made it quite interesting for about DKl IMBKB 14, li'R< head when they are selling ::t sue ' child are reported doing well. Hr M, dical Examiner for the where refreshments were served by three-fourth of a mile when Mr. Comntnln* In ving o -n enler.-I rt li fijur"R as at nreeent. The stale Marsden was attendm ; pb.y.ri i’n j l>v Burt I n ntli »i-airst -ioh W '*. . n lutual Life Insurance Co. his estimabie wife. K got them uni r control ag in. t oard < f equalization ::i our orin Bp.wn .r f ulure to * -,iiip-.y wi Ii ! i , - i ure Eritrv So , - ' ' Dr. Cate of Burns came up with I,, i ? •jT"'' >tiice at residence. Thos. Rich found several water No damage was done, except that ion. is ns worthies’ aj tbc railroar' i.p - |' . upon lie E'.. N •. •■» (V ,1 . ,.,. •••, Dr. Marsden <-n Thursday. Ha '.,. ]>•' .:cd Mrs. Kenyon had gotten out of the s',.' , N. iH’, I| 2?* K .•ornmi’sion-'. Both .’ho': be aboi pipes iit his stearu laundry bursted Hi I , Hurney • on y. O. on with a Ml io , • > .., ike it enjoyable ami The club dsncti on Satuiday . (1 , - ill- , :, hi ■ !! ll loR cf H: .■ I etp ■■ conventicns last. Monday morning caused from sleigh when the attempt was mad ished and tns sta a success in eve.-y w ty, s > t .„n i . i ' ■' ' w evenings arc well attended. to take of the bells and was some should rot forg-t to adopt a plank the water freezing in them I S I,fu • r nl all. ami that aniil¡failure «<>11 The Oregon Lime, Plaster ' >Pb wi 11 , lh'- • •merit Co’s works in Baker County the aleigh and assuring Mrs K T. nl,- i i:l ire H»n in I.- ;»- to - .uleu TCKi’E bation of the citizens of this county tho-,» pr -sent. and a< usual, all left lrv STOCK INSPECTOR. , ,| |,. w ,,olly »han lom-.l th • • I'n - which were destroyed by fire last that her husband was all right. singing the praises of th - ho t ‘ Ij.p ,| O ■ :,.<■ hereby Minnnontl to to have the county I ax levy at the »■oa nARNF.r county . year are to be immediately rebuilt With L A. Co;,shall, when in , ■ |, , l. 'i .- „•> ll," 2-'>tli <1»V same figures of last year. This R lar.d Hankins and wife are lunumv. L'■’ * ,1'**k “ ,n The principal meml>er« of the com­ ' 1. Nl. 1 »avis«. town. NOTICE. would enablo R«ir county comm's visiting at the bo n-: vf T I! Jamer. «poml «nil furnish t<-»timony concerning DEPUTIES, pany are C. E. Ladd, C. F. Beebe «aid s 11 -red failure . , lioners to probably, cancel our T howa » J onc «. Regi.rer C. M Fields, — Andrews, Or. MEALS 25 ( ENTS. and T. F. Rourke, of Portland. M. F. Crawf -rd came in Saturday Notice is hereby given that tor obligation to Grant co This Ace Johnson, - ■ Drewrey, Or. from Ontario with f- rtcived for m .vingtlie GEO S SIZEMORE. til his return. Jsa.es Donegan Burn», beginning at 1 o’clock p m th-flimsy stste board of eqria.izs- school ho1-. ■- in i District No. *24 PATÌ LOCHER Prop. Rida will I tion interfere arid reduces tba nt across th» Milvi«a River attorney , u.. ... .<• rf -r. la.1n, ro |.r»r. accompanied them and will go to Wednesday. Feb. 9. 189S. he opened K»p. County School S pt. ¿¡•couraging first. Prices Lower than Ever In order to get a complete stock ol early Spring Goods, we must buy now or else we would be com­ pelled to take remnants left in the hands of wholesale li ouses. Watch the local columns a little later and xxr -^rioes :r^rD bflowjxt ¡eorcs, Burns, Oregon • ems r t markets .!. C.7oolsy >4, v NOTARY PUBLIC. II. Volp, Er. H. Burchtorf DENTIST. BURNS BREWERY