The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 26, 1898, Image 2

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Dr. fsimmons, of bimmons Liv­
er Regulator fame of St. Louis,,
took several shots at his stenog- j
rapher “ and head clerk whose
name is intimately mentioned in
JI LIA . Bi. i»
connection with the shame of the
di i ’. r’s <1 mgliter. This, evident- •
I' appears that General Blanc ly. is the ductor’s emergency liv-, £
Recent Peking correspondence
er ri gulat >r which he thought the1 2
finds the Spanish military o In ers
reports a large transaction to
as difficult to control as the C . young man was in need of. Writ
yyliich the British government and
hans are to conquer. M inwhile do not know whether there is
the Chinese government are the
Mr. M, Kinley pretends to bSieve a | atent on this medicine or not, w
high contracting parties. The
in the farce of autonomy and does but think there isn’t.
I w
p u'yof the first part agiees to
I. 1 d the patty of the second part
Theie is a rush of prospectors 9
»•x »»-I of
r\i Santa Cruz
' ft»-/ « zj
t' • im of $60,000,000, and the
to 1 certain part
The strikes of the Fall River
| ai v of the second part agrees
coi untv. Cal., because of the re- /
to p a c ceri.ain revenues under and the New Bedford cotton mil) ported finding of * gold nuggets .'.1
in •
ii •< I'rolof the party of the opera, ives against the cut in the crops oi a cou| pie of wild
¡ .i t. The party of the sec- yvage», is a striking •vidence of geese that were killed. This is 5
o ill ¡.nt al- > ..glees to open three that ■‘prosperity” th gold bug a “wild-goose chase” sure eenough'u
• .1 J ®
new treaty ports, thereby increas­ papers have been c ntir u illy talk­ for tin e gCCSe may 1.
ing the levenues to lie plaied un-
up the nuggets in Klondike as
<1 r the control of the party of the
they p issed along.
Ex’-Delegati Murphy, of Ari-
first part. This transaction con-
a republican, recently ‘aid:
Michael Donough, of Geyser-
ptitut another of
not been promises he'd \ ille. who went to the courts to
of th.' u'h of the
tnent to the old maxim which out 'hat something would be done wt aside the law preventing any
i ,.k' - it 11 ad — "In the hands of for silver, Mr. Bryan ould have ■ no marrying for six months after £
entirely great, money is received thousands of more votes he or she has been divorced, has he did. 'ilirou.hout the lost his case and no v the imp tu­
i r ll an the sword ”
_• old way of conquering the West there i n't the • L_;lit st di­ rns young lover he is only 70 —
country w s Io invade it wnh a minution of the silver sentiment, must actu div wait a few month
I li e army. The modern way j ■but on the contrary , th.' cause H 1 before he can wed the woman of
strength all the time -’
is t 1 k .al it s ime money and then ¡gaining
I his choice.
Now that (ien. Clay's “child­
wife” has returned to him, we
hope she will stay there, or. if
she will not, that the newspapers
will at least drop her and her sil­
ly escapades.
ïte iîiiiits-ïirrafd
i J lïîôïg W)
'Ve Carry » C irplcli Line of-----
General Merchandise
( 'all and inspect our Stock. Sat
isfaction as to quality and price ?
2 guaranteed.
ing it under subjection.
flic administration candidati
. re just debating in our
v.n ¡u ni how long it will take 111 ai win that Atari land - rator
■ 1
ilriluin to get her foot oil’ ship, but it is evi lt- nt that he has
m le 1' mi's neck after we adopt no pip* cini h on it.
ao o i'i- gold standard and lose
lion. Benjamin Butterworth.
our indi
jla'e commissioner of patents', who
’.i dent Mi Kinley and! is ad­ I died .Sunday, Jan 16, prove ! by
visers ;,rv puzzled over the ques­ his life the possibility of
tion f ho.v Io receive Mr. Hole, I being an intense partisan
pi 'ah nt of Hawaii, when lie ¡losing the respect of his
leather Wishiegton. there being I en'.s.
no -t.d iishetl precedent for greet­
The failure of a number of Nev
ing the visiting Executive of a
m mufacturers
s'- ■ r republ e. What is the mat-
f r w.tli a hearty handshake, ac- shows that the temporary im­
1 > p.;n d by something vei bally provement brought about by the
COi d d. > .1< h as “Di.le. old boy, big wheat crop here and failure
how ; ■ ■ ' ou: " or, if it is de­ elsewhere is now lugging
If Bates, the Chicago bigamist, 1
could be Isft alone for a few mo- •
mints with the four wives who,
ire trying to send him to the
‘ “pen,” there probably wouldn’t I
|)e any further expense to the!
_ _i
• i
<1 '1 will be »old nt Pricrs as loir as any
People to Exaiui: e our Stock and Prices
lluil order» receive prompt sttinlion.
aor jsr jrr Jsr ae ' :c: jar jsr jar j<r acr »r
I J Ï ’ I < : J
• J < < - <1
Î2 k-J-—1
MeJLAIN <V WILLIAMS, Proprie tors.
13 2
Tii' proprietor» of this large and connnodions House arc experierccd
county, and the only thing that hotel kt . r. and the public is idired good ac.oum.udatiuiiB.
would be needed in the case there
after would be a basket for the
slia tered remains.
f ¿F" Parties dcsir "g regular board arc requested to consult the
The old-fashioned place fc th ■
punishment of souls yvould prob..-
bly have little terror for the man
on the Yukon at
belotv zero.
Nevertheless the missionaries of
iliat section have erected a church
and will probably m ike it warm
and comfortable for the miners.
AU Treated Alike.
Table Service the Best,
sre It In yi t more informal,
As the Deity is a full pa: tner
MK Hsu. of Peking, recently
why in t try— Ah. old \ niskers!
* L. C. BL SSEIt I . Proprietor
I of Hanna's isn’t it blasphemy and
married a red flower vase as a
Wh t':- th I'-st from I lul l-1 lul l
, sacrilegious to presume that any ub-iitute for her betrothed, yvhc
¡thing was ro ked in his election -
d before the wedding day
This popular Rea rt i» furnish'd throughout in modern style.
And will not his pci • ett'or.« re­ >he determined to marry no one
A little more care should
Nies Private Club Looms, gentlemanly bartenders, and drinks
ceive * wift retribution ?
and adopted this means to
. d in describing su< h suicides
mixed to suit your taste. You are cordially invited to make
H nttrher betiothed’s family and
tiat if the young English Bar-,
this yonr headquarters while you are in the city.
The Orzgcnian m ikes ti e inn >n o b: treated as a widow.
t who l.ill.- l himself because
that it is qu -er the S mill is for
< iilat 11 ,n ..: lor chorus L'irl.
fne silver wid e its press is io
An exchange says the Greer
it h: ns
1.1 the lit ail ” c k -
t ie go’ll : tan lard, and
. omity, O. T', court hou-e has no
three or four journals that
jury loom, ¡me when the jury re­
cates the cause of g >ld bugism. tires to m ;ke,“up a verdict the
Is it not a possibilité, and a strong aiiiff tales it out into the midd'e
prob . i'itv. Mr. S.o'l, that the
■f a pasture, steps out of hearing
ident of the 11 1- papers are hired and well paid, ..i-t.mee. and protects it from cor-
Leave» Burn t datly at tinto r it.
Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour»
n 1
coming lo Wa<h- the same as could be said of a 1 uptii nisis with shotgun.
>1 ' > m !■.e p •• so.i.d proffer pi<>:n nent Oregon publica'ion?
h> i uiiti v to the L'nilt'd States And di I v '.i t ike time t > e minér­
The fact that Spanish prop.-rtv
Fare Oneway #7.59. Round trip $15.Ou.
■ m’d si em that liiere i» nut ale the piper that opp veil?
Ca ’ i
m an\io is to
'1 ■mund l"ft upon yvluch anv
hw ■ 'be i land annexed by th:
Through freight 3jcts. a pound.
!>e opponents miy
L erv eve in the senate was 1 oi e l S' tes in order to seem e
Two day; notice at any P. O cn the route and covered coache» will
a ¡’lotest ,ig.tinst anne\i'.ion. upon Te 1er wliei lie utteied m otcct'o i for their wealth again
be furnished for passangers.
11. A. Williams. Propr.
these ringing yyords:
mil c it-s there is nothing in this
••I attack the republican party world so powerful and entirely
.\:.h »ji the a't lriiev s for tile
it is the party of the g dii practical as money.
still insist that lie was
I imp.1 to
m 11 .mil assert the
d ,w n in 1 c >. ard I
’ ■"
1 c ci.ilize.l Semi.’oles seem
l i'COVl l \ < f
that 1 will d > ev rv
I! \ to 11 IV
given up the idea of a
■e admitted
poyy er to dr ig it do
: upi ¡sing t > avenge the
, if made,
JOHXsayer ..
. ...Fr
¡et nr.
1 Ito
cy ; > not su't’i a
.• n in
. rini'of the two Indian mur.
benelit to I >111 rant
great im.l I.
s bi the whites, but they are
Sit iate? o:i Si ,i e river 1 mik .k. t of Purrs, near the brider
gold standard
■vi’. : > have plan'e.l toquict-
mv o| [> ,1'011 III
l ih leaders of the lyx.hers,
Cu to 'iers will receive GOOD FLOU FI ..«m
yy .km p.‘ r
c by nuc.
Burns Ontario
I his cut represents
load oi Goods as it appeared at the
Union Passenger Depot, Portland.
Lin 2.
Buy your goods from tko Largest
firm in Eastern Oregon,
who buy at the lovz
Mriees and in
thing th it can
be a c.n nq.lsh e.l by m . du
’.a* 1 'il d bane’alhc 1 »mmi«-
Europe again w ill be ihr
g of the b.d.inci • of the
nixprr pi 1 ited for its vx-
. ibou it t! e 1
renv’ Ii. .u s in the M ar\ -
». itu> C be'HVe the
th a b II . »1 should be cn.
. eil to sp. nil bis money
l-p< ■; t 1lol
I o:np I.IK S
W .
p . VsNy get more money vu. •
i' » \ tar's lush to the Kloidik
I th.- gold seekers.
TJiepei e of the world may
c ; aken at any t me and japan.
u - t. yy ill agin the :u
mb Unit wi.l peicipita e t' c na
u'h. : n compsli- ti is of the w. r d iot > a bloody
ti >11” is no nvv. Il tug. tbc < Io. e war.
it is a y erv nu. e ev
to a i in-
te g. nt j cTSO *•
W.’.l, 1
. w
■ ..lon are
• ' e t iilar*» of
e — thev are only ta
ee.i th • .trie ries
I y t 1 h >'.d .1 jubilee o
' i'rosperily.
tweven tlie factnrv
y. ori sunicr» \\ 11 A II
\ girl an N-r 1
never be 0 thei i<e
•i n d »•? 'VeTed
threaten a id do t
' nf '. la. ie life h.r ,.u..
w H.
of "ur cm 1 C1K V.
.1 i I
The con
.11 y is et
Has 250 thorough-bred bucks
and will sell them from 4 to 8 do1
lars each
The man with a st, 7 upper li.
o> u' t«; the m n who is idwai
down in the mou.h descend
S. n 1101 C and'. r, after
llanm,. :»k
How much?
to the hands <>t » >■ p 1 A
bankers wb innlml
dealt out snaung v to
.its in Tennessee consumer.
Mandant and
re* rt
W. Il IK’FFM \\.
ec Dips tition and can fill all or
d srs.
.in.I must d • with l> s«
iliaci tirer' S goods.
The m
Good Wheat.
tt Tx-s
» » > >•-<•-
*'* W»*
• t -t- « K <
»- P-»» f-*'.’*
U'“* t’»rvV..*< ••r.
l-W-tt- .
v» •*»
'» »14 •»•:>«» . ».•<■ i »r
' . . , nr J» . «M
te.. tW irrn. *«
► M a.M "*« a j T u^r-M» !• »ii'rT*ar
” * r '
»• en et Road
Kp;. 1A. Gw-:r> -
- •«
ȟO. RCA V\
r t
«;» Y?n Pu -<#•«•* K« fvU Y
.'»M .5 .»a
*• »¿xiw
r*- M
’Sm. W5 ttsr te? ite»,
1« en—, t« rfnnw to
V/. S. PK-'. »T, Secretary, Eiktw.rt, Ind.
for Business.