The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 12, 1898, Image 3

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Local News.
_ Tut T imes H erald and Ore
gonian for $J in advance.
Howard Rigs is over from Drew
Judge Webster will leave for
Portland today.'
I,. Woldenberg Jr. was down from
Harney yesterday.
Before purchasing a heater, see
C. H. Voegtly’sair light».
W. D. Huffman and family have
been in Burns for several days.
Frank Howard is in Burns shak
ing hands with his many friends
A full line of stoves of all des­
criptions and sizes at C. II. Voeg-
Harney Ladge No. 77 I. O. O. F.
will install officers next Saturday
l’ref. Wetzell lias gone to Juneau,
Alaska, where he has a government
Mi-s Leia McGee will takecharge
of the Kindergarten class next
Ifvcu wants nice suit call on L.
Epstein and get the best. First
doir south of C. II. Voegtley's.
H. M. Horton returned last
Monday from a trip to the Narrows
and Silver Creek.
Robt. Copeland.a former resident
of Harney, but now of Nevada,paid
Burns a visit this week.
Bovle, the photographer, wishes
to inform tiie public that he will
net take down his tent on account
of a rush of business.
iiiE 1 imes -H euald and St. Louis
The large bulk of land reaantly
Republic for $2 a year in advance.1 deeded to Henry Miller by F.
F. S. Reiiler, bookkeeper at the Hyde, which deeds have beeu
P-ranch, was in Burns Tuesday. iceivedat th« clerk’s office for
[cording, is not situated north
John H. Cornutt and Dean Hor
ton were over from Diamond the lakes us at first reported. '
I land all lay» south of the lake and
our last issue.
the French-Glenn Livestock Co.
H. E. Layton, of th« southern , formerly paid taxes on part of it.
part of the county, has been in while at least three fourths of tha
Burns for several da vs.
1 land was not assessed to any one.
Remember Boyle, the photo­ Thera ara 17,397 .53 acres iu all,
grapher, is in Burns and doing first situated in the following townships
class work.
and ranges: Tp27-R.ll, 23-31,28-
—If you want a piano or organ 33, 29-33, 29-33, 30-32, 30-33, 31- WHERE MUSIC IS
write the Jacobsm Book and Music
32, 31-32.1, 32-32, 32-321. 33-31,
There mirth is
< «. I he Dalles, Oregon,for price»
33-32, 34-31, 33-32, 35-32, 35.1-32,
know you want a Piano or
If ysu are in need of a heater
Organ to make the home cir­
get a cast iron top. air tight at C 351-321, 351-32}. 10-31. 28-31,
H. Voegtly’s. They will not sag 29-33, 35-32, 351-32}.
cle happy. You want to buy
d«wn like the sheet iron tops.
a good instrument cheap.
The democratic stata central
Goto Jorgensen’s for a fine Al-j committe met at Columbia hall 1
bum, Workbox, Dressing Case. I ■ Portland, on the Sth inst. Twenty | WE CONTROL
Scrapbook and a who.’e lot of other t | one counties were represented and j
This territory for the sale of
' eight of the remaining eleven were '
some of the b»»t instruments
Several of our young men have
represented by proxies. The pur
organized a dancing club and will
manufactured, and can furnish
pose of this meeting was the ar­
an instrument at the most
give the first of a sories next Satur­
rangement for the meeting of the I
day evening.
reasonable price which we can
next democratic state convention.
guarantee, as we deal o >ly
Those desiring photo work done It was agreed to hold the conven­
with reliable and responsible
should call on J. F. Boyle. Call tion on March 23, in the city of[
at his tent and gee some of his
companies. We sell such n«
Portland, but the executive cam- !
th: < 'hii \
Harrington, J
mittee was empowered to chang*
R. E. Williams, of Silver creek,
■Jt C. Fisher, 1 udwig, Hard­
the date if it saw fit to do so. Th.
man, Si ipfiei mid
was in town last week and made
apportionment will be made on
final proof on his land, He was
Pianos. Alio lbw Estey, Chi
the vote cast for Hon. W. J. Bryan
accompanied by J. C. Freeman, J
cago Cottage,
for president in 1896, one delegate .
B. Craig and Newell Hall.
Crown, Lyon and Healy Or­
for every 200 votes and one for each !
gans. Call and get our prices
We understand th it Cora, a son additional major fraction thereof, i
of Mr. arid Mrs. D. IL Srnvth of and also one at large for each
Happy valley, has h«e:i very sick county. This gives Harney 6 del- \'
of typhoid fever, but is now conva­ •gates. 4 total of 268 delegates.
A)] parties knowing theniBelves
The following executive committee indebted to the firm of A. Tupker
Jit Son will please call and settle
Len Walton had the misfortune was appointed: Thomas Dealy, Also those having claims against
to fall «n the ice one day last week Clatsop; J. J. Daly, Pi Ik; W. IL said firm will present them.
J. J. T ipkeb .
and hurt his, which kept him IL Meyers, Washington- W. J.
in bed far several day». He is now Westacott, Marion; J. J. Cook,
Clackamas. F. A. E. Starr, chair­
able to be on the streets again.
man and Geo. E. Stout, secretary
It has been trying bird to snow of the state committe were added
All parties indebted to ma are
this winter but so far it is almost a as ex officio members of the execu­ requested to call and settle accounts
as scon as possible. I must have
We hope, though, the tive committee.
The only house in the Interior in Oregon that carry, at all times, a full and complete stock of the
money to run my business.
mountain» will catch enough to
G eo . B hellbt .
following goods:
insure good crops this '■ear.
E. L. Oliver Out oa Bonds.
The County Clerk issued a mar­
riage license this morning to Mr.
We understand that Miss Nannie
Clarence Lucky and Miss Ella
Walla, daughter of Tiles Wails of
Catlow, was married to a Mr.
Iloiix—To Mrs. Ida Waters, last Gloster, nt Winnemucca, last Sun­
Saturday, a baby boy Dr. Mars­ day. The groom is a stock man of
den,the atteudiag physician,reports Eagle valley. The many friends of
the bride in this county join us in
the mother and child doing well.
extending congiatulations.
Commissioners Court is not both
The U. S. circuit and district
«red any about finding candidates judge has handed down a decision
for stock inspector this year. They in the matter of the rettlers vs the
say there are a few that haven't ap Wagon Road Co. that if the settler
has held peaceful p stession and
plied as yet.
never in any wav recognized the
The public school of Burns re­ right of the company for a period
opened last Monday after a two ten years, such possession gives the
weeks vacation. Mins Eva Swain settlers a complete title under tlx
law of the state. This decision
has taken charge of the primary de­ was made in cases carried up fro u
Malheur county.
We have a large assortment of
llarney Locals.
Men and Bovs Suits on hands for
Holiday trade. Call and look at our
W. D. Huffman.otieof D amond’s
stock before purchasing. We can
fit you up in any style desired at substantial republicans, with hie
reasonable prices.—Mason A Lon­ ' family passed throueh town last
week on his wav to Burns.
C. T. Mills, President of the
Services were held in the new
Seven Devils Transpsrtation Coin church building on Sunday evening.
pany, has just closed a contract
The geniel S.t n Roach has been
with a Portland firm for a steam
boat to ply Itetv.een the Huntington spending a few days in town. Sam
bridge and the Seven Devil mines ba* great faith in richness of the
Trout creek gold mines.
Th« first term of 3 months of
Wm. Grey had the misfoitune to
I’rof. Dillard’s private school will
one of bis best horses the other
close next Friday. This school has I
day. He was leading the animal
been a very satisfactory one to the
patrons and pupils.
There arc when, without warning, it reared
up and fell backward, the fall break
about 25 enrolled.
ing 'ts neck.
The ‘'flagraising” at the Poison
The latest in Harney's social cir
Creek school house last Friday
cle, is a dancing club, with Mr. Fitz
afternoon was attended by several
gerald as manager and general
of our citizens, who report the ex­
ercises very good, the pupils acquit­ instructor.
There is some talk among a few
ting themselves wiih great ciedit to
themselves and teacher. Miss Lettie •‘old timers” of re-organizing the
flmith. who is spoken of in highest once-famous literary society of Har­
terms. W. N. Jorgensen took a ney.
photograph of the school and flag
Mart Alberson and Frank Ben­
J Enncs, representing the Blue nett started for White Horse on
M intain Telephone Co , ¡8 inter I Monday. They intend to work
viewing »ur citizens today in regard : lown there the remainder of th»
to connecting Burns with the out j winter.
side world. They have arranged
Th« school was in charge or Mr*
to coniect with other lines so it [ Julia Clark Mon lav and Tuesday
will be possible to talk with parties of last week. Mrs. C lark is attend­
•l»i where between Portland and ing school this wi er .reparatory
'»It Lake City
Th« company ■ to taking ths teae' -rs exan.¡nation
want a bonus of $1.5<t0 from our
in the spring. She has. so far,
citizens to be taken out in telephon­ shown exceptional ability in thia
Are You Using The Best Groceries?
Do you buy them of N. Brown &Sons?
If you do, you are Using the Best.
W e give you a list ot our stock ot Imported and
Find out by diligent inquiry
Domestic Groceries.
whether or not they are the best and buy where you
can get the best quality for the same money you are
paying for other goods.
Of Interest to Sheepmen.
The preliminary examination ofl
E. L. Oliver for the killing of Peter
G. M. Tregaskis will have 250
French, closed last Thursday even­ fine rams in Burns on or about the
ing. The 6tate had several wit first of October. Patties wishing
nesses on the stand, but the defonse to buy should call on him. Prices
on application
did not call any witnesses. Judge
Webster, attorney for defindent.
made a brief address and demaned NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.
'be defendant be admitted to bail LAND OFFICI AT BURNS, OREGON
at $10,000, which was furnishnd
¡8 heicb) given that Robert E Williams
with the following sureties: N. J. ! haff Notice
tile<| noti« • of hi« intention to make final
before the Register ami Receiver of the
Sioimons. J. B. Craig, II. M. Hor* rtroof
Uniteti State« Land Office at Hurnv, Oregon, on
i h'.tra la« tbe <>th day of Januar.>, 1K9M. on tiiu
ton. A. S. Ward, H B. Simmons be’ culture apj-lication No 110». for the
N KI—t. NVV I-I -El-4 NE1-4 HW1-4, bee No. 8,
and Fred Lunaberg for the timi Tp No. 26 S. R No IS E.
He tiurnen aff witneaffuff
J. K. Craig, Newell
$1000 each, and W. D. Huffman ' fiali, J. < • freeman, and K. C. Garrett all of
I Riley, Ore,
for $4000. Mr. Oliver left for his
T homar Jexrff. Register.
home lxet Saturday.
J. T. Marton’s Landon Mackerel and Kipper«d Herring
King Morgo A Co’s. California Fruits and Vegetables..................
Van Camp’s Pork and Beans,.......................................................................
Beardsley’s Boneless Herring and Codfish,.................................................
Haas Bros'., S. F., Genuine Blns Point Oysters,.........................................
Dunbars Shrimp»,.
County Court.
t B I.AND orril'K, Bl'IlNS, ORKUOIt
Dia-RMnr.K 14. 1897
Complain' having been cnlerei! at this
Altnnw granted a Office by liurl rench agni’ st John W
liquor license for a period of six Brown ior failure to con ply with law a
to limiter culture Entry No ■’>36 listed
months beginning Jan 5,’93, end lulv 14, 1 Ml. upon the EL NFJ4. NW4
NEG. aid NE^SR'i See 31. Tp27 S R
iug July 6th.
| 31 E. in llarney ( runty. Oregon, with K
tt-.t :• , oj ,.,¡,1 entry,
The following were ¡appointed to ‘ viow to tin- < ------
W . Brown
damages to
to the
me French-
r rencn- contestant
l() alleging
])r( ,ik I)r
ti| trf(
assess <t(m«w<i
Glen Live Stock Co. on the Mean
or any number of acres during the
der line road: C. Cummins, O, B acres
third year after ntak'ng said en ry.m >
Dingle and Geo. A. Smy th, to meet al all. and hut » idjf ¡litre
exists at tiiis d '. ud that sai' entryi. •
at the house of Alva Springer on I has wh tlly fai ■ d to coi ->ly with 'It*
Timber Culture laws in •
. i J - i
the 25th day of January.
try and h : wiioflv :iL : i
■■ •
The jury list for th« ensuing' lit
|. :■•■■••* ale liw .■■ »•: >■ > to
year was drawn.
lunuary, !•-&•- at 10 • ■'r|r. i , • . t< r»
"L »icing
The various road supervisor» »pond -tid fm ic it testin
made their reports amt »eitlemeut« said ilegeti failure
T iiu M as J ones . Register.
It was ordered that the clerk
draw a warrant in favor of John LAND OFFICE AT BURNS ORSBoN,
Witze'd for $14.15 for taxes which
DECEMBER 20, 1897.
Nuticff iff hereby Riven th«t John E. Oaker-
was wrongfully assessed.
man. of Riley, ilarnev County, Oreffon, haff
tiled notiea»»f intention to make proof on hi«
Court is «still in session.
deffert 'and claim No.
1 t rEL. Sec
Notice of Forfeiture.
.■* I p 2 - R 27, I-.. lieforo R« «later ano Re
«•••iv< r C. r I at <l Office nt Burnii. Oregon on
Monday, the 7th day of February. 1*9*.
••■th" foiiowit n witneaaca to prove
the <irnpkte irrigation and re’dam at ion of aald
J> R Thorn.-. Frank IdbMe. De! DibL’e
atul W. M. Hogatt. all of Riley. Or eoa
I inMtii JvNhiB, Re«later.
To Joseph Morris and T J. Hellen,
vou are hereby notified that I have
expended 139 days labor and itn-i
Notice of Sheriff'» Sala.
prov«rr.ent» upon the Gold Gulch
Lode Claim situated j mile up Gohl i
Gulch on the East side situated in 1 Notice i» hereby given that by virtue
en Execution an t order of saleieeued
Harney mining district, Ilarnev of
out of the < ircuit Court of the titale of
County, Oregon, as will appear bv Oregon, for the county of llernev, in a
.ertificate filed Jan 5. 1898 in the certain i an-e whereiri I If Voegtly »»•
effice of the Recorder of said County plaintiff and !.. It Mehaffey wax de
fendant, upon a jni’gtnetit and lecree '
tn r>rdi-r to hold »aid premfoee un fureebienre
an I sale rendered in aam
der the provisions of Se:. 2324 Ke Court und callee >n the lai day of Nov
vised Statues of the United States l*'o, in favor of the p .intiff and eganiM
• ing the aoiosnt required to hold the defendant, for the »uni of $7s. 0,
intere*! thereon at the rare of 10
the same f.r th* year ending Dec willi
per cent per annum from the l*t day of
31. 1897, a:: I if within ninety days Nov 1'97. <nd lb furthrr • ■.in of
after thi= not es bv publication y"u Its V' i attorney* fe. rovi» and diabtirs-
lot] or refu*e to contribute your m»nia and the coat« of and upon
portion of euch expenditure as ci thia Writ. I have Iht* day levied upon
Jahn South, who for several year*
the following described real property,
I ia 1 charge of the P-ranch und«r are in tewr. attending school this »■er your interest in said claim' alao described in «aid execution and or­
will become the property nf the sub­ der of sale and thereby orderer! to Ire
Mr French, ha» been ««lected to winter.
•old, ton it: Lot No 4 m Block 23. io
scriber under »aid Sec 2324.
town of Burn*. Harney cnnuty.Or ,
take cha-ge of the busine»» of the
Dated tbis 12th. day of Jan., 1898. the
and will on Natorday, the 22*1 day ot
B.>’> Copeland of Pueblo and
S ami Et. R oach .
■ Tench Glenn Live Stock Com nan v
January, ISOH, at o'elor k p m of said
I Chas. Rilev of the Grove are look-1
dav. at the front door of the courthouse
•n this county. Mr. South h»«
ii. Burn*. Harney r. .'.n<v, Oregon, sell
I ing after thiir stock in this »c tion
been • resident of 8an Francisco
at pribbc auction for I - gobi coin, to
Um Irglieet and beat bidder, all the
According to late reports, tIf prixAL FRO-ir
for some time and has nnt heen on
claim ri/hf, title arul interest aanl <le-
Le ranch in this ciunty during the iuth«:»ticity of which hs« t.avert I AND ItFFb V AT Rt t N», OBKdOX. fer d.<nt I. R M- ff-y. had on Hie
.'aa Mi leva.
l*t d tv d No. .. I*«". • r «till has in and
>»t 5 or 6 ysars, but hs is perfectly ‘■=en doobted. H«rn»y can ho*st of1 a-!'. » bereky si**i ».•• •• > . R
to the above described real properly,
familiar with th« affairs of hi»
pr«H»f t<fore IUgir*r «fid K^feiverl.’
I and or so much lhere-d »• may be neceaeary
in hort» »freu» . en Thtirtda . . i be 17th to Satisfy said Judgment, with interest
f 'riner employer and no d -ubt i» whose data «hows such wonderful', tuffi»«
<!•» • t Fe ntary i*'' *» m Timber ruttare ap costa and accruing costs
best man that can be found t« development in the muaieal line. • I cafb-n !Co f« r »he ''s ’W 4. NE*t «W‘4 a
Dated th • I’.tl Itili I 'ecetnber. 1897
W4 of
’tea 12. Tp ZÍ *. K
-■ k after th« property. He is now must be impressed with th* ae«lhet-1 H« « N na».
• « •• » . , *4». • Wm Beatati, nf
A J McKtvwou.
hl ’be P ranch. a> is also Mr. Glar.n,
Ry Ktw M irri.t■ *1».
ic feeling to prevalent among as.
j-»» f.r ij,» ronBpan-_
THOM ** JONF- Kea'Mer
Pride of Columbia River Salmon,...................................................................
Durkees .Salad Dressing,.... ..........................................................................
Schilling's Teas, Spices and Extracts,
J. Ramsll’s Sardines, ......................................................................................
Del Monte Asparagus ..............’......................................................................
Francois “Extra
Dr Price’» Raking Pewdsr fC'-esm)
Chase A ianborn's Coffse,
Arm Jr Hammer Soda................................
Crosse 4 BUckwell’s Piekies and Jellies,
Wm. Underwood’s Boston Canned Goods, consisting of£Clams, Deviled
Ham, Mackerel in .Mustard or Tomato Sauce, etc.
California Dried Fruits (Evaporated)
Walter Baker <t Co’s Cocoa and Chocolate
Loa <t Perrin's Sauces.........................................................
Carriedby one tiou&o
in Oregon ofTtixe
Burns, Oregon,