rxrx- M I LEWIS J •' l«VRP- ' *> THE Portland expects to outfit ijo- ooo Klondike». YORK NEW Chelrlis Valley. Wash, is hav­ ing a disastrous flood. A Special Bargain! Drewsey Hotel WORLD, Mrs. Anna Rubtrteon, Proprietress. Oitruox. D ri wsey , TMtlCE A-WKKK EDITION. Lewis & Byrd, FOR Ol’R MANY READERS. Corbett has sent a challenge to i kjpages a wr i k — 1 'G papers a year This popular house is fully equip­ Fitzsimmons to meet him at ant ped for the comfort of its custom­ FOR ONE DOLLAR. time, any place to tight for $10,- ers. Good table service. ooo a side. Published every Altirr.ate Day ex­ M<-aIs U’. j < ’cuts. cept Sunday. Collector Ivey,of Alaska,thinks Terms for board by the week or AND THE there xv ill be 500,000 men go to month on application. the gold fields next spring. Th»* Tbrice-a Week Edition of £gjF*Two doors west of feed stable. “The Flee fiom Famine” is The New York World ¡ b firtl amone the head lines now seen in the all “weekly’’ paper« in .*ize. fre quency of publication, and the fresh daily papeis commenting On the ncss, accrucT and variety of its con­ OREGON. return of some hungry Klondiker. Bl'BN*, FOR A SIIOIfT TIME ON’L> tent«. It has all the merits of a Hawaiian annex treaty has great <6 dnilv at the price of a dul W e have for rale the followin’ City property in Borni been so amended as to m ike it 'ar^vei-kly. Its political news is 5 1» farm property wo liavo 1 C't acres impossible for it to become a state prompt, complete, accurate and im­ fiigllt.cn Block • in I bo Mon is n Ad diuoa »ad the whole of .lie Brown of good agricultural laud 7 miler south anil is new meeting with little or partial as nil its readers will testify. Thirty acre« in cultivation. Additio* tiaiag the tnost de*irab!e of Burna. It is against the in one-plies and for I no opposition. Title perfect and r»»id»»»» property in town. This • 1 od house and burn the p ople. TO THE The republican oflicials that prep» ly is • tap foi eaeh a largaiu at 11100. had charge of the Nebraska state It prints the new» of afi the world, er la a't»' uruts. No trouble to show property or give affairs prior to the recent popu­ having special < - rn fpondence from pi ices. list administration seem t 1 have all important news point’ on the J.ala 1 and C ill Block 28 This .is We have a nice farm, containing very successfully looted the treas- globe. It ha« brilliant illus'.rnticns keewa a. th. .1 S K nyon residence C. W. JOUNiON ,t CO, Proprietor. 385 acres, two miles southwest of stories by great authors, a capital aad iimt Eugene, Oregon, and on the grave] ury. Experts were set to work humor page, complete markets, de­ ■GivrsTiir: choicï of ---- Good dwelling, good barn and now suit is entend ' gainst partment-for the household aril > ad h »fi rad v ry low for cash. Thr- roa*■-1'0 lot. kN, w * < ui. . ha »K HIM »ST MEAN» UCtllK IX » f » 1 X »M ,.ssg KANSIS CITY CHICAGO Fitzsimmons has at last con- _, TRADE MAHKR, ,4* DT8ICN3, . seated to fight Corbett again on copvaleurs te. Anvnne ‘ ending a »ketch and may condition that he meet and defeat quickly uncertain, free, whether description LOWEST EZWL3 an Invention ir piob.i'dy 1 --or ii ■:•. Communications strictly v- ’ q c r| Maher of some other ••puncher’ run !-;, itiid. Old t ajreucy forserurintr patents To • ’! ’• ii ■ r :■ »1. We Dave a Washington office. Pat its tak >n tiir ugh Munn 11. The combined weight of ’Mr. ami Nil-« Chauncey Morlin. of Denier, is 125S pounds. Mr On the Cerner South of the French Hotel, Main Street Morlin weighs 7-’> p und< and M. 'LAIN A WILLIAMS - - - - I'ropreitnr* his w:L 538, Mr«. Morlin is one The proprietor» aro well known not only here hut in all the adjacent inchover six feet tall, and her husband three inches shorter. t ea fer h»r»M e»pee.ally fit» them for the avoction He is 25 anil she 2 2 years old. It is probable that thci take ex­ treme 1.ire not to step 0:1 each other’s ti es. IUIIY LIVERY STABLE. ROBT, IRVING. Prop. MAIM WTRF.KT...................... HARNKY,.................... OREGON «dr-’U«, Oonvmier I Pxvi.W. A. PEEKE, ?. D., 4 CcárjS*.u WwYtf* Northern Pacifi nection with u Portland ______ tff K ohs ; via, The S»ea»>.>l>ip Co. in con­ R A N. Ten WI51 to Stli Let fenils hoi? it No. 1 Leaves Baler Citv 3 30 P. M No 2 '• ■• “ 12A 8 “ For full details call on the 0. R A N. agent, at Baker City, or ad­ dress, W. H. HURLBURT, Subscribe for the Gen. Pass Agent. Portland, O: A. L. MOHLER, Vice President. P» I â WM Mu CARPENTI? P, BUILDER, CABINET MAKER g P’or" r*.."..Fr>'.'~m -wM Pref. W. II. r. ?, who Biakei a spocinltr o* Epilepsy, has without doii t treated and cur­ ed more rases than any ag| Ms success is astonishing. We have heard of easxj ©f so years' standing <1 cored by him. >1« publishes a v a 1 u a to 1 3 nt o r k on this di 8- •asa, which he aouda with a large bot- lie of hia absolute cure, froe to any sufferers who may send their P. < •’ and Exprcia addraw. We advla« nur exie wi< hing a e«ru to addreM ___ from Ilnrip Senator Chandler wants Mr. is n McKinley to muzzle Sei retai l LOCAL DISEASE Gage and his gold bug followers, and is the result ol colds and sudden climatic changes. It can i»e cured ny a pleasant ami tells him there will be trouble remedy which ia applied di­ rectly into the noetr.1*. Rc- if he doesn’t. This is one of the ingqiii kly a.isorbudH givea fc p times that V handler told the truth relief at once. 1 he protest of the k ill ln. heals the acre«, pro­ tect» th*» membrane from f ro-tore» the bcdm - s X taateand smell, t’-- • r.; Dr - g>nor by m-L ELY iilUrt UEIU. £6 W.-muBujcl. X\w Yoik. Horses branded n? ah ve on le'» shou;tier cr left «title. C. A. Bonr.ett, Crai.e. uro RATES WITH ALL THE LÏADÎIG PAPERS CLU33.HG i ' 'N SX " ♦ V* «SA À £ AL 9. TJ/K\fíi A t > ' un Patent»,” withi' cost aim t the I r d foreign countries«1 [ ' 1 A.SNOW&CO.I e ( O ff ' P atent O ffice W ashington . D Horae brand t»ar ten or. left ahonidar; Cattle ‘ v I upner clip an boil ara. T. A. McKinnon. Barna Ort. Hardin «1 Ri’.ev, citile branded V on left aid« Horae brand" laft aide, r o. Burna.or* »«.» W,’.« r uf •» i:.o níípry I » I .1 ■> ■ -. it i uudi »id •:.t V 8. ».kc g. It c.ir t< n:b h»:T'-’v nttf.l I ' l‘*ì v e of iKTko*!:!.»»; !«•»:» il ci »... au .li j lloed’s Sa..i 1.1a, ll¿j C.-.c \ :jc CîocJ rurlHcr. :i.h «7 voluntary tc tim air.!; TI m t« II of stifT'rlnc THE IIIB ALI) DOIi TME BIST JOB PUNTING «Tb LOWtJT RJTFI J C. Fr ey, caMle lrwrd=~an rtjr^l Herat.- brand — on leí’ ah n'der V 8 H -it ' rail I en left a: ide. I'a't't bra«8« on ’♦ f h v ’ Riktajinlcf rar D M McMcuamt • Kurre. Ore. teroftila. rit. ». . ,. . •c ' Karpa branded P ni. iifc .. x. .. t Ion right h.p. R a . Haudrh ka. P O Law en Ur Horae brand M on left ah«ml- atrle brat ft hip Hurtv brand anvII <»n left aiifle I t l.iwn ore ’ ‘ ‘ ’• ■ • -SI «SR« ; c ■ < at*> bran.! fltinrr Ton either hip mark Hirht ct p off ex h t ar. Blip In ea. h car. and wattl left jtw Horae brand flunre ‘ on either hip J. H Bant a rd. Burn» ore. H • *r brand ba- m on left »iHHaMer fat* * poîilivo» Kran.1 ‘ Itr m on left hip and nbe Catbectna ic' i > ; x :U> kt : u - u ut’y vareubv ‘ Marahail P o 5am»wt1 rv. ir J i rin’.1 a.»»I i . kw Î t» 1 b» I* m ■ « ÜJ ’T». : il : U mc t**» «*. m -«-I> U.« ■ I 110C 1— J !•- r»-»« "v S Pilis pm . nu «■».• m -«. ■t -* THE TIMES-HEP ALI).