The-— The B«at— Ccinty Official Paper Job fiarney Ccvmty ®»“*iCOmLI¡)ATEI) JULY 22, 1896 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. DECEMBER 29 1S97, ------------------------, - —— The Money Question. as if cut by hand © ith an ax. INDIANS AS STOCK RAISERS. states that seven acres per The Problem of the Kace Seems to Ho i The administration is passing can be cleared with it. Working'lf Out. Judge D. M. Browr ing, commissioner along a rocky road in its pursuit Q of Indian affairs, has been visiting n MASON & LONDON of currency reform. President A Quincy, ill., baby is the number of the coast Indian agencies McKinley, through Secretary smallest baby on record, having and came to Salt Lake from the Fort reservation. Gage, is trying to keep the prom­ entered this vie of tears last ILall “My observations on this tour and ises made to the people of the ■ week as a feather weight of less the i xpcrience of the hurra a generally show th at. the Indian service is improv­ country in ihe last preside.' ■ ii i one pound. When dressed ing,” the eommislsoner says. “The campaign, but finds himself unabic ui some doll's clothes, the young gu.verrlucnt is endeavoring, ns fast a. potsTle, ar.'l as far as treaty stipula­ to deliver the goods. lady scored another ounce. Her tions wM! permit, to make the Indian I Senator Allison, < f Iowa, one of face is not much larger around self-supporting. Of course, the task is a diillcult one and many failures must ■ the oldest of the republicans lead- than a silver half-dollar; the wee result ix’fore the desired conditions are Q . ers, has recently made the follow­ fingers are no thicker than a darn­ brought about, but we uresut isfled with the progress bring made. It is not ex­ P ing statement: “I do not take the ing needle; her feet one-quarter pected that many Indians will become despairing view concerning our ! of an inchin length, while her legs professional or business men, but it is NOTICE TO PUBLIC:—Commencing December 15th, we believed that they can be taught tube C currency which the president pre­ ' at e the size of mamma little fin- fairly good farmers and stock raisers. will inaugurate our Annual Clearance Sales for the purpose of re­ ¡ t-A ■H sents. While there are sme i:n- ' ger. Never was there such a Gradually the lands of the tribesare be­ ducing our large slock, prior to taking count of stock for the New ing apportioned in severalty and the Y ear. pro- ements which 1 should like to fairv child born in the state of tribal relationships broken up. Where s ¿3 see made, I think we will be able Illinois, but the best of it she the lands are fit for agriculture th? I We allow a CASH DISCOUNT OF 15 PER CENT upon Indians are given implements, wagons J25 to get along if we do not get any seems perfectly healthy, with the and scixls. They arc aided in the eon- J all pinchases made during the time of our sale, with the exception ¿-1* O I currency legislation, and as the abiliiy to grow larger every day. . ‘.ruction of hou.-a s end then allotments of groceries. are fenced. In the dry districts, wher i GO c situation presents itself now it Mot ’ -1 at ing’only is possjLle.a few head Remember we carry the largest line of Boots and Shoes, Rub- V of • f attli’ art given •.’••li indi-i 11 an-’ t•' «* looks as if it might be impracdc- ber Goods, Hats and Caps, Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnish- sale of their stock is prohibited iriiil a able to secure legislation 1 n the ' ing Goods and Hosiery. We carry the stock that makes the prices »hey have a certain nurrbor. Thin plan I uliman car. Il<- was kicked 111 has worked quite, hi a t isfartoriJy on i ’■ ' lines of the Pr - .' 1'. •. ■ n- and can not be undersold bv any legitimate competition. lands. When a contract, for beef the face bv a persan already occu­ Siuux dations.” ha«' 11< i'll uav rded n nd i uroha-ses unfit i “Others of .u iraders > i u.- pying the berth, and 1 very ugl\ il are to be tnntlr 1 ic indn'B v invitt-d u* y-.dl -i.rpliL? cfiti to t: >■ yov.-rni.’cnt urpliKi cat i ’ i • t< republican party are expre; •.¡ng scar the result. He astonish­ at the col tract paice. contract price. N qi long ago al themselves likewise and ••currency ed all of lus friends, who knew I ihe Fino Ridge agency GUO head of cat­ tle were bought from Indians on these reform •ì ” in consequence is one of him "before” and ‘•after,” by ex-' terms and the rod cattlemen were the impossibilities for the time plaining it was only “a berth n:*!urcJly much pleased with their suc­ MASON <&• LONDON cess as f tock-rnifirrs. I believe the being, at least. In spite of the mark.” Ind an problem will work it If out in I thi. v.'«v. The solution will lake time. fact that Secretary Gage is before reports I bnt the ’’av 13 canrnff when the vho was was stab- stab­ , Indian, having become eclf-Mistiunlng, of currency reform which meets the case of a man ivlio • w ’ • ' „ II n.» Irunrnv l»n •! I* rd nf tin» nn.f i'll " V ill no l'i’^'T bo i vani of the rat’.on.’ every demand regarding the finan bed in the tenderloin, No miss —Salt o '"u’bt’no. 1TKK1.* POX® PiAMdS. LCBOWN OBQAXB. STRllIl A ZEIDLER PIAMOS. cial question, upon which the vic­ s'eak about that. tory last year was won, almost a Th e man who made $ 10,000,- 11 g deaf ear is turned to him and his 000 out of cigarettes» is finally FVDLISIIFI) LVíRY WETMEILAY JOMM I-. STRATTON- BY CELEBRATED I plan will receive little if any Slip- going to join the army that his BYRD BROS. port from that body. cigarettes have sent ahead of him. '> a BANTCS, PUBLISUERS AND F r OPBTKTOUS. 1 I Imporlarsuf and Wteolcal. ^.alara la all telad» i f A rural correspondent in Geor­ I.1U91CAL Jini, üu !'/4T8. Banjos. Wsiidotlnos. Accord«.. ., A Eargain With th© Bryanltei. gia, in writing to his home paper | Li.ami-af. XU MC RI FT ION RATES: ¿C..&J1 kin.*.» of Ctringt», ttc.,«ic. i 3 o A Ä O Burns, Hurney County, Oregon y ib o fk'iv IUKA. Oaa Year hi Meatha Tter©t .'Junik« I •rrieiAL dibictokt „ATM—OB.SC» l S.W.MeBrUo. i «X* i era ........................ Ii }Ttec« Tungne. t W. A. Bilii» •«a gresi, m©a <;. M. ldlemau Ààtoraay Uaaeral .. . Wtw i* Lor-1 Isrsrisr n K Kincaid liirUiry of tuto ...Phil. MetsckRU Trsssarar B .. G M Irwin • ■pl. Fateli« IasRaskiun W i< taeds R «»at© Pria*©r............... R F. Bean. ? j R U. T»'«‘verlt>n tapíeme J u 4< m T ' C. 7 F. A. Mc«re BINITI JUDICIAL BltlRICT. JlaMal J«4g© D M. D. CLI ffokw »¡•»riet Attor««/ U. W. «’arrisa. J©I«t-Represe«tative ..(I) . .0. L. I’atterKc» . J«Ì8E3©aat©r ........... (I).............. A. W.Wo**« j^-ge»Ond hand ins ruments taken in part payment far new on ». F. V. JEFFERS, Agent eOBWTT—BARMRT : . C. P. RalherLml. • ©aaly j alga H. Ke’iejr . .'K) .............. eiirk J C. Welcome Traaiurer ........................ .. -(B) Y A. McKinwuii D larvaror A . J. MrKinncn Itetrif .(D) rv. ». Waters ▲ ss«M«r . W C. Byrd • ehaal la ©ari lUadssi _! » I. U . Davi« • »••k Iai©«a»«r A. B.X arks íD)i 4 ©mm:Mi©«©ri 6e-*. Haiey -P.i BURNS, OREGON. ■ ABHBY V. 8. LAID office : Thfcuias Junes A A.Coniali BaglaUr ... Raaairar HOWARD SEBREE. B. F. WHITE, Vie: •OCIITIlt • Tt.VA KKBIKAII DeirrceNo 48 M wmb . wt lit ,.d Id w^lne.da. M< rheatei" >•£• U aa Leana Xalglaa. B»c. »«"• 5 A. O. Ü. W.Barna Lodge. Xo «7 Maaaawrld »ad «A Tharadar, H M Horton. M- '< j w gayar. Kac MEDIUM ADVERTISING —F01- A Genera’ Columbus, O., Dec. 24 The I State Journal this morning prints : a story that the republicans, led by Charles Kurtx, in opposition to the re-election of Hanna. The ¡1 store, the Journal states, comes from a man who claims that Han­ na will be defeated. The Journal ; says: “Conferences arc being held i in various parts of the state by 1 democrats who have gathered at i the direction of McLean and tin ! free-silver li adi r to p'a 1 f <• 1 bringing pressure lo be • democratic members of the o 1 lature to vote for Governor Bush­ nell, and the argument wh ch is used in these conferences to con- vince the doubting a id bring con- viction to the hesitating is that Bushnell has surrendered lo the Bryanite idea of t'nian e and will ac with the free- Ivor party in the United States sen.ite. ii elect­ ed.” M/ CALDWELL iDAí!O SÍ/ Banking Business Transacted M/ CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Nord Sagebrush Cutter. Idaho Lai son, side ■ABXBT LOBQK. MO. TT. I O <> F. ■ nata at Odd raltra. Ball, erar' V» • !» T M » ■ ML. Law ■ ■ <’ F J r.Xeigiar.»„.r r ‘ . Ht of the Christmas holidays, says:: “This will be a sad Christin is to us. Only 15 of oar children will be witii us. Th" Lord took three of ll-.em from us last year. A “new woman,” typewriter and bookkeeper, tari, his "i>- scouded from San Francisco, u.ic­ ing with her a large sum of mon-I ev belonging to her employer.! The Coliseum building at Chi­ cago —•«•- in ■ which the national ilcino- cratic contention was Leki last I 1 caught lire from ekctiic! “Matilda, I wish you would a»k i that young Mr. Pet rs to have bis ' i cull' button replated.’’ “Why, maiuma what d> you I black mean?” ’’ “Thev ..—. . ¡< ave .. ------ -- streaks 1 on tli! back of your shirt waist ’ I every evening." Printing;. VOL. XL 5. KO THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. lSJpageg a week—156 papers a jrear FOR ON E DOLLAR. Published every Alternate Day ex­ cept Sunday. Th« Thrice-a Week Edition of The New York World is flrut aiuone all “weekly” papers in size, fre­ quency of publication, and the fresh­ ness, accracy and variety of its con­ tents. It has all the merits of a great $6 dailv at the price of a dal- ar weekly. Its political news is prompt, complete, accurate and im­ partial as all its readers will testify. It is against the monopliea and for the people. It prints the new» of n’l the world, h iving»¡¡ecial correspondence from ui important news points on the I J It his Lrillisut illuBtrationa -tori, a l>v creat authors, a capital ■h.i'.ioi p. ei', com ph. tv markets, de­ partments for the household uud women'» work and other special de­ partments of unusual interest. We oiler this uneqMalcd news­ paper ami T iik T im ns-H erald to­ gether one year for $2 25. The regular abscription price of the twe paper» is $3.00 e Aom rr.H.Jmtmn ..^4 Prof. W. H. Peeke, win makes a ap«eiultr of Epilepsy, kaa without doubt treated and «cr­ ed more rasos thaa any h living Physician; hia I nucceaa is astonishing. Wo havu heard of ease« of sa jrcai a’ standing cured by him. Me publiahesA vnlnatelte work on t h i«*dia- en»©, which h • linda i I ith a Itirg© bo<- tío -------- of hl. — abaolute euro, froe to Any «iiff©r©r« who may muy send th« ir P. O. and Exproo« nd Ur ©a*. W© aHvU a«1vi«a any oua wishing a ©nr© tn arldre©« rwew. ä . rim, y. < Wy x.. «trTja A JOHN F. STRATTON’S pi^^^I^a^urid^'rrAde-Aiiirkfl. Copyi ights and Label« regiatvred. Twemy Ave_^e’J,r"neiZ Mrisnce. We report whether patent can be Soured or not, free of charge. jiitll patent 1©allowed. M pu «* 1,00,4 run GEVÍ'/.*« %V A^HlNaTON*1^ol Celebrated Russian Gut Violin Strings Th© Fine«« *" World. I-very String Warranted. John F. Stratton,1 Wanted-An Idea Protect y - :r Ideas, the» nuty brlBg yon wealth Write JOHN WEbDEKliV ilM A CO . Jj»»*’"1 nev» Wa«t'rt>. 1* < L»r the.lx 81 Send tur b|j, Catalugu«. et'J. 815. 817 E. Oth St. NtW YORK. II«*« SRhkarwAlunS5SkTw«a«*t I. s. GEER a CO, OREGON. BERNS, ■ r©» All kind» of Machine extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. Youth — T b. g, sir, for the hand I of ¿¡.tighter. I cannot live without1 her.” Ohl Orump—“Gl il to boar it | sir. I can't live with her. Name Gii-deri Pe»'—“But it eem» to me you I originated by Mr. Larson,and has ATTORNEY- AT-L aw , ask v( ry high wag»», when you bc been operati d by him w 1 per­ Prieoi. ktiowkuj ■ that you have 1,o’, hid Bams, » : TRISCH A DONNEGAN, Proprietors. fect success It consists of t.vo •'THUNDERBOLTS,” mm jixp ri.n •Biddy—’ Hur», heavy limb rs. p’aced in the form marm. ain’t it harder work f >r me sä T of a V, on the lower side <>f whi h when I den’t kouw Low?'’—Trav are fastened steel knives, similar I eler. Fin-3 W nos Xdquor« A-* C4.**’« to a mower sickle. From the 1 AGHNTS WA.YTW. RIAL MTATf AaF.?rr. center of the V shaped fr ime, and A a ai.’i »»»»ring club ha» !> ••«< k,nd «• Gent« ter Amt*« Owlflt, «ml io Cr«t« fo«rOteT 70*paff«, lUaauaUd CaUüogac of Libi©«, Albums, Lu XOTAIY PÜILIG extending Iwick » feet, is a o: gsniz d in a Kentucky town, and rycourteou» treatment guaranteed. Your patronage Bolichea heavy timber w ilh heavy knives » ' n men l> r pay a fi. e of * cent- WONDERFUL 3ALEH. attached vertically on each end for every oath. A part of the club which hold the machine in had a hv»ted political di»cue»ion balare V » L«ii ' ©•• from srfral »>•!'*© ma4* within th© lui few wo©tea' when in motion, by cut ing imo the other dav arci the treasury wa- M b T o «rore it. w© g a i«w One Mgwnt aol ©opi©« lo tw.» an I a half 'lav*. Ano’her wM I. imh *« i « !«• <«7«; awilled bv additional »u:n of »• '- anJ another 80 to thr©« 'tajr* <>n© agent in tadiaua sold Henpie© in two nvi. An a«««K the ground. It requires four Xv ¡o Mouth < AFuh«a«o4d 48 oup<©a in throe dara ar©nt in < r*»rgia arU«l »»• tw© haya. enleen dollar» an i aixty-tive cents. M An a<©at Ift <^w4rai Meg a wdd « «n-i«« »• •*!»> vM ' horses to pull it. Mr. Lnrton TfJ mimm we allow ag*wS©. ewd th© Iwins^w pop« anty of thia w»•© with wte»©te it eel la. Share is noshing m whieb a hr«. pn*L ag man onn ©wtAf© 8rtet«h Grant Uounty News: used a similar machine last winter St ..Ch pewtesn F« laB.M© *©• -a4© IICI M U tete Uyi w^u ma4*S»©40la three4aj»; a*«»©a©» >e.%> ia aaa 4 a #i •*»«•** who are mining for Jack Ch milter» X3! TaNBdarWSa.” J. A. H allabay , contractor. in clearing 40 aurea of land cov- j; tMi> nreUrM ••* «!> Urw4ajrt. SURGEON piyuciii AWP o.i the m mota n. I uilt a e ibin and If B. F. N WNFS PUBLISHING COMPANY. N**tevBta, Twa. C ir'vin ; U. i^. M iils *nd Eastern Oregon Expr*.e Coe cred with heavy .bru»h and t a n leveling off tbe floor M Residence •t OflM I,•*»« Burnt To«aiay.Thuraday,Saturday,for Caayon City re»u't wwry -a 1 i liiscov-red a ri h »«ant of quart?. Far. 15. machine cutting every bruah off OREGON and inttrmadi t« BURNS The Burns Bar SÂM JONES. ::l j-? S $10 Every Day Can Be Made by Agents. Dr. W.L. Marsden. a L *