>1 L. LEWIS. J C BY RD. debts' b) tv with a WÄC ,\ •■v'.’ork has undertaken an v. hich cAlL experimen" in economics buggy onl which will be wu Led with in­ 1. uses of terest throughout the l-rg-i-st. cit­ their d< ’/ - ies in the world. A mammoth par .cula ' ’ Lewis & Eyrrl, ftp at wat * An.rT' iULi Ä;L: 1 ■* J 8 OREGON. In farm property «■ > Lave 1H 1 .1 . • . ■ I good agricultural l.o.ii 7 ini Ji - • ,uth , of Burns. Thirty acres in cultivati n' goodliou .c in I barn. Title perfect and i a Largaiu at < 1 !08. No trouble to >l,ow property or givu , prices. Lets ¡2 and 6 inJJBIock 2V. Thiajs known m tho J 3. Kenyon* residence and ii in ii very dcrirablj neighhorhoiid and ia offered very low for <:a»h This i. audoubtedly tho beat Largain in ten a. ¡Mr«. Anna Robertson, Proprietress. We have a nice farm, containing 3S5 acres, two miles smithui.-t of • Eugene. Oregon, and on the grave! road, (rood dwelling, good barn and outbou.-i i; good orchard and well fenced, worth $7.000, to trade ■ for a -tor !;“ranch in Eastern Oregon A i ood ranch containing 1 B<> erre» of equal value. ok Poison Creek, 7 mili-. North East lfiUaor • good liny land. 9 miles knows a. th" A. Ifeuihrie piaci , I i ■ale low for eaah or,on reasouabl» time. -outh of Hurns. This proderty is in good c inditiou and is the best bargain [Jediapiited tillo in tho Y’all, y This popular J it y. 9 ¡3 f .' y »quip­ ped for the comfort of its custom­ ers. Good table serv.ee. hotel, nine stories high, built of this man'« Aïeuls < cuta. stone and firebrick, and equipped they pa v p: Terms for board by the w»ek or with baths, elevators electric Dr. Nansa made ti e striking month on application. lights and steam heat, h.ns been remark to t e American Geo- F’ff-Two doors west of feed stable. erected in th».: downtc ii 5 lum mghl graphic; district by Millionaire D. O. Mills great, that the ; for the patronage of poor but extent is a) lily solved. There honest persons v. ho have hereto :■■■ ■ .nd jeasonabie is. lie sat s fore debarred from fair accommo­ ea ut the north pole, doubt, a de dations' by tiie prohibitory p'ices, « ith a thin yer of ice not exceed­ In app arance the new hotel is as in fiftee ed in thickness. He palatia. as any of the high ¡>i iced. ti.hiir , that . II the land existing in' lir-.t-cla; ■> hosteh u.D. "1 • office th.- notIi' ! been di. -overed ev. uarblcs decot tied whh < c< j t, pos-'it . on the A iit >-i. :in and the floors are of i : c, ide, The !. pth oQhe Polar sea r I The building cost about - 30O •'/••,- e places at’i2.«oo feet. ooo nd the nterprLe I . L<■••n S! :■!.■’. ■ ’. th, cf >rii I.inn ■ undertaken pure!) as . b i inc u U investment. L< di;iiig, incl.' ling i :nty. one day last week pro- 9 s i , . i some t i ro powder, which a private room with ba’h, will be furnished for 2<> entv a night and meals will lie served a la carte from io cents up. it is promised that 1 he sei vict I be 1 last in evt ry parlidar, and I) .1 abso­ lute cleanliness will be enforced. It will be seen that under these rates a working man may have a private room and bath in a good .hotel, with thre : !■ ’ai.a day and • ill the advatage.! of reading room he had heard was i■•• inion bla !■; powder, J adeil his 1 Ion ■■ 11 . I 3 a lecuri d a hat •'’oniise« to b ■ ti I great magazine fi ature of 189U. I it is entitled the ‘•Th Inner Ex- perienccs of a Cabinet Member’s : Wife.” In a series of letters 'written by the wife of a Cabinet I member to her siste! it home, arc detailed her i.lua! experi- All work in our lino done neatly and with dinpatch, gaarantood Snlisfactior Givu im a eall. ■ •nccs in Washiugtori, fi ai’kly and I frc’ly Jgi ven. 'l i e tl .-u were I written without a y intention of I publication. They give otiiu.ite os-i/v» : th : CULP PROB ì J. Burns, Oregou, Work Cuarantoed to be first class W<> mix our own Paints, and Our Work Sneaks fo? itself. CARPENTER, BUILDER, CABINET V ? V mAk light a r it h ,1 never I’ccn before presented. The Pi esident and the highest oiiii i d of the land with the most brilliant men and women of the Capita . are'-veil L tiie most familiar way As these are all actual ex; eriericcs the name of the v. r ili r is withheld. The letters will doubtless i excite much shrewd guessin., by readers : and study of intern :l v ence to discover the secret. T he “Ex- perienic s.” winch will be beauti­ fully illustrated, begin in the De­ cember number and will contin­ ue for several menti s. R. Parties Desiring Cabinet \\ ork Once upon a time . 1 cs. nc t ■ that excels any done4 in this place totor the of a family country church. It was time and the p. or man was heretofore, call and examine my winter ■ ii tin.inciai straits and i :« p.iutiy was running low. tiumber of work. _ THOM. I.AHEY. Rum», Oro. fflSF" Fir.it door n»rth of Brick Store KED FRONT LIVERY STABLE his devoted tlo >; de < O pv . P ateni C^'. c . e , WasMiuaTC h , t ¡t ■v. * ■S-.’Yt Kit ->SVY<.< 80 VSARd* BXFtRIßMOR, .M' ? . 111 ( '-Ü 'I ? fl ______ Jra Í» e Saloon is firbt class in every particular. NORTHERN SHORT LINE V ia V ia SPOKANE SALT LAKE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER ST. PAUL OMAHA AND Kxpenencsd bartender Mixed drinks to picture the meat ftstidims. I r.o toc inmuuuiini iste i jiT is i* nt ikcriakb i» >c»i>av¿M» AND KANSIS CITY. If you arc in a position jTOidc Busin: ss i Let P;oula knaw it- O( 'KAN STEA M EIÌS leave Portland every 5 days fc San F isnciso. H yoa han anything 8te-roer.« Monthly from Portland te Y ok«l;onia »nd llong K«nsj via, The Northern Pacific Stennilhip Co. in con- nestion with U. it K N. Vcu wait to Sell Let Peonia Knew it! For full details call on the O. R Lt N agent, at Baker City, orad dress, FRWE rÄXSitf», DCSSCKS, COPYRIGHTS ¿xc. Anycno setuLng a ’.«ketch nnd ùeecrintli n me*» quickly astjertj In r— j, •» —* .he- B-------- -— ’. *- ia t. ’ h* r.n *------- invontuk probably ps*^-f ' > •' mroaubj-it!on« Rtrlctl7 t ..iute .iliUl. ' . 1 * } far»'. ii.-hsi* putouts in A inorica W<» b ' -i 'A h. ii'rxt'.n ofTler. I it ••■it - « . >uxh Muua A Co. receive ((PecilU HGii’Ji lu tno - Í- Good Billiard tables, FieaeanVCard Rooms, ets., e»w. I _ No. 1 Leaves Baker City 3:30 P. M No 2 *• “ 12.*8 » r'^ .. E..^. ; Wires Liquors, srd Cigars OREGON To all Eastern cities ■ i . • ,. .1 ’1 *.i \ .-».i< btitintr l and I ^cntbii iness conducted for Mor tHtiTE Fera. L or O ffice i . • ’ ■ ’•cf *.‘’« txt * Or^icte <’ : ri -A'e c*’:i • r e p ' ■* ' m ie . • tit ••: tort.. thou f ■in-,? ..c ftctn V.r.tshin ;L> i. $ Send model, drawn»< e.r photo., T%ith dcacrip p : V.'e advise, if patent'iblc or not, free t ii I . Oar few:, t d.te f'C’f'r'i J a Fr. AFriCvT. “ How to O 'tain Patents,” withe >f -..in«: in the U.S. and foreign countries* !res«, 2 OR BOO w^- -w- fl W. H. HURLBURT, Subscribe ior the I Gen. I’a-«. Agent, Portland, Or. A. L. MOHLER, Vice Presideat. SCIE' îflÜ AMERICAN, bef*n«‘f ill!/ fi' i’ Clmt' .'.inn of ■■ ■ {”• • a v * hj ; - er’nu n U.»\» > wd J1ÀXD T::xra sc *t free Ad.drveK? 1 ( ■ Bieadwn>. New Vink. 1 TWO $ OHLY TWO $ lit» fii ffb.-aii’od abw bn A R sbosider or left stifle. C. A. Bonnett, Craite,Or« L0C,V D SEAiiE a.id is fho rest?! of eolds and sudden clur. a ? : change*;. ‘ It can be cur> tùia jt» paia ”3 thfl Li • fa’eaad- • JkLY BKc i Daini ■ R'Y' STOCK DSANiX». CLUBBiSG RATES WITH ALL THE LIADIKC PAPERS V-’’j ! > b-» the inn,t thorough eyre fir I In hr id .nd Ha." Fever cf all t d lira . svj : I «• n-.v-ni passages, «: . .s n, tnt gricA, pn>- . . ! , r ’ G'L.' l’ i-C :KM Rr.t » M'-. it '• •*•■.- \ \ iU I.-1. . l * u k, . . < \ u. i. ffyerytnlfy TH.S HJfá'jl L 7>. aUftt/itt ht it. Htm f,v. , d t at his house and offer the speedy reco ones and in.afi ri the pastor’s family. While of the most devout deaci offering prayer for bles.-ii the ] . .tor's household t) a loud kno, k al d«H r was open boy wa -Wh On the Cerner South of the French Hotel, Main Strr-t asked < n of th M ’LAIN A Wll.l.l WH Propreit >r» ••I've trou replied tl.r !■ Th» proprietor« are wi 11 known not only I but in ill tho adjacent • • [It, ' • Connli«« and r.iwrn The r l-us « *«• | i.ili licnt ■ md t itu ii »1'. tian far hors»« Mpocially tits lh»m th aio< What ilo v ; -,i i “Yep: bi ou ________ GREAT LOWEST HATES - BURNS, HOICK Of------ CHICAGO _____ V» n peeps behind the curl. in. of high official and social life. They are absolutely Larle-a, tliei stud'. Washington life under thereat ch- HOUSE, SIGN 4 CARRIAGE A SHORT TIME ONLY. C W. JOHNSON -t CO, Proprietors. ’-TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES- ‘ ordinary powder is good enough The ladit Shop opposite tho Brewery ------- OlVk.TKi: w me In “er and vent for a hunt The powder was too strong for an ordinary rille, and at the first di; ■ h ti ge the rfie exploded. the pic . s living in al! directions, and hit ing Smith squarely on top of the I Le.vl almost scalping him. lie remained unconscious for 1 about three hours, but with care-! for 'ful trt itment he. is fast now re-1 . ■ . a.id wi'i soon be able to , go b ai ting again, but says that. ! A Great Xagaziue Eoatnr •. burns FOR Tu THE and other hotel accessm Es, i . , * P*-'r week. I O regon . DltfWSEY, s Wo have for sale the following Lily property in Eurn>. R abt, i ii Blovke in the Morriaon A<1 i diuou and tho whole of the Brown Addition, ooutainii.g tho in out dvairablo re«idr>nee property in town. Tins | properly ia ottered very cheap for caeli or in Instalhiieuts. A Special Bargain! « A Hotel EXpcri: ■ :t. 7’v'tv: - ITS -CVÄB rnEE BRAXD COT t MX. T j Tint tenoa > -1 have an > . f 'Z'’*' '' ‘*.Mf ivvvron.i »menaua „■'•■<•Sr.nl I'or.u:!-... >■■•>.A,. ««< '.htfi-is’s haveK-'-iiaJieady i.n lai.ui , <■*< . r. carvi., xrt ir. D >1 VaMwuaat* -nentb ■. So rroof-pos.ii« tm j Bttiiia. ■ ore. lit |W t.- t ! t* fj.r it my ;vfy f o f * ’* -* r tu» ih»:sd of y>ur readers ’ Av. . iLsuinp'. .’,T! l -at,Bronchial >r Lung Ttoubkr, i. t.KV Will Wrìttf TTÌ2 tlx-br L*:xen al ,>■>. office lA’.-rss. Stocewly, A si'.vCV. bi. C.. 1st F»rl St. Hew v-r* fj" T I.L»-vin! a«! r-¿«.tMaa n.»jwv»in 'cAraahM ¿t. e servos tlLa Î » ■• ’ • • * - ' . C»:tì» a - ci or «-ft rip ard upper clip ou both ears T. A. McKin: on. Burus Ore. llar t i to F.i « v ratt o brandad Van left aide ‘ r« »d - lei; #idt p o. Bupna,Ore*>a THE HINALD DOIS THK BEST JOB PEIRTIRÖ J C. Fe y. cattl« brant! * ea ri®hi tri h- >ras urand - on left ahon !«r. Horaea branded on left XT LOWEST RATEI. CatCabnad IT’D ása - \;Tÿ dUmoadoe left hip: horaaCV «1 left Cha-’o» H Toestler. B«rua ora. Hour branded Pon right Rhon’der. cattle I iri^i.thip. R K. Hendricks. P O LaweaOr c*. eft ibt líder. kktret >»f 'rim.^'v, ; g brick! *«■» S' i i UZ&« - T * r- •-* 4 . V .4 *r j. w * X T f. n catt’e^-a* 4 J r roancrtedcR ■ K brs.,d aiivii c*a left atil« P. u< k J 1 1 ------ A9..T TH U ■*« bran ! fljnire Ton either hfp nil klitht eai h . a- • ip ir e«rh ear. and «ait. | aw. Horse brar ! £gurs7an cither hip | J H. bastard Barna Ove. 3». J. ef - -e. MMCH/rtflo-». Eart Jt ’. it-.Near Y' im ' a ROBT. IRVING, Prop. MAIN 5TKMET, HARNKY, . ! t»i-i'•I OK KoON •«, O no -.- wî -• H--ae brand bar m cn left «hcn’der. Ca*tre < h*r ” left hip atd ribs. Cathartaa i '.trwi.u po s'arrosa ore T < • bran * a eft ah< u der S Xi .ss X umss >an-'i!*, Burna ore. II' JOI ÙJ F. STRATTON 8 t v es and « Eaiid loslu^nh DRUMS,FIFES. Piccolos and Band Supnlios V—J fc. .CMS . aritATT« a - «11 »IS,St«