The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 27, 1897, Image 2

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    SD ëimcsxïtruffi *
W D ;z LAY CCIUIZR .7... 7
j C111 s 11 v 11 r>
liiere is a great deal more
p.. >nal levcnge in the New
’. campiign tnan political
nn o
an Htrer.
We don’t believe that Billy
There is a hot old time in the Hearst is romantic, or he would
town of New York each ano not have chosen a married man
for the assignment of rescuing
every night of the week now.
that Cuban girl from pi ¡son.
»■J 7- 73-
Wh'ta Cock.
from a
It may be the average woman
The ghost of p .or B nine has
•tump fpeaker is a help to the
railed to hunt vo'es in New
party sl.e talks for, hut we have
York, where he received the
our doubts.
1 wound that killed his political
The trouble about the present ambition and shortened his life.
Bill oî Fare.
brand of prosperity is that there
Sir Edwin Arnold,
are so many of us with whom it
writer, became so
refuses to resume visiting rcla-
with his description of
anese woman that he
Don Quixote McKinley and l ied one.
M rs R acine
___ W o Carry a C luplele. L nî of-----
D;iiin<- Bonn under the supervi­
sion of Mr Larks, an experienced
and polite waiter.
the Eng­
the Jap­
has mar.
Ins it es partii s ia attendane« at
court to vive the French Hotel
Sancho Panza Ilanna got the icy
If enthusiasm makes votes, and
laugh from the new Spanish min­
does, Mr. Bryan’s Ken­
istry in return for their offer of
tucky speeches will do the party
Cuban mediation.
E.i 0 C13 •
Generai Me
glassware BOUTS A SHOES, 1101’E, TOBACCO, et«.
Call and inspect our Stock. Sat- ?
isfaction as to quality and price
then courteously invited Supt. Ir
win and President Campbell to
We believe’.bat S.-nator Thurs­
charge of the institute and
The indifference of the Fora-
ton was right when he said there
it in their own way and
would be no more republican ker republicans in Ohio is keep-
! manner. The invitation was ac
presidents if Tracy was not ing Boss Hanna fror. getting his
Icepted. II. A. Dillard was mad«
elected, and we arc certain that regular allowance of sleep.
I secretary. Sunt Irwin then mile
Tracy will not be elected,
[a very interesting talk to the
The McKinley administration 1 teachers regarding their duties and
The regular democrats of New had bitter be careful how it gayu a very true anil concise de
York city appear to have struck a handles that Union Pacific rail­ scription of country schools; the
winning gait and the chances are I road business. The intelligent advantages and disadvantages nat-
that they will be able to keep it people of this country know that Rurally falling to the lot of all
up during the rest of the race.
a job is contemplated; if it is car­ country teachers; the obstacles in
ried out they will hold somebody 1 their pathway; howto remove or
¡overcome them, and in fact proved
Gin. Fitz Lee should n<>t for- responsible.
¡conclusively that schools in the
get to make a public declaratior
rural districts wrre just win!
of J»is financial opinions before he . Ba-hful Willie writes to c.- leaoliors, directors and patro o
starts upon that personel canvess i quire what he must do »vben the j made them. If they willed,
of Virginia in behalf of his elec­ girl with the most kissable mouth j close attention and interest,
tion to the Senate.
he knows says she is afraid of mi­ have first class schools, it would
It all depends; some a success; if to the contrary
The death of Charles A. Dana, girls can be easily convinced that would bo a failure, The children,
or pupils, are in no way r pomi
editor of the N. Y. Sun, remov- the microbe theory of kissing is
I ' In in case of failure. Ho al so con
one of the most conspicious fig­ only a bugaboo, while noihing
deiutud v -ry bitterly the unnejassn-
ures in American Journalism As »bort of a solitaire diamond en- rv expenditure of sor.ool funds fur
a writer of correct and robust En­ 1 onge ring can dissipate the apparatu s which hr found in near
glish Mr. Dana had no s'.ip:rii>r piejtul
of others. We don’t Iv all the counties, and was of m
but his politic il judgment in- 'know which class the girl with material benefit but wa.te uf mon­
the tn »st kissable mouth belongs ey.
vaviably warped.
Professor Campbell then took up
~ ■-!
subjects of numbers, language
No National administartion has
English grammar whisli occu
ever yet found meddling in State . pain has replied to tha noto of
the reinai .der of the after
or municipal politics beneficial, 'ho United State» regarding medi-
is ap
and the efforts made by Mr Mc­
Th? a Idrsss at the church in the
Kinley in behalf of Platt’s ticket proved by the Spuiish c.Jiinat. evening, by Prof. Campbell, on the
1'ha commniiicntion is courteous
In New York wall help neither
subjects of u ideation, f.-ea giiwii-
but determined in rejecting tha pro
inent ail frea institutions was
Platt’s t cket n .r the McKinley
ios.,1 made by the United States
clear, logical, interesting, and list-
administratis 1.
She asserts her determination to
ened to with marked attention.
»..'tie the Cuban war in her own I
If it is to be a question of fol- way and without foreign interference j
lowing Senator Gorman or the of any nature. Spain doe» not fix 1 Another Paper in Heppner.
Baltimore Sun, it 1.3 not Hke’y that any tuns or probable date of end-1
Hepner, Ore., Oct. 21.—The Shutt
many Maryland democrats will ing the conllict, but declares to >
Bros , of Fossil and Antclop«, have
hesitate in making choice. Sen­
proposal of political reforms. She been here the past four or five days
ator Gorman has never faltered in
also argues that the losses and dam I arranging to start a weekly paper.
supporting democratic principles,
ages the insurrection has inflicted They have rented a building, and
while the Sun suppoited McKin­ on foreigners, would not have oc­ . as soon as they can get their plant
ley last year and has opposed the curred, had international law been 1 here, will commence publication.
regular democratic ticket from properly observed, by the United For the past three years Heppner
the beginning of the present cam­ .''till a «spacially. The press of has had only one paper.
paign. The newspaper that re­ Spain unanimously approves the
fuses to support the party ticket, attitude of the Saguta cabinet and
Spain's Kepij
except when it is allowed 'o name says the people have became weary
it, does not deserve the individual of the continuous coucession to
A special dispatch to th« New
support of members of the party. American diplomacy and ends by York World from Madrid, dated
•.lying "Spain w.h not admit the j October 2?, says:
right ofaa y foreign power to interfere j I "Spain’s reply to the note of the
Newspaper like every other in r.ny of her affairs.” The reply is
United States hinting at mediation
line of business, have certain pric
ic- ­ such in its tenor as to undoubtedly in Cuba and requesting an snswei
es governing what they have to defy the United Stales and an invi before tl.e end of the mouth, was,
•ell, and by following those set ation to measure swords. This placed today in the hands of the 1
prices eich customer is given I g wernment cannot tack down after American minister here, Gen/
justice, and the business prospers going so far to enforce if possible, Woo.lf.ird. The draft of ths reply
an aiuiablt settlement of th* insur­ made by the foreign minister, Gu­
The greatest tiouble with ad ver
rection on term« satisfactory to th ’ ion, was approved yesterday bv
titers seems to be in understand­
Cubans and in aeoordanei ths
ing a short and long term con ‘ attitude taken by this givsrntnsnt ihe cabinet. Th« communication
tract. As an example. Mi A If wc understand the situation th' is courteous in tone but very det«r
mined in rejecting the proposal 1 f
asks for a large advertisement one United States cannot Jo otherwise
of the American note. Spain reso­
week. The regular rate we will than demand a speedy »elution of
lutely assarts her determination to
say would be $t6. He then asks th« problem and th’ tights and
»«til* the Cuban question without
the rate for four weeks, and is privileges she asserts should be
foreign assistance or interference of
told it is $,5. For two months ' guaranteed to the Cabans, If this any kind.
$71 anti for three month $90 demand should bemad* then a
"She declines to fix any date f r
A contract is made for three declaration of war would itum Ji pacification of Cuba, which she
months, and after two months ate’y follow.
propose.- to bring about as »he see*
have gone by, the advertiser or
hl by torse of arms and bv politics!
ders bis advertisement out of the
reforms ctiluiinatisg in aatonoinr
The Institute.
paper, expecting his bill lobe two
hilo rcgreling the
the insur­
thirds of $90 or $<>o but finds a
The County Institute opened at
claim against hitu for $72. It I o'clock j» m, Tuesday, with a fair rection has inflicted Ou foreigners
Spain argues that this would net
is the same principal which is in­ attendance of teacher.
have happened if international law
volved in a transaction with a
Stale Superintendent Irwin and
had been observed, by the United
men hant who sat s ‘For cash 3 ou Professor Catrnliell, president of
Siat«-* 1 <pcciallv.”
can have this ruit ■ f «loths, which the Sul« 110im.1l »cl ad at M .vi
ia marked $1$, for
50," ‘ The niTj’.h, w •• • p*r«,nl.
to Khc?pntt«ri.
County »iip-ritilci.dc’it, W C
customer takes it home to t*y
but docs n it rear > '.<> p.n f r it
ich h he
r»r *-l th » *at ••
!i* • .«
» pr-.
until a week la'er, and ti ds a 'er w I u
f, It by
charge ag.mist him of ♦»5- lie
tan« for the
failed to five up <o his contrae*.
presence of tl.e two d.i'li
E m .
gentle-»-n and educa1
-7 «d- -■ ■» « •>
b« mi » J
tyOur (Linds sm First < lr«s, and will I"'
l’‘i' 's »• ’
\t e invite lb« People to Examine cur 8loi-n and Piici a
before Purchasing E’sewh. re
Mail orders receive prompt sltennuu.
I in I'll, ne» foui.iy
McCLAIN & WILLIAMS, I'n7>:11 tors.
The proprietors of this larg .■ und commodious IIouso are ex
notti k epera and the punite is assured good uc ouiu-udaliuts.
/¿Il Treated Alike. Table Service ike Iksi
fij-Parlies dcsir: ig regular board arc requ tid to consult'hi
Eurt.s, Oregon.
Hrick Ahvsys cn Hand for
Veneering box, or fra ma bouses almost as tic;
ruitia at
much mure comfortable—makes a solid wall, duruu.c, wry warm
.vine.r and cool and pleasant in summer.
Parties not conversant with the Veneering pr^ct.-s and want;. finished wall in residence, will do well to cu.u-ii Mr. llcli.tyre
before, finishing with rustic.
I his cut represents cur
load oî Goods as it appeared at the
Union Passenger Depot, Portland.
Burns Ontario
Leave« Burus daily at 6:30 r M.
Arrives at Ontario in 12 Luura
Round trip ; 1Ó.UJ.
firm in Eastern Oregon,
Through freight 3 Jots. a pound.
Two dayf notice at any P. O. ou the route and covered roti!.« will
Le furnished fur passangers.
II. A. Williams, Propr.
who buy at the low
est prices and in
... .Proprietor.
Situated on Silvias river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge
Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR
ûGiîipetition and can £111 all or
Good Wheat,
Qua xLt
Tours for hsicess.
Y rtf"
...s l‘W a