County Official Paper ¡The D^3t—- ADVERTIS! — FUR — Jiarrxy Scunty, >1 H1KÀLD. Katabliahtd 1M6 TIM id, EstauliaUaU l*»v BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 20, »üuiña Un««««» THE with a lick friend a few miles away. He noticed twe rough looking strangers lying by the roadiide. Hie auspicioni were aroused and he went to hii biother'for assistance The Jourdans returned to where the men were lying and ask then who they were. The deepradnes re -lied with'a elint and Jourdan Ml < k d■ a. rrad e> ... ’ k lli-d the : NEW YORK WORLD, THKICK A WEEK EDITION. pagel a wok —156 paper, ajrear FOR ONE DOLLAR. «• We want your tracie and in order to <* oet it we are offerirlo <_5 •' unheard oi barsrains in all lines: United MASON & LONDON to Fit ere not. . » 1 ic-< Uy" pa; i-ra in ais*. fre juency vf publication, and the fresh- nesi, accrucv and variety of its eon- ! Closing, Manufacturers. tents. It has all the merits of a Bcots & Shoss, great 16 dailv at the price i f a dol­ Groynes. Wines. lar weekly. Its political new* is prompt, complete, accurate and im­ Liquors, Provisions, partial as ail its readers will testify. I Cißars. Hardware, The new boiler for the woolen It is against the mon"p!iea and fori the people. Pausi to Faun Machinery, and scouring mills has arrived in It prints the news of a ’ l t b» win LI, Vizirs ...from our immense stock. Five Pendleton and will soon be placed in position. Carpenters are now having special correspondence ‘‘r m styles to others one. Clothing that has that corn* arranging to set it with 10x20 inch all important news points i n n • fortable fit and feel to it, and still there are men timbers. A new boiler house has globe It has brilliant illu»’r i'.i"ii-| stories by great author-, a <■..;■ 1 who pay twice r.s much for custom work and been nearly completed, 26x34 feet : humor page, complete niatk- d in. dimensions, and 17 feet in the j partments for ths househo d a- <1 : get no hotter than the K. N. 4 F. Co. ¡clear, with 12 inch brick walls, cor women’s work and othersp-i iu de rugated iron roof and cement floor, i partments ot unusual interest Cre^’O’ under the supervision of T. F. How­ We offer this unequsb-d new paper and T he T imex II kraidio ard. A new brick house for the twin Corliss engines, which are sx- gether one year for L2 25. A GUARANTEE TICKET WITH EVERY GARMENT SEARING THIS LABEL. The regular abscriptiun price of [ pected to arrive in about a month, ths.twc papers is $3 00 « will also be.necessary. This will i Fi«ht With Two Eagles.. be no possibility of the prisoner bo 20x40 feet in dimensions, and ______ i getting far away before the ofiicials will contain the engines, d vnamo * I*'-.» I'UBUISHKD EVBRT WEDKKMDAT Anderson Hawk shot a magnifi of the law would be him, if he i and pumps The new boiler is 16! lent American eagle a week ago should make up bis mind to leave I ’ feet long and 66 inches in diameter HIRNS. BYRD TROS. OREGON ’ and has 120 horsepower. One o' last Sunday.while he was harvest his bandsmen in the lurch. Pcai.isflEns AXD P roprietors . the old boilers will be used in con ing on D. II. Smith’s place, about best he could not hope to get morel seven miles flora Fossil, in Gil'iam than 24 hours' start, and he would n-ction with it, The Corliss en Wakes life misery to thousands of I 8UBÖI HIPTION RATM: ginss are of 150 horsepower. people. It manifests itself in many (county. i have to take chances even on that, | Än« Y» m ....................................... M different ways, like goitre, swellings, Alt Months .............................................. l.Qi Anderson ’s attention was attract any unusual movement on bis ' Tkr»s ifoQihu............................. . ,T> ruuuing sores, boils, salt rheum and led by the frightened bellowing of part would at once arouse suspic ' Scarce­ I Yrof. W. IL reck?, wha pimples aud other eruptions. make« a epocialtr ul I little calf, and leaking towards th» I ion. I ly a man is wholly free from It, In Epilepsy, bat without doubt treated «nd cur­ some form. II clings tenaciously niitll spot whence the sound emanated, Thia order of court carries with ed more cases than any the last vestige of scrofulous poison is • FYICIÁL directort a | living Physician; his I he was amazed to see two larg* it a forfeiture of Figal’s bonds if be | success is sstonishiag. eradicated by Hood’s Sursaparilla, the win—e asesa Ws have heard of coms a w. M«Br:4a. I eagles trying to ri>e with the calf shall at any time fail to answer to Garden Seeds and Sporting Goods. The only t »astata j . ' ot ss years' standing Ona True Blood Purifier. cured by iTkaa. Tansaa. I in their talous, says the Fossil Jour bis name when it is .called by the , him. Ho Thousands of voluntary testimonials ,w. K. Kdla «•»(rsi.msa publishes a Tin S?hop in V Tarney C C M. Idlemau nal. clerk of the court, and in o der to Aiiarary usasral tell of suffering from scrofula, oftcu valuable • m r l.urd 4«y«ruur work o a H K S incala The calf was small, being only save all the rights of the prosecution inlierited anil most tenacious, positive, • ecretary af totata this dis- Givx us n ct II and ws will Convince yo« th*t ws can give b rkil M«ia X A. U»*rs ed by consent until the n?qt regu V« who ’e advise any one wishing a cure tn address MI METH JCDICIAL , district . and again as ths little fellow ran 1 lar eourt day. M.W. K. mu. Ye P m 4 cedar l u N«v/ Va ft M.D CLirrax» »latitat Ju4ga .................. D c. W rarroU towards the brush along the creek. Olairict Aiiuraay o. L. ran,own. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Kiitoi-KepreiautaUva (ft) .A W.U»waa Anderson ran to Mr Smith's house Celebrated faiat-toaaater ..(ili I for a shotgun, while tbe mother of CaPITT - -■ABMBT: Frrp*rr* <»»»Ty by C. J. Î ft Oa.. Via« . .. C. P. Bttlktrfarft ¡Mi »'.re Vi J t ll.wiii g and only Iltxd/a. Oregon blank-ts h.el rapar iitaa Meat gate, Anderson, with the gun, demand in every part ofthis c u • 1 X Davi» d sd Wednesday . MiaaJcotilt Mr Pt evie: a N.C». U as Lewi, a Zvigler. h»ec. Bea’y ! hut several hours afterwards it cam, is available fer operating mills near ¡to, and was preparing to make ly everywhere, and the best and ■ tracks, when Ed Smith discovered purist of water ia to be had for dye- A. O. Ü. W. Bern, Lodg«. X, W I it and made a sure job by banging ing ao that manufacturers can guar M« A R'l rn< L yvo r I , ■ r'!,ir«n.» »nd atwÙMfe fO fi ia i« three Ihre« days day* Oar «*> %• A f At that time th" ju ige anrounc a1 out 4 o'clock this aiornir g The ( in bomb < imlinawUrl M r nplM ili IftAM pefl* Onv f i»a. in I « 4 •• t I ed that while he would allow the men killed are J. B. Jourdaa, a ( CALDWELL, IDAHO A» ir» Gwnrgia •*4-l Í *»*n»ie« tn t»-n nnrg, V* i n •» p - » . s • miMi'Mt WP allow »vRtt. ewd iha 'v'rteax.3d; mo C j . v . •*.;/. .r t < A General Banking Businen* Transacted PBYSÎCIÂM abd SURGEON would require him ta report per- perado, and Bill Watson, a Cboro- ( tu U twe 4«y«; aaoiku »S4.7S a« Uu«4 tAjb. ' tonally in open court every day un kee outlaw. OQARESPONDENOI INVÎTKD B. F. HAYNES PU3USHING COKI . T n M» Residence Oflee Hr i til the case iculd be tried This Jourdan was returning home after «í-í € é fe ».*». . .WK •« > as . “* •• ■ OREOOX rrdrr wax made so thst th- re could‘l>s»n g »pent thv night aitling up Carry clothing made by these ARE ..I d r.i u . i' h ; had one of th» dead men as Moser M 1 er, »1 ose brother John recently killed Mr Malden, a merchant if Bragg*. I. T. The othar was iden­ tified as a Cherokee fugitive named Watson. EASY TO FIT Ontario. T* Fits CRESCENT BICYCLES Cured 7 iSS? ^inl*|ns,run,Enf$ Carsaparilln The Burns Bar The Reason of It. F. V. JEFFERS, Agent. first Dational Bank Dr. W.L. Marsden. HVAV' S $10 Every Day Un Be Made I