Mniiir Hermit Bullets ¡tn Ark. que'.a and other f -rm Lswis & Eyrd OREGON. • pref. Hj 1< i Burnii.* p« » eilt w< '» It .1 ÎM ¡ l ir- J tur mid baru. lui I'«-Il f r .ptl »j le ■ u or ia iurUllujchtN M i arguia at SI 1 OU. Nu irouble to aliow property or give prive,. n Thia i- We Lave a nice farm, containing r» -itititre 385 acre*, two miles southwest of >j¿hh<»rlif tl, ir time in summer. Thi y • w island entire, as w< II as s ve. 1. of ilu »miller i.-iaiids tl.a a :;o . in- 1 hiding little Spruve. O d Ingalls, the sec .1 cl X a ., carcful- To sh iw how parution. Iv this tn unt f i h cn I. j ei ■'. v arranged by ihe p • L’ Ass .i i timi o c o t< i s li d l e n stu 1 ng I. fo iw i V n s, 3 iissi-t h r fath-.-r 1 p 3 ; u o I- ah' ■ Frl^ovilla—Burns Stage Company. wl ¿ 'cat e* Burns e ery Monday and Thursday. JiSTGood A econ. moda* h S U■ Is At he n ee ngj th a d F ark to P rinevillr S 'll 3 ing J -p n »M r< tu BUH.N S Shop opposite till PlrUefy ! .’th dinpatcb. fl IE F REM i.utii.- Ret ili*, Proprieties». Th: Lniing Hotel cf Burn:, ûrron, I» h udì]" for nil stugi s. 11». large ami well furnished Ro 'inn, an elegant parlor, and liundaomr dining-room. No Chineae labor, w hit« c ink, and table, furnish­ ed with the best the market affords Beat iiceoiiim idatioii*. f ir families and Iran- Sl“lit cu-t"iners. b no attention to their PRuP. FRANK SMITH r. .< DO YOU KXCWAGOCD A I \ ! LI fe 1 17 XT K F A M *N( FFAF> IN BLSINKIS, any CENTAL ROUTES;1 I iis two I e mit bio h rs, • Still- iiiiah and Wil i m, iv- 1 ear b . II 1 e i ' the w o -ds lor o\ er a j car Inis h- In rmii been coil tructii ; hi. strange- iraft. Yet, in spite > 1 the mouths of in lus ry he 1 a spent in this covert, hidden a '..v with Lis snret, I k * has been a' le to um-ieli ay the k. el and treat H e fi. m. iv 1 k The bare roughly hew 1 n mis- a 11 iibs gie rn curii usl f rtii from the d .sk of the in clos­ ure, an 1 for a un incut one is i t a loss to determine the character of tile craft. The ark is bu It entire­ ly from Mrs. “Jack’s” tim­ ber, old Daniel hewing the logs himself and preparing the lumbel. His bi others are Opposed to Dan­ iel building the ark, but he pay. $10.00. Sr* tithe Pacific. I) .me! log.iEs is J \ugus' 26. , V. h< ' e> " a hermit, lie lives in a little, •elf M. .IS slant roofed structure ab..ut tix ¡■res.«. feet square. lie is building the ark wi h ow 1 h nds, un id d Airs / Hotel 1 unnutiee Down on Spruce Island old Russian ladies of high rank . ¡IV Mrs. Alma R« arguti. Proprietress. C. W. JOHNSON A CO. Proprietors. » Daniel Ingall« is building an ark. tending to the com ert of tl>v d O kegox . Dm wsry . About which lie intends to float in the egates and their nil' This p iptil ir home ia fully equip- OREGON next flood. He expects the great 150 members of the c<>ngre’‘ BURNS, p df.rth- ejmfort. of its custom­ deluge at any time now. The is­ were taken on a trip to tl.C Lra ers. G ... i table service. land 0:1 which Ingalls lives is mountains, to visit the mines there Minis 25 < ’ent». owned bv the well known Gard­ which abound in gold, ma'a bite, ner family of Boston. It is a bit iron and 01 her valuable deposits. Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., oto. Terms for board by the week or of an inlet and is separted from The owners <>f the • mines .vere month on application. first class in every particular. Experienced bartender Gardner's Island bv only a narrow most generous in their at eati-.ins, ffT wo doors west of feed stable Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. thoroughfare that winds between one having spent '$3 >.< 00 ( rc- w.11 fenced, worth 17 000, to trade f .r a stork ranch in Eastern Oregon special piote.e of M s ■ ( J i.f • qual value. Gaia ner, ti e famous ni I o ai 16 > acre. , nod hay land, ft u.ile» society leader, wIn s • c. ri r . South of Hum. ’f ila pri'd.-rty I* m good e -i and 1« the Leal bargain iivs are known fiou the Alia 1 Al! wi»rk in our lino don» n»atlv a -antead Give ui arali. a entertainment, Txyou amaino'xitioi To do Busi : ss OREGON CHEAT norths short line Lit. T Ctlt 11LLV7 it- 1 V ia 1 A ELY'S CT1 o n ' 11 V u SALT LAKE SPOKANE MINNE '.POLIS DENVER OMAHA ST PAUL ' "t r > • ar f. a piMfHveenro. tents Nt Dry ri '-r !>■’ nv. 1 ; earnp'es lèv. I - r’»H. BLY UROliAEitb, öJ Warren Su. New iork dry. Jf you hava anything You want to Sell Let Pecnle Know it. AM) AND KANSI8 CITY BO EAp£rt.Lf¿OE. LOWEST KATES To all 1 .istcrn citici 1TEAMER8 very 5 daj s for lil'.DE MÄRK1' •V«* *->.*■ L'-sicnr, »mr»«’ e.oPvniCHT?. Ze, Anyone sending n eketch end descript ■ t nrty Qu i sly x«ic-rtain. tree, whni : r an invt i:t i-t piubably patentable. Cetnraunl ■ n¡* efrii-’.Iy citniiilentl ti. Uhb'.T r.gency forb tuiing 1 t’c .•-.d In Arn den. W V’ p - h * ivo a ~ * Wn- ’■- . ittetnn m -- i’.ttontn takm n tBrough Munn 6c Co. reci, wpfuiy tenj.Nt3.f4i a veari |LfiO 81A x in . is. ^reeluti'H cop.cs and 11A.D Suoli u un P atents ufc tfree. Adirerà y ri Subscribe for the For full d ' i l» call on the O. R N. ¡‘¡»••i*t, at Baker City, or ad­ dress, MUNN ¿c CO., \V. II. HURLBURT, 36 1 Droudway, New Ì ax*iu Gen. Pass Agent, Portland, Or. i A. L. MOHLER. Vice PresidtHl. Drngs do not Strengthen i TIMES HERALD There is n i drug vet discove CUI I’ BROS, Burn», Oregon, 3 ’ '-'.nteed to bo first class Paints, ami Our Work Sneaks fo itself. far as M ■ I n >n , lllll s ihul, h liicli disiim. tl ad Is I the bo li w hen • ti» act the s ‘-ca'led “sirciigtl remedies,” which cd title a m in t > accomplish ni «re w >1 k will 11 I I is ui dei tin ir infiuen. i , do so no bv a libng in.its ot fo ce 'o hi body, bin by titd zing tho i u of (nice ii hielt lie lias diesili ob tamed and rto ed anav as resene foin- I y the digestion of hi. food. Ko'a, coioa evies-i'.e quantities of coffee and ita and similar Mib- >t un es, while 'hei limp r..r li cause ne vous w -i k tu se .n jilt. Parties D esìi that excels an\ hereto! re, cal! and work. il > s ■ o l i by .'ilil li ; o t' e i.11 ts of f. r. <■ iil.icli .i man ought '<> rpe -d i hi. dai.y life win li lie alioolii nios pi i «i. 11 a his r. s rve 1 i r.iiti n < I the inti v < when t.ied nJ c'l'.'t these tem r» the b.inker ot tin patient, as the ■ o I'tlt ill »H the Si’jlCflit i «• may be. finds that his lese te r ■ » I» t utili AtuiiiH amt natural allic- fund Ilin uisippemd and that lie ■)welall) fit. lii.iu forth, avoction is a pecuniary or nervous bank nipt. Thei . ijm ’ u ic Gazelle. Geologists in Russia. veat«, and l! d ;,i* * •Cei t I’f ; • . « nyi’ti't« >1 i . .- ••«..•Ts- rr» n. Ou« OFFICE IC OPFC r ITS v *? -.'7 OF' tr.L and w c e fi e • • t ..1 x remote t: » i • Ser..! nr id draw nF ’v. i ■ ■don. V < if n itei , »-harg-c. (»urte ”nt ihic ” -vitenr i ;-• < s-MurT. ■ ■ A P.W ’MLFT, ' • in the fcrei^n cjuntneij 1 cost >! >r same ----- L I. k S. . aud ............... , sent .'rec. Addre -, RJ 3 MAIN M.t-c.r VING, Prop. U lUNKT fxî • ItF fln\ * of all t lu R u«sia:i« ih .tirai' e- nent. fOt ti e co ig < ss e i u J. d fu e r. •IW II Ir.lVi le'g. f i . 1 . »r» ,» •. b . i»X. ■V «1 ITO $ ONLY TWO S • i*-.xí.; ' »Ul', f"- < ■. .ite r • ■ ' i O.A.SHOW&GO.i 3 a:riet Ji C pp P atent Qrrice W ashinotoh , D f •r.lWir? :Af.e'Of Xira d li n LOCAL r ir.TAC CLUBBY bat : s with all the leading papers andist’c-" jiíu I c »udden ci; »t-:ic * T:. ¡ti 1»? ci a ? i r r» * Jv w; i g . n ,ly lr1 11. i* i»4 ¡i k«'i “ • i-eck >• Coica’«®*) H kijis’e. r.tisiver THS HR ALU. te »* !• n.MvL'dved to bl I’m n Nti*n! Catarrh, C« <•! in Dead rr-nevVct«. H O”rtn »»id et'«m allay? pain and Ht'aminai’' ’i. n .. « it ? t-’n s, | te. M th* membrane f'oB? co’ i*. r< p tr and f uel!. IMceSftc a. 1’n I !. >.;(U x’UEIit. W Warren tv \utfe, It H fH AdtH-fitt in if. I I Fl.i' ' B’.'AXD COI.VMM. WjítSM V ’• f > ’’p, rf’le N’ixd M 01 k i; ' . \ : ur 1» M McMeaaaxy" Makes li.o misery to thousands of people. It mauife. ts itself in many different ways, like goitre, swellings, running Bures, boils, salt rheum and pimples and other eruption». Scarce­ ly a man it wholly free from it, in some form, it clings tenaciously until tio last vestige of scrofulous poison is eradicatod by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Clocd Purifier. and at vi rlftM aiSe - N. Miller. Horst: t rand as on I UBS 4’.M Bl " SQ P 13 a ( b * i I« nurses branded ) ed )•< on left hip. Mari rawd i itard. Po Burns p bafts c v •« un iT. wh < ha i a II VvtfftiNy. Ban.a ura H.'ht sten«ld«r. «atti« P tea. r o Law.. or in Thousands <»f voluntary testimonials tell of sufferin'; from «Tofu I a, often Inherited und most t r. ici<»us, p»>sitivu- !y, perfoc'ly an 1 pcnamuull) curulby ' -,n I * ’•'?K * .nul THE HERALD DOES THE BEST JOB PRINTING AT LOWEST RATES. J P <«Br«ct«¿ et • left «tile F. O - LI; mark Hafer car, aad waul ’ • n sitae? hip J. < Bv. yard.Buras OiS. . shouldsr; Catti« hip and rib« t aiBsn«« ow« i »rs. • h Uarsaparilla C t T’ r**r^rr • De » The nHiníH’í* < t the m’r ni- tionàl lontre'* et geo egi.^H >p i t the m onth >f August in Ros' a. ini italioti* having ’'ecu Itrgeli Ac. ept ed to> enj >v .' id < \ 1 ieme the .p lembi i III »p t liltV of ilo I . 11 -*■ I,IX t,»tjr»-y fréteur ïw ri iWBSK TOO HOM> waxt • oñ J.B rwxrtxc K)XX. "< OXM. LT TUX «ixALB eo>. os to gvt lloon I I ock I' a Pili M’. m Lanta rter. Ssil'te Rare. 'NkM’U. eS,.M> B • k • N w f -k I« '«gjB «W it a« Gra, J F o 1«Ä «feovl M«rr J. _________ » n . «• Sulscr.M a for ” I • « l.rlli, U-V k> -* . * • ■. i—ej <