V nt K.4uUÁ»*Á,xU«tÚ. wiLWisuay sïiTrutre. JII.HN byrt » ur *i auagwr. Mr. Powderly’s p'an for regula­ ting immigration, which he will present to congi es, in an official icpoit, lias points deserving at­ tention. says the Ne « York World. •, . . . Cha» Newel] nas goao to Canyon . t return to •<~ aae-'jar jair tec J*cJ»r ■»••’J -> City. Cuba in an official capacity. See the new ad ef the O. C. Co. in tbl, i»«ue. Th. English papers are be- gining io dis< over what has been W E Smith moved hi, family weh known in America for a long to Burn» tide week time, that Cuba is lo«t to Spain. - -- - ---- . Mr. and Mr» L W'oldeeburg Jr. were in Burn, Monday. THE NEW STOEE! R, A. MILLER & «0 BCRX3. If the municipal campaign in R. A Miller has gone to Dr«w- greater New York gets much s»y on burin»»». iM/tter there wid be danger of Jone, ,t Bigg«, broker», are mov­ spontaneous coniln.»tii>n. ing uto their new building. 1 irst of all he seeks to exi lude persons who make a profession of Several new building« ar» near- Killing a few strikers i» one of assassination and crime '>y e-tab- fhe ‘pirsu .live” nn tl o.ls which iug completion in our t»wn. Jishinga new definition of “.inarc h. ve bee 1 hr .u„ht to bear u| on lusts.” If Mr. Pi.wdeily can the c al miners. manage nhat without interfering with political refugees, he will The rni re rp- ci In s Boss Hanna 1 viidi r a great service to the c 1- makes the moie democratic voi» s i.ntry and to civilization. Hu', the will be cast in Ohio. task 1» a very delicate and diffi­ I C inly Court wan in se.sion one nay the latter part of w-ek. OREGON ✓fsctî lüï£6 GRO ERIE'* PRUVISlDNS, QI’EKXSW ARE fl Nh-'ABC. GLASSWARE BOOTS & SHOES, ROPE. TUBAI t 0, »tu Tlx re i. every iailication of hav­ ing , good rae» meeting hare in October. . Call and inspect our Stock. S.it price Pemem’er Bovle, the photo­ ? isfaction as to quality' and grapher, is in Burn» and doing first G c*» guaranteed, cla-s work. o e cult one. The gii at civil si rv'ce reform Ni xt he proposes a head tax of1 $5, on skilled and $2 on un-killed administration laid nut up to the hour of going to the pies, rebuk­ w irkrnen. This would yield rev- A Coi.t«rti»ni»t and a song and ¿ l<-OurG 7.V.J» »r.s F «t »I d will b» »old »t Prie«» »• I»« •’ *»? ed th ‘e hohl over Federal ofii- cia- ce oci ha*» hsen giving fr»^ in llatliey l 'nuu' V W» invite the People lo Examii.» Our Stuck aad l’riem enu , and. better still, it would I ial* in Ohio win; attended 'he exhibitions at R C, Angevine’« • i.. etc Purchasing EUewher» Mail «rd.r» receive prompt altvnti*n. s: t i uinigratio" ill impo. taut ways. Z bef0 g -Id <1 rn cratic 1 o.ivi nlion. saloon thia w«»k I hi dl , lie wants bureaus es- 1 • 1 w ich shill li d out Gov. H.iaiiiigs can't lit k Boss win-:' and ohere I.d or is m cded, Quay, but he is finding enjoy­ and thus > n ible the government ment in kaking sonje <4 Quay’s to regulate immigrationa cording- fru nd. out uf Mate office». )v, restricting it when the supply is in excess of the demand, .md Government bv bullets is a dim ting immigi ats to tho-e points shade worse than government by whi le ihete is need of their serv­ injuni lion, hut many consider it a ices. natural sequence. Ho.'.' far this plan can b- , school day, The party ei nsisting of Messis. ! i Oct. 7, flee for all races, last dav. \V. C. Byrd, A. M Byrd, Delo, We trust that the precedent set , Oct b, School ilay, Oct. 7, chil- Canid, and M-, W C. Bvrd and I Bars*, Or»g»a I5i D McINTYRK, by Genet al Longstreet and hi, dren umb r tw. lve years of age daughter Elit'a. return»-) from ■ bride, by telling the public free. S. ho. ] i lulili en over twi lvc trip tn the S inlhern end »f the csi ti' v . e»«arday. They wer» ac through letters to the new-papi i s \ i ¡1rs : of age, ti 11 cents. compsnitd hvme bv an old tim» wl.i tliev got mil lied, will not be Aiti r h t vist vv York Wurhl. Parties not conversant with ths V neering proc» • md want a nicely timslied wall in residuile», will uo Well tu cumuli Mr. Mslutyi* i ie.l ia nrgnniz ng. with the necessary I 2> C. Ill -i. I ueiure huitumg mtn rustic. tuoi» and dynamite», to put the ’ I Cliilcuot pass to the Yukon in a 1 T he American snob c in be de- pasasbl» ronditi.>n. He thinks' AilJitioinil Locals» p tided upon to la. e up ••tour that n' b*a»t 2000 men with com i e High Excellency," the uihciai title —T hk T imi k H fka tu and Ore plete outfits will gr-t th'O'iali t > th- by "hieb iiieinlicrs of the Rus.-ian goman tor 12 in at),anee. Yukon this winter. Court addressed the Pica dent uf ! Fruit luscui's Fairv wafer, am) Dili yoa v»e that ad. of Kill . Frame during his ricini vi sit lu . mu« Buri.» daily at t.SU r m . Arriva» at OaUriu iu 42 uva* Frosted cirams fr-sb from Portland Me Nathan X Fiacher in this p psr’i Russia, and apply it to Mi. al 11 A Miller A Co'» li a put th«-« dlard will leave for 1 ni'» von something to think »l out. Far» On» way »7.50. Ruuad trip 11 » 00. Prineville tomorrow, to l>» present Mason and London have just an- packed a larg» invoice of mra'i at the »ettliiig up of her father'» Through freight Sjot». a pound. suits from this famous clothing, estate. Two days notice at any P. () on the route and covered eaaeh»« will house. Yau can get your fit, y»tir ! •'Grandma" Lewis, v ho was style and your pric» Try it. | t e furniahed for pa»«angera. H. A. Williams, Prepc. very ill ths hitter part of last week, 1» improving under ths treatment Ira Mahon, the 14 year old eon j ' of l)r. ’. nip sf J. F. Mshon, met with a verv 1 I Mrs O 1> Rusk, who Im» been aeriou, accident on Friday morn-1 Suine ul tliosc wlm aie i ng.ig. il 11 oiler the re the «ale waa made. ure to plai’O the unfortunate boy in ti.j- at Amiri« .n a K.-taurant Burn«. Urrcou i .ought to throw up our ha.» ami Mr Damn own ug ena half iote-»at a critical .•unditien. w» arc inform me 1 when England lake* itshrM He ».lid to a parti from San Fr.m ed every indication i» gaod for hi, . reeeliinj for hia hall IlfiQUO recover /. cilliciai it' p in favor ot »uvei. Th» off»r of ♦ t0.(Mat waa made for Notice to Slierpmea. th— whole mine bv tt>« Han Fran Ta the Public. T’l.e inampulatui« id Klondike eiaeo party, th» two owning th» un­ H A Heu Irii ks of Weiter. Ida . a id ottici hoKI mining compilili s sold p irt have lam« limo, we l<- will be st or near Burns with Jü h*ad »f haaw w»>L h»avv ¿ n • ill eonduct » Tli« borax mine anuated netr tunllon. m nionrv gold *p cl»l c' w- f..r t! e Addrune. Rj (Vegi> Andrva» |>o«l olbev ha* l*rn run- benefit c a ^ d m R k 111 ’ KI, K- eras uing all aa 1 iuer, rtuploving ten lo To ntt t iroa —I hive in • O.b r »• twrlv» lab ir»rs Thi. n rune^ frw Cociu.nyfkai. fy Hi tun.., hk -JOHN F. GT KAI TO? ? 1st,. 4 ! h ■retell . esc have been ^rr*ty were told. 1* paving a g th »li-iil OU .lAILO f ..nently c: nt So rixjf pnuttw uni »in allrmpt to r»m du*n cent. I’o-hlo ia building o !>.«« that I cnmslcv ■ s-.y duty to to th » v»W —• S'tllf* fr», totfkiia of y ur r->!-’V «r l id» for t>> wtaka a raying enden » o bi- ri\suuinr• ■*»••■ •»• ( ivc I iiir 1 h- moantaiua in’t i n r x .'toctni. m c. tai twt au avw v«a «,.$-*•■ *«•■.• V.W«_ ______ . o _ ' • I — -I • MVSrOAL » -.l.CMAf. J'iV. be •> gov I live to or- waget J»at itv »• d liav« I e -icJ ncm » a.i.»u •_ .: \ of : ed rr All Treated Alike. Table Service the Best Will arrive for us about SEPTEMBER 20th, 1897. BUICK MASON, PLASTER ER and VENEERER. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom. Line. Ehe First T MN LOAD f ONE Firm in EASTERN OREGON I I Our Buyer is now in the Eastern ¡Markets buying 1 B urns F lou » & saw M ill . Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. No Firm can therefore give you tìF"Send u» your Order» or come YOURSELF. d-TJLés« Dutton, CARRIAGE P. INTER. ! Tours for Business. 0. c. co