|1he-— County Official Paper The Ib-Mt—- Job j&rnsy County, kœa^riCONSOUDATÎD JULY 22, 1896 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTS Guard: “A partv stoppit g at. the bridge caught 305 in three days’ I fishing Uncle Henge Fiiss-ll, i w ho is a ki d of a partner with the j itiout a' least they trust him ini-' p .e Tly. arid hardly ev>-o fail to ■ bis troiit tl es when they come within resell, ■•aught loll in f ,ur hours’ fishing Coming from sur tiier fisherman we should bet.. v«e j ■ gly big fish ».tor. 1” i;l I • tttrui.' 4 •’ * It. RAC1 3350 h Paras. We want your trade and in order to .eet it we are offering unheard ot biirgains in ¿ill lines: S mile dash for Harriet c lunty horses owned in Harney c u ty THRICE A WEEK EDITION. prior to Oct 1, 1896 purse «150. I i mile dash, free for all, 18 pages a w< ek—156 papers a year puree < : 25 FOR ONE DOLLAR. SECOND PAY, OCTOBKK 12. Published every Alternate Day ex­ YORK ma le by these Marnila, tu e: s. WORLD, cept Sunday. know that a merchant might as well plant broomstick.« and expect blo«3oms, as to try to build up a big clothing business by mere “say-so.” It’s “ do-so” here, that has given our K. N. & P. Co. Clothing it’, high pre-eminence. Every yard scientifically tested; every stitch conscientiously examined; every pattern exclusive; every price a money saver. AnoLior S:•cep rai l f h? Œimr.5-Xun(û FVBLI8HED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY Tho reeort r< a-hes Long Creek of another collision between the sheepmen »nd settlers st Susanville Thursday of last week, but this time all was peacable and no bad BYRD BROS. PtfBLISHEnS AND P ko PRTETORH. J tnile dash, free for all, purse The Tl.riee-a Week Edition of 2 mile bicycle free fur all, The New York A’orld is first among all “we. klv” papers in size, fre purse quency of publication, and the fresh­ THIRD day . o< v 13. ness, accraev and ■ ariety of its con 4 mile d..sh, fr. e for I tents. It has all the merits of a ' great ifi duilv at the price of a dol­ purso 4 mile dash, for II i lar weeklv. Its political news is prompt, complete, accurate and im­ cow horses that have n v 1 partial as all its readers will testify. public n, ItleV. cowboy t You’re sofa I How is this for 1 liuupnr crocodil ? N>ns’ Hiinrie’, wi n I work. at a a m 1! e ir ' il sb ho , ... W • • II?- .¡1. chocked to 1 d ath last „ , k . W6»- The man was somewhat ¡¡witbliquor, and tried to swallow a piece of bacon, two by three inches, without chewing i’, which, <>f course, caused >t to lodge ;r»> Dry Goods Cloihirg, Brots & Shoss, household and I fo:e 8 o’clock Groceries. Provisions, Hardware, Fa.in Machinery, \ i-Liis. Wines. Liquors, Cigars» Paint Snr WRITE US Fvh PUCES. Co O ?eg o n Fo rware < r th Oregon. -’’1 It is against the monoplies and for vaquero soldi, s uur-e the people. F ourth da ^, oct 14. It prints the news ofaU the world, J mile dash, free fur all, having special correspondence from 1175 purse all important news points on the Ten per cent entrance fee re • globe It has brilliant illustrations storieu by great authors, a capital [quired tn all races. Entries to bo humor page, complete markets, de | made with the secretary on or de­ partments for the Printing. G , FIRST DAY, OCT. 1 1. the MASO^ &. LONDON1 Carry clothing MEDIUM ADVERTISING —FOR - ■ the evening before & s I I 5 BURNS, women’s work and other special de each race. In all laces 5 horses to partments of unusual interest. ¡enter and 3 to start First horse OREGON. ZO^7 ./K1FS J77, XT We offer tl is unequaled ncwB. ; 70 per cent, second horse 30 per paperand T iik T ime *. II eiiald to jcent- The raci s to be governed bv When the d ctor ar- g(.tbfr Obe year for i2 25 j I the I Blood Horse Association Rilles. | results came from the “fracas.” All kinds of Machine extras. Mowing and Reaping Machinery, Th« Eagle is informed that it in the throat. Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. j baa heretofore been the custom for rived, the man pre-nted a piUous R o BT A no KVINE. President , The regular sbscription price of i outside sheepmen to eat down tc spectacle, gasping, struggling .nd the twQ pap..rg i(( $3 I J J D onegan , 3-ere'ary. ' the settlers’ fences when enroute to frothing at the mouth, and would ' :_____________________________________ I arFICIAL DIKECTOHY | the Greenhorn in th« spring, and soon have .ufFoca’ed had not prompt I STA«—OUS -OX : 'to drop in and cisan out many of relief teen given. The offending1 G, dcrt Seeds and Sportine Good». The onlv ö W. MeBrldc. lowers the rancher, on their return home | sul-stance was removed hj pressing z— r.r/—• low can ’s • 4 I Th« » Toi yue. y>i . w. n.. . A • iMnïraMuun ............ I . il. i.I ;. o in the fall. This, however, is not down into th.' throet 1 ng < urv.d tea cost so little an 1 ;eti a rgt’Ci - so . 4 . M. lull min tile.a#y .«eaviil I . ¡1. p? ', I. .3 I thou1 ; U m r Loitl the custom of all oat-ide all .', pmen gullet h r ops and grasping the Uvsruur d >nut trenti 1 cud cu» - .t R Kim-Hid iicrctiry of .state Giva us a cill and ire vrill Convince you tliat we can give b«i'..- ' x • I r-.ore > a;.- c than cn / .Phu. J.l tM ! KH but a few of the gr.edy fellows who I bacon, l li- pi ce weighed nearly frefriier R X'1 J’hvKican; h i .......... G M Irwin ispi. Public lmtructiua f cc * m i I r.si■•Dishing. prices tilari aiiyonu. It is roast: I every Vi H Ldcda want the earth, and the Almighty two ounces ' hm Printer R Wo 1 «ve he >rd of case 1 O-; yes. svnd for the Cf BJ VA lundiu c t R. Bean. R Wo ». verton to reserve it for a shsep pasture for j I doctor, b-lp hi .1 ill ton can, hut day San Francisco cured b/ C. ‘i|r C.woveru him. II3 - rl > F. - A. livore tbeniscive.. j tiliJieia it is itu. os-lble to make anything fresh peanuts. NiXKTIf JUDICIAL DISIKICT. v til it u U i > H . . . M H GLIFI OKi‘ work o i Ket .. .. Thursday of last week, a band of ■ belter out of this Nam-tiattuier than Otlrr a is this dlt. . . c. W. uurrish. «hier, t t .•.,ra*y 11 < t . c , v ’ : » ^11 cirföl ?- -li luti CC R O.i. ('»; •■■o..n. |a>t week a band of sheep hound a dacid. iy inferior animal. Pray J.D «1 1 J SGliU » Jit-t «OîlwwH at, ......... a .----------- a year in Japan, etc — T> V'lth .i for Wasco eaunt, from the Green-i for him, eovtii him c; buo*. him, but 1 irro K *• COVITI - n APNF. tie of his absolute» C ’ irfi, f. '»o t > r*. , r i • (?»■• ; stale coffee and ¡¡.a . t J ( Yvho ------ in" y ---- »ei .» .1 .U.S- Unir «... 1-. < • t 1 . J' r ;. I*. It -.the: Bri. h .rn hi i; n'.-ii.F, dropped in ou the • for pitybake don’t c I mbè him as l’>«Ety jjljs V.'«* n v im i -w » • n -, li -••■•■ l « J t i *- fitti, nuts. U. r. é>., -, vc -.. L . ..a lit,., 4 '-4 4 îr^Miirar J c. • C»« , M ze v, i; n: . iK'.ff A. J. .’I’ Kl !'• H k D) ■• . - V h - ? ii’-Ui. i . R gulp d *« V» . ( . V ? Mi ' d.theo.ty last J j e. The keltlers he car. live i-h .. .. tnd-iut iD) I .: b M 1Uvk '.»J*« tiT Ji Pu ii i j I • «11, A B..Marin 1 in Ui it iecolitv met the baud n*ar potkr" i» t er y e JuiM-ai»». uvr* • I’u Gu->. '.’»¡Acy •P i Fino I4q.ia.ors A^d. Cigac. g. ii g creek, and informed the herder'oh, trii g u iuiic«, howevif lar UAUNaiY F. 8. LAb’D (JFÎU i: ivr.ns * rr.vn ru . Tool \-n>i ■ and camp tender that they co d tbed:-ir. e, the duc.or wilii forc-p. lighter . ... A. A. Oulilji not, and further, they would net'to pe.il out a haul, This fallow SUBSCRIPTION RATES 0no Year •ix Moutha Three Mouths ’ i '. oo I "I Sc!i¿'liar S 1 b- Tin Shcp in iarney C . good ?” Easy. in —li': coffee and l roasted orc* lie stale □ W nos, SOCIETIES. STIVA RKEEKAH Degré»No.», every igt »nd 3d Wednesday. -M Sff Jtui'it Mt Pl.eeiCi! N.G. 1 ■ < Leo. a Zvirfler. Hue. dee y A. 0. U. W. Burnì Lodge, No 47 Neels«, «ry '¿d f,uij iti: Thursday f H M Horton. JI. W. J W eRjtr.l.cc. permit the-1 to pursue tho course they bad taken. The parties in charge trird to arbitrate the matter and even offered to Luy a passage, through the country. To this the settlers refused, and replied that | h'> must return to Susa rille and take the upper trail, and further tnat they uould accompany and ■s.-iet him. This they did, and al! went well. The settlers, we under- should be piacHd on exhibition eou.o where, for he certaii.ly is a curio »ity of a kind.— Tomahawk. a I c't r ng t to : kfl gr.il’ a< J » their ranches than s »tvUtuI» ri Waste, or am’ etti«.' cou..-’,» .- L> h ^ an- I Creek Eog'e. i Wint r.e < id ■ a for fu ui The houses ph ’ graph u be tin NOTARY PUBLIC. O fran ee« tefore V S Land C»c» Bv. W.L. Marsden. PHYSICIAN Office l!' :i\t AND ....... . Portland, Oregon. fj-pt. 17.—T T. Geer, wl.o w. a today appointed by the president to !•« register of th« land «fficC at Orcwon City, has Journal are the-c occupied bv pt r »on. of moderate inc.vnc Th-ir interior arr.ngam* ti «.mw. wh ■ perfect tvte can be ac- •r,yli«h-J wi’h a littl* mnn*v and th- tout h of n woman'. d*ft fi g r». II >ni • wiittrn to the Oreg- i delegation tn in »’vrry S:atrs in the Union—-from C'-rgre«« declining io accept the Mai-" to Cal'form —were ph >tn . flier. Geer, who w.i a candidate gripbed for th- J'urnal’s unique for coll* ct 'f ef custom« at Portier d. and n«- f «latra that he «ill not .'•nept the r 1 Residence land oflii ■ appointment or .1 n v ii ■■ r ther frde»al office except coll c!or Vrc... OREGO of rueton.« of th.* y f of Fv.-’l lit 1. p ! . rflr il . . L ’ r ULu A" at Will Nei Accept. Your patronage solivi o„. Tin? interiors of one thousand cf the must attractive borne» in the 1 United State, have be«n photo, graphed by The Ladies’ Home Journal. One hundred of ths best of these picture, will be produced stand, were armed, but not a »hot in that magazine. The first article WA1N2Y LO'JGK, NO. 77, I. O O F. of the series—“Inside of a Ilundrt d • • • Homes”—will appear iri the Oct­ J F. Zeigivr, MCJT This was the first band this fall ober Journal. Bedchamber., re­ thut has endeavored to return c ter ception and dinning ro.-Mi», I ath-1 this trail after the trouuU last Jut.e. room*, hall, and apartment» of C A- SU'EEK, The settbrsof that country are no; every kind will be pictured ju«t ns lawless, but they pr ipw to se ATTORNEY AT LAW, th"V are in daily use. Each picture that their rigli' are re»ptct^d, and ro >'ai ’ III th..* .1) a e rigii RE O. ESTAT» AGETT. lo 'Cumtenus treatment o'tarwtecd. - Music can/$ivc utterance to feelings which nr> art can > xpress, and which me could not fulttj cl ivords wei c we to try ever so mush. H’hen the h sad and wiary, when disappointment < r juilu dulled, the delights o/ anticipation and hoi', strain of modest and solemn mucic i.tells end m (he mind to nobler form. i ff' Second bnr.d instronjeritn taken iu part •ayir, r.i f. r r.t w m « E'irns Canyon Sloan T in" ■ I'>i I . ;ivon ( ity F. V. JEFFERS, Ar.r/, HOWARO SEBREE, Puoi«»’ % sZ »A»/ * 1 i > THUNDERBOLTS,” tho IntMt ed <■'. L- i .1 NOW .... I • • lr»1 • - t /.. . .. omy few* given u> ibr p. n. t, i h of i ' • .. B. r . i> . ,l<»4*|ih m K’-v, <» fa- M. I ' • t ' . *• la -pl<’n«iul i H ii -'. ii .U’»». iiipidly, e«-:Hy 1 f r- To r-roT P ,•. V. . _____ • (■• _ ’m* fiT-iW f Ou? »Xt.lt - ... I -7 copiesi • f..’ « |r> I-, twufei I • r —— t t und anothb <•» i « i t >0 » p ••’i) ■ Or* »x-'■■ ■ In In -4oulu LNruiiiK » o '. <• ah • v An ^¡cenl in (coirai *•,. i K2 e<»f »rs m V t .■ • rtiiMi*«» w» allnsv no I th* inim^r f«.; t II. i v-r « him with trhtrh it aril«, th*- < 1* rv4 r , > m n ,. . Will ytwl t »-ich pie or»* tn <■ « ‘•1 hnn t-r»»o»tn'• A>thmmud«» f x «.n fn tlirr«. u-rs; ; 1 ■ i;< , p |)>I a t»«