Drewsey Hotel Scheduli of Expenditure . Lewis & Byrd Mrs Anna Robertson, Proprietress. Showing, as by law required, the amount of claim« presented, filed and recorded against the county of Harney, State of Oregon, and tbe amount allowed at the July term of the County Court, 1897 A«'! Cl. ND. FOB "’IIA r CLAIMED CLAIMANT», » AM'! Al.’W D 4 50 29 31 2 4 10 2 1 3 53 20 D riwsey . - - c. W. JOHNSON A CO, Proprietor». O bkgox . This popular hou«» is fully equip­ ped for the comfort of its custom­ BURNS, ers. Giod table service. 00 17 Meal- - ' < 50 Term - for I 70 6» month on upp . 't. ' 65 i’wo doors a-at ‘f fe»v. for «ale the following City property in Burna Jasper Dari», justice fee state vs. Bob Bybee........... 2 70 Good Billiard tab!«», Pleasant^Card Room», »t»., »to. 4 61 I» farm property we bave 1 GO acre« Rout Irving constable ......... “..............“ ....................... ■ 1’1 ka in the Morria hi Ad- Salotn is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender It, 65 tie whole of lie Blown of good »gricultiiral land 7 mile* »„util M L Lewis, justice fee state vs W D Huffman 2 50 A W Watirsatty fee “ . “ ............ “ ....................... ainirg the noet deairable of Burn*. Thirty acre» in euliica’ioii. Mixed drinks to plea»« the moat fastidio«». 50. 1 50 v E McPbeelers, con. .“............“.................... prop, rty in town. Till» g.,0'1 boti.? aod barn, Title perfect and II K«llev. cash for postage.............................................. 00 3 00 < t’. red vary cheap for caali a targai» al $1100. 35 A C Worthington, supplies for various offices........... 53 35 I 00 20 uo ti'Jmetta. No trouble to show propeity or give King A- Saxton. ’ statutory fen in review jasas Thus Walls, returning poll t;< oks from < allow Nov ' price». 20 00 election ’96....................................................................... 20 00 1 C in Block 29. Thia is 3 82 3 *S2 We have a nice farm, containing Seth Bower school tax wrongfully asaeseed ............ t . • .1. 8. Kenyon residence 385 acres, two miles southwest of Chris Lackman, scrubbing court room ... .............. 4 00 4 00 125 00 v. ry e’c'irablj neighborhood Eugene, Oregon, and on the gravel Dr H Volp, post mortem exam T N Baker etc .... 125 00 Stage 'eaves Bums every Monday and Thursday. red v< ry low for ca«h. This road. Good dwelling, good barn Samuel Mickle, juror cir ert May term ’97 1 day 40 600 miles Py tlio best bargain in and outhouses; good orchard and |ÉF"G»od ÄeeeKUiedatiaa». tt il....“ 1 day 70 miles 900 well fenced, worth $7.000, to trade C T Miller TO THE tt Sandifer... .1 . “ ..80.. “ .. 10 00 A ‘ for a stock^ranch in Eastern Oregon tt F are to P rineville $10.00. Geo Kirchberg ..“....144......... 16 40 of equal value. oauiro / iwcs ........... 70.... James l Brock 900 A W Hurlburt. ..“ ........... 60.... 8 00 FRANK SMITH PROP. “....•‘...2 90... 13 00 J C Simmons....“ “....“....1............ 20 .. G W Maupin... .“ 4 00 “....“....3 .......... 60 ... 12 00 R N Miller........... “ “....“....6............. 14 J T Bailey .... “ 11 40 ------- GIVES THE CHOICE OF-------- J W Warner......... “ “....“....6...........110. . 23 00 “.’...“....6 .......... 92. J I. Turner ...“ 21 20 “....“....6........... 2 ... 12 20 A Dunn................... “ >>r.I>0 YOV KNOW A (iOOI> ADVERTISEMENT MIANS INCKEAMC IN SISI »IE Geo L Buchanan.“ “....“....6 .... 50 ... 17 00 R II Brown........... “ “....“....6... 130. .. 25 00 BURNS James'Anderson “ “ ..“... «.................. 104 ... 22 40 XV Smith ..." ..“....6.................... 50 . 17 00 UNION GREAT Shop opposite the Brewery “... ”... 1............ 36.... 1 J H Loggan 5 60 » • ' M B Hayes........... “ “ “ 2............ 40... 8 00 « I ■ . . “ “....“....1............ 36.... io our line done neatly and with dispatch. Satisfaction Seth Bower 5 60 John W’yatt ...“ ...1______ 36 ... „4 5 60 Give us a call. L Woldenberg Jr “ 3......... 36 ... 9 60 I C J Johnson......... “ “ “...10.......... 50.... 25 00 V ia 1u tt IJ F Mahon........... “ “.. . 2. .......... 52 ... 9 20 DENVER SPOKANE tt “ 12 ......... 20 .' D N Varion . “ 26 00 MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA tt H C Turner “ 12...........80... 32 00 KANSAS CITY ST. PAUL *4 R Irving ......... “ “.... 7 .... 36 ... 17 60 AND AND tt tt i M F Williams . .“ 36.... 17 to ; Win M Stewart “ s 12 17 20 [KANSIS CITY “... .9........... 40.. . Wm Smith ......... 22 00 1 j C. . . “....8 Jap McKinnon. ‘‘ ... .8...........20.... 18 00 I “ Charles Fields “ 9 9............... 2 18 20 it >■ h ry . 9 ............... u I Geo Shelley 18 20 u Vrs Louin Racine, Proprietress. i R A Miller ... tl “ 14 2 28 20 To all Eastern citiei u I Geo W Young . “ 14............... 6 ... 28 60 it tt I P C Clemens. . . .“ 14............. 16 ... 29 60 tt OCEAX STEAMERS John Jacqtiemin “ 14 ........... 2. .. 28 20 It leave Portland every 5 days for, Chas Anderson “ 15 ............... 2 ... 30 20 ta It ' !,i irl< r« for nil stages. Hua large and well furnished .1 P Garred .......... “ 14 ..............11 ... 29 40 I 10 .. . 10 ... 21 00 Geo Shaw ............ “ llo.iiu“. no i Ic^anl parlor, and haiidsouiu dining room. i it (4 B R Porter ........... “ 15.. 20.... 32 00 Nut ‘liiu'Hv labor, white cook, and tables furnish­ kt C< 15 ......... 6 I P G Smith .... “ 30 60 ed with the best the market affords. Best Frank Whitworth “ 14 ........... 2.. . tl accommodation» for families and tran­ Byron Terrill . . 14 ........... 16... For full details call on the O. R J M Dalton . ... “.. 15.......... 14 sient customers. r north of Brick Store OREGON. UIRN8, Wines Liquors, and Cigars. Frinovill#—-Buras Stage Company. EAST: 2-TRANSCONTIHENTAL ROUTES NORTHERN If you are in a uositioa PACIFICA To do Eus:n ss Let P. onle know it- if you have anything You want to Seiko Let People Know it. FRENCH HOTEL LOWEST RATES Leading Hotel of Burns, Oregon, San Francisco. ' Tb i l'FF.NCHJIOTEL A TRIAL. RATES $2.00 DAY. TIMES HERALD Guaranteed to be first class. ’at lies Desiring Cabinet Work exct'ls any done in this place etoDre, call and examine my rk. CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS FREE BRAND COI VMK. I i. L FRONT LIVERY ScrofuBa bl'ABLE I I A’*» cat«. »;nl It . .M Hi. u < >1 I'.it i r • ' M Most si’, rrt« ! i Ou« O ppici is opposite u S Ptnar Orfici ■ French Hotel, Main Street LAIN A W11.1 1 \MS I M.i’.es lite misery to thoiuand« of people. It manifest* itself in many d..tcn*nt ways, like goitre, swelling«, running sores, boil», sail ibcuiu and pimple. an4 other eruption«. Scarce­ ly a man u wln lly free from it. In some form. Il clings tenaciously until the last vestige ,,f scrofulous poisou is crailieatiHl l*y II. kh I' s Sarsaparilla, tho Cno True Clood Purifier. Thousands of v limitary testimonials tell of sutteiing from scrofula, oft, u inlicrito«l ami most tenacious, {»isitivcv ly, perfectly and permanently cured by Propreit >rs t 1 i iretmMe from \V in ! : i i Send I, drAw i g nr phot with >crip i ' 'turn. We advive, it p.itrntjl c or not, free of ; idMknrv. Our fee not due till pttent i« secured. ' A PaatPMktT, *' How to Obt-ttn ratent.«, ' with, ] cost ot MUM I 1 the U.S. and focsign counlrtc« ; aent free. Addrsss, C.A.SNOWt&CO. O p * Fart nt O • t w »«. n ,- n O C. 4 •O VIA»»* KkriR.ac.cf. oLirsLiparuia, r- V - AQ ’P w’ - -* ▲ « v'acrt,f , n 4a,v LmtHMK tv , >r* u, ,-t Hove a au» aaly ll.x.t.a IRVING. Prop. HARNEY OREGON Ceewei t. Horse bravi harten (.n left xhaalder. Csttk ■artet or. : nj , r , t upper e*4# sa bote <*•» • I \ McKinnon, Burrs <»r#t Hs-.tkn A Rilov. rattle brsnded V h Laft ltd« HorwebnindT let’ «i le r u rg^Or^ss J C F.>lr rattle hra’'i!-»ofl ■ 11. «rahranried «*fe an left stifle < «Utebraad _.'.P « Uaf.’c diamnn Ina left hip horwCV on left •boihler. < baric# II VuevtUy. Bur a «»re THF. HER.1LD D0F.3 THE BEST JOB PRINTING AT LOWEST RATES. Horse Brandes! P on right »honMe-. rattle 1 u rial” h p. lC A. He ks. 1’ O I a«vti Or H *e ran’ ’fi or \»ft »h nMer a!eo three • c M' ' o > . F Gr«NBt Burna Or. M.«a R.*a Di< keraon H. rae ' rand a- rH ot • •• a .«• ’. r ■•.I bla f o lawen Ore r P Di. kenaen ratt’ebrard J T connected ca h’r H. -»0 I ra:.4 idm . left atifla P C I.awen O-e t attlv brand flaure Tonei’herhtp mark lfsht cre-r . * ea- b ear. • ij - in on« a ear. and watt: cn left jaw. Hvrae b'ar ¿awrr Torrithor h p J II. »fa . -rd Kama ere ' ’ ■ 'K XTtN,; DOM. , oxrn.T TH1 hesaldc T^. 11« *e h*ard b«-m on k ri rh wiMer; ca»’.« bf • Pit. > .t\ hp , i riie t ate» in« V .«!•..« . P O Na.rvn « . •»■e llnrta brr d *»# ’r,‘ *iain lif». dOHW F. STRATTON’* ID STREET Horst ran I ; on left stifle, catti# braad fi i on l»*ft h‘p. riark’ig fnlvf < ar !» 9. McMenamy Ru-ns. t»rv. ■■ v I mrt of rlgh. bind ec Ore. Su^onbe for in fl. I a Jipebtie «»4 9#n ran)* Haf Q ew e.*ed tarmarbewa w het la n* *s*U'i!a Its Kerne bra . « 4>: k,> • l«U«L*L MClSCNftl,...«*. hi-.rv-. .x4wv. R«»-ara an * < a - • “-ended J I* 'a )e^ abac«- »-y l> ,n4rd JI « hmm Mar, I. Prtre *ur#a •**< THE TIMES-HERALD.