Ths.” ization of his surplus brain force.1 wonderful feature of the timepiece ___ ___________ 1 is the governor. Extending town, go to the lake; if you don’t When the pat ty reached the ; With five delightful stories in'through the top of the box is a like th« weather at the lake, go to orricIAL DIRECTORY I scene of its labors the young man the mountains: if you don’t like ■ TATE—ORROOM ’. was detailed tocarry the rear flag. the August Cosmopolitan, one ' shaft from which two arms about 0. W. McJlrlJe. weather in the mountains, go to I tatuerà The only As every one who has ever had might judge that it w ts intended 9»x inches long extend in opposite I -------- for you can’t be satisfied. Garden Seeds and Sporting Goods. 1 The B. Tongue. I anything to do with surveying sol« ly for light reading in mid- directions. ( w. K. Elite directions, From i-rom the end of each | > <’. M. Idlenian Attornry General Tin Shop in Harney Co. Wm P Lord Soveruor hut a seto-'d glance'of these arms dangles a thread! Senator Wellington's illness dis- n JI Kincaid knows, this is a re-poosible eno’itfh snn-irt. r; Jecretary of Stale Treasurer ..Phil. Metpchan ______ R Give us a call and wo will Convince you that we can give bsttei • GM Irwin position, but one of the mest ch1 a < o:i!.:insus well niuch some two or three inches long, appeared almost simultaneously f iupt. Public Instruciiou W H 1 .^cdg prices than anyone. ita:« Printer R ■ : i '¡'he B.-cor.d w ith a shot grain on the end. As with the adjournment of Congress, ’• 8. “. Bean. ry and monotonous on earth, r. - • te ) K. J C. Wo . j’.verton lapreaae Judges i quiring a person to stay in Or.e : c- mmissioner the arms revolve these threads, and cynics say it was only shame ) F. A. A Moore M i,W1 NIMETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. mopfitan to India with the weights on the end, come 1 for having made aTmonkey of • place, out of hearing of the re- ’ j sei. O.atrict Jui. i for hours at a time, with nothing never before appeared in any per-1 around which the thread iswrapped COUWTY- habsit : to do but always required to be iodical. We have in histories a half-dozen times by the momtn . C. P. Rutherford I ivUDty j j ire (R) It. Kelley ready to display his flag prompt­ second-hand accounts of great turn of the shot, Then by an in- Clerk (R) J. C. welcome TRISCII & DONNEO AN. Proprietor«. Treasurer I> TA. McKinnon ly whenever the engineer desires famines, but they lack that start, genious device it unwinds and iurveyor ................. (D) A. J. McKinnon Sheriff (R, w.s. WBtsrt to take a ‘-back sight.” Aueiaor ling distinctness which comes from winds a;>ain in the opposite direc­ W.C. B> rd I leh >ol Superintendent 1 M I «vie Itoek Inspector A few days of this “work” i beholding at first hand the sights tion and continues on to the next A. B. M«rk. Coamtesionera . ID)/ , G«o. Haaey : 'Fl I were enough for the young man, i ¡described. Twenty million of post and repeats the performance, Fla© Wines, Idquor« And Clgax». NABXKT r. a. LAUD OFFICU people slowly starving to death, J On the first trial the clock only M. A and its *^cnna R« wror < um . Meet« at O ld Fallows Hall, every meat and the Queen herself to and intermedi- ti «ointa, Far« |5. •Wpm. M L. Lewis. j r. z'tiwr" sJcy. drag a hundred feet of chain The Let me nay how entirely satinfactory the inatrunont has proved, the necessity of i xtraord-nary ex- laat time we had it toned the tuner remarked: “Your piano growa better; the through underbrush, and yell It hi«, without exception. 1 "stick.” or ‘jMtack,” for $40 a j 1 ertton in behalf of these unfortun­ tone is sweeter, richer;" and so we have found it. the most musical baaa I have ever heard, and has been commented on by many ate millions. month. Very truly. ,___ Bliss II klf . x C. A xdhkw . C A- SWEEK, President Dwight, of Yale, Danbury. Conn.. J.n.112, 1897. 5 Cherry He was then put in a party that furrishes this month’s considera­ ATTORNEY AT-LAW, was cross-sectioning a tract and tion of the quetion. -Does Mod-, Hr Se "ond band instruments taken is part paym> nt for new on s. Oriftt. had to help run lines out from the Bim, ern College Education Educate main line for 2000 feet, measuring in the Broadest and Most Liberal off every 200 feet and driving BURNS, OREGON. Sense of the Term?” ‘THUNDERBOLTS, stakes at these points. It was A charmingly illustrated and lh912*. '.I f.n*I /ran-lr-t I m ®'., by »hi - wet' ’-w id* celebrity lively work and furnished exercise ».«• out f > • ••**1««Ud isUlufu vt Lli tea. Album». Lu BTOUS different position. He thought sketch of that most wonderful he w ould like to run a level of a nF'Prnctirew before V S Land Office WONDERFUL SALES cru«ader Godfrey de Bouillon, transit, or something of that sort, and said he would like to learn to ( and a new poem by Bret Harte are also part of the contents of To prt/ve it. we a tew HPin* irnni iki . ri f/dra n.n I« three ■’■?« r 30 yes’s V. dig Residence cover. My leg» have «.v. d «n. OREGON Ixaine a number of lane», b; . î first Battona^ M/ A General Banking Cusines . Transacted . COPkESeOWUKNCE INVITED j » $ « $10 Every Day Can Be Made fcy Agents. » £ » « in South» urvlii» a U Ire tn ii.rue *iayt. One sutui 10 »««orgia »old U m IwoOaya. An aacot »n Cenital <.e>>raia aoM M copie» in t“n dare When you conti der iberwiw Kta we allow axrnK. and »ha irrmr. «« popular .1/of th it w4 la te» 4t • • *1 • 1 hnn.'wrbnitt A »• her mad«- «0 in tiret Ahya¿ a.oo4UCi k* A£4 j SHiatweAay»: a not r |s» .7S ia U tm A»ya. V a b . P. MAYNES PUBUSMING COMPANY. Nashville, Tom. 1