The Elit* saloon ha* closed. Smoking and chewing tobacco at R. A. Miller A Co’». We are informed that a new hotel will soon be built at the Narrows Just arrived—a lot of Oliver rHM I ARGKST CIRCULATION Of chilled plow», at C. H. Voegtly’*, Fine assortmet of buggy whip» :WSPAP«H IN TUISCOUNTY. at R. A. Miller A Co’s, cheap. Ladies fancy leather belts at J.C. Welcome ’s saddle shop. See the ad of the City Daug .Store | >1>|>AY. J''I V on this page. —Those plungo baths at the F. V. Jeffers, the music dealer^ Warm Springs below town will Local News. make you feel like a new man. Graves paid us a visit this I lias an ad in this issue. —If you want a piano or organ —T he T imes -H erald and Ore«l write th* Jacob* mi Book and Music week. ; Co. The Dalles, Oregon,for prices. J R. Jenkin* is o'-er from ^'e gonian for *2 in advance. Gents leather shirt fronts, col­ A fine line of Stationery arrived Diamond. lar«, cuff« and ties, at J. C. Wel­ at the City Drug Store. .James Pirie ««"’"I the When there are discord», broken come’s saddle shop. om from Harney thi* week. < Persian Cream for chapped! strings, aud remarks made »bout jour If you want a chain mower, call musical ability, perhaps we can help R A. Miller .ve yiutlieixtru freight. Full line of groceries at R. A. Mitchell wagons and parties need­ j He went to swear in the viewers on ing one should call on him at once. Miller 4 Co’s CITY DRUG STORE. i the Rock Ford and Blitzen road. R J. McKinnon, jr., who left Harney Lodge No. 77, I. O. O. I Religous Services at Burns, Sun­ here for his family in Polk county, i F , installed the following officers day July 25th Sunday school at j at their last meeting: N. O., B. D. several weeks ago. returned Mon Notice. ! 10 a. m. preaching at 11 a. m. At i McIntyre; V. G., J. P. Ziegler; day. Harkey same day Sunday school Sec’y, J. C. Byrd: Tress., II M. ’ V. S Lain! Office. Burnt1. Oregon, July 1<>, 1897. Two hay ranches, at Lawen, to Notice of Sheriff's Sale. at 2 p. m. preaching at 3 and 8:30 ■ Horton; W., Walter Huston; Con., I To Wui'M it M ay C oscurs : i Frank Jackson; I. G., II. Cheat­ lease for present crop, or number p. m. J.C. T empleton . • he Official Plats o« Survey of the Bj’ viitue of an execution and order ham; O G., Byron Terrell; R 8. of year«, for cash rent, if possible. N. (»., II. Canaday, L. 8. N. G., Townahipi hereinafter named have been of sale icBued out of the circuit court of L. B. Springer returned home approv' d by the United State» Surveyor state of Oregon for the county of Inquire of J. P. Dickenson. Sam Mothershead; R. S. V. G., 8. General for Oregon, and will be filed in the ’(arney, wherein the Board of Schoo! yesterday after spending a few days Burns, Oregon. il. C. LEVENS Propt., Lampshire; L 8. V. G., Robert this office. Monday the loth day of Aug. Land Comtnihaionera were plaintiffs and J, C. Beatty and wife, of \\ bite in town. Mr. Springer had the Pierson; R 8. S., Jas. Dalton; L. A. D. 1897, at 9 o’clock A. M., of said Alme Peter Stenger, minor heiis of P. F. Mr. Beatty having been summoned producing injuries that placed him land in »aid Townships viz.' Stenger deceased,and Elizabeth Stanger During the noisy times in Lafay­ Vegetables of all ns a witness in case of State ys. on the crippled list for a day or Township 25, South jf Range 32'.. E guardian of said heirs, and Clara Wick­ Fresh Meat, ette for the Fourth, some one took VV. M. liffe were dvfendanta, upon a judgment h, White and Mclnish. two. jlillli kinds when in an old iron hub from the wheel of! Township 26. South of Range 30, E and decree rendeied in *aid circuit court W. M., South of Malheur Lake. on the 27th day of May.1897 for the sum Corn Beef, Pork J|j| an old engine, for a cannon, and II. E. Smith purchased two lots ! C. E. Kenyon the P. L. S. Co’« Township 26, ^ontli of Range 31, E of Twenty Five Hundred Dullars($2.590) Season. on the corner south of T he ’T imes - ! popular bookkeeper i« anxiously put the wheel upon an anvil. The ! IV. M., South of Malheur Lake. in United States gold coin, with 8 per hub was filled with powder and the j Township 26, So ith of Range 32, E cent interest thereon from the 21st dav Lard, Butter and H krai . d office yesterday. A dwell­ awaiting the completion of the ini of March, 1893, and the further sum of the powder tamped. A heavy an­ W. M , South of Malheur Lake, ing house and millinery store will I provem?nta being made upon the vil was then put on the top of the! Township 27, South of Range 32, E |200 attorneys fee, and costs ami dis- w hursemeDta taxed at |30, 1 have this day be built upon the property this (head oilice building for Oregon. hub, and the charge exploded. ■ lu Harney cotimy, Oregon le>ied upon all the right, title, claim The anvil was thrown into a tree, i THOMAS JONES, Register. and interebtof said defendants, in mi l Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon will begin summer. A. A. COWING, Receiver. to the following described real estate where it lodged, and the hub pul­ lo-wit: The NE,l4 of Hoc. IS, Township —Mrs. Mina Walton and Miss house keeping thero as soou as the verized, with the exception of one 23 S R31 E, containing 160 acres of I ind. needed repairs can be made. Winterineir have opened dressraak- piece, which weighed about 10 lbs., Notice is hereby given tbat 1 will on ing parlors in the building formerly el Inland LodgeNo. 70, K. of p., that went through two picket fences NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- ihu 7th day of August, 1897,at 3 o’clock occupied by the Land Office, where! installed the following officer« for and mowed the dog-fennel off one 1 r. m . of said day, in front of the court bouse door of the county of Harney, they will be pleased to meet their the ensuing terra: C. C., M. L. lot, renetrated the bouble wall of a tL s. land office , burns , oblgon «ell at public auction for United friends and customers. July 20, 1897 Lewis; V. C., C. E Kenyon; P, house and droped to the floor. State« gold coin, nil the right, title, Notice ii hertby liven r If ft» following , claim and intore-t oi said defemlants of, Mrs. Gager, si.Aer of Mrs. Robt A. B. Mason; M. of W., Frank — named settler hna filed notice ter intention I in and to the above described property, to make final proof in lupport of her claim.and Drinkwater was brought to Burns Miller; K. R. and S , Sam Moth that tiHid^roof will be made before Register , or sb rnYirh t beret,f h . h may bw necessary 'Ot lntoi-ost to Sheepmen. ershead; M. of F^ C, A. Gilham; ■ nd Receiver U S. Land Office at Burns Oregon, to aattbfy said j'ldg’uenC with interest yesterday to be treated by Dr , on August 28, 1897, viz: Nannie IV. Jones. M. of E , C. H. Voegtlv; M at A., and coats, to the high(M ami best bid- . ... , rt-rJ Hd. entry No. 20=’., for the K'a SW'« A Lots 6 l i tier. Marsden. Mrs. Gager has recently F. M. Jordan; I. G., T. 1). Lahey; nd 7, Sec Te »» 2H m » k K.S2K. G. M. Tregaskis will have 2oO and sec 6 ti . >2K. ® »She she names naines the tlie following foihiwlpw witnesses wltnessc» to profe prose Paled thiaGllid i.v of lu’y. 1897. arrived from Arlington and has O. G., Robt. Pierson. fine rams in Burns on or about the her coDtiii^iouB^jupl'Ience upt n anti cultiva A..I Mf K ixno N, ~ .~L . iiionof. ,aid iand, riz: Àb/varieii'. l.'iiêu beet in poor health for some time By S am M otheh - hk u ». Sherift’. DEALER IN — Janira Buinart. ol Ilutns. un-gou The storage cellar of C. A first of October. Parties wiening 1 «wdtai.d prputy. w. Ji. Bui'batian of llaruer, Ureeon to buy should call on him. Prices! THOMAS JONKS. Iteglkter. A bouncing baby girl was born Haines, of the Narrow«, caved in HABDWARZ, CTlOaZB.'Z*, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Kesterson on Monday. Mr. Haines ivns in on application. last Saturday night,which accounts the cellar a few moment« before the I ♦ PINAL PROOF ♦ for the »tationary smile worn by fall. We can imagine the genial I NOTICE. ; ! LAND vt rsvsa za OFFICE AT t BURNS, OREGON “papa” since that eventful occur­ face of U. A. viewing the wreck and I July 17, 1M7. | rence. MACHINE SIKH’ IN CONNECTION, Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Gant praising the lucky star under Parties indebted to rae are re- 1 Notice I* hereby given that Jnrm« Hunt PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. . t . 1- A 1 1,aB » ‘ Vllcc of Intention to make finis! —Jorgensen has the finest and which he was born. The damage quested to settle immediately with proof before Register and ReccireH s. I and Medical Examiner for the New et», repaired promptly and satisfactory, ■ , _ , , office, In Ruma Oregon, on Thuradav, the 2f«th ! best lot of goods that ever came to done w.-.s not great. Mrs. Caroline Johnson. day of Auguat. 1897. onTimbcr culiuce applira York Life Insurance Co. _ _ : t»ou No. I. for the SW1 I NK1 t. N1 SEI 4 SE1-4 ! Burns; go and Bee for yourself, L loyd J ohnson . sEi-icf «v.-ti«nin Township?». srs . e . The Heppner telephone line was lie is also taking Cabinet Photos, lie uai..< 8 as witueiaea. Ge.». W. Harkneps. M. £W"Oilice at residence. , ... ------- j R Uayes. W. T. Hill and Joseph P. Rector, all I completed to John Day yesterday at per dozen. Do not forget to I of Lawen, Oiegon. Notice. THOMAS JONK3, Resista», j go and see what he has on hand. ; and no doubt by this time ia con­ I S. W. MILLER, nected with Canyon City, burns The bunk house at McKinney A' is to liaye the line extended on rrom Notice is hereby given that for; Sparrow'» mill burned one day last Canjon City, and it i« poseiable the purpose of making an exatnin p-INAI. PROOF Burns, - - - Oregon. week. Most of the men lost their that this will be done yet this fall ation of all persons who may offer LAND OFFICE AT BURNS OREGON bedding and con»iderable clothing by a local company in Harney themselves as candidates for teach­ JULY 7, 1897. A few who were still more unfortu­ county if the Heppner company ers of the schools of this county, Notice ia hereby given that the following F.KRAT niCER, J. W BIGGH, nate, lost sonitt money. ... ___ infcn- does not care to take hold of the the county board will hold a pub­ named aettlera have filed notice of l'AWT»M ('ITT. tion to make final proof on their leapcetive the Register and Receiver of the Deputy Sh:riff Sam Mothers- preposition.— Long Creek Eagle. lic examination at the s'-hool ho tse claim«,before Hicks & Biggs T. H Laud Office at Burnt!. Oregon, on Natur 1 the 14th da? of August 1897, viz head came in Thursday from the John Canfield, who is now in the in Burns beginning at 1 o’clock p day Tim.«thy Donovan, lid app icet‘<E‘iSM’4,and I-ot ».Ser. t . Tj. 'A f southern part of the countv.hat ing county jail, left this county in 1891 tn. Wednsdav. August II, 1S97. I R. 80, K. • ’ QT Eduard B. Water«. Ild npplicatlon N ’ o 21. for Offices at Canyon City and Burn* in charge Jas. White and Gus. Mc- taking with him a hack belonging Dated this 21st. day of July th« HW’4-4E’i. Sec. and WJ..NE «.and NW4 HE'«. Ker 26. Tp .0. S. R 3«, P Iniih, charged with stealing cattle. to B. R. Witxel. His failure to rc I W. C Byrd. i They name the following v.-fttCMcato prove their rontin.uoua reaiden< e upon andculthu- GEO. S. SIZEMORE, Their preliminary examination was turn the property was «uffioient County School Superintendent lioDofftaid land. viz. limotbv Donovan. Ed ward B. Water«. Janie* Earnpehtre. W K. Hmith ATTORNEY, held before Justice Lewis Saturday cause for the grand jury to find a and A W. Wateii. all of B irn., Harney county B urns ................................... O regon 1 Oregon. end were bound over in the sum of true bill against him, consequently (’oiler.ion4, Land bnsinrsF, and IJcal Notice For Bids. T homa » J omer , Register I Ertala matter promptly attende«! i«». ♦ 100 each to appear nt the next he was arrested as soon as ha came _________________________ _________ to town Monday. The bail fixed tenn of circuit court. Notice is herby given tbat sealed i Sheriff A. J. McKinnon is in re­ by the circuit court at the time of bids will be received by the Conn NOTICE FOR PUBI1CATI0N ty Court until September 8 th 1897 STOCK INSPECTOR. ceipt of a letter front J. 8. Ken the indictiient was $500. We were for the construction, of a bridge LAND OFFICE AT BURN* OlfÇOON. some wliat acquainted with Mr FOR HARNEY COUNTY, B urns , O regon . First door south of Post Oflite. yon dated Dutch Harbor. Alaska, acre«« ailvies River un the Silvies JUNK I'1. I"', Canfield in former years and do River Road, according to the plans y ■ I. NI. Davi». Notice I« hereby given that Jtsrph Z. Hogan June 19tb, in which he »aid he anfl ppecincaiionR m rtpi*ifio11tins I". nw nn ’® ai hat filed notice of hla intent!<>n to wake final not now call to mind any other cir-l ana DEPUTIES, i.ow on fi nt« kPgfeitl, ».- P. wiser e-1«i »-nu ai iiiuir w«uld start for Dawson City, on lhe «»fbre In u -- . ?4. ----- Laud Office Burna, --------- - ------ Oregon, on C. M. Fields, cumstance which would brand him the County Clerks »tlice. The — Andrews, Or. Thursday the 29th. day of July. ¡«97, on the Yukon, immediately, with the contract will be let to the lowest timber culture application No. 1119, for the N’, as a man of this class. Ace Johnson, - - Drcwsey, Or. N W 1 *,and sEl 4 NWll, and N Wl 4 NK1 4 Ser. expectatitn of reaching hi« desti­ and best bidder and the Court re­ U. Ip 21. MR 26, K H. 8 Morris, — Bile/, Or. He names ■■ wifnrsaea: Cary Thornburg. The evil consequences that al­ serve* the right to reject any and nation July 12tb. Mr Kenyon Howard Murria, l>c! Oinbh- and k N Miller al) all bid*. The County will furniih of Kiley. Harney County. Oregon. further remarks that he does not ways follow a night of dissipation, T ii ./M ah J oxer Register all rod* and bridge irons intend to return until he ha» struck where Hire's "local” root beer was Said bridge to be paid for, out of it rich. He certainly has the best the refreshing beverage, were real tLe cash Road Fund. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. By order of the Court wishes of his many friends here, ized with a vengeance by an even­ PROPT OF THE I.A ■ V’KE AT BURNS, OREGON July 19th 1897. H. K elley . Cl*rk. while on hi« Lunt for that ‘‘root of ing party consisting of Mr. and June 19.1*97. By C. A. G ilham , Deputy. Mr*. Tlios. Jones, Mr and Mrs. all evil.” Notice in berebv «1 notD e of Lia intention to nitk*- final oroof before the Keri»fer and Receiver of the The band lor« have secured the Notice For Bids, □ nd Jones. This unfortunate affair, Tailed sta»«*a l and ofTI'-e at Burna. Oregon, on the JNth da> of July, 1M>7. on timber culture service» of Mr Jeffers for the en OH KO. which might have proved more application Na .«9». for the El-t NE: 4. and HUNTINGTON, It is one of the Strongest Companies in the World. suing nine month«. Mr. Jeffer» Notice is hereby given that R M. 4 E. NF!-#, and NWI IftKl I. Per. ’T. Tp î|, » serious, should b* a lesson to per Ilcuaincaai wltn '»«>« Cary Thornburg, bel conies here well recommended.hav­ son» making summer drinks of sealed bids will be received by the Dibble. Howard Morri, »nd R N Miller, all »i Rl>y, Harney County, Oregon Mr. Wooley wishes hi* many ing baen leader of the band at thi* kind. While thi* accident County Court of Harney County T homa . J*» n B«, Ke«la»er. friend* in this county to give him Grants Pas* for some tim*. and Oregon, until September Sth 1897 1 may not have been due to the care­ li ha» over 1187,17^,406 in assai» and a record ! 5.' »...... for furnishing 30 cords of dry 1 iter leader of the Lakeview bind. a call when al Huntington. lessness of any one. yet cases of piNAL PROOF ing all of which tinte itimi steadily inereast-d f I’nder the leadership of thi* com­ thi* kind are a daily occurrence, Juniper wood to be delivered at prospenty. BKCAU8E you can berrò» money Ì;utu t: • the Court House in Burns on or LAND OFFCB AT BURNS, OREGON. petent instrustor, who has been pati/ at 5 |»er cent per annum, after your Polle/ hai beati tinsi and we cannot be loo careful in before the first day of November Jutr 15. I"M. years in force their teacher for the past month, preparing such drink». The number Noltr* t, her-.w uhm th*l th* feUosing 1897. The wood to be 4 feet nimU. settler has fled noli, c of hit Intention th* boy* are making a marked irn- to rr.aka Inal »r<-.f , ,>rt ol his < laim and . death* in the country due to drink­ long. fha> aait e-no< «III >■» »>»1« W«« “■» provem*nt. It is the intention of an ! Keeslrer U. S. I.aml OŒce al Knrna Or* . 1 The Court reserving the -right •n ing mixture* of thi* kind, where Ansuat o. l«r »11 Hnnlon Eiahrae. H.I ■ th* band to give mu*ical entertain pai L LOCHER, Prop*. No. :.*■ 1er O,- V. Hi .21 Tt 20 K.tzE to reject any and aii bids. poisonous ingredient* are absorbed. You do not Lava to die to win. If you live 10, 15 or JO years manta occasionally, which, judging H» nairna the f..f1<.«!na «l’»*aara ta pn>»« By order of the court. hl, -. n ’ lnumia rraldal — ,ip*tn and rutti.atto» you can settle your policy in any way that best suits your oir- from past performances of like 1 in nearlv every instance, frum the ..(«M 1».|, t > .. -Ilrw *n Urtlnt . — _ . , , ».lUi, H. K fi . i . y Clerk. Harkrna* o' I ■ n lee Be'r by the W or gallon cowatancM ut the time - for ca»h i>iid up insurance, amiuity, ■ < nature, will be highly appreciated metallic ve»»el in use. are astonish By C. \. <»11 ham Deputy. rdh*' nyitlOR* ■ no»., ".' v »- •>», 'Gt' Itimeli*1 Ly th» ne»»p> of I I KEEP IN TUNE CITY MEAT MARKET ¡1 Call Grive liim. C. H. VOEGTLY H. TINWARE. : GUNS AMMUNITION » Everything Cheap for Cash NOTARY PUBLIC. Fine Kentucky Whiskies And Cigars J.C. Wooley RED FRONT BARN, NEW YORK LIFE BECAUSE burns brewery BECAUSE