The Best-» ADVERTISING MEDIUM., J ob Printing —FOR — tiarrxy County, TlMxV'ïilVJÎÎ.iied UN Í COS OLIDATED JULY 22, 18H BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JULY 21 1897, Sage Brush. BEST GOODS The mine lies south of Sentinel pleasant as they should be, and station on the Southern Pacific *’that I was thinking of a legal separ- Vale Advocate: Growingthrough- distance of about 80 miles and in a ation. out the arid region of the inter­ 1 region that appears absolutely When I first heard an American mountain section of tbe United waterless. speak of bis wife as Mrs. Jones, for States in several varieties of the For 10 days the men and their example, I felt almost like presum­ common sage brush (artemisia tri- burros were compelled to live by ing on my acquaintance by intrud­ dentata) which, with the grease drinking the bitter juice of.the cac-1 ing into his private affairs and ask­ wood forms the principal vegetable tus. ing him what tbe trouble was at growth of this vast area. The men could stay at the mine home. Yet I soon learned that the Haye on Hand a New and Complete stock of To the stranger who sees the only a short time but brought back 'custom was universal oyer 1 small white sage, the taller and samples of gold-speckled ore taken but still I cannot get used to it. ‘ coarser black variety and tbe dark i from the bottom of the shaft where ‘My wife,’ is the plain, blunt way green grease wood, each growing in I yet were the tools left by the miners I speak in Russia ef the lady nho,I distinct localities and spotting the' of 30 years ago. suppose, I would have to call Mrs. Oiy GOOdS, They will outfit and return well Kaaplon in polite society in Ameri­ landscape like a leopard's skin, the Clothing, eight means nothing more than a prepared as soon as they regain ca. Insomuof the more fashion­ chance occurrence of nature, but to their strength. Boots & Shoes, able circles of St. Petersburg this the ]>crson acquainted with the toil Groceries. American social custom has been j Wines. A Woman of Worth. and vegstation of this portion of our i adopted, though I was told by a Provisions, Liquors, country, the cause of such arrange­ '¡prominent government official not One member of the family ment is as plain as the result itself. Hardware, Cigars. long ago that the czar disapproved i No analytic chemist could classi-. the late Jay Gould is occupied with ' of ¡{ Farm Machinery, Pabst Beer. fy the Boil more accurately than the i labors other than those of increas­ To Buy aa American Girl Wagers. ’ man who has had years of practical ing the immense fortune be accum­ — experience in its cultivation. Nor ulated by methode which some peo- At the recent celebration of the 1 __ . ' is it necessary for such a person to ole consider at least questionable. WRITE OS FOR PRICES Bl OtlOHS, &C. p®” lbc same with plow and seed; This is Helen Gould, hia daugh- coronatton of the czar a beautiful ! its nature and quality can be as ‘ ter. Whether it is from natural American girl, who had the honor i fully determined by passing over kindness of disposition or from a of a special invitation to all tbe Prices as lew as any R. R. point, with addition of freight. realization that money so produced state functions, attracted much at­ | it and observing its vegetation. should in some manner be returned tention, and a_noi>g her many ad- i Where the black sage brush MAIL ORDERS giyen special attention. grows the soil is good and improves this young woman constantly occu-1 mirers was a magnificent and alto- in quality as the brush increases in pies herself with work of charity, gather illustrious young grandee size. The white sage grows where Not ostentatiously,but with a genu-. °L the east, attached to the suit of ins shirking from notoriety, shv has | ambassador extraordinary, Li WHERE THE CATTLE WENT. the hardpan comes closer to the constituted herself tbe almoner of. Hung Chang. Ibis youth calmly surface, while alkali seems to be rt-BLISHRD EVERY WEDNESDAY Views of the Vice-President of necessary to the growth of grease poor childien of New York city, and announced to her Pc0Ple th,t be the Pacific Meat Company. BY wood, and the percentage of this right gracefully does she bear the1 would like to buT ber- whatever salt in the soil,can be very accurate-( burdens of the office. While one the price might be. When it was J ' ly determined by the character of'stster is abroad keeping up the ex J explained to him that American P ublishers and P roprietors . BURNS, V i «^President W W‘ fepauldmg(ion gnd giz, f th OREGON. | tr.vagance. of a titled husband,, g,rls ^re not r'eard*d marketable Im Pacific I 'a fl Tin Meat \1.set Company, f nnma ta ar ^^..1t at-- . U — a 1 —_____________ a gnd on , of thfl bohg gtruk g Hitrift Attorney .................... C. W. Parrioh. I Aelnt Repreieatatlre (R) O. L. Patterioa . in other states A special dispatch from Wash- ’ man7am". H™.rd” MooV. 'a’nd'hZj accompanied by a numerous retin- I«int-Senatur -(R)........... A. W.Gowan “ It is estimated that $2,000000 ington to the Times Herald says:' was instantly killed. He was herd*'ue °* "lcn®* anc* ®*rvants, quite COUMTY—nARNKT ! The administration take-‘ ing ^l?lddin in the story of the C. P. Rutherford . ................. came into Oregon and Washingtun 1 The administration has lias take-j ing sheep sheep for for O. O. W, W, Porter, Porter, whose whose • eunty j liga (R) II. Kelley Clark were c ao ..........(R) J. C. Welcome since last fall for cattle. The cattle en step.4 to keep its grip on Hawaii.' headquarters are at Huntington.1 7°°. Treasurer D TA. McKinnon •arrevor Any aggressive interference on ' The man was missed,andsuspecting 1 ,e ni ma8ni ,^ent garments. TRISCH A DONNEGAN, Proprietors. .(D) A. J. McKinnon I were nearly all bought in the fall, WiarifT ....... (R W. 8. Water. Aaactaor I the part of Japan will result in the some accident to him, a search was ie> ( rew U J ) >e ore l . 10 1 >U * e •) W C. Bird but not shipped until spring The •rheul Superintendent -th) ... IM Davin . . .. , . . . . • f j . whero the girl was staying, while ■ tork Inapte or LB)# A. B. Mark« . , majority of herds went to Kan­ landing or marnea and the hoisting made and his body was feund out , « osami salon .r. . • F| Guo. Hager * . . « • xt t n . <« -i zi - 1 the rejected suitor, or rather the of the American flag with or with- in the hills by the aid of bis dogs. • sas and Nebraska. They were MLRWXT V. •. LAND OFFiCl.* >i . r a- nf 1: * *ri .r al Jagiater . Thoma. Jones not wanted for immediate couver ’zvtti n*niiincr 1 I ia niarri the fleanlv holt were were would-be ■ purchaser, ’ with a smaller Fine T^Tixies, Xdquors And Cigars out • ♦!»« the r-ilifLotinn ratification of t th* the pending The marks ui of the - deadly bolt kateiver ................................ A. A.Cowing following, entered, hia attendants The adminis- on his head and the skin was brok- sion into steaks and roasts, but for i annexation treaty, _________ . bearing an enormous horse-shoe or fattening purposes. The corn grow-1 tration, realizing that some crisis en ou the back. The unfortunate half circlet of flowers. This he laid » ere of Nebraska wire confronted | might arite while the treaty still man was brought to Salubria and at the young lady's feet, while h<-ItggrCourteous treatment guaranteed SOCIETIES. by a great problem of overproduc . hang« fire in the tenate, has taken there given a proper burial. De- delivered an equally flowery oration b • • 1 • Your patronage solicitée. SVt.VA REBEKAH Pesce.No.43. tion. They had corn enough to gt g (o be prepared for any emerg- ceased was about 45 years of age >n hie native tongue, which wasi Matta.vcry 1st and Sai Wednesday. ft.,1 iceir lamuies -.nòli., ana and meir nomen- encv ,and ... • brolh.r of Mn. C.W I l”.mb.,r...l»,____________________________________ Miss Jennie McPheeter. N.G. tecu It was altogether an embarrassing M ss Leona Zeigior. Ker. Sec’y. ¡tic aaimah for year.«, corn to yield | j{ear Admiral Beardslee will Porter. but very pretty ceremonial —Chic- j ago Tribune. . a river of fluid that animates, corn |)#Te wjien (he next steamer arrives A. O. ü. W. Burns Lodge, No. 47. to burr, to sell and to speculate up ¡n Honolulu, instructions giving The Wife in Russia. Keel«every 2d and 4thThursdays. H M Horton, M W i on. The corn for speculation was him power to act at the first sign of i Burns-Canyon Stage Line J W Bayer, Rec. the primary cause of the misehirf1 aggression on the part of Japan or i-Thia is a curious custom you J. A. H alladay , contractor. with our cattle supply, nvilUlt trouble Ut of oui any atiiw kind with . played I'"— nisu which wiiiwii the sue Americans w.« . w have . w of . referring -v .w...... A to your - Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Exp* s The wily speculators slipped into local authorities are not able to by their husbands’ names” observ- RABSIT LODGI. WO. 77. I. O O F. M..l..tO as high p the r^nently cured. So proof positive am I Middle to <-at and turn the program that events may force esteem as the Russian holds his, oi its power that I consider it my duty to tvo hottln fru to those of your readers into gold the yellow cereal which upon him. i but if at heme I should speak of my und who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or C- A- SWEEK, Lung Trouble, if they will write me thel* I ^otherwise would not have been It is definitely settled that the better half as Mrs. Kaaplon my and postoffice address. Sincerely, attorney Ar-LAW, worth a song. The time will come battleship Oregon, will be dispat- friends would at once conclude that express T. A. ZLOCUM. IL C., 1» Ftarl St., Hew YwV Th« Bn«in«to Mana<«ra«nl <4 ere many moons when the quarters ched to Hawaii as soon as she can my domestic relations were not as Uia I’«*** Editorial Orerei. Guazsato« ihl« FMfvM Fropoatuob : Baras« of those fattened cattle will lie up- be prepared for the voyage This on the butcher's blocks of the cities wj|| gjve Admiral Breadi lee three vessels, the Oregon, Philadelphia j “THUNDERBOLTS,” of the East. th« lateat and grandwt *>or»k toy thia world-wide celebrity and Marion. Japan has at present "As a result of the big shipments now out and for »air exUiuivtly l»y t«bKrigtio«. '1 go ealy book five« to tbe putlfc by Sam Jone« la tea year*. to Nebraska and Kansas,"tbe price but one vessel in the harbor at Eaitrd by Ker. B. V. Hayn**«. iiiirodnciion in Bisl ■ p -I < MS* ph H. K*y, of the M. E < hui rh. hull th. 0 pagra. Honolulu, the cruiser at San Fran­ IH «i.leo'lid illuisiraiiooa. A bonanta fur agents, nr.AT. ESTAT» AGENT. — »* of cattls—on foot—advanced a cent tapidiy, easily asUiaf book of tbe age. a pound here, and the price of beef cisco awaiting orders which may ACll’INTS WA1NTED. NOTARY public went up 2 cents.” take her to the Hawaiian islands. MASON & LONDON We want your trade and her*,'in order to get it we are offering * unheard ot bargains in all lines: GROCERIES Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oregon Forwarding Co Ontario, Oregon fólic fóime¡5-^eraí d. I. S. GEER & CO BYRD TROS. H AFID W AR E, CRESCENT BICYCLES I The Burns Bar. SAM JONES. BUB ITS ► CB.XCOST Plucky Hunt ftr Gold. Artesian water has been found i on a farm near The Dalles at a A special to the Republican from depth ofthirtv feet lithe well fur-* Phoenix. Aris., says: John F. Hays A nishee a bountiful supply it will I and Henry Blake returned from ia prove a great thing for The Dalles the desert region near tbe Mexican A and that section of Eastern Oregon. border J , . bringing a story , of . extreme surgeon Artesian water in „ Eastern •_ Ore- I suffering and of success in discove­ Residence gon would tnako it the richest and ry of the famsne Calfornia mine, moot productive section on the face lone of tbe moot famous lost minee OREGON of tbe earth I of tbe southwest. CV“Pr^ lice« before V 8 Land Office. I Dr. W.L. Marsden. PHYSICIAN Office BURN'S and at .. ', A General BanKinq Business Iransacted CORRESPONDENCE INVITELI ! « i y? M L 5«nd CrntA for Arent* a On till, and io Cents for Oaf jn-*pn*e. lilnetratod catalogne of Bibles. Albums, Etc mill—»Bill WONDERFUL SALES. $10 Every Day Can Be Made by Agents. To prove it, we rive a few item» from actnel »alee made within the la«t few weeks: One scent «>4f daye. Another eohl 15 copiee in two dare, and anoltoei W in three days. Oae ayrnt in Indiana sold l&enuiee in two riavg An « • t In iouth (arolina eolplea in Lb me day«. One aaeul la <<0>>ixia eoM 14 >n t«> An e«ent In Central Georgia gold Ml enpiee in trn dayt When yon ron«id> ; the mirnton we allov? agent«, and th« Immenee pnpularity'of litis worderinl brok. an* mm with which it eell«, there 14 nothing in which a lire, pushinr man can ■ »go wl * h will yield »nch prokK For instance one agent made la tea dart -Ttonn'lerbnita.” Another made |ye e« ta three Aajs; anotiici >e.AS la tne tay; »-• • 1) la two «aye; ‘ aaottwr |H 7J La uiwu/i tame «aye. mutmun: ►-“"H* nu B. P. HAYNES PUBLISHING COMPANY. Nashville. Tenn.