—T he T imes -H erai . p and Ore­ gonian for 42 in advance. lue Exhibition, The performance and dance gi All wash goods at reduc»d p-ices en by the Burns Athletic Club on at N. Brown A Sone. AA V NEWSPAPER IN this county . the evening of the 9th, was well at­ Boots and shoes at R. A. Miller tended. The boys, as usual, made ■t Co.’s. the occasion profitable to the club wepxisday . jri Y I4' |897, Frank Hibltrand family moved as well as pleasing to the specta tors. in from Harney this week. Local News. This feature of our town is deserv­ Mrs. II. E. Thompson is visiting James Sparrow is down from the ing of special mention, as it is in Drewsey this week. I aw mill- something of a new departure in I —C. H. Voegtly has a car load of this place. The steady growth cf | nails on the road. the club since its organization, the We wish to inform you that it i Maher cnL-d proper’y, sion of such acts of violence, and , are at work on the Items building, on our streets yesterday. or so much thereof as m iv Ire necessary the attractive home of Henry E. you .voe to the man who otherwise ap- ' to satisfy said j idgmcui. with interest near the court house. Buy Thompson, of the firm or Geer A propriates them. But w» have dog . and costs, to the higiirftt and best bit!— Queen Vic is growing old, • ler. Chase i Sanborn's famous Bos Co. You will find Mr. Jacob fights and figliting dogs just the Queen Lil is deposed, Dated this 6th d i v of hi y, 1897. ton coffees are now sold in Burns A J .M c K innon , Thompson there, ready and willing same. Queen Stoves all the rage. By S am M other hku >, Sheriff*. DEALER IN— by N. Brown & Sons. For particulars in regard to the to give you all needed information Deputy. 1 regard to the best methods to be .Mr. Clarence Luckey, of Eugene, stove business, call on I. S. Geer A in HARDWARE, CHOCKRY, followed in tree planting and gar fTINAL PROOF is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. E. Co. A. Bruner, r. ho h is b’en am>ng dening in general. And right here Kenyon, of thi3 place LAND OFFICE AT BURNS OREGON ♦ ♦ ♦ If you have a ranch or city prop­ us but a short time, ¡3 sick at the TINWARE. GUNd. we wish to say that what “Uncle AMMUNITION- july 7, 1S97. —If you want an Oliver Burns under the care of D". Chilled Volp. erty for sale, or rent, list with Lewis Jake” do-.-s not know about this H. Volp, Plow call on C. II. Voegtly, sole Notice ¡ b hereby Riven that the following Mr. Bruner is a brother of Phil A Byrd. iinnx-d aettlcra have filed notice of .......... • ACI11NK SHOP LN CONNECTION, Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Guu In ten- line of work you are just as well off tioii agfiit. to make fii nl proof on their tespe« 'ive PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Bruner of Harney. claim«.before the RegiMer and Receiver of the II. A. Miller A Co. have just re if you never know. To all who are et», repaired promptly and salisfactory. The families ofA.C. Wo t'.i’ng- U. S. Laud office at liurr.s Orexon, on Satur­ Medical Examiner for the New the 14th da»'of Auffuat 1897, viz: — Mina Shelley Walton Mies iceived a supply of lamps, lanterne acquainted with him he is author­ day York Life Insurance Co. ton Mrs. and Geo. are and recovering Tiinothv Donovan, llx ing from parlors in the building I IL Water«. Hd application N’a 21. for fWOfliee at residence. get angry if he tells yon that the th< Edward BW .':. , Mee: 23, aud W’jNE^, and N Wfc occupied the Lai and d Oilice, when J. The races ended with a consola- Louis by Racine son Fred, -! „ Bet p .1' M K ■ l-‘ 1 lion purse, won by Oregon Chief, secret of his success is hard work, They name 1 the they will and be pleasrd meet ar# their following wiluezaea to prove Byerley W. C. to Byrd, out 8. W. MILLER, their cuntinuoua rrrider.ee upon and cultha­ and if you expect to be successful fr.ends and customers. Big Ben second, and a bieyc-le race, tion of «aid land, viz 'Ihnuthy D<<:io\an, I d rusticating on Emigrant creek. ward B. Water«. Jamcal amprhirr, W E. Smith you will hive to get up in the I 8. Geer, Jamas Donegan,Chas. | won by Al. Wck-cme, Kalleubach ami A W. Waters, al! of Burns, Harney County morning. We notice many who Oregon. Alfred and Welcome. F rank with Wel- second. Johneon. Prof. Peebles, Burns, - - - Oregon. T homas J unes , RcRlatcr. are making improvments in this came families and Chester Smith for for the their expect to left leave |jne This is a step in the right mountains for on a few days ' I’eter Clemens has purchased the ....^. Logan valley today to morrow a fish- Maupin A Cushing threshing ma­ direction. As evidence of what piNAL PROOF outing. ERK a T IIICKS,^ J. W BKiGB. ing expedition. chine and will be fully equipped C amyon C ity . can be done in a few months, we LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. N. I). Sweet and wife of Eugene Programs of the State Teachers’ for threshing this season. June r>, 1W. would call attention to the newly Hicks & Biggs arrived here to a be few held days at ago. They Association, Newport, Notice i« hereby Riven ’hat the following The select dancing party given seeded lawn surrounding the cot named settler bar filed notice of hi« Intention are favorably impressed with and our ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Oregon, July 26th. 27th, 28th make final proof in support of hi«claiin.and by Mrs. McClain at the Hotel Burns tageof Doctor Marsden. The Doc­ to that raid proof will be made before Retister town may and think of locating. -9th, be had at the office of and Receiver I ’ S. Land Office at RnrusDrcgon. i last Wednesday evening, was one tor is making his residence in point on Inly l-5.1397.v1z: Ernest Ilenilrh Kalleubach Offices »t Canyon City and Burns the County Superintendent. Nails have dropped. Did entry No.«.. for the E' . SW4 Lota r, A of the most enjoyable affairs of the nfbenuty second to livii» in the 7, Hd. ’«er 6 Tp .4 s H. F hear always cities . He name« the following witn<*M>« a to prove GEO. S. SIZEMORE, The them death fall? rate We in eastern season county. his continuous residenceu|»on and < ultiration nails by the car load, and have al ol. said land, viz E. ('. Taylor, Ferdinand grows larger each day. If there is ATTORNEY, I Mrs. Frank Whiting, who has With only a small amount of Dcnatedt. Fred Lunaburg and Louis Racine, all B urns , .. ways given belter prices than any ...................... O regon . not one a else change in do the so temperature and can now, if you be»n suffering with a fibroid tumor pains we might all make our homes of Burna Oregon. ('olite¿ions, Land ___ business, ______ __ and Real THOMAS JONKE. Register. Estate »oon, victims cf thu intense hist g.Ye us a chance. matter promptly attended to. in her side, is improving rapidly. more attractive as well as more will be numbered I. by S the thousands. G eer it Co. Dr. Velp removed the same on Sat­ valuable. Burns is steadily grow —Jorgensen has the finest and urday morning. ‘ ing and the impression sent abroad NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. best lot of goods that ever came to STOCK INSPECTOR. I by those who visit us would be of LAND OFFICE AT BURN» OREGON. Hon R. I*. Bland, that Stand old Burns; go and see fjr vourself. fob iiarnlv county , J une 19, 189”. lie is also taking Cabinet Photos, man of Missouri and father of the great value in advertising our thrif­ Notlct is hereby given that J< •■•ph Z. Ho««n at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to silver cause in the United States, ty and growing city. AL Davin. han filed notice of his Intention to make final DEFI" H ES, go aud see what he has on hand. proof before Reliefer •nd Receiver nt their uses an Osborne Mower. We sell olftceinT.H. Land Office Burr n, Oregon, on — Andrews, Or Thursday the 29th. day of July. 1A"7. on C. M. Fields, I. 8. G eer A Co. C. T. Miller was up from his the Osborne. timber culture application No 1119. for the N\ ESTRAY. - • Drewsey, Or NW I t.andSLl 4 NW 1-4. and NWI 4 N’F.l 4 Sec Ace Johnson, ranch, near Lawen, Monday. He a.Tp 2l. s R ".6. E —C. H. Voegtly has a car load — Riley, Or. He name« ne witneaaes Cary Thornburg. IL 8 Morris, of Mitchell wagon». Mr. Voegtly informs us that the water is still Reward M rrj-. Del Dir.b’e and R N. Mlllerall One highbred milk cow, branded of Riley, Harney Co»*«: J*. Oregon. vtrv high in his neighborhood and is the only agent in Burns for the T ilman J oni « Regitter. Mitchell wagons and parties need­ R with a bar under it on the right haying is retarded on that account ing one should call on him at once. bip; wattle on back of left ham; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Guns and ammunition always on The Harney Valley Camp of earmarks, round underbit in each PROPT OF THE hand We can can save you money Woodmen of the World, organized ear close to the head. She is sup LA ” ’“ICE AT BURNS, OREGON on these goods We will take your by Deputy Supreme Head Consul posed to be on the hills west of Jun» 1». IWÍ. N.»’lce 1« brrehv «fren ’hat William II H«>ran orders and get them cheaper McHenry on the evening of June Burns. J. R. Gould will give any haa notice of bla intention t«> rrak«1 fittal »roof t*r fore the Regi er and Ri'-riverof the than you can. Give us a chance. 29th, now has a memltership of 30. one who brines the same, with calf, i United Matea I and Dffi- •• at Burna. Greffon, on ; the '¿9th day of Juiv. IW7. on timbe** « nlttir* to his residence, |5. I. 8. G eer A Co. The following officers have been Rpp'ir a’ion No ‘.*94, for th«- El 2 NF,; 4. and I HUNTINGTON, OREG -W| 4 NEi-t. and NW 1 4 *EI 4. f. Tp .1. H It in one of the Strongest ('ornprr.ki in the World, R 2«. E. We did not have Ice Cream Soda installed: C. C., J. J. Tupker; A. H* name* al wlfn'-Mca 1 ’ »r* Th«»rnhnrf. Del NOTICE. Dihhle. Howard Morn» and R n MliVr. all per cent per annum, after your Policy ha» been three J. I). Moore and R A. Miller. This W. 1-97. BURNS BREWERY Religious services for next Sun­ year» in force W»»*!*** 1« hereby riven «hat the following new order, which is the seventh on nar< e yvu live ii>, i.> or 2V year* makes girl» bow-legged, or kneck- hts r- ntInn.»«!« D r n . Also at the Barne» other orders sre: A F A A M . r vi^enre upon s-id '«iitKai|.,n you can M llle vour policy in any wav that best auiti your cir- via -x-.rft Ha- *• Wm. • lark end eebc-il house on the ¡»land, preacl. O. E 8.1 O O. F , D. vf K , K of kneed; it only shows us a briber •f Mi * 1 'and. Hark***-*«. of lauen. Drrgvn, Har ry ffW“B*er by the keg or gallon. I cu.oit .nn » »1 the time-for cash laid up insurance, annuity Ea’le«la