Oe £imcsrïiera(d WhDNKhbAY JI NK. JI LI IN Bì RI» 16 18.7 — — - — à, c. WORTHINGTON * < _ Dealer In— MsDager, DRUGS, MEDICINES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, MOTION« TOYS, TOILET ARTICLES. CIGARS, TOBACCOS ’ NUTS, CANDIES A CONFECTIONARY, BLANK ’ i NO HARO TIMES IN HAILNEY. BOOKS A SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Senator Gowan L cates the long- Missing Wave of Prosperity. Cheapest Flac- tc buy Coeds in East;.ra roXTIMEl) FROM FIRST PAGE. ‘ It has been common belief that O'S JOTL- Harney county would not produce Call and be Convinced. fS!^“Mail orders accompanied by fruits. We have now in numerous .promptly tilled Orders taken for all books not in stock, and dili localities young bearing orchaids. at publishers prices. and they give promise of yielding OllEGON. a good crop thia year. The princi- I Bruxs, pal fruits are apples and plume,' which in quality are unexcelled.' The" is one Berious drawback to i farming in Harney county There is a lack of water supply for irriga ' GEO. SHELLEY ting purposes, and some method must be adopted before a large burns waste of sage brush land can be re-, claimed. With a reasonable amount In GROCERIES, never did sell so CHEAP as this Spring, of money, ample storage of water in Shop opposite the Brewery we KNOW NO competition, our stock never was so LARGE the mountains could be secured for as at this time, get our prices. .Our Satisfaction Use in the dry season. It has been All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch. d. monstrated too, that artesian Give us a call. guaranteed. water can be had at no great ex­ pense, but to the ordinary settler i life is to short and money to scarce ------ ------- ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- to invest in ex|>eriu>ents. National or state aid is invoked for this pur- re, we have added « [ Is an attraction, that tn«, we wo never in «< < had ...... heí ........................ r | large line of sheif goods, a full line of Rakes. Shovels. Hoes' pose, and the hope is that the time' a.id Mitchel Wagons, wagon extras. Osborne and Champion will soon come when artesian wells 1 Mowers, Steel Horse Rake--, a full line of Plows, and last hut Mrs. Louis Escine, Proprietress. will furnish an adequate supply of not least, a TIN SHOP with a practical TINKER in charge, Water for all needed purposes. special goods made while you wait. “The town of Burns is rapidly branching out in business. Several I i new firms have established them­ Is headquarters for all stages. Has large and well furnished selves there this spring in general1 Rooms, an elegant parlor, and handsome dining-room. uiercbandiseing and other lines,and No Chinese labor, white cook, and tables furnish­ travelers say of Burns that it is the - ed with the best the market affords Best only railroad town in the state 16U' We never were ro heavy ptocke l. with ;i full line, of all kinds. accommodation» for families and Iran*-. an