BURNS HOTEL Just Received at OREGON BURNS, Ql R O W HÏ&ÏS 0 N S^l McCLAIN & WILLIAMS, Proprietor», I The House are experienced 1 lie proprietors pruprieiuio of ui this uno large and commodious ------------------- — - —t A complete line .4 .he lowing good. i„ .he b.o. figure, and paUern, can be found a. our ,.ore: HoUl keeper, and .he public 1. allured good ae.ommoda.ion,. All Treated Alike. Table Service the Best. TAMBOUR, FANTAISIE, FIGURED SATINES, ORGANDIES, WASH SILKS, GRENA­ DINES, SW’ISS, TOIL DU NORD. PERCALE, CH ALLIES, LAWNS E PATANTS, CHAMBRAS, PRINTS, BRILLIANT1NES, INDIA LINENS, APRON AND ¡fT" Parties desir ng regular board are requested to consult the FANCY CHECKED FRENCH GINGHAMS, FOULARDS. MULLS Landlord. MOHAIRS, In fact all the best Wash Goods of the season. BRICK MASON, PLASTER Ladies call early as they cannot last long. jfW' '.-ireful attention given to Mail Orders. ER and VENEERING. N. BR5WN & SONS.—-The Leading Merchants Bt D Oregon Burns, N < >t i< •< * Is hereby given to the heirs and to all other persons whom these presents unit concern: That Jennie Jones, the administratrix of tin estate of C. W. Jones deceased, has tiled her final account, its such administratrix, and Monday, July 6th, 1S<,7 at the hour of 11 o’clock, a m, has been fixed by the court for hearing the same mid for a linal seith merit with said administratrix of all claim» and accounts pertain­ ing to said estate and the same will be heard mid considered on said date at the County Court room in the town of Burns, in Harney county. State of Oregon Dated at Burns in said county this the I'Jtli day of May, 1897. J. XXII- JoNKB. Administratrix Xolli-e Is hereby xlven that the following nain**4 ».-itl.-r lias tUeil notice of hla intention to nmk<- iii.nl proof In aii|.|w>rt of hisclaini, hii .I that »»til p’-iHif will tie made la-fore II Kelley, i on nt y < .erk. Harney county, at Burt «, Or. on Ill .tai of June. »'J.', vlx i.KoKOK A SMVTII T. < . Entry So for tlie K W 14 of s W eac. 12 T|, s R :t? I . lie name» llie follow Ing u line».. • to prove hl. eomlnuoti» lesidem e up..n an.l < lilt I \ it Ion at, said Isiol. vlg l. I < lurk an.l K II I . w n of blamond, ore.. I'etei French. o. Calkin», of Hum». Ore. W. \. WII.SIIIKK. Kegla’er. TO THE Burns Ontario H. a f ledei ii ks \ I JoliHhttn A tri \ llan»»-ii .law A Gittiiik'« W f Rohhui' lì Brake Il l'realv Merlin M. Mullin Jacob l.nts lì B JollHHOtl I» 'luati Jobll L I>«•(’otitire* J V Hamlet N I I hinc th .1 W W arder M J Maaikto K A Miller I fank I!<l»r*r I *< >11 R K Sten» ot I »I \\ aehbilritr J aioli U righi J lì .1 oh li »mi Frank Hihler w in I'atliMwon t < 1 engley ** N W - i I am * Joe \ Howard Juhu Olt M F Howard Notn^. ia hriebi given tliat on We I- neailay, July 7lh, |v»7. thè nuderaigned willappli lo thè colini, court ot Ha Iter conni.. alate ot Orryon, for thè i» • nani« ofthelhenav luetiluinr.l in thè fi>rvit SURGEON LOWEST KATES ( »ilice at Resilience To all Hattern cities < X ’I.A N STE \ M EK’S leave Portland every s da\s foi I PROPT OF 1’IIE West bound leaves at 2:54 RED FRONT BARN. Il I \ I IV. ION, A N J ar Mae® lUy * KbVKMMt MN • »V b < f < ib» , • lift! «4 IWx» b«Mte4r»4 «.<« wM>tk F mw «« AU« ’ •• vi/r«r ST A riONERY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purposes /•“ Prescriptions aecurntdy compounded. First Class Dental Work Done. Trains leave Baker Citv: No. 1, ami No. 2. East-bound, at , DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES A FANT'S TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. San Francisco. J.C. Wooley Proprietor ^.I'FAI.ERS IN_-^ I ORECON Round trip $15.00. I PACIFIC p. m , 12:03 p. m. For full detail» call on the O. R (iKKU ag-nt, at Baker City, or ad dress. Wooley Mr wishes friends in this countv his CALDWELL A JOHNSON Proprietor. W. II. HURLBURT. many to give turn Gen Pass Agent. Portland, Or E M. NEIL. President and Mangr. BURNS, OREGON I Bt mm », Wanted An Idea Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour» Through freight 3jcts. a pound. Two days "ntice at any P. 0. on the route and covered coaches wil ! be furnished for passangers. H. A. Williams, Propr. UNION V ia Dr. W.L. Marsden. BURNS m . I ( fregón. a call when at Huntington. •ti* Leayes Burns daily at 6:30 p I Fare One way $7.50. NORTHERN S. W. MII.I.KIl GEO S. SIZEMORE. ATTORNEY, . O rkuon . I'.dl,. .ion. t nu I bu.n.e.» and K.-al K»t.l» malia. pr> .ui ... a.i< n>lr»l l<- I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Burns, Stage Line. ------- GIVE« THE CHOICE OF GREAT W iu Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and want a •nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. McIntyre before finishing with rustic. EAST 't'rtitiun /or f.it/Mor l.icfntt. To I lie I loi,. ,| ubi,. ('.imiti Court of 1 lar- nv viiimlv, State ni llii-ipin Wt», thè imdersiiriicd hgwl voler* oi Preasey pie» in< t. H*int*i cmiiily. Siate of (bevuti, do he re li V pellllon llie Colimi Confi ot llarney colini). 'tute of Otricoli, lo a'h'it to M M \|. Ilon-ild alni \\ ilio. 1 II noti a lieense lo »eli spir- Itoli», mali and vinone liipinm in lesa quantitirs tliali olle nailon al tlieii |>ln< e ol business ili l*rvweey prvcinil, eiiiinly ol llarney, Siate ot Oregon, lor thè jieriod ol s x luontlis (ioni thè 7fh day ol Julv l»V7 Veneering box, or frame houses almost as cheap as rustic and much more comfortable—makes a solid wall, durable, very warm in winter and cool and pleasant in summer. HH I AX1> OFF. K AT I.AKEVIEW, OREGON, April 2». I»t<7. Burns, Oregon. Brick Alwas on Hand for Local Custom I C'INAI. PROOF. M c I ntyre , PATENTS Vt- •** urya.1 T’ • iw-Marka, • and IdktwHe ra>»:»trrexi Twenty veer« . t- wviw W • re»* t whether patent can N» •r* t»e.l er net, free ef chance