A, C. WORTHINGTON I Considering the matter strictly in the light of fitness ne better ap­ pointment has beer, made by th- present administration than tha: of er-Curgressman Benjamin But­ terworth tc be CcmmisMoner «f Patents, althcueh some repub­ licans might object because Ben’c endorsement of tlie St. Louis plat­ form was far from erithu-dfti tic, if we remember aright ■ anche made a speech against the McKinley bill in the House, but afterwards voted for it. DREGS, MEDICINES, BOOKS. STATIONERY. MOTION’S, TOYS, TOII ET ARTICLES, CIGARS, TOBAC< OS, NITS, CANDIES r b1 •<« t hew r^ay brlrw v - mi wwnlth Write j 6 hn V. LDVEKBTRN \ *Pat. nt I * aebio«t. n. D f ,f-f tbelr II irixeuilr lUt **i two lur«BLM)u> w mu tad