—Plows $12.50 each. —Order your sheepshears now. Cawfield —Mr. and Mrs. D. are in Burns. —We received a part of our pa­ —Onion sets 25 cents per qt. or lb. per this week, but as the roads eon gpSiHlAV APRIL. - —Garden seeds cheaper than anv tinne growing worse we will not II. C. LEVENS Propt.. „■ * house. publish our usual size until we are largest circulation of ÜA8 THE —Why don't you huv some am­ sure we can get our paper in from ' A>yNEWSPAPER IN THI8C0UNTY. the R. IL in good season. munition and go hunting? —Chas. McPheeters returned Fresh Meat, —Look that old mowing machine from a trip to the lake neighbor- over and see what extras you need h \u>ai I Alejandro Montejo, Defend nut above named. In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required and c until.mil- i e«l to aimear auil answer tue complai. t tiled agmiiHt yon, in the above entitled unit on or l.efoie the first dav of the next 'egular t' rm of the above entitled court, to-wit: Ou or before the 17th day of May, 1S97, and you will please lierebi take notice tout 11 you fail toappearai <1 C. ÏÏ. VOEGTLY DEALER IN— HARDWARE, CROCKERY — Be sure to attend the I. O. O —The best hand-made harness : TINWARE. GUNd. F. Anniversary Ball on the 26th. on earth at J C. Welcome’s, Burns, -The I. O. 0. F. ball April 26th Oregon. MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION, bids fair to ue a grand success. | I —When vou wish a nice hair cut or shave, call on Lee Caldwell at Best music has been obtained. I the II. Cheatham Barbershop Lee answer said complaint, the plaintiff will its. repaired promptly and satisfactory, —Parties desiring good, heavy makes a specialty of cutting hair. then ami there move and apple Io said I cointfor ihe relief demanded in said hand-made harness should call on comp amt, to-wit : For judj m-ut acai st — Drop in and examine our J. C. W elcome, Burns, Or you lor the tmm of One llmiibed ami1 goods and prices. We can S've I Forty-seven and 7-100 Dollars in Gold —Mason A' London are selling you prices that you cannot over- Coin, with interest theieoirfrom the (ilh , I day of April, 1891, at the rate of It) per Fane» and Plain Eider Down at | look—Mason it London. I cent per annum,and for the further hiiiu prices lower than ever. —Guns, Bicycles, Mowers and of Three Hundred and sixty-two aid —A contest case |t efore the U. S. all kinds of machinery repaired •G—100 Dollars ami tor attorney's fees in «aid suit in the sum of Fitly Dollars,and . Lund Oilice this week, Win Bouten promptly and satisfactorily at the lor th. coats anti disbursements of said C. H. Voegtly Hardware store. suit, mi l for a decree of foieclosnre of [ vs. Geo. W Cummins. that certain mortgage made, executed 1 To R ent .—Two nice rooms in «ml delivered bv you the PlamtitT Peter —We are informed that Hanlev i the Bakery. Any cue desiring French, on the Olli day of April, 1,8.91. Bros, started to the railroad with rooms will call on Mrs. H B. wherein and whereby you morig.rg-'d to tlie sanl Peter French, tile following de- _ | Symes. beef cattle today. l -eiiiied Keal l'.-tate stliialed in Harney state of Oregon, tr-wii ; The' —Grand Anniversary Ball at, —W. IL Shirk and wife, ot Cat- I county, Weal-half of the West-:,all of Section I 26th. under the 1 Dw valley, are registered at the j Eight (8) tn Tp 3) "a. "f it i' ue . .. East ' Locher hall .. April r - _ i it ,A î n auspices of Harney Lodge No. 77, French Hotel. This office acknowl­ Willamette Meridian, together with the; edges a pleasant call. tenements, hereditament.- and appurt- I.0. 0 F. Everything Propr rieiices thereunto belonging, or in any prietor —Chas. Voegtley wants those — Ira Mahon, son of Jas. Mahon, wise appertaining and .iso all ih>-|>ight, e, interest and estate that you held I in need of furniture to give him a arrived in Burns fids mornirg after tit therein oil the (ill .'ay of April, 1891, call. He has a complete line of medicine for his father who is sick the said mortgage having h.-en given try | chairs, rockers, bed room sets. etc. at Anderson valley The little fel­ yoil to seciue the [payment of said sum . low had a hard time getting here, î •if One Hundred and Fol tv-seven and lull Dollars with inteiesi thereon Ihoni —Geo. Curtis was again brought having to swim his horse across 7 said dale Yon will further take notice that ser­ before Justice Lewis last Saturday several sloughs. vice of this summons, by publicaron. is on a charge of trespass, and found —Ed Martin and Henry Hamil made upon vou by an order of the lion M 1> Clifford, Circuit Judge ot ti e not guilty bv a jury trial. ton returned last week frotnx the above entitled Court, made and dated 1 mountains, aftei an absence of five it Chamber», on the 31»l day of March, —W. C. Byrd and H. E. Thomp months trapping They did not A 1) 13^7. ! son were elected as delegates to the have very good luck, but are well C has W P akkisii Allot nt-y for Plaintdf Gram! Lodge I. O O. F. from liar- satisfied, as both enjoyed good nev lodge No. 77, of this place. health. loom». eM enenceJ fastidi*** Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Guus Cheap tor Cash. Kentucky Whiskies And Cigars First door south ‘X Post Office. B urns , O regon . Summons. —Almost all of the stock in this —J. C. Garrett and wife with al) county has been turned out on the I their children.viz: Messrs B. C. ami In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oie- Proprietor. gon for the Colllitv of Hartley. JOHN SAYER range and are doing well. Grass is I and Jos T. and Mesdames. Simon Gumacindo Mernindes Piff i . t Lewis,T. J Shields. R. J Williams. vs. - * reported good. p M ’Cbener> R N MiPer and L Beatrice Merinnde* Deft ) Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridg» —Jorgensen has the finest and Vanderpool, came in yesterday and To Beatrice M imudes, above named I Defendant. . best lot of goods that ever came to, had a family picture taken bv W In the name of the stale of Oregon I Burns; go and see for yourself. N. Jorgensen. This is a large fa n- Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from von nre hereby required to appear and . He is also taking Cabinet Photos, lilv and not many of such a size answer the complaint fi eri against you, at per dozen. I>o not forget to j could be brought together in so in tire above entitle «nit on <>. before1 short a time. Mr. and Mrs. Gar ilondav, the 17th rlav of M iy, l.s’9 '!»■ Good Wheat go and see what he has on hand. rett contemplate a trip cast this said day being lie fist d m summer to be gone tor an indefinite regula. term of the Court above named ' and if you tail so to answer, for want, Portland last Friday and departed length of time. thereof the plaintiff will apply to the| Colli t for the relief item.Hided ill tile for his home in the southern part —We have the highest water at said complaint. to wit: For a dee ter“ of of the county Sunday. present this valley has experienced said Court forever dissolving the ihiik I h 1 of matrimony now exi»ling between you -We noticed J. H. Loggan, R for the last 17 years. The bridges 'and said plaintiff and grantingadivo-c- - " ami ■ f<.r - • • .e to sail! ■ plaintiff jn-lgmen against j Brooks and Thos. Howser, of the sloughs east of Burns have been washed out and the water is yon for the cos's and ili-timseine, is ot Harney, on our streets since our still rising It is impossible to this «nit i ' hie summons i< t ilbli-hed bv order I last issue. 1 come into Burna from tl eeast w ith of Hon M D Cliffied, Judge <-f said; anv kind of vehicle the stage hav- Crtmt, marie aid rta'ed i.t Chamber» — Several parties from Diamond in* m-de ¡ts |a,t trip jn Sunday Canvon Citv. Oregon, > n the 29 li dav are in Burns as witnesses on the Thev are able to come as far as the of Mareb, 1X97 H ick » At Bums. land case now being heard before T. A. McKinnou ranch three miles Attorne.» f->r Plaintiff. east of here, and Geo. Whiting the Land Office. Among whom are brings the mail acress to the Wi tt Dean H.,rton, Andrew Lucas, C. j ing ranch in a boat where C. F. Cummins and wife. i McKinev ha« been meeting him anti I bringing it on into town. The Can I — W. N. Jorgensen has just re- von stage driver brought tn the in- ... OH EGON ... harnet ,... MAIN STREET,... ceived a number of electric lights formation last night that the Bear I’ a UL LOCHER. Propt. for neckties, caps and bicycles creek bridge in^“r. i’“! vou washed away and the mail carrier (-!*' Cetnuiodious, Conveni« Thev are quite a noveltv and is compelled to swim the stream gMT“Reer by the keg or gallon should call and see them. Give him a trial. with the mail. j ;ars. Fine AMMUNITION- * î j ROBT. BURNS BREWERY IRVING, Prop.