TIMES, Esrablished 1SS» j CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1806. hl '»e »5|i ideat-J t ongifj for(M BEST GOODS MASON & LONDON dia th instil Haye on Hand a New and Complete stock of againt >ra,th GROCERIES !pan¡.| senq ig ?on senitt it’s li| e time deeet- M de. Cui» art a u pj. rxad- inni triûui ‘h ut • our hat es BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. some places the ground is already dry nearly a foot deep, and ploying s likely to be dusty work. Not. withstanding the scarcity of wheat jit is being secured for seed, and notwith standing the poor condi-' tion of the horses and scarcity of feed theyiare doing their work faithfully. Oregon Forwarding Company OREGON. ONTARIO, It will pay you to come to Ontario Judge Bellinger proposes not to 1 allow any more expense than is necessary in the Indian whiskey cases. The following tells how he £g2?"*W e have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES j examined Commissioner Butler’s accounts and found them all right. • We carry a complete line of The Oregonian says: “When the accounts of United States Commissioner Butler, of I Pendleton, in connection with the i late arrest of six persons charged ' and buy fall and winter goods Dry Goods, Dry Goods. Notions, Clothing, Gents Furrishing Goods, | with selling liquor to Indians, were [ Furnishing Goods, Clothing, I presented to Judge Bellinger,yester­ Boots i Shoes, day, for approval, he asked that the Hats and Caps. acounts be passed up to him, and Groceries. he examined them carefully, and Boots and Shoes, finally approved them. Judge Bel­ linger is not inclined to have the WRITE US FOR PRICES Notions. &c. government put to any more ex « pense thah is strickly necessary on account of this wh skey-to In-, Prices as low as any R. R. point, with addition of freight. dian business Formerly, United States commissinoers ’wcrejappoint- jg.tET'MAIL ORDERS given special attention. | ed for life,’good behavior; but under a'law lately passed, the terms of all I — —I .such commissioners will expire | June 30, and new commissioners I will be appointed by the United — district judge :.. 1— fQr u r, (urn A Weekly shipment of sturgeon States is being made from Huntington, ' term of lour years. and ’some good sized fish have been PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY brought in lately, Fish weighing This office acknowledges a call BY from its rid time friend Mr. A. T. 300 are not an between 200 and uncommon thing here. They are Clark of Diamond. Mr. Clark’s i P ublishers and P roprietors . taken from Snake river, near Old’s visit, to the county seat, carries I All kinds of Machine-extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, w.th it no political nor partisan' Ferry. Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: A man by the name of Baird significance but is one purely >f a ' One Year ................................................. died at Antelope last week verv I business character in the interest I Six Months..................................................... '-00 Three Months................................................. ,;| of the postal service in his end of | i suddenly. He had a fine gold our county, find while here we From watch and $100 in com. learned from him the following his­ The only Garden Seeds and Sporting Goods. Pendleton is overrun with hobos, the time he was considered dan torical tacts, not generally known and the city jail is kept filled with ge.ously ill he was unconscious, —save by the late l’eter Stenger, ,L and nothing could be learned of them. S. Devine. Peter French. D. Hi Give us a call and we will Convence you that we can give better Smyth of Happy valley, and his | Eastern Oregon hills will rejoice him. William Kerr, aged 24, is dead, two brothers Geo. and Pressley of prices than anyone. in a fine crop of bunchgrass this the result of a dynamite explosion Diamond valley, together with Mr I year, owing to abundant moisture. at Corvallis, Saturday. One cheek C. Cummins and his estimable wife. The Huntington Herald says that and all the upper pardon of the That Mr Clark is the oldest reri a Cuban officer, travling incognito, head, from the eyes upward, were dent citizen and tax payer now and engaged in secret revolutionary living in the present limits of work, passed through that town last blown away. Harney county having been mili­ week. Governer Lord has been inspect tary trader at old CampC F. S.uith Sherman county has paid her ing the penitentiary. Considering (the present famous White H< r.-e BONNEGAN & TRLSCT1, Proprietors. state tax in full, and the sheriff its location, he expressed himself ranch) from 186(> to 18G9. the time says that all tax monej is coming as satisfied with its condition and 'of the abannonnimt of that Post surroundings He regrets that freely. Afterwards at old Camp Harney ; there is not sufficient employment ’ from Octolter 1870 till June 17th The county road up ( anvon to keep the convicts at work * Fino Wines. Liquors And. Cigais 1874. His stock brand C is by two < rtek is being demoralized by the A veteran broncho breaker gives years the oldest stock brand in high water, Some portions of it the follownig as a sure way to cure Harney county today, Mr. Clark are entirely washed away and im- ¿^“Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. a*horse of kicking: “Tie one of after an active life of 3G years on passable.—News. his fore legs with a rope to his hind the Pacific coast «-tales and terri- Goo-e lake, in Lake county, is leg on the other side As soon as terries has retired to the recluse of much higher this sj li ig than it has he starts to kick he jerks his front quiet life at Diamond Post Office be*n for a number of years A lei off the ground and goes down in and though advanced in years be is number of houses and haystacks a heap. Two or three doses of that well preserved and bids fair in his are completel v surrounded by water. kind will cure the worst case you vivacious way .for considerable time vet, to tell us of his man .’ startling Eurns-Canyon Stage Line The ladies of Canyon City have can find.’’ expierences with the Indians of the organized a brass band and elected Farmers in Linn county are far west. J. A. H alladay , contractor. officers. George Cattanach is working night and day. s >n.e of Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Fxp«-r prefident, and instructor. Mabel them nearly 24 hours a day. taking tv- Burns Tu*‘* Iiv.Thursday.Saturday,for Canyon Gray, secretary, and Mrs. D. I. As advantages of the n oonligh’ night Protert y"ir M**« fhPT r'ay bring you wealth Writ#» JOHN WKbDF.KbVRN * CO Pat-nt Aitor »ointa, Fare 15. bury, treasure. a. WanbiofUHi. D <’.. t -r their <1 priMu.ler and intarmedi't • says the Albany Dem >crat. In net aa«l ¡Ut uf two Lmulrwl wauled Oregon Forwarding Co I ïlic ïimrs-^crafd BYRD TROS. CRESCENT BIGYCEES Tin Shop in 'Harney Co The Burns Bar Wanted-fin idea b T •w MM ■