Tl\Îï:V. EltabHihed ISt» I CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1890 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MARCH ÏK1897 VOL. N. NO 18. ist EST GOODS I MASON & LONDON President.Mrs. Nettie Mvers; senior vice president, Mrs. I L. Leitner: [junior vice-president, Mrs. V. A. Hamilton; secretary, Mrs. Minne; ¡Card; treasurer, Miss Cora Myers; ( chaplain, Mrs. E. M. Duffy; con-' ductor,Miss Jessie Duffy; assistant conductor Mrs Julia Cavana; guar I J|- Miss Della Giannini; assistant guard. Mrs. J. F. Goodman. | Oregon Forwarding Company Haye on Hand a New and Complete stock of GROCERIES The question of opening the Cas- i cade timber reserve for the herding I of stock is creating a stir among M i ' prominent stockmen. The various stock associations in Wasco,Gilliam , I Crook and Sherman counties pro- Dry pose to raise a fund of $500 to pay I tlie expense of a delegate to Wash­ ington to properly present the mat | ter to congress. The question is a vital one to sheepmen, as the clos . ing of the reserve to them means such a scarcity of range that sue cessful sheepraising in Eastern Oregon will be impracticable on a largjr scale. largr Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &Q. Z The taking of testimony OREGON. ONTA RIO. WiJ| pay yQU l v J t0 CCIlie tO OntaHO and buy fall and winter goods We carry a complete line of Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries. Hardware, Etc. WRITE US FOR PRICES to de­ termine the character of land de ( Prices as low as any R. R. point, with addition of freight. scribed on the plats as Ttile lake is now in progress in La Grande fWMAIL ORDERS given special attention. Surveyor-General Habersham ap- 1 pointed County Clerk Oliver a com- ' missioner to take testimony. The ■ | government survey was made in | 1863, and at that time a tract, em­ at : bracing about 1700 acres, was democrat, have b-'en in session |ered with water. Subsequently, l Roseburg the last week. 7 this land was selected by the state _____________________________ PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BURNS, OREGON. The surveyors who will complete as swamp land, and as such was BY the location of surveys on the new sold to private parties. The com­ BYRD TROS. railroad from Biggs to Wasco have missioner of the general land office] P ublishers and P roprietors . begun work. The road will be holds that this tract,being described I All kinds of Machine-extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, built and equiped in time to move as a lake, was not subject to selec * Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tion as swamp land. There are' the wheat crop this fall. One Year .................................................... »2.00 about 20 witnesses to be examined. ; Six Month! ......... 100 Three Month!................................ 75 I ---------------------- | The report that the O. R A- N NEXT STATE l’A IK. , Co. was contemplating an extension The only of its lines to the Kootenai country . President Looney, of the Oregon Garden Seeds and Sporting Goods. — has been officially det icd at the state board of agriculture from Gilliam county has three flour offices in Portland. No such enter Jofferson, was in Salem last week mills running in full each j pris is at present under consider­ to confer with the governor relative Give us a call and we will Convenco you that wt can give better at Olex, Mayville and Fossil. ation. to the condition of the funds for the prices than anyone, — next state fair, and incidentally Over on the A’aquina bay early pear trees are out in blossom. No The Indian dodes over 1 matillla meet with Secretary Gabrielsen other fruit is yet out far enough to county are very particular about and the local members of the board. behtirt their blankets. They t ven go to On being interrogated concerning the extreme of ordering a pattern the prospects for a fall exhibition, The latest output of the Bonanza of their own design with the under he said in part: “The law creating mine was received at Baker City standing that but one blanket shall the board makes provision for an last week. It amounted to $10,000 be manufactured, paving a special annual appropriation of $5000 to DONNEGAN & TRLSCII, Proprietors. in bullion, the result of seventeen price for the same. The white dude be used in the payment of premi­ is very willing to order, but his ums awarded by the state board of days’ run. ability to pay is often questionable Agriculture; we expect to proceed The City recorder of Pendleton Therein the Indian brother is the immediately in the matter of nego­ Fine Winos. Liquors And Cigars has collected from the patrons of batter of the twain. tiating for the advancement of the the city water-works nearly $1000 necessary money, and a meeting of Eastern Oregon has got over her the board will be held about the this month He has also issued 60 |3P“Courteou.s treatment guaranteed. A our patronage solicited. asylum ‘sweat ’ and has turned last of the month to prepare the dog licenses. her attention to things which su­ premium lisi and arrange such preme courts cannot shatter. La other preliminare business a* is The sheriff of Crook county pre­ necessary in holding such a fair Grande is building her sugar fac­ We will make the next fair the I vented a jailbreak last week by tory and Union her wollen mill, finest and largest one ever seen in i discovering in time a hole in the and through sympathy for 8aletn, this state.” jail wall that one of the prisoners i both are glad that the asylum is to had dug out with a case-knife. E? urns-Canyon Stage Line remain where it is most needed. THE •THAT'rON Oregon Forwarding Co I. S. GEER à ïhr iimrü-ïicratil. IITVTFCD AA7 TV El, CRESCENT BICYCLES OREGON NEWS. Tin Shop in Harney Co. The Burns Bar The new board of trustees of the A branch of the Woman’s Relief soldiers home consisting of S. B. Armsby, B. F. Alley, and Sol Corps has been organized in Hunt­ Abraham republicans, and T. P. ington. with 14 charter members, Robertson, populist, T. R. Sheridan and the following named officers: B and I. vstrumext - W,Ua»Mr SEXT PKEMbEST Now »« ftm« *o ♦«»*»•» r*ww »or W« ar. IpacMI «» ♦©< | SVÎ poa«a •».4 «4 MW N» lÜMrtM «.Uta««» pmt - JOHN F STRATTON B ax jf • —>’BUUk nw roa*. J. A. H alladay , contractor. Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Fxpees -ave Burns Tuesday .Thursday .Saturday,for Canyon and intarmedi- ta >oints, Fart 15.