HFRAI.D. Fetahlished 1S86 » TIMES. Established 1SSS I BURNS, HARNEY COI M'Y, ORE« 1 that calls for the Masons in the district to attend a meeting for the purpose of making arrangements to apply for a charter. VOL. X. NO 17. Oregon Forwarding Company OK EGON. ONTA RIO, According to the Athena Press, | the other day the telephone operator. , . • at Milton received a message from i Walla Walla stating that a gentle­ men at that place desired to talk with a Milton man by telephone The Milton man was told that Mr Blank at Walla Walla desired to ggrWe have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES^f talk with him. The Milton man We carry a complete line of didn’t do a thing but strike out for Walla Walla on foot, in order to do Dry Goods as requested. It never entered in- Notions, 1 to his calculations that he could talk in any other way than to pre-1 Gents Furrishing Goods, 1 sent himself in person. He walked Clothing, I the entire distance and met his j man face to face. That fellow is a Boots & Shoes. jewel. It will pay you to come to Ontario We Never Fail To Do So OUR PRICES Speak for Themselves Special Discount on all Winter Goods. Ou.r Clearance Sale Will last but a short time longer—Come in now. as LOW as the LOWEST. MASON & LONDON ^flF“MAIL ORDERS given special attention. OREGON NEWS. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BYRD TROS. Groceries. Hardware, Etc. We are sure to Please you. (ff'We have the Goods, and our Prices are Wlie iimcs-Iuiafd. and buy fall and winter goods Oregon’s Fir t Paper. The Prineville Review says that Jeff O’Kelly, while out hunting on Mill creek, in Crook county, track­ ed a bear into a imall cave. Jeff went up to the opening and saw bruin, when he Jfiired and killed the animal. The opening was .small, so be had to ciawl in. lie then went in and was dragging the 'animal out when another one ran | out and in a few minutes returned. | Jeff had not let go of his gun in ■' the meantime, so he floored the ' second one, and going in after that he discovered a third one and a well directed shot laid that out also. ' I Oregon Forwarding Co. I. S. GEER à CO » BURNS, OREGON. There is in the private office of George T. Clark, the librarian of ......................... -tr ii 1 All kinds of Machine-extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, A resident of South Slough, in j the San Francisco free public libra­ Coos county, Ore., was caught in , SUBSCRIPTION RATES Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. One Year .................................................... ry, and which may be seen upon his own bear trap the other day. | .1.00 Six Mouth» ................................................ . .75 Three Month» request, a rare publication,"says the He had set the trap a day or two. San Francisco Call. It is a copy before, and so well did he cover it; OFFICIAL DIRECTORY of the first newspaper published on katiomal : with leaves and moss that he was President ................... Grover Cleveland Vice President. Adlai Stevenson the Pacific coast, and with it are The only Unable to locate it when he went to Garden Seeds and Sporting Goods. Secretary of State Ricbar.l S, Olney Secretary of Treasury John G ' “rlt*1® other issues of the same paper. ] look for it While hunting for the Seecetarv of 1 uterior . Hoke smith It is the Oregon Sepectator, the Secretary of War Daniel 8. binmm ! trap he put his foot in it and was Secretary of Navy Hllftr> A. Herbert Secretary of Asricultnre J. sterling Morton first number of which appeared in Give us a call and we will Convence you that ws can give batter held fast, remaining there fora day j Attorney General Jn, 11 *.U,'",U »ostinaster General Wm.L Wilson Oregon City, Or. Ter.. Thursday, and a half, until rescued by a. prices than anyone, STATE—OREGON I Feburary 5, 1846. It was issued i neighbor who happened to be look­ G. W. McBride. Senator» J H.Mitchell. bv the Oregon Printing Company i (Binger ing for cattle in that vicinity and Hermann J. Fleming manager, and edited by < W. R. Ellis won"res»men ................. herd his cries for help. C. M.fdleman Attorney General The papers in the Wm P Lord W. G. T’Vault. Governor G R Kincaid A tcretary of State Phil. Meteehan collection run from the date of the Trean tirer K G M Irwin J ivt Public tn»truction Baker Citv Epigram: Mitcnell W H 1.ae.ls first issue to and including the 20th R Atate Printer K S. Bean. and his ‘push’’ are taking steps to These papers C. Wolverton ¡of January, 1848. Anpreme Judge» ................ F. A. Moore establish an opposition paper to the contain much of interest about the NINETIt JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Mr Jack- DONNEGAN & TRISCI I, Proprietors. . . M.D CLtgroRu earlv history of Oregon, and they Oregonian in Portland. D Olntrict Jn4ge C. . W. . ..... V vv . « Parrish. «•• » »•••• Vtornev were at one time the property of the 8O| ‘ , of the East Oregonian, is said 'R) O. L. Patterson. ..(R).. . A W.Gowan feint-Senator Rev R E Parrish ^’e *n l^e combine, and he is — bars ft : COVWTY Th- Oregon Spectator was issued «opposed to he slated for the poai- C. P Rutherford 0 »nnty .> 11 xe ■ (R) .. Fine Wines. Diquors And Cigars H Kelley onths before the first Cal- l'»" of che'f *'diu»r if the enterprise ’<*rk J C. w plrome several[m .. 'R) T *. McKinnon D ifornia publication, which was the is carried out. Virve- >r P ublishers and P roprietors . CRESCENT BICYCLES Tin Shop in Harney Co. I The Burns Bar A J McKi”non W. S. Wiiter» W C. P' rd .iD' l Geo Treeeekl« A . B. Mnrk» ID’» Geo. H»gey •F't ID' California, which first appeared al Mont« rey on the loth of August, Union, in addition toother enter- J ^“Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. 1846 On the first page of the prjgeB j8 (O have a box factory. J I H Mt’Et C. R. LAMP OFFICE : Thompson, proprietor of the Thom»» Jone» Spectator is published the organic jj A A. Cowing ft »«oH-or laws of the territory and a remedy Union plaining mill, has decided, for the blues. On the editorial! in view of the development of the SOCIETIES. page the editor, ’n doubleleaded fruit interests and consequent de­ SYLVA RFBFKAH Defree No. type, declares hie principles, and mand for boxes, t» put in a factory ( vL’jen, !. .. ..................N.J» Purns-Canyon Stage Line has a sub-editonal in which there at hi« mill at Nortq Union. M Leona 7.-l«1er. Rec Sec is a call for a city corporation and A. O.T. W.Bnrn» Ladre. No J. A. H alladay , contractor. the aovice to the mayor and trus­ Ne«t.a»ery M w Lambing has begun on many ot J W Sayer, Ree'd tees to “dig up^the stumps, grade the ranches in Eastern Oregon,and Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expaw the streets, tax dogs, prohibit hogs sheepraisers will begin shearing the ,»ave Burns Tuesday.Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon City HARXBY LOIX»«. KO. U. 1.0 « F. and advertise in the spectator.’" < ..«.at odd Fall«»» latter part of this month. and intarmedi'.t • »oiats, f ara 15. 9 «O n m • Rwil. 3. •». Among th' advertisements is one T S8p • J.P Zeigler.Secy I I »r «t h »oi *nr»"F• n*ondent 1» , . V î ncneeMe i »miniMion^rR to •• - «