The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 17, 1897, Image 9

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    —Fresh meats always on hands
—Fresh corn beef at the People’s
—Tlure is a movement on foot
f to make the artesian well six miles
at the Peoples Meat Market.
Meat Market.
—Chas. Voegtley wants those east of Burns useful, by drawing
—Fresh bacon and lard at Mason
in need of furniture to give him a the pipe up to the 335 foot How.
A London’s.
call. He has a complete line of It will take a little monev to do
—The last two or three days look chairs, rockers, bed room sets. etc. this, and we hope the business men
a little like spring.
of Burns and all persons, able, who
axy newspaper IN THISCOUNTY.
—Onion seed from Tacts, per lb.
— Ri member the services tonight
are interest -d in the development
, op­ All kinds of Garden Seeds as of our county will not be backward
at the Presbyterian church.
cheap as vou can buv them any
Local News.
— It snows in Harney Valley place. Fine lot of Onion Sets at 1. in donating towards the amount
_ p,| Stauffer and wife are visit-1 with less effort than in any country S. Geer A Co’s. Semi in your or- required. We know how essential
to the cultivation of the sage brush
ing friends in Burns
, on the face of the globe, so we ■ ders.
irrigation is. and if it can be
_Gt ese and -»wan are now plenti- j think.
— Mrs Martha Adams, who now made an established fact that ar­
—Don't fail to take advantage of occupies the Geo Young residence
ftil in the lake.
terial. water can be h id at a depth
— J C Foley paid Burns a visit Mason A London’s clearance sale, solicits the patronage of the public of from three to live humir d feet
Absolutely Pure«
for plain sewing, repairing and
a few days since.
— Mrs. Geo. Shelley, who has
( elebmh-il for tr L-reut it* .veiling
have thousamls of acres, will speed­ Mn-nglli mill lieafilifuhiers. Asrines
— Pave Baskerville, stage driver, I been ill for several days, is now con­
—Guns, Bicycles, Mowers and
I lie fool ii»ainst ninni and uli loinis of
jg taking a much needed ryst.
'all kinds of machinery repaired ily be settled by the many persons ad il I le rat ion coiiimon to tlu- cheap
promptly and satisfactorily at the seeking homes. And further we In amis
_W. I) Buchanan and wife were
—A la'ge attendance at church C. H Voegtly Hardware store.
are aware of the fact that this qual B otai . B aking 1’owtn a ( o , New Volk.
in t vn last Saturday and Sunday, ¡last Sunday evening. Many more
ity Lt’ land is the best we have pro­
—Save money by buying your vided water can be had to irrigate,
—Messrs. Al. Rieneman and • than could be seated.
Newt Hugbet paid us a visit the' —There will be special services Garden Seeds of I. S. Geer A Co. and the How in the old I artesian
| held by Rev. Jones in the I’resbj- We will also ftirnislr vou Onion Sets well at the depth of 335 feet was
first of this week.
All accounts on Subscription or
cheaper than you < can
— ' 1 buy
.... “
---- .
be, thirty gallons per min-
—0. W. Porter one ef our mo8tlterian church on Easter Sunday,
otherwise due T he T imes -H erald
lite, and that amount -if 1 water will up to January 1 1S!>7, are payable
extensive sheep owners has been
—Don't forget that T he T imes -
— When vou wish a nice hair cut irrigate a good many acres, if
in Burns for several days.
H erai . d does the best Job Printing
to me and an early settlement either
shave, call on Lee Caldwell at properly handled. Many of our
— Mr. E. Clark, cattle buyer,who
by cash or note is requested.
the II Cheatham Barbershop Lee
citizens are acquainted and fully
left In re a few weeks since, is back • —Mart Baker, foreman on the makes a specialty of cutting hair.'
W. C. B yrd .
apprised of facts connected with
Warm Spring cattle ranche, was in
and ; 'he sinking of the well to which we
— Remember when in town
— Bub Smyth accompanied by town yesterday.
hungry Mrs. Belle Geer will " i et bei | refer, so it is not necessary to enter
Noi ire.
—A livery team belonging to the fore you a first class meal for t wo-, lnlo a detail«-.! account if it. but
Abe King arrived in Burns yester­
I Red Front barn made a little run
I the idea now is to raise the pipe to
The boarding house of Mr«.
—Jorgensen has the finest and the tlmv already mentioned proving Belle Geer, has th«- reputation of
— Mason A London are selling this mornii g. Nobody hurt anti
best lot of goods that ever came to I ,(> a]1 t[) u artesjnn WftU,r can
ba(| being first class in every particular,
Fancy and Plain Eider Down at no damage done.
Burns; go and see tor vourself. ,
. .
prices lower than ever.
—We understand our old friend He is also taking Cabinet Photos.' here and not Ht 11 ^rea{ del4h- And and Mrs. Geer is determined that
—Messrs. W. D. Huffman and N. Brown, is in Southern Oregon at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to moreover this depth brings the cost her house shall not lose its present
M M Whiteside, came in from the looking over the mining district ofjiio and see what he has on hand.
'of sinking a well within the com standing, but by every means in
Diamond country yesterday.
I that country.
I —Jack Dunstan who has been pass of a poor man's means. Let her power will endeavor to increase
this matter l>e attended to im its popularity. One meal at her
—Jorgenson’s geese are chatter visiting friends here for some time
—loe Sturdevant has been in
mediately and all interested give it table is convincing proof of her
town for several days. Mrs. Star ing lively for spring,but we presume past, will leave on the Ontario a shove. We have men here who
cuisine ability.
devant has been very ill, but is Miss Spring has her own notions Burns stage this evening for thi­ understand j- st how to go to work
concerning her introduction into mines in Baker county.
now improving.
but of course it is our duty to help
* any communitv.
—“Scottie, how many command them with the amount of monev
—J A. McCune of Lawen, was
in town several days of the last I —Miss Leona Zeigler has been ments are there?” “Sure there are . required (o „ccomidish the under
"Well Scottie what if vou >. taking.
.- . »>
• ■ .> the quarter see
All persons ¡nibbled to the firm
week. While here he disposed 1 employed to teach the spring term 1 ten.
of all his sheep except the baud l of school in district No. 24. situat-j would break
I h< n th-.< Itionofland upon which the well of Johnson A Harris also Bailey A
led about 6 miles north of this place would be only nine.
Burns Snn-| Wf18 HUn]< was promised as a dona- Harris are requested to make an
leased by J. II. Crum and Sons.
! on Silvios river.
dav School.
|jon fo the county provided we were »arly settlement by cash or note.
—Drop in and examine our
—This is St. Patrick’s day, the
goods and prices, We can give
—There was kind of a show <>r | successful in reaching an artesian If not settled by the 1st. of March
the books will b»> placed in tho
you pr’ces that you cannut over 17th of “Old Ireland” and the date exhibition at the Locher Hall last tlow «f waUr
hands of an attorney for collection.
of the Coibett-Fitzsimmons fight evening, but the proceeds were al-,
look — Mason A London.
H ugh H arris .
at Carson Nevada.
'N'ou Aue Invit<*<l
most nothing, there being but few
—Don't you need a new plow!
— We are informed that the present, The citizens of Burns
Throw that old one away and buy
To attend religious services at
X< >TI< 'll.
a new one with extra share for Harneyites had a big excitement have had enough one horse con I the Court House next Sunday as
if 12 50 cash, of I. S. Geer A Co.
at their municipal election last cerns to satisfy them and hereafter ‘follows; Sunday school at 10a in ; To whom it may concern:
we predict small comfort ami less
—S S Williams, proprietor of i'atutday. . and further informed
All parties are hereby notified
money to cheer the hearts of such ' Preaching at 11 a ni., and 7 30 p m.
the Burns-Ontario mail route, is in that there is likelihood of a contest
to trespass upon, or drive stock
j Remember the place—Court Ilouae
town circulating a petition for a
of any kind, across our lands, or
A rthur R oyse .
longer time on winter schedule, be
through our inclosures, without my
—Our merchants are praying for
— Ex Senator J. N. Dolph died
or permission of the men
cause of the bad condition of the good weather and better roads, at his home in Portland last Wed-
Nothing—"Pat,” said Tommy to
freighters in the same boat, as they nesdav. On Monday his left leg th»* gardener, "what is nothing? in charge of the different ranch«-».
w as > 1 here ain t any such thing as Any person so violating this request,
—Messrs. L. Woldenberg, M. F. want to be on the road to the Ii. R. was amputated,
will be dealt with according to law.
Williams, Henry Turnei, James 'and the merchants want their new threatened with blood p> isoniug, nothin," replied Put, “because
P eter F rench .
the shock from the operation was'whin ve find nothin’ and come to
Pirie and II. C. Brown all of/pring goods.
Harney and vicinity have had
—Judge Rutherford is still in so bgreat that his recovery w is look at it,then-ain’t nothin’ there.”
business at the county seat since i town, He will, just as soon as the deemed impossible from the time]—Harper’» Round Table,
our last issue.
roads permit, move his family to it was performed. Mr. Dolph was
Lct’s take hold hands,
a useful mati and all lament his ,
—The Tex Resort Saloon is un- • his ranch near Burns.
Mr. Grocer, and dance!
demise. He died at the ago of)
<L rg-ing a complete renovation.. —Can we not induce our town
Wo ve got some beautiful
sixty two.
| "Do I understand that you give
The billiard table being newlv cov- councj| to help us build a sidewalk
me the lie? ’
business for you and with
ered and cushioned. Look out for to the church? This is a public
—The Rev. W. O. For as has; “Yes."
you, and for and with your
the new ad. of the proprietors of hee(j a« this time >1 the year the conducted a very interesting series
“Thank you.’’
this favorite Resort, in our next is ,11U(j anj Water at times make it ____
.His ser
\\ ith a sweet Htnile th»- Ion»- fish­ cik.t- liner.
almost impossible to attend church j mon« are practical, forcible a d erman went his way He had been
Schilling's Rest is the
logical, dealing in the subject mat wondering where ho was going to
— A S. Swain had business with or Sundaj school.
tea. Pay every customer's
our dentist since our last issue.
— Several towns and cities in ter under consideration, without get i good lie. and the gift was cer
money back that don’t like
His trouble» with tooth aches is on.gon and Washington have late- any « gotistical allusions, to his own lainlvopportune. — D -t>oi! Tribune.
it. We’ll pay you.
now over as he had them ail ex ly obtained an excellent and ade partic- lar cre««l or doctrine, but
traded and is no v enjoying r a
There's money in it
quate water supply in an inexpen ■ good for all an«l evil to none, inch
N< >i l< ’l l.
A Sc' fen '«/iw««»
set made to older that i» insured to sive manner by the use of wooden a minister will accomplish much
W 1
Parties knowing themsc-lves in-
la- non-acbeable.
pipes. The pipe» are made from good in any town or country, and
be followed with the eari.t st pr iv»-rs d<-hle<| to me ar»- requested t»>call
—Notice the a«l. of J. C. Wooley, common pine logs, ten inches in
all Christians and the g >od ami settle immediately by Cash or
livery stable. Red Front Barn, diameter, hollowed out with a six-
wishes of « very one on his pathway note.
Huntington. Joe is one of our old inch bore. It is Claimed that the
of this ‘ w.sslen pipes last-s long as iron
The freighters
‘He goes from here to Harney to
county ard all travel from her.
her« to
to Pit*
pii*’ ’ - <>"e ‘ow" ha" a 1""‘ “f P‘I**
him ’even mile» long that with all con nmrroW, where he will, with the
Itnprwwet «etf WholMel« Dealer« It* allbfadi t
Huntington will not forget
neclioiir. cost but f2,OCO.—Heppner «»«-istance of Rev. Jones, conduct a
when they desire livery accommo­
U rlU* JOHM U k DDEKHL RN *<!<>, Ealefit Ait«sr
Vlvlint. Cult ir». Ban|Ot. Accerdton«, HirmonK
series of meeting».
Washington. 1« c f ,r thrlr
m . prise offer
IU, te., .-'II .¿»ct tlriBft, etc., rU.
dations in that place
eod ¡1st of two buAdred turecHkius waut«<l.
ihr êimro-ïirraid
Wanted-An Idea ESS