a hr ¿ iiiu’S-lirratd. VXFSl'AY MARI >1. 17 Hf7 A. Partner For IDiivrant. A voting man, giving the name of Stephen C< rscilia. now in the city jail, claims the gruesome dia- tinction of being the murderer of Blanche Lamont, in San Francisco. He offers no reason or explanation, but says be will divulg the terrible secret when taken back to San Francisco. No connection is claimed with Durrant, who, Corscilia says, murdered Minnie Williams, The enly statement .the fellow­ will make in regird to the afftir is that he committed the deed, and is ready to suffer the penalty. Hi claims it was a reproachful consci­ ence that drove him to make a con fession at this late date, but ins maimer of talking does not indicate that his inner mentor is disturbing s’art conscience to working so soon, , Deafness Cannot be Cured. —Oregonian March 12. by local applications, as they can­ ■ ♦ • • —■ not reach the diseased portion of The two Smiths, who are in jail the ear. There is only one way to in Enterprise, Walia* county, suc­ cure deafness and that is bv consti­ ceeded iu'picking the lock of the jail tutional remedies. Deafness is door one night last week, and es-j caused bv an inflamed condition of. caped. The sheriff tracked them to the mucous lining of the Eustach-, a place near Enterprise, w here they ian Tube, When this il ame gets, had stoled two horses. He then inflamed you have a rumbling telephoned to Wallowa, and the sound or imperfect hearing, and i escapes were caught there and when it is entirely closed deafness brought back, This is the second is the result, and unless the inflam­ time the prisoners have attempted mation can be taken out and this to escape, and the first time they tube restored t<> its normal condi made a desperate fight. tion, hearing will be destroyed for­ ever; nine cases out of ten are A New York woman has created“ caused by catarrh, which is nothing a family jar” because she saw in but an imtlamed condition of the her husband’s expense account an mucous surfaces. item of“$2 for ribbons for mv type-1 We will give One Hundred Dol­ writer ” Diyorce proceedings were lars for ar v case of Deafness (caus­ avoided by a humiliating expiation ed by catarrh)that can not he cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for on his part circulars, free. F. J. C heney , A Co. Propts., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75 cts. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Wood Yard! Wood Yard! FRANK GOODMAN Proprietor. Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rate«. Leave orders at Worthington’s Drug Store LOOK! LISTEN!! AND Johnson's Cash Store IS THE his peace. PLACE TO GET BARGA INS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARR, Corscilia is an Italian, about 25 GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. years of age, of medium stature ai.d weight, dark complexion, a Located first block East of Church. The Weekly Oregonian and T he smooth shaven and not unpleasant W. H. C anapay , Manager. H erald for only two dollars a year. face His action is a little strange, Subscribe or renew at once ami se although it seems to be affected l cure your county paper and the fur a purpose. He says he is not most newsy weekly published in . TO THE insane. When asked if it did not this state Every intelligent read-1 look a little dubious to claim fel- er cannot help but seethe adyan-l lowship with Durrant, when the tage of getting two papers for the • latter was labeling uudur the shad | price of one. We hope our sub ow of a death sentence for commit­ a •scribers will see the point and give ting a murdes not less atrocious ' us a call. than Corscilia was claimihg to have committed, he replied that he did ------- GIVES T1IE CHOICE OF------- DEALER IN—- care what became of him. Corscilia says lie arrived in Port­ HARDWARE CROCKERY, land yesterday morning, and, after WANl ED — I desire tocors .‘*spoiid with Oregon partie- a vain search for work, became f ,vho may be able to supply 4 : meditative. The thought of his GUNd. TINWARE. AMMUNITION me wi h choice Indian relics GREAT UNION l.ttie child and wife preyed on Ir’s >ucli as spnir fiend-, arrow hem s. »tone mind so that, when he met apolice I ipis, eet. \\ rite me. teilnux in ■ what I .UAUH1NE SHOP IN CONNECTION, a you have. Address: IL I*. II \ mii . ton , officer, he was prompted to make Two Rivers,W »cousin. ets. repaired promptly and satisfactory. a clean breast of his foul crime He is urgent that a lelegram be X TA V ia sent to the San Francisco police SPOKANE DENVER STOCK INSPECTOR. officials immediately, and dues not MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA doubt that a: officer will be dis­ ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY patched here to take him in charge Last evening he wrote the follow­ LOWEST RATES ing communication to Captain I. To all Eastern cities W. Lees of the San Francisco de­ tective force: OCEAN STEAMERS I “Captain I. W. Lees: Dear Sir— C- A- SWEEK, 1. Mi phen Corscilia. murdered leave Portland every 5 day s for Blanche Lament. ATTORNEY AT LAW, STEPHEN CORSCILIA. The police do not know the man at all. From his conversation, he is apparently familiar with San Trains leave Baker City: East Francisco, and claims to be the bound 11:58 p ni; Westbound 3:02 in phew of Andy Andrews,formerly in known Oy detective Cody, while ii. P BEAI. ESTATE AGENT. busii e-s Imre. He approached For full details call on the O. R NOTAUA PUBLIC Officer Gier, on Fourth street,about, it N. agent, at Baker City, or ad- o o clock and requested to be lockeel 1res», ETTBI-TS CRECON up, as he bad committed a crime, j A EAST C. H. VOEGTLY, ^-TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES NORTHERN : : PACIFIC Everything Cheap tor Cash. San Francisco. Kentucky Whiskies And Cigars Practices liefere V- 8. Lami Office. Business is not very bright at the j police station late 1 y, and the officer I \V. H. HURLBURT. thought he would comply with the Gen. Pass Agent, Portland, Or. request. At the- station, the prison­ er informed Captain Gritzmaeher K Mi’NEIL, President and Mangr. that he wasthe murderer of Blanch La mi'ti l. Tiie captain has had PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON more ur bss experience with would at Resilience Office I <• cek t riiies. and tiied to convince luiw tore . the p» intent fu was laboring under OBEGOX BURNS a iiaihiciua'ion He was locked I up peneii: g a little further inquiry. . nd Whclewls Mm »• Sllkin-Jiof MUTtCAL MERCHANDISE, 1 tie police are in doubt as to V!#Kn«. Guilin. Bin jot, ÄC cord sent. HirnwU- tM, .;'I I ¿let tlrinni, itc., f'c. " helbi I he ii simply se< king a lit­ tle not ri< ty aiil a free ride to San I ruiici»! o, or is actually deranged Bj DR. D. B. CBTE BURNS " “ OREGON. n.'iitaliy. Their experience in the Every kind <>« firnt-cli»* Dctti«tr\ Oreg..ii climate ib>es not confirm work the idea that one day's iubalatii n Pro tee t your Idee« they rear bringyou wealth done or. short notice and in Write JOHN WEDDEKBVRN < CO Pat-nt Attot manlike manner. neya. W*ab:n'i. D <’.,f-r their fl prise offer of this atmosphere is sufticieut to tad Itet of two LuBdred Uveaik>na waited Dr. W.L. Marsden : : ¡¡Dentistry:; Wanted-fin idea I CUT PRICES concernthat ever voluntarily r» du ed prk . or in recent titnr* originated a rmw id- hi V.m one knows the beat print our latrai piana. Mill. Pump or Price until he Utwi ours.