the Blackmore pretation It is a pretation of of Oregon. Oregon. It ìb a well tained by known fact that the Dutch, chiefly This pack is run four days < ’heokiiiK tho W itnon. The young lawyer was determin­ ed that if vigilt-nce could anything would tl e case in the accom- be upon the etand attorney in the Pacific Ocean, for the fact on. it week is the Belvoir, and it has touched meeting this region and J go. his are Is made in Baker City, and is a home pi «duetion the bv the Duk« of Bea'ifo't. has in I ABSOLUTELY PURE. The Badn'.inton, owned other | 75 couples, which Now, five day« of the many in [»acks working kingdom. Win would it be impossible th it in bih relinquieb land, and Irish davs a week, making it one of the hardest !>•- islands 1 places in th»- Pacific Ocean. would buy th« house he would get Gimpaon him To 1 mgs the honor of ha ving discovered to fight every inch of the wav. Mr. Ilfat the second in forward, prepared leaned in 1629.1 me son, master of the Meath, an pick, has 64 couple*, running five two important vox ages of di’coverv went man navigators [ 1602-1659] is known to have mads ( decided in favor of Lis client. and ao when the careful old Durkee’s Baking Powder. . not all the centuries, week, but, of course., Tasman | dog* are used each dav. John Wat* | 18th and 17th great were Vale. ‘ in i * | Earl of Ex i »ton keep oh. the the largest rain!”] and henee the derivation of packs in Scotland, the duke main Your honor (to the court). I object the doubtf I name given to our tabling 57 couples and the earl 50 to thia witness' testimony. He is 1 couples. great and daily progressing state of gu-asing at what he says We want < .’regon. facts. ' "Excuse me,” said I the old man 'Elu- N'uxv Maxim < » 11n. •‘I was about to say I guess at noth ing and insisted on the understand­ the English are happy. .So the two men got together ence. to as incompetent Britons who tight with bullets Your honor, we don't want to know man what this We done. old man I was about to say ordinary understand some tion with there that that con versa 2?> pound» the hear them in » formed—” "Your 50 only onlv pounds re-1 it This i» astounding when it I »III in- middle of the town. F?-» rr '■ »J J i m. inhered that it can kill with one bullet 50 of lit) men p r second, It cun project 6 I ’>< > "Sa a y !” • aid the tough look in Knowing the facta, I would fix customer to the bartender, "gimme believe 'll Jigger o’ 7 our r< d-hotti bt • J'gg’T II • • I»» iquor, und gimme it quick! ’•Objected to as a conclu«i »n and I ‘ Not here," said the bartender, his damagea at II $78 32. believe» is you believe, but good to know what you w hat must insist \\ e man any nciissari'y not I don't want proof I What • s incompetent on know your what vou know Mod not telling you what what you think or what I Hl. you A courtloom is not m not a place for exploiting what brllevmt, bill w lial he is 1 think the court will in sax ing that what kiow we till« I he liest thing vou can do »hut the «pile right oil Quit, and mnn 1 a sure rupport don t "Dasn't do it. man and the xBimg lawyer l«a>ked "Ami hay"" Gulch the »aid the of any had to danger Gulch Flopped witness, ■ that I laslieve that i* all." t'other day —Chicago Ki cord. |>ed too «udden Ill Bill'« < "What' pay the Bill Deeptank dead* AeGooi A» Sold fur $ l .2 j>a orUer for •’•trh- «lne!e,I»..1!Me indF.rm Ridin«Rad lie, a •pul." 1 In* X.iin«- *»t Ko. 1 1 arm llarnv-.s it. nt to | Spring XX'acona. $30 to $43. Guar.ntcM • i i (•-’ u> ».». u „i,:,.. ,,f Road W.igonn. Surrevs .¡th l,.nif fen.l.r», sun. ¿1 '• " T0P Burgio« Mioii u $33. Phaetons a. low u. Then ace what bartender an Ajcvtit WHOLESALE PRÎCES Gu/zly atoppiii' We i-e the IdcMt d , ''' ' ir > onler r.v. ■ £ free. \\ a t ■ kv all the 11 -fc of damage in shipping. didn't have I ’' rai tod X\hx jut Bill want’ll Ilia pianti reg­ 'lar an* often, an Amt ha ‘ l.argvwt ta< r. x. t.trei* in y.i.e lt t ►eUhixT tin-»a. > lhl «i. je, t tu approval. II, I’.llbng« »av» Dviptatik, Bill hap|>encd when the "I *»■ going to «ay, Naw «• H«t«| To ('ak«amerA For 22 Venra, ’ ’ (lues« con* man's liquor, hay " fidenUv at the justice "> s n r-i v? pin' a man'» liquor «udden." ine l>eluxe» A Fino MOJTAOH BiUiaru. Tab's. there ain't no danger at all in «top­ know to Dr OREGON. ---- THEA’ HAVE ALSO— I It's (längeren« to Aw, come oil! . Keep ronstantly on hand a supply of fine Liquors and Cig;”S Consumptives will Invariably derive benefit from its u»e. Many who »upj o«e their cases to be con­ sumption are only stiff» r ng front a chronic cold or deep tented Cough, often aggravated by ca- ♦,»rrh F»»r catarrh u«t Kly’t vrratu Halm. Roth Bairn, eta. •vmedien are |>l«*a»ant to u«e Cream ----- »er b.»t •; l*n I« -i I. worth holder ot was to the of thill lease man old W. W. JOHNSON, COUGHS and COLDS ent ate PR M1TH Ely's Cream Balm having been a real Burns Stage C ojux any. is a young and reloading itself with faultless B. a»’0*'vl attorney, "is our tunc to lie takiii ■Fs v ? a S accuracy and hideous certainty. up listening to hearsay evidence? I lie enormous utility of a weapon I m acknowledged to be the tno»t thorough ture for N ama I Catarrh, (’old In Head and Hay Fever of all H« doss not knoiv. He was inform- retnediet*. It often» and cleaner» the n »nlpaa»ag»*», of this sort,” says an English writ allays pain ai d inflammation, heala the aorea, pro­ •d that such and such was so and er, "especially in such ‘little wars I tect a the membrane from colda. restores the aenM1» 3f taste and smeli. Price W. at Dru jgiataor by mail. we must have ia what What Bo. KLY BKOTHERS, 66 Warren Street« New \ork. as Britain is compelled to under he knows about the trail« iti«! take on the bolder« of her poHHt s wliet her or not he—” sioiis in India sod Africa, in too "I am informed on real iBtate obvious to require comment. «1 values, Frinovillo Thus. gun and mount- aggregate ing their pro­ positions m loud tones, which ¡they could ttV't'oumridious, Convenient, Cl eap weigh« but on a tripod which, too, might lie no error I in­ did until you OREGON voicing shotted canvas is mounted ditlieully. and so sisted that they yell <>ut STREET............................... HARNEY............................ for ¡sad. ContultiH more prao'1 tical Information for farmer»’ , »nd «ardeoara than mans high ,, priced text lsM>ka. Mulled free. u. a. riain * co., vktkoii , » kh . «Tv, vil- The jiainous little machine with its MAIN Ferry's Seed Annuel . p lundrf. soldier while inarching. careful Af- well liegun Is half done. Begin Jf -' well by getting Ferry’s Nerd», tea? * I >) wril«r. he »»ya othrr Smcr all thw d* l>. , rer/.Tn NHilldead? a« died II V> was b « <1 <> ir <"« jrctUHM» and no w I.- u*r Ha origin onr can com»« fruii the ba trader J J i .ntlrwh5l21i Bill tr STrtATVON’S f I” '.rinUvii.T»! «el ... *rr"«w eicewlTe i:>. Trt" ’ ■ of t tber mi : ...baero.vplnm i>r.tia' t>r n»n Pr- -,.l. With a as order « » w rlllra cure or re.un.l the monrv. Sold t1’ .— Wrlteforfrre Medi. » |-..,. li wet »•!'< Sn"" wrapper. Andres. A EK V K »1111 X l>., vr«>. n Buru.,Or.., b, UOgrvK. Bru««iu Temple.OUCA.«» The bartender axw ami put out a Isittle of his hotl- .*» red rnau >i - of tbe uame of Bregón are II ' Twasi t Th* \ inerii ui I' Mi a « r D- rtuCS G IS* a t : 23MÎ K be. V -tía, « ttl dr»'AUjs, 1 >»M 4 r«T.«‘ • rrw e - n•• hlm>4 hi»I•<•«•* of the I.irgvst pa«» (•real Britain ai i Indi n ur •Iber laitgung« wr I arge» t pack of al III It oul • nt irei y out »•( place to couple- —I s0 dog*- p t'MfilUll our j» o lutar u I Wanted- An Idea ì I, I ■«Hr * . I___ -a’rVtr. nersn»r»en. » “ W . X, !■ of l>n».a «, *l” •u ■. • . I.. ., Vi-i.iur. Su--*1 ’ ‘ • w