Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1897)
lifts, Es H*jjLhed *88» Í CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, 3 must make room for our Spring and Summer Stock. 1 ARGAINS! BARGAINS’! Until After April 1st, 1897. Our Clc»r»nee Sale H as Met with the Appreciation and Approval of our Customers. WHY NOT BUY GOODS WHERE ; I such Bargains ever offered before in HARNEY COUNTY! Call and be Convinced ■’^’“Prices Talk and CASH Buys at prices never before equaled! motherless, as he thought. Roy wasjust of voting age at the fall election, though he looks younger. He is boarding with Mrs. Warner, and sometimes assist« John Warner with his steam woodsaw, and for j some time was a student in the ag rieultural college. Roy’s father and mother separat ed when he was a small child, Roy : staying with his mother. Since { that time he heard nothing of hi« father and supposed him dead. Meanwhile his mother died, leaving him some property, and he has since been ’‘looking out’’ for him self. A short lime ago he concluded to scrape up an acquaintance with his grandfather, so he wrote him a| letter. His grandfather, thoueh, died several years ago, and the let ter was opened by his uncle, who wrote to Roy, informing him that his father was in Montana and doing well Roy wrote to the address given, and was gladdened by a re ply from his father, who asked Roy to make his home with him. Oregon Forwarding Company OKEGON. ONT Ul 10, It will pay you to cerne to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods We carry a complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes. Groceries. Hardware, Etc. WRITE US FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co Some of the cattle buyers in Wallowa entertain the opinion that | there will be plenty of fat cattle ready for market soon, basing their . prediction, no doulft, osi the fact MAIL ORDERS given special attention. | that so many feeders were sent out | i last fall, says the Wallowa Chief tain. The late action of feeders 1 renders this very doubtful. As fast Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of as the *.attle get ready for market PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Good Iîoads M ovement. feeders send them in. In fact, BY i many are being marketed before The good roads movement under- (they are in nd condition, which P ublishers and P roprietors . i taken by the Baker City Commer- j shows that either owners are pressed I cial Club about two years ago and ’ for money or that they are satilied Fishing Taels] ¿s And Sporting Goods. through which upwards of $4000 or I with preBent returns. Strictly fat. Une i ear ¡-i/" 1'inware and Firearms promptly Repaired. ?ix Mons hi more has been expended in con- I cattle are notably scarce in all three Mon’hi I structing and improving highways quarters, and the supply is not' Oregon. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY leading out from Baker City has | likely to get much larger within Burns, national : . Grover Cleveland | met with most satisfactory results, the next few months. Preafdent .................... Aillai Stevenson (Tire-President. Rieharo 8. Olney says the Democrat, and the farther 8 «eretary of state - John G Carlisle I I »yrre'.ary of Treasury Hoke Smith ' adorts af the club in this direction Astoria Herald: If there was I Sfcccetary of interior Daniel S. Lamont 8 'Cretary of W it Hilarj A. Herbert ! promises still greater benefits to ever a city that presents a good I Sveretarv of Navy J. Sterling Morton | »■•cretary of Agriculture. JudM n Harmon Baker City, as the distributing field for missionary work it is As-1 A turtle, General Wm. L Wilaon ° ist natter General point of all the vast area of country j toria. Whib we have hundreds of STATE—OREGON : G. W. McBride. included within the limits of Grant. good citizens, we have some of the Sen .ori J. ¡1.Mitchell. I Binger Hermann Malhuerand Harney counties, and most greedy, selfish, dedecorus men t W R. Ellis C . M. Idleman opening up a better means of com- j on the face of the earth. They are A Hurney General Wm P Lord l iveriior I, R Kincaid munication with the many and im seemingly jealous of every opposi < • 'rotary «»f State STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor Phil. Metscban R IN iB’ir**r GM Irwin portant districts tributary to tht tion; will do anything to down a “tnt. Ftih’ic Instruction W H Leede R liste Printer will work to injure another j R 8. Benn. hub of all the mining sections of man; J < . Wol verton 4'iprewie Jn Igei* Eastern Oregon. man or his family; in short, they S F. A. Moore NINETII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. The latest important undertaking want to own and control anything M. I). CtirroM» Ots-rict luJge They have no w. Parrish. on the part of the c’ub,and through and everything. Vs’rict Attorney O. I. Patters« n I >!nt-Renre»e-itarlve fR) A W.Gowan whose instrumentality success will conscience, no honor, but are cold Fi’-e Wxixes, Liquors And Cigai s ,.(R) f sint-Senator be achieved, ie the completion of blooded and heartless. c.iCNTY —m«m ■ C. P. Rntherford the wagon road from Baker City into Tonnty 4 i l<e H. Kelley ,R> 7’erk j C. Welcome Harney county, around the Dooley A recent estimate places the ■R) t*eawnrer D . T A MrKInnen ^nrvpv.wr A . J McKinnon mountain, which has long been a number of newspapers printed in . ^“Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic (ID ihe- ff W. S. Wate-s ,<R !■« r W. <’. F. rd i barrier to the satisfactory road the world in a single year at 12.000, D 0 » »I •íiin.^r• Geo Trevs’kis ' A . B . M a rk s This requires 781,240 travel to the southern country, and 000,000 fP I í -i mm; Brioni»™ Geo. Haney <P>( tons or 1,562,480,000 pounds of through Slice ’ s gulch up Willow ' H IHXFÏ r. R. uxn ornen: Thomas Jones creek. paper, and it would require the \ A. Cowing The Democrat gives a list of the fastest pre«» in America to run 333 * sociBTite. firms subscribing various sums for years to print the issues of a singlei svi V A REBEKAH Degree No.*«. the enterpris • to the amount of year. It is an interesting fact that Mee’.eve-' «"d Xd V"’"**1*' a large proportion of these pajs-rs $485. Burns.Canyon Stage Mi.iiJerr'» ri .v’e-. x <♦ xi .. ■ »>r.a Zdgler. Rec. Sec y are in this country. MASON & LONDON’S I. S. GEER Í CO ¿imrs-Mtcrafd. : Hardware and Tinware BYRD 7R0S. xhe Burns Bar A. O. r. W Rnrr* Lodge. No 47 Ueeteevery 2<l «nd 4th Tbv-»'**, , H xf TTorfnr . V XX J w s»'er.Pec1<’ M HtRxrv Tone,» wn rr, i. n n r At o«ir»’iow» n.n,.v.rv X» 1 I ewl» N. G. T:S# p tn. J P Zeigler, Secy. J. A. H albaday , contractor. __________ Found His Father. Who ran think The Corvallis Gazette savs that Roy Taylor came to Corvallis about Protect Protect vut Meem *' --------------- T'nir Mees. they may *— brio« woe wealth | ----- ....-------- Write JOHN WEDD-. WEDDEKBURM * ro Pat mt Aitor „1 ae offer ftHil two fatherless and nevi WajsLln<V', 1» • ft Carrying U. S. Mui« and Eastern Oregon Wanted-An Idea had Hat of two Express Co’s Fxjres »ave Burns Tuesday.Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon C8ly 7 IRtCFIllP I. a. • Oint. . Para f * <iTv U» WC- 46